New student?

Nothing is impossible!

Don't break, oh-eh -oh-eh okay, oh-eh-oh-eh play WOW! Don't break---


"Shut up..." I groaled and slammed my hand everywhere until I got a hold of my phone.


*I'll sleep a little bit more...* I thought and added ten extra minutes to my alarm on the phone and fell asleep.


Don't break, oh-eh -oh-eh okay---


*Just a little more....*  I turned off the alarm and fell asleep once again.


- "YAH IM CHO HEE!! HOW COME YOU ARE STILL IN BED?!" my brother screamed lodly when he found me sleeping.


- "I am awake.." I mumbled and rubbed my eyes.


OH MY GOD I START IN 30 MINUTES... My eyes widened when I took a look at my phone. Hyunsik eyed me and I panicked even more.


- "OUT!" I demanded and pushed him away from the door while closing it at the same time.


Uniform... uniform- There!! I threw away my pajamas and put on my school uniform in a hurry. How come I overslept this much?! My packbag was ready, waiting on the floor and I picked it up. I rushed into the bathroom to quickly brush my teeth and ran downstairs.


I wore black converse today with my lightbrown uniform and my lightbrown packbag (yes, it was meant that my bag matched my school uniform).


- "What about breakfast?" Hyunsik asked.


- "I've got no time, the bus arrives in three minutes.." I answered while looking at the clock in the hall. "Bye-yom!" I said and slammed the front door.

I powerwalked to the busstation and caught my bus coming closer. My feet sped up automatically and I panted hardly when I got on the bus. *Bleep Bleep* the machine said when I scanned my card. The door closed behind me and I sat down on the seat at the very front. A boy was running, trying to catch this bus as it started to slowly drive away.


- "AHJEOSSI!! STOP THE BUS!!!" I suddenly screamed and the bus-chauffer pulled the brake making everyone fall forward.


The boy catched up and knocked on the door wanting to be let in. The chauffer sent me an irritated look and I slammed my hands together and apologized. The door opened and the boy scanned his buscard as well as thanking the chauffer.


- "Don't thank me, the girl over there screamed that I had to stop the bus.." he threw a glance at me.


The boy looked confused but then turned his head and met my eyes.


- "Ani.. ani... It looked like he was really desparated to be on this bus.." I commented, earning a light chuckle from the chaffeur and made the boy look away in embarrassment. The latter bowed to me and went further back. *Cute* I thought and smiled.


I turned my head to look at the boy to assure that he got a seat, which he did so I turned back.


He must be new in this area, I got the feeling of have seen him somewhere else before... He was really cute though.. The boy had a baby face and sent out a sweet vibe. He was not super tall and had dark brown hair, which probably was dyed (but it still looked good on him), wearing glasses and a cap together with a lightbrown uniform. He kind of looked like a younger version of my one and only love T.O.P *~* as well as Ricky from Teen Top though~ but *sigh* T.O.P was too old for high school and Ricky was busy preparing with his group for their comeback so.. And besides the boy wore d sunglasses, who knew who he actually was?


Uh.. but wait... Is that guy in MY school?! But there was another school near mine where they also wore lightbrown school uniforms. Nah.. I bet he went to the other school. I was thinking too deeply and realized that the bus was about to pass by my school.


- "AHJEOSSI STOP THE BUS!!!!!!!" I screamed again, this time with another voice joining mine.


I apologized and bowed deeply to the chauffeur and jumped out of the bus. My eyes widened at the sight of the boy I had helped to get on the bus earlier and I smiled softly. He quickly smiled back and rushed off to the gate.


HE WAS A STUDENT AT MY SCHOOL AFTERALL... So THAT was why I recognized him.


I got to my classroom and opened the door harshly and everyone's eyes were on me, including my teacher's.


- "I'm sorry for being... 15 seconds late..." I paused in between and continued talking after taking a look at the clock in the classroom.


- "Im Cho hee, you are excused for now. Don't ever be late again." My teacher told me.


I nodded and got to my seat. *How come everyone in the class had a partner next to them except me?...* I sighed, looking at the empty seat next to mine dramatically as I sat down on my own seat. With my back turned away from the teacher as I was opnening my bag to get my books and pencil case, the door opened and I could hear my classmates gasp, most of them were squealing.


- "Class 2-3, welcome your new classmate. Take care of him." the principal said with his usual monotone voice and left the classroom.


The girls infront of me were whispering about how cute the new student was. I could not care less, I mean, of course i was excited to have a new classmate but... Isn't that overreacting?


- "Annyeonghaseyo, Yoo Changhyun imnida but call me Ricky instead. Please take care of me!" the new student introduced himself and the girls in the class squealed once more. I didn't pay much attention to this part since I was concentrated on finding my books, still.

He couldn't be that cute or handesome or whatsoever, not like my biases *smirk*. I was now done with finding my books and faced the board once more. The new student was indeed very cute, he looked quite familiar as well.. He looked like Teen Top's Ricky (and a younger version of T.O.P)


'He looks like Teen Top's Ricky. Woah~'  I thought and looked at him in awe. 


- "Ssaem! Can I sit over there?" the new boy pointed at the seat next to mine and gave me teacher a questioned, but cute, look.


- "Of course, Yoo Changhyun-haksaeng(student)! Im Cho Hee haksaeng, make sure to guide him and be ready to help if the new student needs any help." the teacher agreed to Ricky and told me.


People in the class groaled "But I wanted to take care of him!" a student complained. "The president should take care of new students in this class ssaem!" another one argued. Both of them were shushed by the teacher herself. I breathed out slowly, why me of all the people? I at showing people around and such... Since I always was busy with my phone watching K-Pop videos and such, I had got no clue about the things about schools nor the deep history the school had. Oh well, I would try my best.


