The nurse room

Nothing is impossible!

OPPAR'S: shortened for Oppa Deul, the plural form for oppa in Korean.

*verb in third person + other words* = what you do, for example: *cries in a corner* you describe yourself as a third person to go and cry by herself in a corner~

Oh, and the picture does not have any relation to the chapter at all.. heheh XD

Hearing Niel's adorable voice, I couldn't help but to let out a high pitched shriek and everything out.

- "Cho Hee nim, Cho Hee nim-- Hyung this is all your fault!" I heard Ricky say in my dream.

- "How is that my fault?" Niel questioned him.

*Oh? Niel was in my dream as well?*

- "Why did you drag me with you?!" an annoyed, husky voice said.

*CAP was here as well? This is a cool dream~*

My body twisted and I felt something tense up next to my body. The next thing I felt was someone poking my shoulder whispering my name all over, causing me to immediately shoot my eyes open.

- "Oh! You're awake!" I turned my head to where the voice came from and a beaming Ricky caught my sight. I gave him a slow nod and looked around in the room.

*Strange.. When did I get to the nurse room? What happened?* and as if someone could read my mind, a husky voice coming from the bed next to mine answered my questions.

- "You picked Ricky as your favorite in Teen Top and he got too excited and called Niel. Niel then wanted to talk to you, well I don't know why *sigh*, and according to Ricky, you let out a high pitched shriek before passing out.. And he brought you here."

This voice sounded like CAP's. I turned my head around and my jaw dropped at the sight of CAP lying on the other bed.

- "Wait.. The conversation I heard earlier wasn't in my dream? Then the third person must be--" I mumbled to myself and searched for a third person in the room. My head spun around and found Niel sitting on the nurse's chair.




- "Ricky-nim... How come CAP-nim and Niel-nim are here?" I whispered to Ricky, trying hard not to screamed nor spazz nor hit anything in my sight - which now was Ricky.

- "Niel hyung is here since he wanted to apologize for making you faint and well... CAP hyung just tagged along I guess~" Ricky answered nonchalantly.

- "More like an embarrassed someone who needed a supporter with him.." CAP mumbled, obviously a bit annoyed.

- "Hyung! I was not embarrassed! I just wanted to apologize for here LIKE A MAN DOES!" Niel defended himself while his face got redder for each word.

- "Pfft right.... You even begged me..." CAP scoffed.

I glanced at Ricky, who happened to be looking at me at the same moment, and we could not help but start to laugh. The reason why I laughed was, well, it was absolutely adorable~ hehe and my fan-girl self couldn't take all the NAP anymore~

Ricky, on the other hand, laughed because, well,




- "PUHAHAHAHA HYUNG BEGGED CAP HYUNG TO COME? THAT IS SO MANLY *cough* NOT *cough* !!" he screamed sarcastically while laughing hardly.

Niel shot a glare at Ricky, who's laughter started to die out a little. The embarrassed boy then pushed away his chair and got slowly, but closer to the laughing boy. Ricky's laugh then died out entirely and he quickly got up from where he sat to hide himself behind CAP's back.

Well, he managed to get CAP to sit up somehow... XD

- "YAH!" Niel yelled with his hands on his hips. "Hyung! Don't hide Ricky behind you.." he then pointed at Ricky to CAP.

CAP looked like a lost puppy, I'd tell you, but his reflexes said otherwise. He jumped up from his position and walked casually away. This, of course, cause Ricky to hit the bed with his face since he did not get enough time to react. None of us actually did.

- "YOO CHANG HYUN--" Niel yelled after his brain absorbed the quick reflexes of the leader and he was not embarrassed anymore, but the thought of bullying Ricky was something he (nor other members) couldn't resist.  He then jumped on Ricky on the bed and started to punish him in a non-violent way.

*DING DING DONG DING DING DONG* the school bell rang for the first time.

Our school had a really nice, but weird system. The first DING's were representing what time of the day it was, so in short, one DING was before lunch and two DING's was after lunch. Then a DONG got in. The DING's appeared after but this time they represented the period, since everyone had the same start, breaks and ending time it would inform what period everyone had. And then another DONG for ending the ring.

