Chapter 4

Whispering Hope

I would like to thank stainlessballpen for the poster. Thank you very much. :))



Ever since the day I found out I was in coma, my doctor always said this.

"Sleep. Don't stress your brain. I know you can hear me."

Before he leaves, he always remind me this.

Honestly, I find it refreshing and relaxing.

It's true. Though I'm asleep. I need to stop over thinking.

Though it is the only activity I am sure I'm doing for God knows how long and when, time to time I have to remind myself to stop and sleep.

Funny! I have to sleep even though I'm sleeping.

Ever since I found out Krystal's father was Dr. Jung, I can't help it but to compare them.

They both have a warm and welcoming voice. I can't describe it but that's how I feel every time they speak.

Speaking of feeling... Suddenly, my sense of smells started to become sensitive.

Lately, I smelled my sister's scent; vanilla and coconut.

Still the same and never been changed.

She knows that I like the sweetness of that perfume. Not too strong it's just right, like her.

I also, recognized Dr. Jung, Dr. Horvejkul, nurse Jang, nurse Park, nurse Song and some of my friends scent too.

How funny! I think I'm just bored and started making a conclusion regarding the scent and their personality.

I'm happy that I still recognized the smell of a particular fruit and flower. 


Since the day I met Taeyeon unnie in the hospital, I promise her that I will always visit Myungsoo until he wakes up. I visit him every after school and during weekends for a month already. The same as the first day, my routine is still the same. I play my violin and talk to him. I always share to him what happened to me in school. I'm kind of worried though, because he became my stress reliever sometimes. I hope he'll not absorbed the negative vibes that I'm releasing. Father said once that a patient who is in coma, their sense of hearing are the most sensitive. I hope I didn't bother him that much. There are times I'm kind of melodramatic especially when I'm stress.

"Hey, Krystal. Want to hang out with us? We're going to visit a friend of a friend. Come join us." Amber said. My friend and schoolmate. She's in Art department along with Sulli. 

"Yes. Krystal come with us. Luna is also coming." Sulli said cutely and doing the puppy eyes. Luna is my friend too, we're in the same department.

"I'm sorry guys. I'm visiting a friend too. How about next time?" I said with sad smile. "Set a date and I'll be there? Promise." I said smiling at them and raising my right hand.

"Fine. Next time you'll come okay?" Amber said while putting his both hands in her waist and pouted. Sulli pouted too.

"I promise." I said at them and patted the top of their head. "Bye~ Promise next time I'll come." I waved at them.




As I walk inside the hospital corridor near Myungsoo's room the nurses in the station already recognize me. I give my greetings to them and walk towards the door.

"Hello Myungsoo, good afternoon. It's me again Krystal. Today is Friday and as usual I'm going to play my violin for you and for today its 'Back in Time'. It's my favorite soundtrack in The Moon Embraces the Sun. I hope you like it? Because I really like it." I said and laugh softly. I started playing. 


Krystal became my frequent visitor. I know her scent too.

Strawberry. Mild and sweet like her.

Since the day she became our friend, there is no day that Krystal is absent.

My sister always talks about her.

Since the day she met Krystal she never stops praising her.

I even remember what she said to me. She even sound desperate.

"Myungsoo! Please wake up now. I want you and Krystal to be together. I want her for you. She is still *NBSB! I know that you'll like her too the same way on how much I adore her."

As always Krystal plays her violin. 

I take it as my relaxation time and free from all thoughts.

I let the sounds of the violin flows into me, as if carrying my soul into a paradise of unknown **euphoria. 

Though I can't see her but I feel the emotion that she's giving in.

Every time she plays memories of my childhood always appear in my head.

Most especially during Christmas were my parents gave me a new guitar. 

Their smiles when my sister and I played a Christmas song for them. She sings while I play my guitar.

The laughter we have shared during that day.

I never thought that it will be our last time celebrating with them.


After I played the song, I looked at Myungsoo. I was shocked to see a tear flowing from the side of his eyes. I didn't moved for a second. I don't know what will I do. I just muttered "Myungsoo..."  

I mentally slapped myself and stand up and I should inform the nurses in the station. As I opened the door, I was shocked to see my friends; Luna, Amber and Sulli standing infront of the door ready to enter, along with other 6 boys which I do not know who and Taeyeon unnie beside them smiling widely. 

"Krystal?" My friends said in unison with a shocked expression and pointing their index finger towards me.




I told them what happened. To be honest I was scared. Dr. Horvejkul, the doctor who is also checking Myungsoo said it was normal. Due to the fact, that Myungsoo's case is different from the other comatose patient for he can breathe without mechanical support and only means that anytime he'll wake up. Myungsoo might have remember something while I was playing my violin. 

