Fiction and Fact (inspired from B2st’s song, FICTION)


‘’Let’s break up.’’


‘’But, why?’’


‘’I’m sorry.’’




He can’t accept the fact that she’d left him. It was too much for his mind to bare, his heart to handle the hurt of losing her and to part ways from her.


Months after the separation, he started to lose his sober.


He started seeing her even though he knew that she wasn’t really there.


He scanned the room. The one he’d shared with her. Her scent is still there.


There’s her piano. At the far corner of the room.


 The one he gave to her for her birthday. She used to love to play it for him even she wasn’t very good at it. Just because he said he loves her more if she would play a song for him. Serenade him.


He still remembers how her fingers carelessly tap the keys.


In his mind he reminiscing her as he run the tips of his fingers along the piano keys. He kept it clean and undusted as he was still hoping for her to come back as she will be together with him again.




The house was empty.


He was nowhere to be found. Where is he?


The room was also empty. It used to be their room. Now they are not together anymore.


The place is exactly the same. The same as the day she left it. The same as the day she left him.


Why it was kept that way? Is this the work of him?


The piano was still there. Even when the she left she remembers that she’d told him to take it back or get rid of it. She still remembers how she used to play it for him even she wasn’t very good at it. Just because he said he loves her more if she would play a song for him. Serenade him.


But she stopped playing it as she had decided to leave him. They are over, she thought, as well as their song. The serenade is already over.


In her mind she reminiscing his face as she run the tips of her fingers on the piano. His loving face is still fresh in her mind. His smile as he listened to her playing. She noticed the piano is clean. There’s no speck of dust as if it is still hoping for her to come back as if she‘s going to be together with it again to play a song.


The one that he loves the most.


Their love serenade.











Okay, how was it? Can i ask you guys to give some comments below, any suggestion, not to harsh critics.. or just a simple hi. keke I hope i don't bore you guys to death by reading this but if you enjoyed it, I'm really really thankfull. *bowing 90 degree* ><

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beesrocks #1
this is a sad story....but a beautiful it.<br />
OMFG!!!! nooo!! junhyung! why....??? :(<br />
it was so sad!! but omg... im sad that its already<br />
over with a tragic ending T^T but it was nicely written<br />
thank you! u did a great jobb
omo~ ! poor Junhyung oppa, I feel sad & worrid about you too :(<br />
it's just a fiction world, junhyung oppa ! you must get back your fact world again~ !!!<br />
musicislove12 #4
Awww i love your story :D . <br />
Update soon! xD
junhyung!! please forgive boyoung!!! leave your fiction world and get boyoung backkk!! x(
TT_TT poor Junhyung~<br />
let them be together again~!
Poor Boyoung.. How can Junhyung did that ?! T^T<br />
Nice story btw! This is so good :)<br />
huhu junhyung oppa, what the-? *speechless*<br />
it's so sad & I feel bad for boyoung too. she must be feel really hurt after junhyung called her a betrayal then slap her TT T<br />
<br />
Junhyung oppa, please forgive her so you can not live in fiction forever >.<<br />
<br />
by the way, that's a good update altought I feel sad for boyoung & junhyung too >.<
oh goshh junhyung... :(<br />
i feel so bad for boyoung...<br />
she doesnt deserve that slap...esp <br />
in front of everyone -_____- good update!<br />
it was depressing tho...cant wait for next chapter :)