Night of my life

Small treasures

Hello! ONHO!! Onew gives in to Minho always asking him to the movies and dinner/ or comes up with his own way to get out of going out but making Minho (and himself) happy. Happy ending, with a touch of angst ;

Hey love
Do you have time tomorrow?
Minho x

Jinki smiled at the text message, biting his lip to hide his obvious smile. He didn’t want his colleagues to see it and about it. He nodded to himself, knowing that he could and he loved to do something with Minho. It had been a few weeks since they went out on a real date and it was an attractive idea. He had to work late tomorrow, but that didn’t mind. The only thing that mattered was him being together with the man he loved.

I have time tomorrow, but I have to work late.
And I would love to go on a date! (:
Jinki x

It didn’t take long for Minho to respond, something Jinki appreciated. He always felt insecure and scared after sending messages to people. He always got nervous when the person didn’t reply to his message and he was afraid and scared he was annoying the other. It was a thought he couldn’t get rid of, no matter how hard he tried.

I know that, Jinki.
I will be picking you up at eight tomorrow night, be ready.
Wear something nice, but not too formal.
Minho x

Jinki nodded and replied telling Minho that he would be ready before going to work again. He was an editor and he loved his job, but it was tiring sometimes. He edited the works of a few famous authors and he liked the genres they wrote, so that was a plus. He put his glasses back on and looked at the computer screen, changing things here and there and taking notes from time to time. He was someone who lost himself in what he was doing, so it surprised him when he heard the alarm on his phone go off. It was time for him to leave. He stretched his arms above his head and massaged his right shoulder, feeling how tense the muscles were. He blinked a few times, his sight blurry from looking at the computer screen for too long. He closed every open program and shut down the computer, ready to leave. He picked his keys from the stack of unfinished files and pouted at the sight. That were hours of work.

» The next day «

Jinki was ready to go out; his hair was styled and he was wearing black pants, the ones Minho likes so much because they hugged his skin perfectly. He also wore a white shirt and a black cardigan. He hoped he was dressed right, because he had no idea what they were going to do. He had called Minho this morning, asking the younger one had planned, but he didn’t speak about it, avoiding every question. He kept changing subjects and Jinki eventually gave up. He hated it when Minho had a surprise for him. It was always a pleasant one, but he didn’t like them in general.

He didn’t even know why Minho liked him, loved him. He was just a normal guy, a nerdy one at school and he had a (for most people) boring job. He liked reading and cooking and swam from time to time, but that as all the exercise he got. Minho was the complete opposite. He was popular in school, went to a lot of birthday parties and was invited to other’s graduation parties. He was a sporty type of guy, very muscular and strong. He was outgoing and social, everybody liked him. He loved football when he was younger and was now a trainer in the weekends (a job he combined with being a physical education teacher). He was good with kids and absolutely adores his little cousin. Jinki always was scared around kids, afraid of hurting them. He couldn’t see himself the way Minho saw him, because he didn’t see why he was worth the man’s love, but Minho kept telling Jinki how beautiful, fantastic and gentle he was, so he started to believe him.

The bell rand and he sprinted to the front door, almost tripping over his slippers, but he made it to the door. He opened it and the first thing he saw was a grinning Minho. “Hey love. Ready to go out?”
Jinki nodded and closed his eyes when he felt soft lips on his, snaking his arms around Minho’s neck, feeling strong arms around his waist. The kiss didn’t last long enough, but Jinki thought that about all the kisses he had with Minho. “Come, it’s a beautiful evening and I want everyone to see my gorgeous lover.”


Jinki gasped when he saw where they were, the restaurant of their very first date. It had been a rainy day and it was the day when Minho found him outside his apartment door, on the outside hall, crying his heart out on the doorstep. He boyfriend at the time had hit him and he couldn’t find his keys in the rush and he had just dropped into the cold concrete ground, not caring about anything. Minho had found him and dragged him to this little restaurant. Their relationship started at that moment and Jinki immediately fell for the younger man’s smile and warm, soothing voice. His miserable day had ended with something good. “Minho,” he whispered, not believing it.
They’ve never been to the restaurant together. He felt lips on the side of his face and blushed. “I thought it would be nice to come here again. Everything started here and I think we have to keep the memory alive.”
He took the smaller one’s hand and pulled him inside the building, the delicious smell of food prominent. “It’s just like I remembered,” Jinki whispered while sitting down on one of the chairs with red pillows on it. Minho sat in front of him, a smile on his face. “This is going to be an amazing night.”

