
Four's A Love Story
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Sohye was glancing at the time every second she could. It was Christmas Eve and Daehyun and her had decided to meet up in the evening and have a sleepover like the old times. It was going to be great. And it would be even better if Sohye could just stop working on the company Christmas project and get ready.

She sighed, brushing back her hair, *just this one last analysis and I'll be done...* Her eyes widened as she realised there was a file missing. *Argh, it must be with Myungsoo...* It was four-thirty and they had agreed to meet at six-thirty, so it was okay to go and get that last file from Myungsoo first, right?

After making a quick call to Myungsoo, she hurriedly got dressed and remembered to grab Myungsoo's Christmas presents too.

Sohye turned up the radio and the heating in the car, it was getting seriously cold. There had been snow a few days ago too. "Warnings issued: a possible snow storm approaching. Stay inside!" The woman on the radio announced, but Sohye barely noticed.

As she pulled up in front of Myungsoo's apartment complex, she gaped at how grand and luxurious it looked. *I wonder how gorgeous this is on the inside...* She thought, getting out and rubbing her arms for warmth.

It was nearing five when Sohye reached his door, she suddenly felt slightly nervous. *Why am I nervous? I-* Her thoughts were cut off when Myungsoo opened the door with a huge grin.

"Hi!" He moved over for her to come in.

Sohye looked around, taking in her surroundings. There was a modern glass coffee table and a black sectional sofa sitting behind it. She watched her own reflection in the wide television screen and then glanced at the classy wall decorations.

"So erm, the file-" Sohye began but was cut off.

"Here", Myungsoo handed it to her, smiling.

Sohye grabbed it, "uh, I'll be going then", she began to head to the door.

"Stay", Myungsoo's voice stopped her, and she turned around. "I mean, just for some coffee?" He smiled gently.


Around twenty minutes later, the two of them were sat at the table watching tv, a cup of black coffee each in their hands. They both watched the drama series with concentration, sighing and shouting at the characters.

"Argh! Is she stupid? She's starting to like the other guy and she doesn't even know it!" Sohye shouted at the girl on the screen who was in tears.

"I know right!" Myungsoo added, "the other guy is so perfect for her and she's all teary over this guy, ugh..." He took a sip of his hot coffee and rolled his eyes, turning the volume down at the same time to help mute the hysterical sobbing.

"Shall I switch channels?" He suggested, and Sohye nodded.

Myungsoo switched to the news channel where the weather forecast was being broadcasted. His eyes widened as did Sohye's.

"Snow storm?" Sohye gaped, as Myungsoo walked over to draw open his curtains and she followed. The entire street was paved with thick white snow, and massive lumps were still falling. "Myungsoo, I think I should go before it gets too bad", she said, hurrying to grab her coat.

"Don't you think it's already too late? Even the forecast says it's rapidly getting worse", he frowned with genuine concern and she hesitated, staring at the clock and then out the big windows.

"I-I don't know, I was going to spend today with Daehyun..." She trailed off as she saw Myungsoo's worried frown turn into a look of disappointment. Just then, her phone rang and she picked it up quickly to avoid the awkwardness.


"Sohye-ah! Are you on your way yet? The snow's getting really heavy", Daehyun asked, worried.

Sohye glanced up at Myungsoo who looked on curiously, "uh, actually, I'm not. The weather's getting really bad, do you wanna just hang out another time?" She suggested, avoiding eye contact with Myungsoo, who beamed.

"Huh? O-Oh, yeah, sure..." The disappointment was obvious in his voice and Sohye suddenly felt guilty. "Bye..."

"Bye, oppa", she ended the call and put her phone back into her pocket. "Well, looks like I'll be spending Christmas with you then, Myungsoo", she said, cracking a smile.


Two hours later, Myungsoo and Sohye had already watched a ton of shows on the television, drank some wine, and ch

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fanaticnamu #1
Chapter 27: Akkkkk
Kim myungsoo you melt my heart
Thanks author for sweet story. :))
avantgarde #2
Chapter 27: kyyaaaaaa its happy ending~~~~ its such a nice story *thumbs up* hope u will make new ff featuring L again.. will waiting for ur good news XD~~~
ayucshan #3
Chapter 27: woooo~ a happyending ~ kkk i still courious about daehyun and yoonjoo -.- are they together or not? but it's a beautiful story~ thank you for writing this ^^
Chapter 27: First of all, sorry for being so absent and therefore not properly commenting on the story like I should have. Life is catching up with me, unfortunately.

I can't believe the story ended already though. I saw 'completed' and I was like: whut. How many chapters did I miss? You wrapped it up nicely and I guess that it turned out as it should've been. I just wished that the moment between Sohye and Myungsoo were more dragged, but that probably has to do with the cute ship hehe. Whenever I like a couple I want to read countless chapters about them, but I understand that that's really unpractical in most cases and so I understand that you went for a clean and fairly quick wrap up.

I really liked that you played with the aspect of Yoonjoo and Daehyun being a couple - or not. You leaving it up to the reader, is really refreshing and I like how you leave it open for interpretation. Things like that are mostly frustrating but on the same time I think there is beauty in not knowing how things end and therefore having to rely on only assumptions. I, thus, found it really cool that you added that in! I, btw, think they ended up together, but for the sake of a plot twist I hope they didn't.

All in all this has been a fun ride and I enjoyed your story very much! Best of luck to your future stories which I (if I can find the time) will check out! Kisses from one of your readers.
awesomebear #5
Chapter 22: Your drawing skills are really good :)
Chapter 27: i love the ending!!! ^-^ looking forward to the new story you have comig up ;)
jmayo81 #8
Chapter 27: this was the such a sweet ending :D I'm hoping that it was Daehyun & Yoonjoo... bittersweet, sad it ended! but, glad to read more! thanks for the great story!
Kim_L-Apz #9
Chapter 27: Awww...... Cute ending!!! I really liked your story!!!! Though I'm bit sad because it ended. Good job authornim!
Hope you write more stories!! Specially about Myungsoo! :)
Chapter 26: yay i wanted her with myungsoo!!!! xD