Beauty and the Beast

Hopeless Romantic
 Beauty and the Beast

Myungsoo was really pissed off. Earlier, he had a talk with his homeroom teacher. In two months’ time, the annual school fair would take place. His homeroom teacher is the head coordinator but he told Myungsoo that he could not do it without his help so it was decided that his teacher would be supervising while he would do all the planning for the layout and decorations. Myungsoo was chosen because he's the president of the arts club and it also helped that he's the most popular guy in school. He didn't like it a bit but he had no choice. And when he thought that the bad news was over, he was in for another surprise because it turned out that he would not be working alone. Since this is a school activity, the president of the student council was going to be his partner.


His teacher could not fool Myungsoo. He knew the reason why he was doing all of these. His teacher wanted to escape his responsibilities because he was afraid of the student council president, the beast of Rose Academy. In short, Myungsoo was exchanged for his teacher’s freedom from the beast.



It was already 4:30 in the afternoon. The agreed time was 4:00 pm but nobody could fault Myungsoo from delaying this. Though he was not afraid, he was still a little uneasy working with the beast. When he arrived the student's council office, he slowly entered but was shocked when he saw a figure lurking at the dark part of the room.


“You’re late!” 


The figure slowly advanced towards the light carrying a box.


“I got bored waiting for you so I’ve already started. This box has all the records of last school fair. I finally found it.”



While the student council president was talking, Myungsoo noticed that she was frowning. Yes, it was Bae Suzy's, the student council president, trademark. Her face was hidden under a very large glass and was always seen frowning that was why she is called the beast. Suzy’s attitude and strength also did not help in erasing her beastly image. Everyone in the school was afraid of her because of her tremendous strength and method in running the council.


During her first year in high school, she already won the National Taekwondo Tournament and never been defeated since then. There was also an incident where she defeated three men who almost robbed her. It was then reported that the robbers stayed at the hospital for weeks. At school, she was always frowning that made all the students cringe from fear. Teachers are careful when she was around because their mistakes were always reported by her to the principal. When Bae Suzy ran for the student council president, no one dared to run against her and she won by default.  The other student council members are always seen carrying heaps of papers while large black circles under their eyes were showing. Students gossiped that she was making the other members work too hard. Students who violated school rules always complained that the punishment they received was very difficult. Yes, it was not a very good image.


Suzy glared at him. “Maybe, you’re the most popular guy here in school but it does NOT give you the right to be late especially at this important meeting. Sit down and let’s discuss about the upcoming school fair.”


Suzy was irritated because for thirty minutes, she waited for him to show up. But at the same time, she was very nervous. Here, in front of her is her crush. She first saw him during the first day of school. She was hurrying down the stairs when she slipped and thankfully, someone caught her. That someone was Myungsoo. When Suzy thanked him, he laughed and told her to be careful next time. Since then, she became aware of him. She would see him laughing with his friend and couldn’t help but to admire Myungsoo. He is a cheerful and easy-to-talk-with kind of person, the very opposite of her. 


Myungsoo and Suzy. The beauty and the beast. Yes, this meeting was going to be unforgettable.


The meeting ended in just in an hour. To say that their meeting ended up not so well was kind of an understatement. Suzy was  stubborn when it came to planning but Myungsoo also didn’t back down. They didn’t agree on anything and argued on everything. In conclusion, the meeting was a disaster.


Still, the preparation for the school fair continued. They didn’t have a choice. Every day they would meet up but now, other student council members were present to ease up the tension between the two heads. In Myungsoo's opinion, Suzy was driving all the members including him to exhaustion. Even his classmates could see how tired he was. Myungsoo’s teacher, who promised to supervise, never showed up even once, so all the works were left into their hands.


“Why don’t we relax a little bit?” Myungsoo suggested one night.


“For your information Mr. Kim Myungsoo, we don’t have a time to relax,” Suzy scoffed. “Not only do we need to prepare the fair but also the Rose Ball.”


