
The Birthmark

Chapter 3


 ‘Luhan, this is Kai.’ Sora introduced them to one another. Luhan had taken an immediate liking to Kai after finding out, he was there for Sora when she needed someone.

‘Thank you for taking care this idiotic girl. She really needed that.’ Luhan teased, Suho laughed at Luhan’s comment making Sora pout.

Kai felt envious, he never really had good friends that he could count on, except his old friend who mysteriously disappeared after his 18th birthday.

He missed Kyungsoo, it had been a year since he last saw him. Kyungsoo was a year older than him, they had the same birthday month though, Kyungsoo’s birthday fell on the 12th January while Kai’s fell on the 14th.

Kai’s birthday was nearing, he wasn’t really excited considering his best friend left him during his 18th birthday. He didn’t want to turn 18. It only reminded him of his dear friend, Kyungsoo.

He sat down at the dinner table, noticing the occasional glances from Sora. ‘So, Kai since when did you move here?’ Luhan questioned, as he piled food on his plate.

‘Just two weeks ago.’ He answered, Luhan seemed nice enough to talk to. ‘Getting used to Seoul yet? Need me and Sora to give you a tour?’ Luhan winked, cheekily as Sora hit Luhan on the shoulder.

‘I’m being nice!’ Luhan grinned. ‘Annoying little person.’ She inwardly groaned. Suho laughed at how they were fighting. It triggered the memory of everything being normal, which made Suho’s smile fade.

Kai glanced over to Suho, who was frowning. ‘Hyung… are you ok?’ Kai asked. Suho snapped out of his deep thought and continuously nodded, ‘Yeah, sure.’

Kai shrugged and continued eating.

Kai looked up and caught Sora staring at him when she awkwardly looked away and cleared . She quietly slipped her phone number into Kai’s hand when everyone was busy eating.

Kai opened the note, and saw a number and a message, ‘Call me if you need anything, like a tour guide!’ It was decorated with heartshapes and smiley faces.

Kai looked up and glanced at Sora who gave him a large wide grin, which made Kai chuckle.


‘Mom! I’m home!’ Kai declared. ‘Honey, why are you so late? I thought school ended at 4 today? It’s 8 now!’ His mother’s worried expression plastered on her face.

‘I had dinner with my friends.’ Kai replied, slowly. ‘Oh.’ His mother walked off, but soon came back with a wide grin. ‘FRIENDS?!’ She squealed excitedly.

Kai nodded. ‘Yeah.’ ‘How many guys?’ His mother asked, excitedly. ‘2 guys and a girl.’ He responded. ‘A GIRL?! My Jongie made friends with a girl! Yeobo!’ His mother ran into their room while Kai chuckled at his excited mother.


The pitter patter from the heavy rain could be heard. Kai jotted down his science notes in his small notebook.

He was up doing last minute homework. He stared at the paper and sighed. ‘I should just sleep. I’m never finishing this darned Science homework.’ He cursed, he tucked himself in bed and took off his eyeglasses, ruffled his hair and cleared everything from his mind.




‘Guys! What are you doing in the room! Let me in!’ Sora yelled as she stomped her feet on the ground. As soon as Kai had left, they cooped themselves up in their room, giving the excuse of ‘we’re just doing homework’.

Tch, they’re not even in the same class! Sora thought.

‘Just a minute, Sora!’

Sora could hear things being moved and loud banging on the furniture when the door finally opened, revealing a very tired Luhan.

‘Yah, what were you doing in there? Why are you sweaty?’ Sora asked, her anger turning into worry. She brought Luhan’s hand closer to hers and began examining it. ‘Your palms are really warm. Oh, Luhan, are you okay?’ She questioned, her voice filled with concern.

‘I’m fine! It’s just… it’s really hot.’ Luhan cleared his throat. Sora, being observant, did not buy it. ‘Are you sure? You look a bi…’

‘Hey Sora!’ A restless Kyungsoo came running out of Suho’s room. ‘Kyungsoo? What are you doing here?!’ Sora exclaimed, shocked by his presence.

‘Oh, I was always here, I just stayed in your brother’s room.’ Kyungsoo smiled, and patted Sora’s head.

‘There’s something fishy going on here!’ She said aloud. ‘No, there isn’t.’ Chanyeol commented, waving to Sora as he left Suho’s room.

Sora’s eyes widened in suspicion and wonder. ‘Since when were all of you here?!’ She yelled out in frustration.

‘Ever since your friend left.’ Baekhyun added. ‘Seriously… everyone is here?’ She complained. ‘Why don’t you like us being here?’ Chanyeol pouted.

