Fiction and Fact (inspired from B2st’s song, FICTION)


Two days before..




“Hm?” Junhyung replied to her while his eyes still fixed at his black coffee. The steam came out from the small cup fascinated him.


“It’s raining again.”


Boyoung had always love rainy days. Watching the dripping water could calm her mind.


Junhyung lifted his head to look outside. Yes, it is indeed raining. Then he glimpsed at Boyoung’s direction. She was smiling very peacefully still fixing her gazes outside.




“Hm?” replied Boyoung while still enchanted by the rain drops.


Junhyung kept silent.


He was fascinated by her facial expression. He was about to say something really important to her till he was interrupted by a voice.  


“Yong Junhyung.”


The couple turned their head toward the voice.


“Nuna.” Junhyung flinched. What was his publisher doing here? He thought of a date in a not so well known café will keep them away from any disturbance, especially from this woman.


Choi Gina approached them. “Yah, Yong Junhyung! How dare you turned off your phone. Are running away from me? Do you know when the dead line is? Where is the draft you promised me?”


“They are not done yet, nuna.”


“They are not done, or you haven’t even started yet?” It’s been 2 months. You only got another two. You know I’d already postpone the deadline twice now.”


Junhyung sighed. Boyoung kept sipping her coffee while enjoying the scene in front of her. She knows Choi Gina really well too. In addition being Junhyung’s publisher, she is also his cousin.


She sometimes pity Gina for she had to tolerate her cousin lack of discipline.  


Gina also sometimes begged Boyoung to encourage her cousin to be a little more responsible.


Although Boyoung tried, she failed. Junhyung will start to change the topic or just simply ignored her when she brought up the ‘let’s be a little more responsible’ talk .


Junhyung had always been a great writer, a novelist. But Boyoung kept on worrying as Junhyung tempted to get influenced by his stories. The fiction his created could sometimes confuse him. It tended to cause him unable to separate it from the fact.


Maybe it was cause by the things he experienced when he was a kid. Maybe..


 “Nuna, I promise to give it to you in a week. But now could you just go. We are kinda in the middle of something over here.” Junhyung pleading snapped Boyoung out of her own thought.


“Oh,no. Not this time. You are coming with me now. We better get started on those drafts that you were supposed to finish months ago. Come here.” Gina pulled Junhyung’s ear and dragged him to the café’s exit.


Thank God there was no one in the café except them and the owner also wasn’t at the counter as the scene was so embarrassing. Boyoung couldn’t hold her laughter any longer.


“Nuna, the task is hard to be done these days.”


“Why not? You are a talented writer. Are you saying you are experiencing writer’s block? Are you kidding me?!” Gina started to raise her voice.


“Yes, I couldn’t think of anything.”


“Why not?” Gina stopped her pace and stared straight at her cousin.


“You want a sad story, nuna. But now I’m too happy to think about any sad stuff. I’m happy with Boyoung.”


Boyoung who heard those words stop her laughter. She started to blush.


“Whatever, lover boy. Don’t give me any excuses. Come, we’re finishing the draft now!” Gina started to pull his ears again and managed to drag him to the door.


“Boyoung, see you at home.” He managed to say to her before forced to exit the place.     


He was reluctant to leave as he was just about to tell something really important to her.


Boyoung then was left there, alone. She could still felt her cheek burning from his statement earlier. She was really happy.


She continued sipping her coffee while staring at the teary sky. She always believed the rain will always brought happiness to her.


 Little does she knows, life is like a wheel. Nothing could always stay on the upper side. The rain that she thought would forever bring her happiness will one day company her on the saddest day of her life.


The day she lost him.   










She kept on walking.


Leaving the house behind.


The word ‘betrayer’ was still in her confused mind.


Her conscious thought was telling her that ‘I guess it was over. It really was the end.’




She was hurting. He was hurting her.


She was determined. Nothing can stop her from getting out of this house. Not even him.


Yong Junhyung, that bastard.


She inserted the key, opened the door and went inside the house with only one thing in her mind, leaving.


After calling her a betrayer, he left her standing on the same spot in the rain. She shouted and cried for a moment till she decided to run after him. She chose to give in and took the blamed. Maybe it was her fault, she thought. Maybe she’s the one hurting him, betrayed him.


Boyoung was always the one who gave in. She was also the one chasing after him every time they fought. The soul reason she did so because she was afraid of losing him.


She ran after him. She tried to catch up to him but his longer legs were twice the speed her legs can moved her.


Junhyung went into a corner and went she reached it, he was gone.


She lost him. Then she realized the corner revealed her to a place full of nightclubs and pubs.


‘Maybe he went into one of these bars’, she thought.


It took her almost an hour to find him. Finally, she found him at the 20th bar she had entered.


