The New Student

The Two-Sided Guy

Nilee was walking through the halls chatting with the rest of MissA until the bell rang. 

"Bye guys!"

"Bye Nilee!" they answered as they ran in different directions. Nilee walked into the classroom and sat down.

"Good morning kids." said the teacher in between his yawn.

"Today we have a new student. Her name is Ju Si Yan." The teacher pointed at a short girl with brown, wavy hair and slim body. She looked like a goddess.

"Annyeonghaseo, I'm Ju Si Yan. I came from the states and I'm a singer. I also have a passion for acting starting at the age of 7. Please treat me well!" Siyan bowed as the boys stared at her as if she had them under her control.

"She seems nice." thought Nilee.

"Please take a seat next to Nilee. Raise your hand, Nilee, please." said the teacher. Nilee's hand shot up in the air as students giggled.

"The new girl has to sit with the nerd. Ew. I feel sorry for that new girl." whispered one.

"I know right? A pretty girl like her shouldn't be with someone like Nilee." said another. Nilee heard everything the students said and just glared. Once Siyan took a seat next to Nilee, Nilee smiled and put a hand out for Siyan to shake.

"Annyeonghaseo, I'm Nilee. Nice to meet you!"

"Don't talk to me, nerd. I don't want to be associated with ugly es like you, okay?" Siyan smirked as Nilee sat there with a dumbfounded face expression.

"E-excuse me..?" Nilee said, hoping she just heard wrong.

"You heard me. Now shut up." Siyan smiled sarcastically and faced the teacher as he went on and on about algebra. After a long hour, the bell rang ragingly as Nilee got up and stretched her arms. Just as she picked up her stuff, Siyan 'accidentally' knocked down her textbooks and binders.

"Oh, oops." Siyan laughed with a wicked expression on her face.

"Ugh. And I thought she was nice... Man, was I wrong!" thought Nilee. 

Meanwhile, the guys were at their locker when Siyan passed buy and caught a glimpse of Baro and winked at him. Baro noticed and his eyes widened. He jumped behind Jinyoung immediately and whispered as loud as possible, "Hyung! I-isn't that Siyan?!"


"Right there!" Baro pointed at the girl.

"N-no. This c-can't be. She moved years ago! It's.. it's impossible, right? Wouldn't she feel guilty after what she did to me? W-why would she come back.. right?"


OMG. I DIDNT UPDATE IN LIKE, FOEVER. MIANHAE, SUBBIES ; ^ ; Don't leave meh ! LET ME LUB YOOOUUUU DX anyways, i've been busy studying with exams and well, just a lot of school work. SO FORGIVE MEEEEE. And sorry for the REALLY SHORT CHAPTER D: I tried my best to stay awake while updating ): LUB YOOOUUUU GUYS ^0^

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JinyoungBANA #1
JinyoungBANA #2
Chapter 6: O.o who dat girl? New subscriber here and just wanted to say that I love your story it's really good so far!
new subscriber here!! ^ _ ^ i love the story so far! update soon :)
Chapter 1: The plot of the story is good! ^_^
Update soon.