The Rose Ball is a very old tradition in the academy. It is done after the whole day of school fair. This is a formal event that culminates all the activities in the fair. There are awarding ceremony, dancing and many more but the most anticipated event in the Rose Ball is the rose giving. In this event, an opportunity to confess to someone is given. But there is a catch, one could only confess if he has THE RED ROSE and it can only be obtained by overcoming the three challenges presented before the ball. These challenges are created by the principal and carried out by the faculty. The challenges are secret to all students including the student council members and the president. It is forbidden to reveal any of it even after the challenge. Even though many participated in the challenges, throughout the fifty-year history of Rose Academy, there are only 24 challengers who became successful obtaining the coveted red rose. Those twenty-four men become legends in Rose Academy history, not only because they were able to pass the challenges but also because they ended up happily married to the ones they confessed to. If no one during that year got the red rose, the ball still continues and there will be no confession for that night. But if someone passed, which is very rare, the holder of the red rose can give it to someone he likes. Once the red rose is given, it means that a confession is made but can only be considered successful if the giver receives back a white rose. This white rose is freely given to all the students at the night of the ball but can only be used in accepting confession. 



Suzy stubbornly ignored Myungsoo's suggestion but he talked back.“Ms. President. I’m not saying to stop our work, we just need to ease up a little. Maybe eat dinner or something then go back to work. Some of us can feel hunger you know.”


Suzy forgot that it was already seven o’clock in the evening. As she watched the tired and hungry faces of her members, she conceded to a dinner. Once they were in a restaurant, all of them started to unwind.


While the members were eating, Suzy apologized to them. “I’m so sorry, I didn’t know that you’re all hungry.”


“Oh. Don’t worry about that, President. We know that this is a very critical time,” Sunggyu, the student council’s vice president, assured her.


Ah Yeon, the secretary, agreed even if was still full, “Yes! President, you know that we all love you. So don’t worry.”


During the exchange, Myungsoo was silently listening. He could not believe the dedication of the student council members to Suzy. She is the beast, right? What did she do, except for making them work too hard, to receive that kind of dedication? While secretly giving Suzy a questioning look, he saw a slight moving of and realized that she smiled. Though it was quick, it was enough for him to see her face transform and light up. He saw a very beautiful face that was usually hidden behind the frown. Myungsoo was rendered speechless for the first time in his life!


After the dinner, the council was preparing to go back to school to resume their work when Suzy stopped them, telling her members to go home and rest.


As they were preparing to leave, they realized that everyone’s house was opposite of Suzy’s but Sunggyu offered to accompany her home. Suzy didn’t agree and reminded them of her taekwondo skills. But then, Myungsoo stepped in and told them that his way home was the same with her so there’s no need to worry because he would take her home. With this, they agreed to part ways. 


Their walked was very awkward one because both of them were quiet. But then, Suzy stopped on her track and started walking in a different direction. Myungsoo followed her and saw that she went to an old woman who was selling fish-shaped bread.


“Grandma, how are you today?” Suzy asked the vendor.


The old woman smiled. “Oh! I’m fine, Suzy. You’re a bit early tonight.”


“Yes. I’ve decided to go home a little early.”


“And this young man, is he your boyfriend?” she was looking at Myungsoo.


“No!” Suzy shouted a little too loud. “No, he’s not. Umm...well, he’s my partner for the planning of the school fair. His house is on the same way as mine so we’re together.” And now, looking at Myungsoo, “Myungsoo this is Grandma Mi Nyu. Her fish-shaped bread is the best in Korea so I always buy  bread here every night!”


Grandma Mi Nyu laughed and gave her a paper bag. “Oh stop flattering me, Suzy. Here, take your breads. There are five inside, as always.”


As Suzy was paying for the breads, Grandma Min Nyu gave another paper bag. She said that it was for them, one for Suzy and one for Myungsoo, and that it was for free. They both thanked her and started walking again.


