Comfort (Jongkey)

Protecting Steel Hearts



  "My parents fight, too."

Kibum looked up from the massive paper he and his friend were drawing on with crayons, his drawing of a skyscraper halting at the casual, matter-of-fact statement that came from her.

  "They do?" he asked as she handed him a blue crayon for his windows.

She nodded her head, her short bob bouncing around the red ribbon in her hair as the drew the big purple door of her castle, "Yup. They don't do it like, all the time, but they do start yelling at each other. Usually it's about Oppa," she grabbed the pink crayon for the balcony by a window, "Sometimes he skips school, now. They usually yell at him or at each other about them being the reason."

  "Do they hate each other," Kibum put down the blue crayon, not even bothering to color in his windows.

She looked up from her drawing with her brows pulled together, showing Kibum confusion, "Of course not. It was just a fight. They get over it all the time."

Kibum looked back down, hunching his shoulder as he picked up the crayon and colored. No, she wasn't in the same situation as he was. His parents hated each other and he knew it. She was just lucky or that her parents were only in the beginning stage.

But what Kibum would give just for his parents to be back at the beginning stage. 

Or not even in a stage.

  "Can I ask  you something?" she asked, handing over a green crayon randomly.

Kibum nodded his head, solely focusing on the windows, "Hm?"

  "Does anyone know about it?"

Stiffly, he nodded again, throwing the blue crayon into the pile of colors before picking up the green one, staring at it oddly because he didn't need the color, "Tiffany's mom and the teacher."

She tucked her short hair behind her ears, laying down on top of her castle, trying to look at Kibum's face, "No one is helping them?"

Kibum gave her back the green crayon and picked out the black, shrugging his shoulders, twitching a smile at her after seeing her worried face, "Tiffany's parents try to work it out all the time. Then Mom and Dad would stop for a week. The school counselor called a few days ago, I heard. Mom and Dad have been calm ever since," Kibum sadly smiled, outlining the skyscraper, "I hope that stays forever."

  "But you don't think it will?"

Kibum shook his head, "It always comes back."

She looked down at the paper, a loss for childish words to give Kibum some sort of comfort.

  "Hey," Kibum looked up at her, pointing at her with the flat end of the crayon, "Does anyone know about you? About having two moms?"

  "Of course," she chirped, "Everyone's really nice about it, mostly. Considering one of my moms is American. It's fun to think about."

She stood from the paper and dragging Kibum up with her abruptly, rushing them out of the room.

Kibum just let her drag him around. It was like her to suddenly do things like this; she had the attention span of a child, after all. Doing as they want as long as it didn't get them in trouble and entertained them.

Their sock-covered feet thumped on the floor as she scuffled them away, pulling Kibum into the kitchen where her two moms were at, enjoying each others' company as they made dinner.

  "Mommy!" she called, swinging Kibum's hand.

They both turned around, Kibum getting once more another look at the ginger-haired woman with green eyes for the millionth time. Kibum always thought her American mom was bazaar, but incredibly stunning.

  "What's up, Sulli?" her other mother, the one she looked alike to, smiled at Kibum with her radiant teeth, "Having fun, Kibum?"

Kibum nodded slowly, shyly, clinging on toSulli's hand. He liked her biological mother; she was so sweet and kind. But if he looked at her for too long, he found himself lost as a tragic, awful thought crossed his mind.

When he looked at Sulli's biological mother, he couldn't just see her, but the American woman beside him.

And, well, then he started wanting.

He didn't want a mom and a dad anymore.

He liked the thought of two mommies.

  "Mommy," Sulli chirped (Kibum shrank a little), "Can Kibum sleep over tonight?"

His attention snapped to Sulli, the look of stress crossing his face. He couldn't sleep over; he'd been the whole day without Jonghyun, he needed at least Jonghyun before he went to bed.

Sulli's mom smiled, starting to agree with her daughter before her partner tugged on her shirt, stopping the woman in mid-sentence.

The American was watching Kibum carefully as the two adults talked; they talked in the language of the American. Sulli always told Kibum whenever they switched to English, it would possibly mean something serious that they shouldn't know.

Kibum stared at the floor, the distant panic creeping up his spine at the thought of sleeping over. No, he really needed Jonghyun tonight. He was already separated from him for too long, he couldn't go a whole day without him. He would cry until Jonghyun would wrap his arms around him and tell him he was there and was going to hold him until he'd fall asleep. That's what Jonghyun was always good for. To save Kibum from crying.

  "Ah, Sulli," her biological mother scrunched her face apologetically, "I don't think tonight is a good night. Kibum's brother is expecting him, anyway. You know what brothers are like."

Kibum finally breathed again, unclenching Sulli's hand in relief. Good, he wasn't staying. Jonghyun was coming to get him an hour from now, still. He was going to go home and cuddle to sleep.