The weird thing was that it was only repeated during the first two ringingly. The third time the bell rang was DING DING DING DING which caused headaches for everyone.

Hey... There were two DING's both times... So it's the second period after lunch.

I never got to eat lunch. I never went to the first period after lunch either.

- "OH MY GOD I MISSED THE FIRST PERIOD!!!!" I bursted in English, something I did when panicking, and had completely forgotten the three boys who were in the same as me at the moment and made them turn their attentions to me. Even Niel stopped hitting Ricky and looked at me with wide eyes.

I assumed that they didn't understand what I just say except for the 'OH MY GOD' part... XD

- "Why didn't you guys wake me up..." I ruffled my hair, not in a fan-girl way this time, and was mad at myself.

The reason why I took it seriously was because I had never missed school like this before. But now it actually happened *cries in a corner*.

- "We told the teacher that you couldn't come.." Ricky answered with a voice that somewhat calmed me down. I didn't really think he understood the English part, but the one after since it was in Korean.

- "WE!?" I panicked again. This was so embarrassing asdfghjkl.

-No one's POV-

~~This happened during the time Cho Hee passed out~~


- "Im Cho Hee" the teacher called with his eyes in the attendance book.

- "Im Cho Hee?" he repeated, louder this time and looked up from his binder.

- "Strangely, Im Cho Bee student is not here. Was she here earlier today?" the teacher then asked the remaining students in the room, who returned his question with nods.

- "We have not seen her since maths.." one student confessed.

The teacher shook his head in disappointment and was about to write -absent- on Cho Hee's name when a boy slammed the door open.

- "AHHHH PLEASE WAIT SEON SAENG NIM!!!" Ricky's cute voice beamed through the classroom


- "You are...?" the teacher furrowed his eyebrows.

- "I'm the a student! Yoo Chang Hyun imnida!" he answered and bowed politely.

- "Yoo Chang Hyung haksaeng, you are late. What is your excuse for being tardy?" the teacher asked. His gaze was fixed on Ricky now.

- "I am very sorry to say this but.. Cho Hee-ssi fainted and we need to watch over her in the nurse room. And since she does not know us well, we would like to bring Ricky with us." CAP stepped forward, not knowing why he even started to in.

The class looked at the scene in amazement, the girls fixed themselves for the three handsome young boys to take notice of them. Of course, they were in charge for swooning over the handsome boys as well.

- "Oh.. She fainted. But who might you be?" the teacher asked with a worried voice, for Cho Hee, and a monotone voice for CAP.

- "I am Teen Top's leader, Bang Min Soo, or CAP. Nice to meet you." CAP introduced himself cooly and bowed politely and earned some 'ooh's and 'aah's from the class.

- "You have my permission to take care of her." the teacher smiled to CAP. The boy's charisma and politeness gave him a small shock. He did not know that idols could be seen in this school not that they were that polite. He would usually not let go of these kind of things, but he did anyway, since the boys sounded very sincere.

-End of no one's POV-


~~Back to the nurse office~~

- "Oh uhm... Thank you so much for helping me!" I got down from the bed and bowed 90 degrees after hearing the whole story.

The boys waved their hands and let out small chuckles and 'pfft.. It was nothing' sounds. Haha, talk about exaggerating.

*DING DING DONG DING DING DONG* the bell rang for the second time.

- "OKAY GUYS WE NEED TO GO TO CLASS IMMEDIATELY!" I shouted and started to walk quickly to the door.

I then realized that CAP and Niel did not go to this school and turned around eyeing them.

- "Speaking of which, I'm very thanking that you guys came here for my sake but don't you have to practice or something for your comeback?" I questioned CAP and Niel. "and Ricky-nim, we need to go to class. Although I don't know why you applied here right before a comeback though..."

- "Please drop the -nim part.." Ricky pouted. "You called me oppa earlier ;___;" he continued quietly which I picked up. My cheeks flustered and they got a pink-red color, showing that I was embarrassed.

- "Ne... Oppa.." I managed to say earning a wide smile from Ricky, who was obviously happy.

- "Hey no fair!" Niel complained. "Call us oppa as well~" he then pointed to himself and CAP.

