A Date?

Four's A Love Story
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It had been a week since Yoonjoo's departure, and things had been rather quiet between the remaining three. A bitter mood followed them everywhere, conversations became shorter, and they saw less of each other out of work as time went by. Myungsoo's office had finally been sorted out, and although it was right next to Sohye's, communication between them had been withered down to a minimum. But it wasn't completely depressing, as Christmas was arriving soon, and that also meant more work in the office, and less time to brood on their miserable lives.

Luckily though, it was a Sunday when Daehyun had woken up groggily at one in the afternoon. Tumbling off of his bed, he lazily pulled on a shirt and it hadn't even been three minutes when a loud voice interrupted his peaceful bathroom session.

"Hyung!" Zelo shouted, walking energetically into his room, "are you in the bathroom?"

Daehyun sighed with a toothbrush in his mouth, "what do you think?", his voice came out muffled from the toothpaste foam but Zelo heard it anyway.

When Daehyun was done with breakfast (leftover cheesecake), he laid down on the couch, watching random shows on the television. "Hyung", the same voice called again, and Daehyun groaned.

"Why don't I ever see Sohye noona around anymore?" Zelo pouted cutely.

Daehyun paused, sitting up and adjusting his navy hoodie, "Just cause..." He shrugged, tucking his feet under him to keep them warm. "We're both busy with work".

"I thought you broke up with Yoonjoo noona because of her", Zelo mumbled innocently.

There was a sudden silence. "Yoonjoo was the one who broke up with me", Daehyun replied slowly, "and why would you think that I'd break up with her because of Sohye?"

Zelo shrugged, "I just always thought you guys had a thing for eachother..." If it were any other day, Daehyun might have laughed, but not today. He didn't know why, but it just didn't seem as bizarre as it would have before.

"That's not it..." Daehyun denied in a murmur, as thoughts began to swirl in his mind. What would have happened if Sohye had been his girlfriend, and not Yoonjoo? Would things have turned out the same? Would the roles have simply become reversed? Would it have been better that way? Daehyun tried his best to shake off these thoughts, but they weren't going anywhere for a long time...


It was a quarter to three when Sohye was staring out her bedroom window at the gloomy skies, taking a break from working on a design proposal. She blew a puff of air, wondering if Yoonjoo was watching the same grey clouds over in America. They were so far apart, yet they still shared the same sky. Over the last week, Sohye had patiently waited for a call, or even a text, but it just wasn't coming, not even a short: 'I've arrived'.

As she was about to continue her work, the sound of her phone ringtone filled the lonely room. "Hello?", she picked up without looking at the caller ID. The phone was squished between her ear and shoulder as she carried on typing.

"Hey, do you want to go out for dinner later?" The familiar voice asked immediately.

Sohye paused, "Myungsoo, right?"

"...Yes. Have you forgotten me already?" He joked with a sad tone in his voice.

She chuckled softly to herself, "Yeah, of course. That and because I didn't look at the caller ID when I picked up".

"Oh, that's good", Sohye could imagine him smiling, "so how about it? Around seven?"

Sohye stopped tapping on her keyboard and glanced at the time, it was already four and she probably only needed another hour or so to finish up her work, why not? "Sure, I guess... where are we going?"

"You'll see", Myungsoo replied excitedly, and was about to hang up but Sohye stopped him.

"Erm! How will I know what to wear?"

"Anything. You look pretty in anything, so..." There was a pause, "bye then". Sohye smiled at the compliment and put the phone down, continuing with her work. When she had finally finished, the skies were already turning a light navy colour. Glancing up at her clock, she realised there was an hour left before Myungsoo would arrive.

There were plenty of things she could do to fill up part of those long sixty minutes, such as reading, watching some television, or even sleeping. But on this occasion, Sohye had chosen to spend every moment of the hour on getting ready.

A quarter of the time was spent taking a shower to freshen up, and another ten minutes- or maybe twenty passed quickly while she was picking an outfit. *Wear anything? That helps a lot...* Peeping at the clock every few minutes, Sohye was soon finishing her make up at five to seven. Sliding on her heels, she stood in front of a mirror, checking that everything was fine.

*Damn, why am I feeling... nervous? Probably cause we haven't hung out in a while, and I guess it feels more like a... date than a... hang out session between friends? Oh, shut up* She told herself, when the doorbell rang suddenly.

