Confused and Awkward

Four's A Love Story
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Myungsoo chewed on his steak silently and hungrily, while his parents seemed to be having their own private conversation, although he could hear most of it, he didn't actually bother listening. That is, until his father spoke up.

"Myungsoo," his father turned away from his wife to look at him, before wiping his mouth with a napkin. "Me and your mother have been thinking, just when are you going to get a girlfriend? It's almost about time you got married. You're already in your twenties!" He spoke sternly, and Myungsoo hid a scowl by taking a sip of wine.

"Father... I-"

Mrs Kim cut him off before he could speak any further, "Son, I don't want to rush you, but I think we should set up some marriage meetings for you. I know Mrs Lee's daughter is very-"

"Mother, I-"

"Myungsoo! You should listen when your mother is talking to you. We really want to introduce some appropriate ladies to you, work is important but you need to make your own family too".

Myungsoo sighed, and then frowned, "Father, Mother! As I was trying to say, I already have a girl I like, okay?! Geez..."

"Oh my, son... That's great! We were beginning to think that you liked men!" His mother beamed in delight, but Myungsoo felt himself choke on his own breath, "W-Wait, what? You thought I-"

This time, his father spoke up, "You should introduce her to us! How about lunch on Friday evening after work?" Myungsoo's lips pressed into a firm line, as he contemplated whether to agree or not. It would be awkward and embarrassing to tell Sohye he had mentioned her as a potential wife to his parents.

"I can't believe my son has a girlfriend!" Mrs Kim grinned at his husband, and Myungsoo's eyes widened. .

"Wait, she's not my-"

But none of them were listening, they were too busy shouting things like, "make sure you bring her on Friday!" and "ooh, I can't wait to meet her!"

Myungsoo sighed in frustration, well this was going to be awkward.


Adjusting his tie and looking up from his glossy black shoes, Myungsoo made his way through the main entrance of his office. It was Friday, and he had avoided telling Sohye about the dinner for two whole days. I mean, how could he just bring it up suddenly? What was he supposed to say?

Lost in thought, Myungsoo continued walking until he bumped into a familar face carrying piles and piles of folders.

"Ouch! I'm really sorry", the voice spoke, as she bent done picking up the documents, and Myungsoo also knelt down to help.

"Yoonjoo?" He said, recognising her face.

Immediately, she felt a small fluttering rise inside of her and she looked up, seeing Myungsoo's gaze on her. "Oh, h-hi oppa". They quickly gathered the files and stood back up. Yoonjoo held out her pile for him to stack his on top, but he just smiled and offered to carry it for her.

"I'll just do it," he said as they made their way to the elevators.

"T-Thanks" she gulped, suddenly feeling nervous.

The gold elevator doors opened, and Yoonjoo felt her heart thump when she realised no one else was in the elevator, so she would be alone with Myungsoo. As they entered, she stared up at his sharp jawline, her gaze slowly making its way to his sparkling yet nonchalant eyes.

The more he didn't seem to care, the more she wanted him. He was so handsome, and so nice. But then so was Daehyun. Confusion arose in her head once again, and she shook her head desperately to let go of any doubtful thoughts.

"Are you okay?" Myungsoo stared at her, and she nodded, croaking out a soft yes.

Inwardly, she let out a dreamy sigh at the caring and charismatic tone of his voice. The elevator ride seemed to last forever, but Yoonjoo didn't really mind anymore.

Finally, when the elevator doors opened to Yoonjoo's floor, she reluctantly stepped out, taking the files from Myungsoo and bid goodbye.

"See you later, then", Myungsoo replied casually and she nodded, as the doors closed.


When Myungsoo finally reached his office, he felt himself suppressing a grin as he saw Sohye working diligently in her seat. "Good morning" He spoke up, trying to sound as normal as possible.

"Morning", she replied, sounding calm, but her mind couldn

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fanaticnamu #1
Chapter 27: Akkkkk
Kim myungsoo you melt my heart
Thanks author for sweet story. :))
avantgarde #2
Chapter 27: kyyaaaaaa its happy ending~~~~ its such a nice story *thumbs up* hope u will make new ff featuring L again.. will waiting for ur good news XD~~~
ayucshan #3
Chapter 27: woooo~ a happyending ~ kkk i still courious about daehyun and yoonjoo -.- are they together or not? but it's a beautiful story~ thank you for writing this ^^
Chapter 27: First of all, sorry for being so absent and therefore not properly commenting on the story like I should have. Life is catching up with me, unfortunately.

I can't believe the story ended already though. I saw 'completed' and I was like: whut. How many chapters did I miss? You wrapped it up nicely and I guess that it turned out as it should've been. I just wished that the moment between Sohye and Myungsoo were more dragged, but that probably has to do with the cute ship hehe. Whenever I like a couple I want to read countless chapters about them, but I understand that that's really unpractical in most cases and so I understand that you went for a clean and fairly quick wrap up.

I really liked that you played with the aspect of Yoonjoo and Daehyun being a couple - or not. You leaving it up to the reader, is really refreshing and I like how you leave it open for interpretation. Things like that are mostly frustrating but on the same time I think there is beauty in not knowing how things end and therefore having to rely on only assumptions. I, thus, found it really cool that you added that in! I, btw, think they ended up together, but for the sake of a plot twist I hope they didn't.

All in all this has been a fun ride and I enjoyed your story very much! Best of luck to your future stories which I (if I can find the time) will check out! Kisses from one of your readers.
awesomebear #5
Chapter 22: Your drawing skills are really good :)
Chapter 27: i love the ending!!! ^-^ looking forward to the new story you have comig up ;)
jmayo81 #8
Chapter 27: this was the such a sweet ending :D I'm hoping that it was Daehyun & Yoonjoo... bittersweet, sad it ended! but, glad to read more! thanks for the great story!
Kim_L-Apz #9
Chapter 27: Awww...... Cute ending!!! I really liked your story!!!! Though I'm bit sad because it ended. Good job authornim!
Hope you write more stories!! Specially about Myungsoo! :)
Chapter 26: yay i wanted her with myungsoo!!!! xD