I nodded, well, the reason why I did not speak this time was because of the sight I had in front of me. Three handsome boys from one of my favorite groups wanted me to call them OPPA.


Oh... It suddenly got hotter in here?

My hand reached for the doorknob (and I heard Niel say something like "don't open that door--") and twisted it. The door opened and I was shocked at the scene in front of me.

There were girls from different classes, sitting outside - they were now standing since the door opened and tried to push themselves forward to get in to the room.

- "CAP OPPA MARRY ME!!!!" a girl shouted.

- "NIEL OPPA, WOULD YOU BE MY BOYFRIEND?" another girl yelled.

- "RICKY-AH I LOVE YOU!!!" a boy screamed and got attention from everyone. And by everyone I meant the crowd, me and the members. I could tell you that Ricky's cheeks got red in no time and the others eyes were about to fall out and all of them got stuck in a daze just like that.

- "ARGH OH MY GOD WHAT IS THIS!!" I bursted in English and pushed myself towards the door, wanting it to close.

- "WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH OUR OPPAR'S?!?!" a girl yelled in frustration from the crowd.

- "THEY BELONG TO THEMSELVES, NOT YOU!!" I fired back at the girl. "ARGGGHHH!!! WHY WON'T THIS DOOR CLOSE!!" I tried hard to close the door, by myself, without success. The boys got out from their 'Ricky's fan-boy' daze and helped me. I gave them thankful glances and they all were beaming.


Oh how I wanted to pinch their cheeks--

*DING DING DING DING* the bell rang for the third and last time, and I could hear the complaints from crowd on the other side. The next thing I heard was footsteps getting further and further away.

- "Oh great. Now I'm missing my second period in a row." I sighed, emphasizing the last three words.

- "We can help you with that!" Niel said, smiling. "Right Hyung?"


- "Hyung~ Hyung~ I have an idea~" Ricky beamed and CAP threw him an annoyed look, bi-polar much? XD

- "Cho Hee-ah can come with us to practice~" he continued to suggest with sparkling eyes.

I whereas Niel just agreed for Ricky and the two boys were looking at the leader.

- "Is it okay for you, Cho Hee-nim?" CAP asked nervously, he liked Ricky's suggestion deep inside.

- "" I stuttered and started blushing.

- "LET'S GO THEN!" Ricky punched his fist in the air with a satisfied look.





Backstage special #1


Me: SOOOOO CUUUUUUTE OH MY TEENZ ON TOP :D *pinches Ricky's cheeks*

Ricky: *scolds* WHY DID YOU PINCH MY CHEEK?! YOU ARE YOUNGER THAN ME! D: *rubs his cheeks and gives me a dissatisfied look*

CAP: *sings a high pitched voice* Since you're such a cutie pie <3333333 *pinchs Rick's cheeks and goes back to normal* No seriously, I don't understand why you pinched his cheeks. And you ARE younger than him, please have some respect.

L.Joe pops out from nowhere ans starts complaining:  YAH WE ALSO WANT TO JOIN THE STORY!

Chunji: Ahahaha... Continue, please *gives us apologetic look and drags L.joe away*

L.Joe: BUT IT'S TRUUUUUUUUUUE--- *disappeares to nowhere with Chunji*


Okay seriously, this is creeping me out.. XD


Cho Hee: Come to think of it... Niel oppa never apologized to me...

Niel: It's all the author's fault *points at me*

Ricky: Haha hyung you're not a man *merhong*

Niel: *is embarrassed* IT IS STILL THE AUTHOR'S FAULT. IMMA GET YOU! *runs to get me*

Me: Hehehehe.. *runs away from backstage with Niel in her tails*

CAP: Uh hehe... I'm going to take a cap--

<- *expression becomes like this*


Ricky: Hyung just go to sleep~ like you always do~ just go~


Manager: YOU STILL HAVE A SCHEDULE YOU KNOW, please come out immediately!


Ricky: Naaw.. looks like I have to go too *cries a river* Ja~Bye~

*does aegyo*



Thank you badvolkan91, AlwaysAnElf and MochiWorld for subscribing! I love you!

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Karakarakara #1
Chapter 4: Nice story