  "Aw," Sulli pouted, the tears in her eyes already.

  "Maybe next time," her other mother commented, reaching down to play with the ends of Sulli's hair, "We wouldn't want to upset Jonghyun Oppa, right?"

She sniffed and rubbed her nose with the back of her hand, nodding a little before clutching on to Kibum's hand again, "Right."

  "Why don't you two go keep playing until dinner, yeah?" she suggested, pinching Kibum's cheek lightly, "To pass the time. It won't be too long."

Kibum's eyes lit up again and nodded, dragging Sulli back to her room before sitting on the floor by the big paper.

  "Sit down," Kibum brought her with him, hugging the sniffing, upset girl, "Don't be upset, Sulli."

  "I just wanted to keep you away from them a little longer," she sniffed again, "I don't want you to cry again."

Kibum hugged her tightly, toying with the ribbon in her hair.

  "I don't want you to cry because of me, either."






  "My parents fight too, you know."

Jonghyun stopped toying with the guitar and looked up to one of his best friends, painting her nails.

  "Oh yeah? It probably ends quick, you know," Jonghyun sighed, trying to figure out how to multitask on the thing.

She painted the tip of her pointer finger pink before putting it down, "Try a stupid month. It was the longest ever, Oppa."

The guitar let out a loud flat note before Jonghyun looked up again, seeing her eyebrow raise, "A month, huh? And stop calling me Oppa. We're the same age."

She sighed, putting her nail tools in a drawer before situating her chair in front of her bed, crossing her legs while sitting in it as she face Jonghyun, "Called child services, too," she discarded his comment, "We had to stay with our grandparents for a few weeks before we could go back."

Jonghyun's mouth opened but had no sound as he tried to question her out of confusion. Why was she telling him this now?

  "When was this . . . Wait. Is that why you were out for a week? And then kept coming to school late?"

She sighed, examining the drying nails, "Our grandparents live an hour away from the school. It was such a hassle to wake up."

Jonghyun's stomach partially dropped. If child services were called on his family, Jonghyun and Kibum would have to go through the same thing. To adjust to a new setting because he certainly knew his parents would take forever to work out if they didn't divorce already.

And to think about Kibum living away from their Mom. Even though he doesn't see her all the time, she was still the warmest person to him that he needed. To separate him from her would literally be tearing him away.

  "Do you hear that?" she randomly asked, shushing Jonghyun before he would speak, "You hear that faint sound, right?"

Jonghyun listened incredibly hard, hearing absolutely nothing but his beating heart, racing a little from feeling nervous.

A few seconds had passed and Jonghyun knew his ears adjusted to the silence when he could her the faintest yell of defense.

  "They're fighting now?"

She chewed the inside of her lip in irritation as she scoffed, "It sounds like it's about 'Sica, again."

Jonghyun furrowed his brows, "What did she do?"

  "She wants to move back to America for college," she blew on her nails, "Mom's alright with it, but Dad . . . he's got to blow steam somehow. It's always about Jessica . . ."

  "You're upset because it's not about you?" Jonghyun hit another sour note on accident.

She cringed at the untidy sound and shook her head, "No, I'm pretty happy about it. I'd be so paranoid if I kept hearing 'Krystal this and Krystal that. What do we do with Krystal? Should I do something about Krystal?' and be on the verge of just getting into the conversation. If it's about me, I better be included. But that's so much effort."

Jonghyun nodded, seeing her standpoint of the situation. But it was still abnormal to hear that Krystal hadn't cared for their fighting over Jessica. Like it hadn't even bothered her. Wouldn't she be going insane by now?

  "How do you do it?" Jonghyun lowly asked, looking down at her bed.

  "Do what?" she shook her head.

  "How do you ignore it?"

She kept quiet for a good moment before Jonghyun could hear the chair whine from her getting up. He expected for her to give him headphones or some sort of device that would block everything out, but she moved the guitar from Jonghyun's hand.

He looked up at her and froze as she pressed her lips to his.

Now, of course shocked, Jonghyun didn't know what to think. He was only eleven. He wasn't totally into this whole romantic kind of thing because he liked to think about boy stuff.

(More importantly, just Kibum.)

And he had no idea what made her do such a thing, but Jonghyun was falling fast for it.

It was just a swift, five second kiss on the lips before she looked at him in the eye, "See how you're all flustered? When someone can make you do that, it's easy to get distracted. I guess you could call it love. Embarrassment even."

Jonghyun kept still for a moment, letting the heat drain from his face before actually feeling his tongue again, "Krystal, how do you know this?" he asked seriously.