When Sohye unlocked the door, she was greeted by a toothy grin and gleaming eyes. "Hey", she said, stepping out the house.

"Hi", Myungsoo replied, "you look great", he added after a moment as his eyes wandered over her long wavy hair, ped black jacket, revealing a warm beige sweater and-

"I hope it's not too casual", Sohye interrupted him from staring any further, and he looked up, shaking his head.

He himself was wearing a thin black sweater, a grey scarf and jeans, hair let down loose and messy. "Shall we go then?" Sohye nodded in response.


The majority of the car ride was silent, with some casual conversation and an occasional question. Sohye felt slightly awkward with the lack of talking, but Myungsoo seemed completely fine with it.

"So, erm, is it far?" Sohye asked, after three minutes of sitting and thinking of a conversation starter since their last exchange of words.

Myungsoo turned a left, "We're almost there", he replied, still concentrating on the road. *Well at least he's a safe driver*, Sohye thought to herself.

As soon as they arrived and he'd parked at a nice spot, Myungsoo immediately got out and ran over to open Sohye's door. She looked up as she got out, watching his lips curve into an awkward grin.

Sohye studied the restaurant as they hurried in, it seemed classy but not extravagant; she liked it. The wooden interior had a warm feeling, and she glanced at people's dishes as they made their way to a table. *Mmm, Italian...* She thought, eyeing the sizzling hot pizzas and fresh bowls of pasta.

"I hope you like Italian food", Myungsoo said as they sat down; their seats were right by the window, providing a brilliant view of the sparkling city below them. "I wanted to ask, but I also wanted to keep it a surprise, so..."

"I love Italian food", she assured him, beaming.

"Me too".

A waitress soon came to take their orders, "I'll have fettuccine alfredo", Sohye said, handing her menu back to the waitress. She smiled and scribbled on a notepad, before turning to Myungsoo.

"And you, sir?"

Myungsoo continued staring at the menu "Could you give me a minute? I haven't quite decided yet", he looked up, flashing her a smile. The waitress grinned back brightly, her eyes lingering a little longer on his face.

"O-Of course", she stuttered

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fanaticnamu #1
Chapter 27: Akkkkk
Kim myungsoo you melt my heart
Thanks author for sweet story. :))
avantgarde #2
Chapter 27: kyyaaaaaa its happy ending~~~~ its such a nice story *thumbs up* hope u will make new ff featuring L again.. will waiting for ur good news XD~~~
ayucshan #3
Chapter 27: woooo~ a happyending ~ kkk i still courious about daehyun and yoonjoo -.- are they together or not? but it's a beautiful story~ thank you for writing this ^^
Chapter 27: First of all, sorry for being so absent and therefore not properly commenting on the story like I should have. Life is catching up with me, unfortunately.

I can't believe the story ended already though. I saw 'completed' and I was like: whut. How many chapters did I miss? You wrapped it up nicely and I guess that it turned out as it should've been. I just wished that the moment between Sohye and Myungsoo were more dragged, but that probably has to do with the cute ship hehe. Whenever I like a couple I want to read countless chapters about them, but I understand that that's really unpractical in most cases and so I understand that you went for a clean and fairly quick wrap up.

I really liked that you played with the aspect of Yoonjoo and Daehyun being a couple - or not. You leaving it up to the reader, is really refreshing and I like how you leave it open for interpretation. Things like that are mostly frustrating but on the same time I think there is beauty in not knowing how things end and therefore having to rely on only assumptions. I, thus, found it really cool that you added that in! I, btw, think they ended up together, but for the sake of a plot twist I hope they didn't.

All in all this has been a fun ride and I enjoyed your story very much! Best of luck to your future stories which I (if I can find the time) will check out! Kisses from one of your readers.
awesomebear #5
Chapter 22: Your drawing skills are really good :)
Chapter 27: i love the ending!!! ^-^ looking forward to the new story you have comig up ;)
jmayo81 #8
Chapter 27: this was the such a sweet ending :D I'm hoping that it was Daehyun & Yoonjoo... bittersweet, sad it ended! but, glad to read more! thanks for the great story!
Kim_L-Apz #9
Chapter 27: Awww...... Cute ending!!! I really liked your story!!!! Though I'm bit sad because it ended. Good job authornim!
Hope you write more stories!! Specially about Myungsoo! :)
Chapter 26: yay i wanted her with myungsoo!!!! xD