Hopeless Romantic

“It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife.”

- Pride and Prejudice


Myungsoo has everything in life could offer except for one. He didn't have anyone to share it with. At a very young age, he was orphaned and was adopted by his grandfather. Myungsoo was not treated badly but neither was he loved. His grandfather was a very strict man and at the age of ten, he undergone a training to become an heir to the electronics company they own. Although all he could remember about his grandfather was when he took him in, it was still a big loss to Myungsoo when he died. He was Myungsoo's only family but his grandfather also left him in this world. Myungsoo might have taken over the company and have expanded it over the years but all this accomplishments were in vain without someone he could share it with.






A quote from Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice.

Anyone here who loves Jane Austen? *raises hand*

Anyone here who loves Pride and Prejudice? *raises both hands*

Yes, that's how I love that book.

Anyone here who wants the continuation of this story?

Just so you know, I tried. I tried REALLY hard to make this a one-shot.

I kept on insisting that I can do it.

But no, I could not help but to add page after page to the story. Mind you, I' m planning to add more.

So, it became chaptered.

Long explanation, right?

AHAHA! Okay. Okay. I'll stop making it very long.

Anyone here who wants the continuation of the story?

No need to raise your hands or wring my neck.

Here it is, just one click away:




As much as I love Myungzy ship, I cannot ignore other Suzy shipping.

So this is a little spoiler, the next one-shot will feature other male character. Who? I still don't know.



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veirina #1
Chapter 2: Cool... really cool
veirina #2
Chapter 4: Wah just found this... really like it... I still love Kaizy
Chapter 3: Yes, it's a chapters..
Chapter 2: Woah, I really adore Suzy.. At first amny ppls misunderstanding her but I'm glad Suzy still has many friend and Myungsoo finally understand Suzy values..
The setting for this story also so beautiful..
Chapter 1: I don't like sad ending.. But u writhe this chapter so beautifully..
I hope they could reunite again someday..
farabigail #6
Chapter 7: what if she like you too??!!
pabo chanyeol :(((((
miss_hana #7
Chapter 7: Yay!!! Kriszy!!!:) Kriszy!!! Kriszy!!! Thanks for update and making it Kriszy in the end:) great chap:)
pop-bh #8
Chapter 6: sweet hunzy. so close yet so far...I want Kaizy or Hunzy again:) Myungzy will be okay too!