
Hopeless Romantic


\ˌä-nə-ˌmä-tə-ˈpē-ə, -ˌma-\

1 the creation of words that imitate natural sounds

2 the use of words whose sound suggests the sense



How can I write into words the sound of my heart when I’m near you?  Doki doki? Too cute. Lubdub lubdub? Too scientific. I've been thinking about it ever since the first time I laid my eyes on you. But it seems like I can't find the right words to name the sound of my wildly beating heart.


Can you hear it?


My heart would always shout with joy when you’re looking at me with those expressive eyes of yours. My heart would always laugh as if you were tickling it every time you show your beautiful smile. My heart would always sing along every time you unconsciously hum. My heart would always scream in frustration when you're away from me. My heart would always howl in pain when I see tears pouring down on your cheeks. 


Yes, my poor heart... it could not help but to respond to every little thing you do.


How can I put into words the sound of my heart? I could only think of three words. 






Suzy finished the letter she was reading and gave her attention to the man who was intently looking at her. "Sehun," she called out with a trembling voice.


Sehun gestured for her to stop,  put his hands over his heart, and then pointed to her. He did this for three times, praying that he could convey to Suzy his feelings in the only language he knew.


Suzy nodded, understanding what Sehun wanted for her to know. Reaching out to hold his hands, she whispered,  "I love you too, Sehun."




Hello there! So the winner of the poll is HunZy! This story is for all of those HunZy shippers out there.

Sorry if this is more of a drabble than a oneshot. But before you wring my neck so that I can satisfy your HunZy feels, I want to tell you that I've already written a chaptered story for them.

So here's my other HunZy fanfic "A Tale of Two Hearts". Please read and support this story.

Instead of a quote, I used a word for this story because I just love saying 'onomatopoeia' out loud. kkk~

Thank you for reading!



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HunZy won the poll!


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veirina #1
Chapter 2: Cool... really cool
veirina #2
Chapter 4: Wah just found this... really like it... I still love Kaizy
Chapter 3: Yes, it's a chapters..
Chapter 2: Woah, I really adore Suzy.. At first amny ppls misunderstanding her but I'm glad Suzy still has many friend and Myungsoo finally understand Suzy values..
The setting for this story also so beautiful..
Chapter 1: I don't like sad ending.. But u writhe this chapter so beautifully..
I hope they could reunite again someday..
farabigail #6
Chapter 7: what if she like you too??!!
pabo chanyeol :(((((
miss_hana #7
Chapter 7: Yay!!! Kriszy!!!:) Kriszy!!! Kriszy!!! Thanks for update and making it Kriszy in the end:) great chap:)
pop-bh #8
Chapter 6: sweet hunzy. so close yet so far...I want Kaizy or Hunzy again:) Myungzy will be okay too!