The bar was packed with people as they tried to stay sheltered from the heavy rain.


At the further end of the semi dark place, she caught the glimpsed of Junhyung’s brown locks.  She went to him and said,


“Oppa. This is ridiculous.”


“Hm?” Junhyung faced her. She noticed that he was drunk. There were three bottles of beer on the table in front of him. Junhyung was always like this. He always sought alcohol when he was depressed and this wasn’t the first time he drank after they fought.


“Whadoo yaa want..”


“Oppa, you’re drunk.”


“And who do ya think caussit, huh?”


“Oppa, about earlier, I’m so sorry. Can we just go home now.”


“I don’t think I could forgive you that easily.” His tone changed.


“Why are you making big deal out of this?”


“Why shouldn’t I?” Junhyung suddenly stood up. Their eyes met.




“Tell me why I shouldn’t make big deal out of this? Why shouldn’t I, huh? Why!” Junhyung started shouting.


“Oppa, get the hold of yourself. You’re drunk. Let’s just go home. Plus, people are looking.” 


“Let they stared at us, or even better let them stare at you. Let them see what a betrayer you are.”


“Stop calling me that! I’m not a betrayer.” Her eyes started to fill with tears again. She tried her best not to cry. “Oppa, let just go back to our home.” She reached for his arm and started pulling him with her toward the exit door.


But suddenly he snatched his arm away from her and slapped her face with another hand, hard.


“Our home? You gotta be kidding me. I don’t think there is a thing as our home anymore.”


It was shocking. Boyoung couldn’t believe what she had just heard.


“Ya, Park Boyoung. Just leave me alone.” Junhyung then gone to his sit and started drinking again.


Almost everyone in the bar looked at them, she could see their faces. Some were laughing, thinking the scene they just saw was really entertaining. Others were either pity her or just blankly looked at her.


“What are they doing, fighting in here, so annoying.” She heard one guy said it with irritated look on his face.


“She got dumped by a hot guy.” A ty dressed woman said. “Loser.” Her friend agreed with her.


Boyoung decided to leave. She was embarrassed. She couldn’t stand the looks people gave her any longer.


When she was finally outside, she kept on walking, walking and walking. Her speed was increasing till she realized she was actually running.


Running from the embarrassment. Running from him.






She was inside the house now, leaning her back to the front door. Her hand touched her cheek and caressing in.


She still can’t decide which one hurt the most. The cheek she’s touching or her hurting heart.






4.35 AM


Junhyung reached his house with his body swaying. He was completely drunk.


“Boyoung a.., open the door…” he said it while leaning his head on the front door. He tried to search for his keys but he couldn’t seem to find it. Slowly he knocked the front door a couple of times before passing out.


Junhyung sat there there whole night, not knowing there’s a note waiting for him inside the house. A note that will changed everything.


 A note that will cause one man to forever live in fiction.











i ♥ G.Na ^^


i would like to thank you for the subscribing and commenting. I was soo happy *still blushing* that i became speechless. Speechless enough that i don't know how to reply all those comments you guys gave me.. Then again i want to say many many kamsa ^^ thank you..

When i read those comments i was over flowing with happiness that i started to jump on top of my bed. weee~~ 


The update is not that bad rite? no? Pleasse leave a comment below and let me know (so i could jump on my bed again ^^)

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beesrocks #1
this is a sad story....but a beautiful it.<br />
OMFG!!!! nooo!! junhyung! why....??? :(<br />
it was so sad!! but omg... im sad that its already<br />
over with a tragic ending T^T but it was nicely written<br />
thank you! u did a great jobb
omo~ ! poor Junhyung oppa, I feel sad & worrid about you too :(<br />
it's just a fiction world, junhyung oppa ! you must get back your fact world again~ !!!<br />
musicislove12 #4
Awww i love your story :D . <br />
Update soon! xD
junhyung!! please forgive boyoung!!! leave your fiction world and get boyoung backkk!! x(
TT_TT poor Junhyung~<br />
let them be together again~!
Poor Boyoung.. How can Junhyung did that ?! T^T<br />
Nice story btw! This is so good :)<br />
huhu junhyung oppa, what the-? *speechless*<br />
it's so sad & I feel bad for boyoung too. she must be feel really hurt after junhyung called her a betrayal then slap her TT T<br />
<br />
Junhyung oppa, please forgive her so you can not live in fiction forever >.<<br />
<br />
by the way, that's a good update altought I feel sad for boyoung & junhyung too >.<
oh goshh junhyung... :(<br />
i feel so bad for boyoung...<br />
she doesnt deserve that slap...esp <br />
in front of everyone -_____- good update!<br />
it was depressing tho...cant wait for next chapter :)