  "Sisterly love," Krystal slowly answered, "Now, we don't do what I just did to you, but when someone flatters you or makes you feel happy like that, your head is wrapped around that one person."

Jonghyun his lips together before asking another serious question, "Why did you do that?"

She subtly smiled and backed away, sitting on her chair with a red face, "To see if it worked. If you'd understand."

  "But, that's not what Jessica does . . ."

  "I know," she nodded quickly, pulling her long hair behind an ear, "I know," she breathed out this time.

Jonghyun could feel his ears going red as the girl was easy to read.





  "Hi, Jonghyun," Sulli's American mother greeted him at the door, inviting him in quickly, "Kibum's eager to go home with you, again."

Jonghyun smiled at her sincerely, "I know. I was anxious without him, too. Where is he?"

  "Living room. He's inspecting his bag to see if he forgot anything," she walked with him.

Jonghyun turned into the living room and was met with an unexpected body impact against him. He let out a grunt of surprised as Sulli's American mother stopped Jonghyun from falled, holding Kibum to his body.

  "I missed you, Hyung," Kibum gleefully greeted.

  "I did too, Kibum," Jonghyun chuckled, roughing with his hair, "Get your bag, let's go home."

The boy let go as fast as he got attached, flying to the couch to get his bag and tell every little goodbye to Sulli.

  "How's the parents?" the American lowly asked him.

He looked up at her, a hesitant smile before looking back at Kibum, "Couldn't be any worse."

  "Jonghyun . . ."

  "Let's go, Kibum," Jonghyun hadn't allowed her to finish her thought as Kibum returned, grabbing his hand and heading for the door, "Bye, Sulli, Mom-Number-One, and wherever Mom-Number-Two is," he bid farewell before dragging Kibum out the door.

Kibum grew less giddy after it settled in he was back with Jonghyun. Now he was finally growing drowsy and feeling comfortable with Jonghyun in hand.

  "Don't fall asleep yet. It's just a few blocks," Jonghyun chuckled.

  "I won't," Kibum yawned, holding Jonghyun's hand tighter, "I can wait until we get into your room. Like always."

Jonghyun nodded, chuckling a little at a rather fond thought.

  "Hey, Hyung?"

Jonghyun hummed checking the street for any sudden cars.

  "Why are your ears red?"






I started writing this at eight.

And I was drowsy.

It's almost nine.

And I'm ready to pass out dead.

School has really changed my sleeping schedule so much that it hurts. ;~;

But HI.

Hadn't written in a while, and here we are again. My brain's a little fried right now, so forgive every single mistake I've made.

So, Kibum's still not okay to be without Jonghyun, and we've come some info that the school's contacted his parents. How's that gonna go?

And with Jonghyun... Idfk. It just happened, okay.

(Does anyone find it rare to find a fic where Jonghyun is bad at guitar/music? I had to make this happen even if it's subtle.)

The next one should be another Jongkey, too. So please keep reading~

I've got work to do, now. Only the second week of school and all my AP is already piling up. =.=

Thank you so much to everyone. Really though. From comments, to the massive amounts of subs, to the 2352 views. I love everyone. <3




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News: Chapter 14 will be Onew's perspective.


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Chapter 7: Es muy triste por en realidad asi es en Korea la homoualidada como una enfermedad (T_T)
Chapter 5: Es muy lindo y triste.
Hello. :)
ummm, I'm confused where to start. ?? but first, I want to say I really like this story. storyline, language style, and everything. ❤ I fell in love with this story. sorry, because I just found it this time, and read it. (/~\) But, I'm very sad. Because you decided not to continue this story. :"(
But, yeah, I appreciate your decision. :)
But can I ask? Can I give a suggestion? Please continue the story of Onew & Minho. ? I am very sad because their story is not finished. :( Can you make a further story? Sorry, not meant to force. It's just that, I want to know the continuation of the story. :")
Sorry, if my message is too long and sorry for my bad English. ?
Have a nice day. :)
Chapter 21: Hugs
Chapter 21: Hugs
Chapter 20: Okay now i'm curious what will happen to jinki and minho's relationship o.O I just want them to be happy uh ;-;
Chapter 19: oh god kibum's little heart is going to be broken sooooo bad
hope suicide doesnt happen
and that jongkye will get back together
and and and just dont kill of anyone please
or ill cry my little heart out and just look at jongkey pics on tumblr and eat till in fat and cant move anymore
and maybe cry a little more
pinkwlgirl #8
Chapter 19: Oh I hate it when Jongkey starting to be far away from each other. I think it'll break Kibum's heart T.T
Update soon please~~~
Chapter 18: thanks u updated.liked it
rawranarchy #10
Chapter 18: Awww. This is a really great update! Thank you! I hope Minho gets jealous with Joon in the picture now! Jinki deserves to be happy!