"I wonder what he remembers that it makes him tear up." Taeyeon said while caressing his brother's face.

Nobody dare to answer for we don't have any idea whatever his thinking at the time. Thankfully one of Myungsoo's friend named Sungyeol spoke.

"By the way, what song did you play? I'm just curious." He said and smiled.

"It was 'Back in Time' soundtrack from a TV drama." I said.

"Really? It was a heartbreaking song. Why did you played it?" Luna said.

"I don't know. I just like that song." I mumbled. "Sorry..."

"Its alright." Taeyeon said and patted my head. "Whatever the reason why he tear up it's a sign that he'll wake up soon." 

"Myungsoo is full surprises." Sunggyu said and continued "It's really nice to meet you Krystal. Myungsoo is sure lucky to have a beautiful visitor."

"Myungsoo always gets the beautiful girls." Woohyun said. 

"You're just jealous." Dongwoo, Hoya and Sungjong said in unison.

Which make everyone laughed at the room. I can feel my cheeks are heating up. I'm not really used too this kind of compliments. I'm happy that I meet Myungsoo's friends and know more about Myungsoo. He is not a fan of classical music according to Hoya.

"I always play classical music for him. I wonder if he enjoys listening to it." I worriedly said. 

"Don't worry. Though he is not a fan. I think he'll appreciate it." Sunggyu said and smiled at me.

"Yeah! He should be. He should appreciate it. He shouldn't be complaining. He should be thankful." Woohyun irritatingly said while eating the apples.

"Why are you irritated?" Amber said at him.

"Because he is jealous~" Sungjong mockingly said at Woohyun.

Everyone laughs. Amber, Luna and Sulli asked how come I know Myungsoo and I explained to them the whole story. They told me that they come to know Myungsoo because of Sungyeol and that is why they became friends. 

Myungsoo is a quiet and a shy person. They say that this is his weakness and at the same time his charms. During high school they said that Myungsoo has lots of fangirls. Dongwoo suddenly whispered to me "Nobody knows that Myungsoo was in coma." and I mouthed 'Why?'. Sungjong answered in whisper "It's because we don't those girls to take advantage of Myungsoo." I already know what he means. He really is popular during high school and my guesses are right.

They started saying are goodbyes to Taeyeon unnie and Myungsoo. Though Taeyeon unnie didn't participate much with us because she is busy working with her project she was glad that everyone was there. I was fixing my violin when suddenly a piece of paper fall from the case. When I picked it up it was Sooyeon unnie's lame list. Out of curiosity I try the last choice.


I heard my friends. I'm happy that they visited me altogether.

I never thought that I'll tear up, it was unexpected.

So my body is still reacting with my emotion.

While listening to their laughter my body can't help but jerk as well.

I'm starting to feel the heaviness in my lower limbs.

Their pats, their grips, their touched I started to feel it too.

It's like a numb sensation that is starting to regain its senses. 



I hold his hand.

I can totally feel it someone is holding my hand and its warm.

I leaned closer near his ear,

I can feel the person's breathe near my ear.

and I whispered:  






"wake up"









*No boyfriend since birth. :))

**LOL! "..paradise of unknown euphoria??? I don't know what's gotten into me that I use that word. :D

Please comment. :)

I hope you enjoyed reading Chapter 4, .

Thank you.^^ 



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eatTHEsushi01 #1
Chapter 4: Omghadd im praying right now that myung would awake and krystal would idk do watev lololol and u author- nim would update nehh~~
I hope Myungsoo will wake up in the next chapter. Please make him wake up again, author-dear. hihihi.
Chapter 4: this... ah stupid me did not see your update :(

i nearly crying while krystal whispering his name.
you make my ships for myungstal came alive again :)
Sannia0412 #4
Chapter 4: Oh, I love the end of this part, Krystal's whisper shows love, patient and it comes natural :) 지금 일어나, 명수아!♡
cloudymogg #5
Chapter 4: Sooooooo lovely^^
Myung! Wake up please!~
Chapter 4: Myungsoo~~~ wake up~~~
Your Lovely Krystal has waiting~~~~ ><
I like the part when Krystal whispering "wake up" to Myungsoooooo~~ <3
Myungstal~~~~ ㅋㅋ
Chapter 4: Omygoddddd! Myungsoo will wake up any minute now. The infinite boys are totally right, he IS lucky :))))
cloudymogg #8
Chapter 3: Krystal and jessica is so funny^^haha
iheartJongSica #9
Chapter 3: I love how u write myung's POV! Its cool~ and i rly love this story~ its unique and cool! Keep updating! ;) hwaiting! :>