Fiction and Fact (inspired from B2st’s song, FICTION)




She read the words written by him.

She decided to leave it but turned back to pick up a pen. The same pen he used, with the same ink, she wrote..


“Right now I am writing such a happy story but it is all just a wish...still..."








“Reporter Kim here at the scene, a body was found in the river near the unnamed bridge in Seoul. The victim is known as…”


The phone rang. Boyoung picked it up discovering a sobs. A familiar voice was trying to say something to her between each sobs.


“Gina unni, can you say it more clearly. I could barely understand you. Oh, wait. I got someone on the other line, hold on.”


She pushed a button.


“Hello, who’s is..”


“You know I always love you, right?”


It was Junhyung.




“Just wanna let you know, l’ll always believe in us.”


There’s a long pause.




Before Boyoung could answer, he hung up.


She stared at her feet. ‘Thank you, Yong Junhyung. For your love, thank you.’


Remembering Gina was still on the other line, she switched to continue their conversation. Gina was still sobbing.


“Unni, what’s wrong?”


“It’s probably in the news now.. Sobs.. He was a lil bit famous you know.. Uri Junhyung.. sobs.. the police called…”


“Wait. What’s wrong with Junhyung? Why the police called?”


Boyoung eyes were fixed on the news. Her eyes widened. What the reporter had said turned her mind blank. Her right ear was listening to the same sick thing. The same news. The news that hit her. It hit her hard.


“Junhyung killed himself…”


“..the victim is known as Yong Junhyung according to the ID found inside the victim’s wallet. The source of death was believed to be suicide as the police claimed there isn’t any sign it was a murder or..”


His picture was shown on the screen. It was the picture of him with her. The last picture they took together.


Then she remembered the phone call minutes ago.


“No.. It can’t be.. no..”


Boyoung kneeled down and burst out in tears.


‘He was gone. She left him and now his gone. Gone..’




A drop of rain fell on Boyoung’s room window. At the same time, a drop of rain fell on Junhyung's cold skin before it was covered with black linen.


And it was the last rainy day they spend together.






There was a couple, who broke up.




One of them was left with regrets, while the other just won’t be feeling anything anymore.


He was finally at peace.


And she will search for him. So they could be together again.


With the of the same pen and the same book.


With their fiction.









He’s writing while thinking of her.


He decided to stop writing and leave but turned back to pick up a pen. The same pen he used, with the same ink, he wrote..


“Right now I am writing such a happy story but it is all just a wish...still..."











Thank you for reading my first fic. ^^

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beesrocks #1
this is a sad story....but a beautiful it.<br />
OMFG!!!! nooo!! junhyung! why....??? :(<br />
it was so sad!! but omg... im sad that its already<br />
over with a tragic ending T^T but it was nicely written<br />
thank you! u did a great jobb
omo~ ! poor Junhyung oppa, I feel sad & worrid about you too :(<br />
it's just a fiction world, junhyung oppa ! you must get back your fact world again~ !!!<br />
musicislove12 #4
Awww i love your story :D . <br />
Update soon! xD
junhyung!! please forgive boyoung!!! leave your fiction world and get boyoung backkk!! x(
TT_TT poor Junhyung~<br />
let them be together again~!
Poor Boyoung.. How can Junhyung did that ?! T^T<br />
Nice story btw! This is so good :)<br />
huhu junhyung oppa, what the-? *speechless*<br />
it's so sad & I feel bad for boyoung too. she must be feel really hurt after junhyung called her a betrayal then slap her TT T<br />
<br />
Junhyung oppa, please forgive her so you can not live in fiction forever >.<<br />
<br />
by the way, that's a good update altought I feel sad for boyoung & junhyung too >.<
oh goshh junhyung... :(<br />
i feel so bad for boyoung...<br />
she doesnt deserve that slap...esp <br />
in front of everyone -_____- good update!<br />
it was depressing tho...cant wait for next chapter :)