“I never guessed that you like this,” Myungsoo said while eating his share of bread.


“It just became my favorite after eating Grandma Min Nyu’s recipe.”


“How did you know her?”


“Ummm… I came home very late one day when I saw her food stand. She was freezing so much but no one’s buying her breads so I decided to try it out  so that she could have at least sold a bread to one customer. When I ate the bread, it’s so good that I’ve decided to buy more and bring some home to my family. That’s how it started. Every night, I would buy bread for me and my family. At first, I thought my family would get tired eating it but surprisingly they also like it very much. On weekends, I would also help Grandma Min Nyu, so that she can get more customers.”


After her explanation, they didn’t talk any further. Once they reached Suzy’s home, she thanked him and got inside her house. But she never thought that after that evening Myungsoo was seeing her in a new light.


They were still very busy with the preparations but Myungsoo no longer complained. He was now finally seeing the dedication Suzy was putting in her work. It still felt very tiring but seeing her doing her best made him motivated to work harder. The compliments and smiles she was giving to those who accomplished their job correctly, which he did not noticed until now, made him want to also receive one.


Two days before the event, they decided to stay at school the whole night. When Suzy noticed that almost everyone was yawning, she insisted to them to take a nap. They eventually agreed and while they were napping, Suzy stayed awake and tried to finish some of the works but could not fight the sleepiness so she also fell asleep.


After an hour, Myungsoo woke up from his light sleep and saw Suzy on the other side of the room uncomfortably sleeping on a chair. He got up, intending to wake her up so that she could transfer and sleep on a more comfortable sofa but stopped when he looked at her face. All the tension and worry were gone and was replaced by a gentle and peaceful face. Myungsoo looked closer as if he was magnetized and removed her glasses. What he saw was the most beautiful face he’d ever seen! In the stillness of the night, he could hear his heart beating wild. Shaking his head, desperately trying to focus, he stood and carefully carried her to the sofa.


After slowly laying her down, he whispered, ‘Sleep well, my princess.’


Myungsoo was doing the work left by Suzy when the others also woke up. They saw Suzy soundly sleeping thus each went to their working station without disturbing her.


“It was the first time I saw her asleep,” Sunggyu commented while looking at Suzy.


“Me too,” said Ah Yeon. “Usually when we take a nap, she would stay awake and do all our work.”


“She did. I found her sleeping on a chair, in front this,” Myungsoo pointed at one of the decorations he was painting. “I guess she was trying to finish this but fell asleep.”


“It was so like her, doing all the work while we sleep,” Ah Yeon was now shaking her head. “Do you know why we like her? Because she is kind, hard working and very responsible. I know other students say she’s a beast but when they get to know her better, they would also like her. At first, when I became the secretary, I was very afraid of her but not anymore. Students spread the rumor that she was making us work to death but that’s not true. She was the one who's working very hard more than anyone else actually, and as a result, it motivated us to also do well. There were times when she would make us go home because it was already late, we always insisted on staying but never won an argument. That was when the robbing incident happened because she went home very late one evening after doing the council’s work. Thankfully, she knows how to defend herself. After that, whether she liked it or not, we stayed with her all night. But then, once she saw us yawning, she would tell us to sleep and as I said earlier, finished the work by herself.”


“Though she has a short temper, she never misses to compliment someone who did a good job. She knows how to appreciate a person, maybe that’s why we are dedicated to her. Others are afraid of her because she’s always frowning but it’s only because she has too many to think about. Once they saw her smile, they will also see how beautiful she is,” Sunggyu added.


Myungsoo just listened, conscious of the warm feeling in his heart. It was like rays of sunlight were touching his heart, supplying it with warmth and making the his budding love, bloom and grow.  Yes, he knew it, he’s in love with Suzy, his princess who’s misunderstood as a beast.