‘No, now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to leave before another of your idiotic members come out.’ She rolled her eyes and walked away.

‘Where’s Sora? I haven’t got the chance to say hi!’ She could hear Sehun complaining at the back as she chuckled softly to herself.




‘Should I…’ He contemplated on calling Sora, but he didn’t exactly know what to ask her. ‘Should… I ask her out? As a friend of course.’ He told himself.

He stared at his phone. He dialed Sora’s number anxiously, as he waited for it to ring.

‘Hello?’ Sora sang. ‘U..uh, Sora?’ Kai stuttered.

‘O…oh! Kai-ssi!’ Sora choked, surprised to why Kai had called her. ‘Why did you call me?’ She questioned.




Sora could feel the sides of curl into a smile as soon as she found out Kai had called her. ‘Why did you call me?’ She questioned.

‘U..uh, I was wondering if you wanted to go out tomorrow?’ Kai asked.

Sora’s stomach churned, a sudden question but she agreed anyway. ‘Sure! Pick me up at 8! Bye!’ Sora excitedly hung up the phone and ran into her closet to pick the perfect outfit.

‘Yah, Sora-ah! What are you doing in there? You’re banging everything!’ Luhan bellowed. ‘None of your beeswax!’ she replied.

Luhan scratched his head and walked into her room. ‘What are you doing in your closet at… 12 in the morning?’ Luhan chuckled.

‘I have to prepare for a date tomorrow!’ She said, as she threw everything out of her closet. ‘D…date? With who!?’ Luhan exclaimed.

‘Did I say date? Oh my… I meant a meet up with Kai-ssi. He needs a tour guide!’ Sora beamed.

‘Why do you seem so happy?’ Luhan gulped. ‘I don’t know.’ She truthfully answered, as she giggled. She looked like a lovesick puppy.

Not again…’ Luhan thought. ‘Luhan, this is Kai.’ Sora introduced them to one another. Luhan had taken an immediate liking to Kai after finding out, he was there for Sora when she needed someone.

‘Thank you for taking care this idiotic girl. She really needed that.’ Luhan teased, Suho laughed at Luhan’s comment making Sora pout.

Kai felt envious, he never really had good friends that he could count on, except his old friend who mysteriously disappeared after his 18th birthday.

He missed Kyungsoo, it had been a year since he last saw him. Kyungsoo was a year older than him, they had the same birthday month though, Kyungsoo’s birthday fell on the 12th January while Kai’s fell on the 14th.

Kai’s birthday was nearing, he wasn’t really excited considering his best friend left him during his 18th birthday. He didn’t want to turn 18. It only reminded him of his dear friend, Kyungsoo.

He sat down at the dinner table, noticing the occasional glances from Sora. ‘So, Kai since when did you move here?’ Luhan questioned, as he piled food on his plate.

‘Just two weeks ago.’ He answered, Luhan seemed nice enough to talk to. ‘Getting used to Seoul yet? Need me and Sora to give you a tour?’ Luhan winked, cheekily as Sora hit Luhan on the shoulder.

‘I’m being nice!’ Luhan grinned. ‘Annoying little person.’ She inwardly groaned. Suho laughed at how they were fighting. It triggered the memory of everything being normal, which made Suho’s smile fade.

Kai glanced over to Suho, who was frowning. ‘Hyung… are you ok?’ Kai asked. Suho snapped out of his deep thought and continuously nodded, ‘Yeah, sure.’

Kai shrugged and continued eating.

Kai looked up and caught Sora staring at him when she awkwardly looked away and cleared . She quietly slipped her phone number into Kai’s hand when everyone was busy eating.

Kai opened the note, and saw a number and a message, ‘Call me if you need anything, like a tour guide!’ It was decorated with heartshapes and smiley faces.

Kai looked up and glanced at Sora who gave him a large wide grin, which made Kai chuckle.


‘Mom! I’m home!’ Kai declared. ‘Honey, why are you so late? I thought school ended at 4 today? It’s 8 now!’ His mother’s worried expression plastered on her face.

‘I had dinner with my friends.’ Kai replied, slowly. ‘Oh.’ His mother walked off, but soon came back with a wide grin. ‘FRIENDS?!’ She squealed excitedly.

Kai nodded. ‘Yeah.’ ‘How many guys?’ His mother asked, excitedly. ‘2 guys and a girl.’ He responded. ‘A GIRL?! My Jongie made friends with a girl! Yeobo!’ His mother ran into their room while Kai chuckled at his excited mother.


The pitter patter from the heavy rain could be heard. Kai jotted down his science notes in his small notebook.