The boy sat next to me and turned his head to mine.


- "Hi! Ricky imnida!" he smiled widely at me and gave me his hand.


I gladly accepted it. "Ah nae, Im Cho Hee imnida. Nice to meet you. I hope you like it here." I released the grip quickly and focused on the lession instead, making the new student shut his mouth (he wanted to say something but didn't want to disturb me while I was concentrating on my class) and started to take some notes as well.


The lession ended soon and I stretched my arms. A few girls approached the table next to mine and put their hands on it.


- "Aren't you Ricky from Teen Top?" one of the girl asked while flipping her hair.


- "Uhm... Am I caught already?..." the boy bursted cutely and moved his finger on his mouth. "Keep this a secret, arrasso(okay)?" He winked to the now squealing girls and they promised not to tell anyone.


I, on the other hand, was now biting my finger nails, well not literally, and kept glancing at Ricky.


How could I not recognize him...


Oh my god......




My feels..


I couldn't take it...


No way...


Yes way, he was next to me.


I was his guide.




No wonder people starting squealing when he entered the classroom.


Without noticing, my hands were on my head, ruffling my hair like crazy. One of a few things I do when I fan-girled. My head shook from side to side, not being able to accept the truth.


- "Cho Hee-nim, are you okay?" Ricky poked my shoulder and my fan-girling stopped.


I nodded, too quickly, and avoided his eyes.


- "You don't remember me? We met this morning..." Ricky said with disappointment in his voice.


This morning..? What happened? I did not see him this morning... The only thing that happened was me helping the boy who was desperately trying to catch the bus...


- "YOU CAN'T BE THE BOY FROM THIS MORNING!" I stood up and looked at him in disbelief. "Oh my god you are..!" I whispered after taking a closer look at him.


I so thought that he looked like Ricky. Why and how did he become Ricky?! ;____;


People in the class turned their heads toward me, wondering what the commotion was all about. I held my arms like an X and gestured them to continue with what they were doing. Some were scoffing at my behaviour toward Ricky, showing that they were obviously listening to our conversation.


I didn't have another chance to talk to Ricky since the math teacher entered the room with a bunch of paper which he gave to the president who was now giving one paper to each student.


- "Today's quiz has twenty questions, it's not very hard so I expect you to do well!" our teacher told us with an ensured tone.


*You always say that* I rolled my eyes and started solving the problems


*An hour later*


- "Students! Times up, class president, please collect all papers." the math teacher said. 


After that being done, the class was dismissed and it was time for lunch. Everyone punched their fists into the air and celebrated: who wouldn't want lunch? I was still in the lesson, packing my books together (I was a neat person after all~ *jokes*) when a sound of a person hesitating as if the person was considering waiting for me or not.


- "You can leave, no need to wait for--" I looked at the person and smiled. "Uh... Uh.... Why are you s-s-still h-he-here?" I then stuttered.


Aahhh Eotteokhae asdfghjklasdfghjklasdfghjkl Ricky's still here!!!!


Breath in. Breath out. Calm down. 


- "I was about to ask you to guide me to the *pause* lunch room! Hehe.." he said while ruffling his hair.


- "You know you could have followed the crowd. It is hard hard to miss.." I told hm and tried hard not to laugh. 


- "No okay I lied, mianhaeyo?" he said with aegyo and became serious: "When you found out that I was a member from Teen Top... What happened back then?"


- "Oh thaat~? Hehe it was... Well what did you think it was?" I questioned him. Why did he have to corner me arghhhh....


- "Fan-girling..." he answered. 


- "Oh.. Then I'm caught as well.. Haha.." I laughed awkwardly and looked anywhere but him.


- "It's my turn to question you now." he said, still serious.


I nodded slowly. Don't tell me he's telling me to not become friends with him I behaved weirdly earlier. I wasn't a die-hard fan! (okay, I was) but any how...


- "Who do you like the best~?" a smile was widely spread all over his face and his eyes were sparkling in excitement.


- "Ne?" I was blended by his sudden smile and surprised by his question.


- "Who do you like the best~~?" Ricky repeated with more aegyo this time. 


- "Ri-- All of you~" I answered nonchalantly. 


He did not believe me and continued asking, "But you have to pick one~~?", with more aegyo than earlier, of course. 


- "Then I would choose... oppa.." I answered, whispering the last word. 


- "YEAHHHHH!!!" Ricky jumped and was too excited. He then pulled out his phone and made a phone call. "HYUNG!! HYUNG~~!! I HAVE A FAN IN MY NEW CLASS!!" he then yelled when the person on the other line answered. 


A small pause occurred and he started, this time talking rather loudly with excite his voice, "It's truuuuue~~~" he sang and continued playfully "My fan this time, not yours! Mehrong~"


And next to him I was, not understanding the full meaning with the conversation , except Ricky bragging about his new fan who was.. Me? XD He was so cute and childish~


The excited boy then glanced at me several times and stopped talking as well. I thought the conversation was over and smiled at him, with my eyes suggesting us leaving for lunch. Then he did something totally unexpected.


He stretched his hand (with the phone) to me and gestured me to take it. I took it and gave him a rather confused look. Glancing at the phone screen, my heart started to beat dangerously fast and my head emptied leaving a black hole behind. I looked at Ricky again and saw him mouthing 'Take it~'


- "Yeo-Yeoboseyo?" I managed to say with the phone nowhere near my ear. Ricky it and chuckled and pressed the speaker button.


The person cleared his throat and answered me:


- "Ne Yeoboseyo~ (yes hello) Niel imnida~ (I'm Niel)."

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Karakarakara #1
Chapter 4: Nice story