Suzy woke when someone was tapping her shoulder. She opened her eyes and saw Ah Yeon trying to wake her up.


“President, it’s almost sunrise. It’s time to go.”


“Oh no! I fell asleep! Why didn’t you wake me up earlier? There are so many things to finish!” Suzy angrily yelled.


“Sorry. We know you’re tired so we let you sleep,” Ah Yeon explained.


“Suzy, there’s no need to be flustered. All the works are done. We’ve finished it. All we need to do is to have a few hours of sleep and come back here for the setup,” Myungsoo interjected.


Suzy was a bit confused as to what was happening but finally realized the situation. "Sorry for shouting at you."


"No need to worry. I understand you," Ah Yeon happily responded.


When they left school and parted ways, the sky was still dark. Again, Myungsoo and Suzy went home together. As they were walking, they saw that the sky was gradually lighting up.


“Look!” Suzy pointed at the sunrise.


Smile still on her lips, Myungsoo touched her face and looked deeply into her eyes.


“Suzy, can you be my date at the Rose Ball?”


Suzy was so shocked at his question that all she could think of was to run away. She could not have reached her house any faster. And once in the room, her plan to sleep for few more hours before going back to shool didn’t happen because her heart never got back to normal beat. She kept thinking of Myungsoo and what he said.


Later that day, when it was time for the setup, they were all present but Suzy could not look at and could not talk to Myungsoo. And even on the next day, when the school fair started, Suzy was still avoiding him. They were all busy during the event that she took the opportunity to forget about all her worries.


“Suzy, can you please tell me something?” Ah Yeon carefully asked as they were dressing up for the Rose Ball.




“Why are you avoiding Myungsoo? And don’t try to change the question.”


Suzy could not hide it anymore so she told Ah Yeon what happened.


“So, why did you run? Do you not like him?”


“Of course, I like him. I admire him since first year high school. I know that I’m falling for him even more as we work together this past two months. He always makes the room light up with his cheerfulness. Whenever he talked, I always find myself listening to him, fascinated by his ideas. You might not notice it but he’s a gentleman to you and me. He’d carry things and open doors for us, and accompany me to my house everytime we went home. Yes, my house is on the same way as his but I know that mine is much farther. Without any complain, he’d still me in front of my house. Do you know,” Suzy continued, “that I talked to Grandma Min Nyu last night? Do you remember those weekends when both of us were out shopping for the materials needed for the decorations? She told me that during those weekends that I couldn’t help her, Myungsoo came and helped. He told Grandma Min Nyu not to tell me but she thought it was for the best that I should know.”


Confused, Ah Yeon repeated her earlier questions. “So if you have feelings for him, why did you run? Why are you avoiding him?”


“At that time I was shocked that all I could think of was to run. Then, when I think about it further, I guess I’m afraid of what people might say. I know that we’re not compatible. He’s the most popular guy here in school. And what am I? Someone that the students are very afraid of. The beast of the school. Does not have a beauty to boast, only a short temper. There are so many beautiful girls chasing after him. I know he’ll get over me at once .”


“Oh, Suzy. Don’t let those school rumors get to you. Once they know who you really are, I’m sure they will like you. And if others still don’t, why listen to them? Don’t be affected. Remember that you are wonderfully made by God. Don’t be insecure because of what others say about you. Okay, let me help you shine and bring out your true beauty,” Ah Yeon got her brush and smiled at Suzy.


An hour later, Suzy and Ah Yeon were waiting backstage but Sunggyu and Myungsoo were nowhere to be found. The hall was filled with students, each holding a white rose while listening to a teacher talking on the stage. The awarding ceremony was the first part of the evening. One of the teachers called on the stage the winners for best booth, best performances during the contest held at the fair and many more.


