Chapter 2

Whispering Hope


italic fonts Myungsoo's POV




I don't know how long I am floating in this vast darkness.

I wanted to open my eyes but once I opened it everything is pitch black. I'm not even sure if my eyes are open. I can't even feel my eyes blinking. 

I really wanted to know where the heck I am. If it is a dream, I want to wake up in this nightmare. If its a place, I want to get out from here. 

No matter how I scream, nobody can hear me. I'm not even sure if I'm opening my mouth and if ever my mouth is open I don't know if my vocal chord produce any sound.

I hate it. I'm floating yet I cannot control my body. I cannot even feel my limbs. 

Sometimes I'm wondering "Am I still alive?"

Is this heaven? Or is this hell? Or is this what they called purgatory?

I have so many questions nobody is even answering me.

Only I can hear them. 

Upon entering the room I notice that the lights are dimmed and thick curtains hiding the afternoon sunlight. I remember what Taeyeon unnie said earlier that she has a little brother but this room is not suited for a child. Then I realized when I shifted my eyes to the person lying in the hospital bed, her "little brother", well I took it literally.

Taeyeon unnie went to the side of the hospital bed. She leaned down and grabbed the hand of the person lying in bed. "Good afternoon Myungsoo. Noona is already here and I have a pretty visitor." she said it softly and after that she kissed his forehead. She gestured me to come closer. I don't know yet the case of her brother but I just did the usual greeting. "Hello. Good afternoon, my name is Krystal Jung." I shyly said.

Krystal Jung?! Who is she? As far as I can remember I never have a friend named Krystal Jung.

Her so called "little brother" is already a grown up man. A young man in his 20's, he is exactly 21 years old. He was in a state of coma since 2011. He was the only who survive in the accident and their parents didn't made it upon arriving at the hospital (dead on arrival). Though their parents died, Taeyeon unnie is glad that she still have her younger brother, her only remaining family. Even though he is in that state, she still consider it as a blessing. Looking in her eyes, I see sadness while she was telling me the story how the accident happened. I find Taeyeon unnie as a brave young woman. Despite the loneliness she have been through the past 2 years, what amazed me the most, is that, she remained strong and determined that her brother will wake up again. Even though she sound desperate and hopeful she will never give up to her only family. I seriously wanted to hugged her, but being a stranger that she barely knew I just gave her a genuine proud smile. I already mentally listed her name as one of my inspiration.

Just so you know noona I always hear you. Just be strong. I'll wake up from this nightmare someday.


"Myungsoo, I just told her what happened. I hope you don't mind." she said while looking at his brother and we both smiled. She realized that she didn't formally introduced Myungsoo to me. "Oh my. I'm sorry. I forgot to introduced you to my little brother."

I really missed you saying "little brother" though there are times that I find it annoying.

I missed you noona. 

I find it adorable when she keeps calling Myungsoo as her little brother, I wonder what will be his reaction if he heard it."Krystal, this is my little brother Myungsoo." She said while she was gesturing her hand from me and back to her brother and continued "Myungsoo, this is Krystal Jung. The pretty visitor that I told you earlier." I blushed and smiled when she said "pretty visitor". "Hi Myungsoo. Nice to meet you. I hope we can be friends". I said to him as if he was awake. 

How come a voice like hers can make my unknown state calm. It's nice meeting you too Krystal.

I wonder what you look like. 

Out of curiosity, I asked her question such as how old is she, where she lives, what's her occupation, about their family and also about her brother. I'm glad that she didn't find it rude to a mere acquaintance. I even apologized for my bluntness, she laughed at me and told me that it is alright. She is even thankful that I asked.

She is an architect and working in one of the popular Architectural Firm in the country. She said that her father was an engineer while her mother was an architect. According to her she really wants to follow the footsteps of her parents. She also shared to me that her brother was a freshman in Seoul University the year he got in the accident. She told me that her brother wanted to become a civil engineer like their father. If ever he woke up during that time after the accident, either by now he is already in his sophomore or if the accident didn't happen he is already in his junior year.

From time to time, I have observe that she always include Myungsoo in our conversation. She makes to it that Myungsoo, though he is comatose sleeping, will not be left out in our conversation. 

After answering all my queries, its now her turn to throw back all the questions I asked her. I gladly answered all her question the same way she did to me earlier. She was surprised when I told her that I was studying in Seoul University and a freshman. She wowed at me when I told her that I am taking up Bachelor of Music. It make me blushed when I saw her expression when I mentioned it, I can't help it and smiled at her cuteness.

So we're schoolmate and my hoobae. 

She even asked me if what musical instrument I'm good at. I told her that I play both piano and violin. She even asked me a favor, if ever I have time, to play her favorite classical piece the Minuet by J.S Bach which I gladly accepted.  

I hope you can play for me too.