The food was amazing and so was the atmosphere. It was a lovely night and Jinki thought that the date was over, but Minho surprised him by saying he had one more surprise for him. The older man was confused, lips forming an adorable pout that Minho couldn’t resist. He kissed those full lips and pulled his lover’s body against his, loving how Jinki gripped the fabric of his shirt. He always loved how responsive and cute the other was. He broke the kiss even though he didn’t want to. He saw Jinki pout again and just smiled, taking his hand and pulling him to the little movie theater. It was a little building and they played only alternative and old movies there. One of the older movies they were playing at the moment was also Jinki’s favorite movie so it was the perfect time to go there. Minho grinned when he saw his lover’s reaction to the film poster hanging on the wall at the interest of the cinema. “Did you do all of this for me? Oh Minho, I’m not worth it,” he muttered, tears of joy in his eyes.
Minho wrapped his arms around his boyfriend, pulling him close as he planted kiss on top of the messy brown hair. “Shh, don’t cry. It’s nothing. You deserve everything I give you, you’re such a wonderful person, even if you don’t see it yourself. Come, let us watch the movie, darling.”
Jinki nodded, tears streaming down his face but his smile couldn’t be bigger.

And it was one of the best days in his life.

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oconje #1
Chapter 4: First time making love Jongyu was sooo romantic and perfect! And omg, could your Onho be any more sweet and precious. My face hurts from smiling at all the cute. I love Onho and Jongyu! More please.
Bluecassy7 #2
Chapter 4: yayyyy Onho movie date XD.have you seen their couple yellow shoes thar they wore at "Breaking News" dance practice....
They're just too obvious ~~~
oconje #3
Awesome Jongyu in ch 1. Ch 2 was very sweet. Can't wait to read more Jongyu and Onho, my favourite OTPs!
Chapter 2: Oh my gosh, you are killing me with this piece. Poor Onew - just thinking about him hurting like that makes me wanna hulk up and destroy people. No one should be mean to him! And Jonghyun, being all 007-like... well, kinda. Ahahahah! Super sweet. Thank you for sharing!
Chapter 1: "and I'm not very good at writing fluff so I hope it was alright."

but.. it is alright. and.. oh gosh, you're so good at writing fluff. i mean, just see what you have created: amazing, really.
SnHiromi #6
Chapter 1: oh gosh
HOT, this was HOT *¬* first time Jongyu ... ____! ♥ loved it
Minho thank you for made the time more amazing xDDDDDD
&& the toki aww
arianijongyujungli #7
yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey more jongyu more jongyu hihi
Chapter 1: this fics is one of the best jongyu fics I've ever read. it's very difficult to me to explain why but i'll try: in this story i found a jinki fragile yes, but also strong enough to love with all his heart and forget his fears gifting himself to jonghyun. there's a jonghyun so calm, so adorable and respectful and passionate. i like the plot built around the "first time" and the successful attempt to make it all very sweet and genial, but realistic. i've really seen a soft representation of my ideal jongyu couple, so i loved it so much. the way you've described the part is amazing: yeah it's ty, but so romantic i can die. the jinki's character is incredible, seriously. i really laughed when i read "jonghyun junior", oh my gawd! you're such a genius for this kind of fics: , fluff, cute, humor, first time, au, slash - a perfect mix. i enjoyed it so much, thank you. thank you for accepting to write this to me, it's become one of my favourite stories. thanks.

"Jinki was already in bed, complete with baggy blue sweatpants and a hoody with a bunny on it. He also had his little pink bunny next to him, called Tokki. Yes, he was a very creative child so that was what happened when he was old enough to finally name the bunny." is one of my favourite parts because when i read it, i felt jinki's softness and cuteness. i was so "fhykahwromgwqh", lol. ♥