Long Time No See

Four's A Love Story
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The rest of winter flew by like a storm, and April was soon approaching. Everything continued as normal, except it didn't feel very normal at all. Sohye found it strange that Daehyun was trying more than she was in the relationship, Daehyun was suffocating in guilt, and Myungsoo had just about given up.

So why did fate throw them into such a situation?


"Wait, what?" Sohye's eyes widened in disbelief, staring at CEO Jung without a blink. Myungsoo's expression mirrored hers'.

Yunho chuckled, "why are you so surprised? Summer is approaching! You two need to sort out the designs, so the company decided you need to head off to an exotic island as the basis of your designs".

"Just the two of us?" Myungsoo's head jerked forward slightly.

The older man looked at the two of them, as if bewildered at their shock, "you're the head of the design department, of course you need to go. Plus, our company isn't made of money, we can't afford a whole department going! Oh, and we're collaborating with that band, Infinite, this year. We're sponsoring their summer concert, so this year's summer launch has to be spectacular".

Sohye cleared , "so, um... When are we going?"

"Friday. Three days is short notice, sorry. The rest of the details will be sent to you via email a little later. Have fun!" He grins, before gesturing for them to go.

*Sure, I'll have fun being stuck with Myungsoo... He's been like a depressed little puppy these past months,* Sohye thought tiredly.


"A private jet, huh..." Sohye mumbled as she scanned the area. She lifted her suitcase up to the shelves, but the weight caused her to stumble back, about to fall.

Suddenly, a hand shoved the suitcase into the shelf and caught Sohye with the other arm. "You okay?"

Sohye's heart thudded as she realised how close they were. His chest and her back were literally pressed up against each other. Thank god he couldn't see her red face. "Yeah, I'm fine, Myungsoo... Thanks".

"No problem", he let go and took a seat.

Unfortunately for Sohye, they ended up being seated opposite each other and this was bad because, one- she felt awkward facing him, which was made worse by the fact that two- she couldn't stop staring at him.

Myungsoo seemed absorbed into a magazine, his legs crossed and his head facing down.

*Since when did I start feeling so nervous around him? God, I should say something. But what? He's acting really relaxed, not the least bit awkward. Should I just do the same? But what if he's actually ignoring me?* Sohye let out a sigh, and his eyes darted upwards for a second.

"Are you not comfortable with flying?" He asked, concerned.

Sohye shook her head, "oh, no, I'm fine. I'm just kind of tired", she replied, since it wasn't exactly a lie. He nodded and went back to reading.


An hour passed before Sohye snuck another peek at her watch, two hours left to go. Might as w

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fanaticnamu #1
Chapter 27: Akkkkk
Kim myungsoo you melt my heart
Thanks author for sweet story. :))
avantgarde #2
Chapter 27: kyyaaaaaa its happy ending~~~~ its such a nice story *thumbs up* hope u will make new ff featuring L again.. will waiting for ur good news XD~~~
ayucshan #3
Chapter 27: woooo~ a happyending ~ kkk i still courious about daehyun and yoonjoo -.- are they together or not? but it's a beautiful story~ thank you for writing this ^^
Chapter 27: First of all, sorry for being so absent and therefore not properly commenting on the story like I should have. Life is catching up with me, unfortunately.

I can't believe the story ended already though. I saw 'completed' and I was like: whut. How many chapters did I miss? You wrapped it up nicely and I guess that it turned out as it should've been. I just wished that the moment between Sohye and Myungsoo were more dragged, but that probably has to do with the cute ship hehe. Whenever I like a couple I want to read countless chapters about them, but I understand that that's really unpractical in most cases and so I understand that you went for a clean and fairly quick wrap up.

I really liked that you played with the aspect of Yoonjoo and Daehyun being a couple - or not. You leaving it up to the reader, is really refreshing and I like how you leave it open for interpretation. Things like that are mostly frustrating but on the same time I think there is beauty in not knowing how things end and therefore having to rely on only assumptions. I, thus, found it really cool that you added that in! I, btw, think they ended up together, but for the sake of a plot twist I hope they didn't.

All in all this has been a fun ride and I enjoyed your story very much! Best of luck to your future stories which I (if I can find the time) will check out! Kisses from one of your readers.
awesomebear #5
Chapter 22: Your drawing skills are really good :)
Chapter 27: i love the ending!!! ^-^ looking forward to the new story you have comig up ;)
jmayo81 #8
Chapter 27: this was the such a sweet ending :D I'm hoping that it was Daehyun & Yoonjoo... bittersweet, sad it ended! but, glad to read more! thanks for the great story!
Kim_L-Apz #9
Chapter 27: Awww...... Cute ending!!! I really liked your story!!!! Though I'm bit sad because it ended. Good job authornim!
Hope you write more stories!! Specially about Myungsoo! :)
Chapter 26: yay i wanted her with myungsoo!!!! xD