After our knowing-each-other, she offered me to eat the apples she bought. While she was preparing the apples to be serve, I stood up on the chair and went nearer to his hospital bed. I noticed that the only machine that is attached to his body is the patient monitor. He has a tube inserted in his nose which the other end is just lying bedside his pillow. Wonder what it's use. (It's a nasogastric tube/NGT)

I observe his body and his features. He is fair skin. His lips are thin and chapped, pointed nose and I bet his eyes are small. He has a small scar in his left forehead that looks like a stretch mark, maybe due to the accident. He looks like an angel when he sleeps, I wonder what he looks like when he is awake. Overall he is a good looking man just looking at his sleeping state. Though he is bedridden for almost 2 years, he still have some body fats and his muscles are not toned. 

I sat down in Taeyeon unnie's chair and I adjusted the chair closer to him. "Myungsoo, it's Krystal. Is it okay if I visit you again tomorrow? My father and sister visits me only in the evening. I can accompany you from morning to afternoon until Taeyeon unnie arrives from her work. If ever, by tomorrow, my doctor decides to remove my IVF catheter in my left hand I can play my violin for you. Only if Taeyeon unnie allow me?" I said while smiling shyly. 

You have an angelic voice Krystal. I'm glad that you're sparing your time for me.

I'm just hoping awhile ago, but I'll be very happy to hear you playing your violin.

Little I didn't know Taeyeon unnie was listening. "It's my pleasure." She answered. I was startled and I looked behind she was widely smiling at me. She touched my shoulders and squeezed it lightly. "Thank you Krystal. I'm happy that you are offering your time to my little brother." she said looking at me with full of happiness in her eyes. "You hear that Myungsoo, Taeyeon unnie already agreed. We will be seeing each other again tomorrow." 

Yes noona I heard you. I really want to thank her. I wish I can.

Suddenly, there is a knocked on the door. I stood up from my seat when I saw my father entering the room. "Appa!"


My father was surprised when he saw me at Myungsoo's room. "Soojung, what are you doing here? You're supposed to be at your room resting." he said. "Ms. Kim, I'm so sorry if my daughter is bothering you." he bowed down at Taeyeon unnie.

I know the owner of this voice. So they are related. And who is Soojung?

"Dr. Jung, it's alright. I invited Krystal to come here at my brother's room." she said while assuring my father that I didn't bothered them. 

"I think I should go back now to my room. It's really nice meeting you unnie." I bowed at Taeyeon unnie.

I glanced at Myungsoo. "Myungsoo, I'll be going back to my room now. It's really nice meeting. I promise I'll go back here tomorrow." I said before I went to my father's side.

How sweet. I'll be waiting. Good bye for now and see you tomorrow. 

Only if you can hear me.

"Appa, I'm sorry. I'll be going back now to my room." My father smiled at me and patted my head. "Okay. After this, I'll go to your room. Call your unnie to buy foods for our dinner." he whispered and I nodded.

As I exited the room, I can't stop myself from smiling while walking back to my room. I can't wait for this evening, as soon as Appa enters the room I'll bombard him with so many question on how,  what will I do, and the pros and cons in dealing with a patient like Myungsoo. I'm so excited to share what happened today to Sooyeon unnie.  

"I have new friends. Staying in the hospital it's not bad at all."


Guys, Taeyeon's laugh is not her famous ahjumma laugh. Ok?^^

Though it's a fanfic I'd like to change Myungsoo's room. Pretend that he is in the same building, same floor but different ward.  


Thank you for all the warm comments guys. Because of that I am inspired to finish this second chapter of my story. Again, thank you very much. ^^

Also, I just like to inform you all in the next and succeeding chapters it will always be Krystal's POV while the italic fonts  will be Myungsoo's POV.

To all my new subscribers, thank you for subscribing. :)

Please don't hesitate to comment. Your opinion is very important to me.

Thank you guys and enjoy reading..





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eatTHEsushi01 #1
Chapter 4: Omghadd im praying right now that myung would awake and krystal would idk do watev lololol and u author- nim would update nehh~~
I hope Myungsoo will wake up in the next chapter. Please make him wake up again, author-dear. hihihi.
Chapter 4: this... ah stupid me did not see your update :(

i nearly crying while krystal whispering his name.
you make my ships for myungstal came alive again :)
Sannia0412 #4
Chapter 4: Oh, I love the end of this part, Krystal's whisper shows love, patient and it comes natural :) 지금 일어나, 명수아!♡
cloudymogg #5
Chapter 4: Sooooooo lovely^^
Myung! Wake up please!~
Chapter 4: Myungsoo~~~ wake up~~~
Your Lovely Krystal has waiting~~~~ ><
I like the part when Krystal whispering "wake up" to Myungsoooooo~~ <3
Myungstal~~~~ ㅋㅋ
Chapter 4: Omygoddddd! Myungsoo will wake up any minute now. The infinite boys are totally right, he IS lucky :))))
cloudymogg #8
Chapter 3: Krystal and jessica is so funny^^haha
iheartJongSica #9
Chapter 3: I love how u write myung's POV! Its cool~ and i rly love this story~ its unique and cool! Keep updating! ;) hwaiting! :>