“Now that we are finished giving awards to all the deserving students,” the teacher said. “I would like to take this opportunity to thank the student council members, Ms. Baek Ah Yeon and Mr. Kim Sunggyu, and the heads, Mr. Kim Myungsoo and Ms. Bae Suzy for making this event possible. Let’s all give them a round of applause!” The teacher waited for the applause to die down before continuing. “I know you’re all excited to dance and of course curious to see if someone, after almost a decade, will be using the red and white roses again to start a wonderful relationship. So without any further ado, as the Rose Academy tradition dictates, I would like to call on the president of student council to formally start the ball.”


Suzy entered the stage and the crowd suddenly went very still. Her dress maybe beautiful and she may have put a very light make-up on but what made them quiet was because for the first time, they saw her face adorned with a sincere smile and her expressive black eyes no longer hidden from those hideous big eyeglasses. The crowd was in awe as they saw the beast turned into a beautiful princess.


“Good evening everyone! As your president, I now declare the start of the Rose Ball.”


Following the tradition, Suzy threw to the crowd a white rose with  red lace, a special rose reserved for the president of the student council that symbolizes the start of the ball.


Once Suzy came down from the stage and looked up, she saw a familiar figure. In front of her was Myungsoo, holding THE RED ROSE, smiling an uncertain smile.


“I don’t know why you ran that morning and avoided me the whole time but even if you run to the ends of the earth, I’ll still be pursuing you until you accept my heart. The whole school saw you transform into a princess just now but I already know that you are one. My beautiful princess, from inside out. I have this poem for you:


O my Luve's like a red, red rose, 
That's newly sprung in June: 
O my Luve's like the melodie, 
That's sweetly play'd in tune. 

As fair art thou, my bonnie lass, 
So deep in luve am I; 
And I will luve thee still, my dear, 
Till a' the seas gang dry. 

Till a' the seas gang dry, my dear, 
And the rocks melt wi' the sun; 
And I will luve thee still, my dear, 
While the sands o' life shall run.


Suzy didn’t know whether to cry or smile. She wanted to do both but she just ended up asking, “Robert Burns?”


Smiling, Myungsoo nodded, “Yes. I think the poem really fits. Suzy will you accept this rose?”


Suzy was so happy that the tears she tried so hard to control started falling from her eyes. “Yes! Of course, I’ll accept it!” She took the rose but remembered that she also needs to give Myungsoo her white rose as a reply. She was supposed to get another after throwing the first one but forgot about it. But then, she saw Myungsoo was holding another rose, a white one with red lace tied at its stem.


“I believe this is yours,” he said while handing over the rose.


Smiling, she shook her head and whispered only to him, “No, it’s already yours.”

 Beauty and the Beast


Hello there my muffins! A twist in a classic fairytale Beauty and the Beast. What do you think? :)

The poem I used is written by Robert Burns,  entitled 'A Red, Red Rose'. I didn't include the whole poem and omitted the last stanza. Forgive me. 

I actually reported this poem in my class few years ago so  I'm happy to use it again!



You are fearfully and wonderfully made, God's works are wonderful. (Psalm 139:14)


Always shine bright!

Thank you for reading!



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veirina #1
Chapter 2: Cool... really cool
veirina #2
Chapter 4: Wah just found this... really like it... I still love Kaizy
Chapter 3: Yes, it's a chapters..
Chapter 2: Woah, I really adore Suzy.. At first amny ppls misunderstanding her but I'm glad Suzy still has many friend and Myungsoo finally understand Suzy values..
The setting for this story also so beautiful..
Chapter 1: I don't like sad ending.. But u writhe this chapter so beautifully..
I hope they could reunite again someday..
farabigail #6
Chapter 7: what if she like you too??!!
pabo chanyeol :(((((
miss_hana #7
Chapter 7: Yay!!! Kriszy!!!:) Kriszy!!! Kriszy!!! Thanks for update and making it Kriszy in the end:) great chap:)
pop-bh #8
Chapter 6: sweet hunzy. so close yet so far...I want Kaizy or Hunzy again:) Myungzy will be okay too!