Where is the exit?

Nothing is impossible!

The six handsome boys took a few pictures together and the photographer announced the fifteen minutes break has started however, we (as in me and Teen Top) were supposed to stay.


Pictures were taken as the PD told us to pose however we wanted to. There was one picture were we posed with peace-signs, another one where we made dorky expressions, a third one where we had lots of fun since the boys kept teasing each other, a fourth one where we looked like professionals, a fifth one where... Okay, long story short, so we took lots of pictures in different poses. 
- "Did you enjoy looking at Ricky's body?" a blond-haired boy with orange spray on top of his hair asked me in English after I returned from changing back to my uniiform. 
- "Hmm? Yes~" I spazzed in response but realized quickly what I just said and blushed hard. "I mean... Uhm.. Not that I like it THAT way you know.." I nervously added.
- "What do you mean with THAT way?" he eyed me with a smirk..
- "I thought you meant THAT way you know.. Uhm.. Nevermind. It's just... His body, well abs, haven't been seen anywhere before and I was a bit.." I paused.
Hmm. What was the word? Shocked? That would sound too bad; he would ask me if I thought Ricky's body was not well trained >.>
Interesting? No wait... That's would be too awkward. It's not like you go up to your absolute bias and be like 'hi, I think your body is interesting.' I mean... >/////< I would be embarrassed to death. 
- "You were a bit..?"
- ".. Amazed." I blurted and my hand covered my mouth. This was not good. Not at all.
This was so freaking awkward.
- "Ohh~" the boy cooed. "So you were amazed by his body~"
- "Uhm.. Well.. Yeah.. Wouldn't any Angel be?" I wondered and mentally face-palmed myself at the bad excuse. 
- "You're right *chuckles* Well, I have not introduced myself, have I not?" the boys changed subject quickly and I gave him a thankful look. 
- "Hey no fair!! Speak Korean so we can understand!" Chunji complained and joined the two of us. Soon were all the members gathered in a group in front of me and well, me and L.Joe did not really get were they all came from so we just stated at the five newly gathered boys with question marks on our faces.
- "So.. Introduction..?" I managed to break the awkward confusion; me and L.Joe looking lost and the five boys looking confused, probably wondering if there weren't a conversation going on earlier.
I didn't even know why I asked for an introduction when I CLEARLY KNEW who everyone were.
- "I'm Lee Byeong Heon. Also known as L-"
- "-Joe." I finished his sentence. "Nice to meet you!" After bowing 90 degrees, I stretch my right hand to him. L.Joe gladly shook my hand and smiled brightly.
- "FIVE MINUTES LEFT!" the PD yelled and the boys glanced at him. 
- "Let's do an introduction as a group!" CAP suggested as the other members lit up. "Do it quickly and return to work~" I chuckled.
- "*insert CAP's deep voice*Han-Deul-Set.. ANNYEONGHASEYO, TEEN TOP IMNIDA!" the six boys chorused loudly and bowed to me. I giggled at their politeness and bowed back.
The stylist noona popped up from nowhere and announced that the break was over. Teen Top waved at me as they whispered something to her. She smiled and gestured Teen Top to go to the set and went up to me.
- "Sorry sweetie, those boys wanted the teaser to come as a surprise for both you and Angels so unfortunately, you have to leave this room now." she looked at me with *feeling-bad* eyes and I nodded understandingly.
- "It's okay~ I get the same response from my brother whenever his group has a comeback anyway. >Sorry sis, as much as I love you, I can't let you come to our filming set as you have to wait patiently for the teaser to come<" I imitated my brother's voice.
- "Is your brother an idol as well?" the stylist noona asked. 'That's probably why she didn't freak out at the sight of Teen Top' she thought to herself.
- "Ne, his group debuted last year. My brother's
name is Lim Hyun Sik and he is a vocalist in BTOB~" I told her (proudly).
She acknowledged the information and glanced back at the set. "I think they need me now. Will you be able to find your way out?"
- "I'll be fine! It seems like they need you over there. I'm very thankful for everything you've done today!" I bowed and felt happy.
- "It's not much. Besides, you looked very pretty! Bye Cho Hee ssi~" the stylist noona waved at me. I waved back and exited the room.
This day was definitely one of my favorite days of my life! I smiled to myself as I followed the corridor. I was pretty sure I came from the left side, so I turned right as soon as I left the "special teaser room".
The problem was that this corridor seemed to go on forever and I got more confused the further I went. It was a long walk, but somehow it seemed longer now than my first time walking there. Which was this afternoon.
>RECORDING ROOM 2-11< the door on my right read.
I continued walking as the room numbers increased and I started to doubt myself even more. Did I even pass by these doors?! Soon enough, I had reached the other end of this incredibly long corridor.
Frustrated, I kicked the closest door to me and cursed. "This is so annoying!! Urgh! How stupid can I be.. Not even remembering where I came from!?"
- "Is there a problem?" the door I kicked opened suddenly and a boy stack his head out.
- "I don't remember where the exit is and-- OMO ANNYEONGHASEYO!" I blabbed and turned around to talk to the boy properly until the moment where I recognized him. Which was immediately. I bent down 90 degrees automatically and felt embarrassed.
I did not just kick the door, cussing and embarrassing myself in front of him. A familiad spazzy feeling filled me up as I fought hard to it let it take over me completely. The last thing I wanted to do now was to freak out like a mad fan-girl in front of him. 
I'd be fine.
- "I heard a kick on my door and didn't bother much until I heard a voice cursing outside and decided to check if the person was okay." he explained why he opened the door.
- "I'm so so so sorry for kicking your door! It's my first time here and I feel frustrated not finding my way out.." I apologized and bowed once more.
He chuckled and looked absolutely adorable. "Well the elevators are quite hidden here.. I'll walk you there." he offered.
- "Oh no! I'll be fine if you give me a direction! I don't mean to interfere with your work." I insisted. 
- "And have you get lost again? I insist to come. I have a break now anyway." he gave me a smile.
Oh gosh. That smile was to die for. I was the luckiest person on earth. 
I followed the young man as we walked in silence. Comfortable silence. Kind of. He had brown hair and an incredible eye-smile and smile that would melt anyone. The boy wore black sneakers, black pants, black cardigan and grey shirt. And he looked stylish in what he wore.
- "Here it is!" he pointed to two doors which I assumed were the elevators.
Wow. How could they make elevator doors so alike the other doors here. It confused people who were like me. 
- "I haven't seen you around here before. Are you perhaps a new employee here? Or are you going to debut soon?" the boy asked curiously.
- "Actually, I'm just visiting this place for the first time.." I looked at the floor.
- "It is not easy to come here, you know." he stated, as if he did not quite believe what I said.
- "I visited Teen Top, they are going to have a comeback soon and invited me to see how cool they were." I smiled at the thought of Teen Top.
- "You must be close to them. What's your name?" he asked and pressed the camouflaged elevator button.
- "Lim Cho Hee." I answered.
- "Feels like I've heard of your name somewhere." he thought out loud. "Well, the elevator is here." He continued as the elevator voice announced that it had arrived and the door opened.
- "Thank you for helping me to find the elevator! It was nice meeting you!" I beamed to him and went inside the elevator. A third bow was given to him as I pressed the button to the bottom floor.
- "It's okay. Same here. I'm Myeong Soo by the way. Kim Myeong Soo. Or L." the boy responded cooly and gave me a killer smile of his.
- "I know." I said as the doors closed. 'And I could barely hold my fan-girl-self in because of you.'
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Karakarakara #1
Chapter 4: Nice story