He was up doing last minute homework. He stared at the paper and sighed. ‘I should just sleep. I’m never finishing this darned Science homework.’ He cursed, he tucked himself in bed and took off his eyeglasses, ruffled his hair and cleared everything from his mind.




‘Guys! What are you doing in the room! Let me in!’ Sora yelled as she stomped her feet on the ground. As soon as Kai had left, they cooped themselves up in their room, giving the excuse of ‘we’re just doing homework’.

Tch, they’re not even in the same class! Sora thought.

‘Just a minute, Sora!’

Sora could hear things being moved and loud banging on the furniture when the door finally opened, revealing a very tired Luhan.

‘Yah, what were you doing in there? Why are you sweaty?’ Sora asked, her anger turning into worry. She brought Luhan’s hand closer to hers and began examining it. ‘Your palms are really warm. Oh, Luhan, are you okay?’ She questioned, her voice filled with concern.

‘I’m fine! It’s just… it’s really hot.’ Luhan cleared his throat. Sora, being observant, did not buy it. ‘Are you sure? You look a bi…’

‘Hey Sora!’ A restless Kyungsoo came running out of Suho’s room. ‘Kyungsoo? What are you doing here?!’ Sora exclaimed, shocked by his presence.

‘Oh, I was always here, I just stayed in your brother’s room.’ Kyungsoo smiled, and patted Sora’s head.

‘There’s something fishy going on here!’ She said aloud. ‘No, there isn’t.’ Chanyeol commented, waving to Sora as he left Suho’s room.

Sora’s eyes widened in suspicion and wonder. ‘Since when were all of you here?!’ She yelled out in frustration.

‘Ever since your friend left.’ Baekhyun added. ‘Seriously… everyone is here?’ She complained. ‘Why don’t you like us being here?’ Chanyeol pouted.

‘No, now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to leave before another of your idiotic members come out.’ She rolled her eyes and walked away.

‘Where’s Sora? I haven’t got the chance to say hi!’ She could hear Sehun complaining at the back as she chuckled softly to herself.




‘Should I…’ He contemplated on calling Sora, but he didn’t exactly know what to ask her. ‘Should… I ask her out? As a friend of course.’ He told himself.

He stared at his phone. He dialed Sora’s number anxiously, as he waited for it to ring.

‘Hello?’ Sora sang. ‘U..uh, Sora?’ Kai stuttered.

‘O…oh! Kai-ssi!’ Sora choked, surprised to why Kai had called her. ‘Why did you call me?’ She questioned.




Sora could feel the sides of curl into a smile as soon as she found out Kai had called her. ‘Why did you call me?’ She questioned.

‘U..uh, I was wondering if you wanted to go out tomorrow?’ Kai asked.

Sora’s stomach churned, a sudden question but she agreed anyway. ‘Sure! Pick me up at 8! Bye!’ Sora excitedly hung up the phone and ran into her closet to pick the perfect outfit.

‘Yah, Sora-ah! What are you doing in there? You’re banging everything!’ Luhan bellowed. ‘None of your beeswax!’ she replied.

Luhan scratched his head and walked into her room. ‘What are you doing in your closet at… 12 in the morning?’ Luhan chuckled.

‘I have to prepare for a date tomorrow!’ She said, as she threw everything out of her closet. ‘D…date? With who!?’ Luhan exclaimed.

‘Did I say date? Oh my… I meant a meet up with Kai-ssi. He needs a tour guide!’ Sora beamed.

‘Why do you seem so happy?’ Luhan gulped. ‘I don’t know.’ She truthfully answered, as she giggled. She looked like a lovesick puppy.

Not again…’ Luhan thought.




Kai felt queasy, he felt like he was going to vomit any time. Nerves ate him alive, it was... Kyungsoo's birthday. His best friend, the one that left him unknowingly. Eversince, Kyungsoo left him, he hated the 12th of January. He hated it.

He decided that it was time to leave, for his "meet up" with Sora. He glanced at the picture of him and Kyungsoo and sighed. 'I hope you're doing fine. Wherever you are.' 

He stood outside Sora's house waiting for her arrival. He tapped on the floor walking back and forth the patio. He was about to knock on the door when it opened.


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BubbleTea_Sehun #1
Chapter 2: Ahhh!! Y no update TAT I'm dying~~
Ahh~ So suspenseful. UPDATE SOON!!
Chapter 2: Ahhhhh......
Suho land Sora are siblings!!!
Now I get it!
Update pwees!
Chapter 1: Update please!
It is simply wonderful thou its just the first chapter
Chapter 1: I like this story so far! Of seems very interesting. I'll be looking forward to your next update ! Fighting!!