the trip

Dream Fate

--DongHae's POV--

I waited until Hyukjae went to have his shower .. and called Jessica luckily i had her number .. I asked her to act like my girlfriend just during that double date and I was shocked when she agreed saying " YYEEESSS OF COUUURSE " ,but she said that she had a condition .. it was that i must go out with her whenever she ask me to , I didn't like that.. but i had no choice .
Suddenly Eunhyuk went out from the bathroom ,and to my big surprise he was half .. i didn't stop staring at him until he asked me

« donghae .. are you okay ? »

Silly fish , i was caugh staring at him

«  ye-yes i'm fine haha you're really skinny like an anchovy , you should eat well »

I said that for hiding my feelings ~ in fact he was really ...

oh i didn't had to star at him like that

«  i'm eating well .. i don't know why i can't get weight ~
so .. did you think about it ? »

«  what is ? « 

«  the double date !! !! i think we must do it next weekend .. is it okay ? »

«  o-okay , i'll tell my gf .. i'll take my shower now »

While I was undressing .. Eunhyuk entered the bathroom without knocking ,my heart beated so hard .. don’t tell me that he .. we will …

«  sorry .. i forgot my shirt here « 

aish !! like he will do what i saw in that dream !


--Eunhyuk’s POV—

It’s Sunday .. the day of our double date !!

We were supposed to go to the amusing park ,me and Donghae arrived the first and 10 mns after my hyeoyon came and Donghae’s gf was the last arriving

«  hyeoyeon .. what are you doing here ?!! »

I heard the other girl talking with Hyeo , so they know each other ?? sooo coool

«  what about you ?!!! «  Hyeo replied

«  this is the date i told you about yesterday « 

«  ooh .. so we have the same date ! wooaa i cant beleive ,
Anyway .. this is my boyfriend Eunhyuk –« 

« -and this is Dongae i guess « 

« The boy who told you to act like his girlfriend ? »

«  ssshhhh .. you didn’t have to say that ! »

What a surprise ! she’s just acting !

I leaved the two girls speaking and went to ask Donghae

«  Donghae why did you lie to me , aren’t we friends now ? « 

«  y-yes .. bu-but i .. emmm ,,, truthfully .. my girlfriend and i broke up in last week,
And i didn’t want you to know .. because it’s still hurts me until now ,, i’m sorry i didnt mean to « 

«  aaah  it’s okay «  i showed him my gummy smile , and we walked

Now i know why Donghae’s eyes were so sad when he saw me with hyeoyeon .. *sigh* that girl , she didn’t have to show up like that , anyway , i’m gratful that Jessica isn’t his girlfriend .. i scoffed  at myself and why would i that ? i shook my head slightly

We decided to continue our date and we bought some tickets , and i was sooo happy when i saw a strawberry shape at the riding horses game that i quickly ran to it , but I didn’t notice there was a car moving toward me untill it honked , but when I saw it , i twas so near , i twas too late..

«  is this my end ? «  i tought , suddenly , i felt a hand grabing my body and a warm body hugging me

Our bodies rolled constantly, until a tree, it's quiet I can’t hear anything, just the sound of a heart beating pressing against in my chest, the smell above was so sweet and i wanted move but just turned in roll again , i wanted to speak but i couldnt due to something softpressed against my lips which prevented me , I finally opened my eyes and it’s then when i realized who’s the person who saved me , it was Donghae and he was below me, face to face, and ... lips to lips.

-No one’s pov-

They still like that for a while , not moving by an inch , just like that looking at each other and trying to figure what actually happened , yet even if that was pure accident , some eyes could’nt stop burning by jealousy

«  yaa get up of my boy! If some one saw you two like that he will surely think that you’re some kind of  lovers! »

That remark was enough to shove the two away right after , Eunhyuk quickly got up and sat , and Donghae cleared his throat and stood up as well

«  yeah » Donghae affirmed Hyeyeon’s remark , rubbing his back head awkardly and looking away , which chocked the hell out of the girl

«  what ?! « 

The look on the girl’s face was fast understood by Donghae thus he immediatly answered«  I mean no ! not what you think , we are not « 

Then while , any words get out of them all day.

At night in Eunhae’s room~

-Hae’s pov-

Why I cant stop thinking about today, about him, about that ..kiss…it was my first kiss but-

«  by the way thank you for today «  , Eunhyuk said softly , smiling and looking down , wait was that pink shade on his cheek ?? cuute

«  no glad to save you » i smiled back , and sat on my bed «  ah in fact Eunhyuk ,»

«  yes ? «  he answered as he tuck in the bed

«  did you.. did you  kissed hyeoyeon befor? »

«  pff what a question! «  he scoffed , « We are together for TWO YEARS » he laughed

« Nighty Donghae » he said after , then turned off the lamp

« nighy hyuk.. » i wishpered

I sighed , OF COURSE HE DOES what did i hope he will say !


SNSD’s home, jessica and hyeyeon’s room~

«  come on you,how come you never told me about your relation with Eunhyuk oppa » Jessica retroked to her friend , facing her on the small bed

«  i twas my little secret » , the dancer pulled out her tongue

«  sush a devil! so tell me did some thing hapened between you and him?? », the Ice princess asked , opening her eyes in excitement to what her roomate will answer

« n-no , not yet «  , Hyeoyeon looked away her cheeks heating up

«  awoo » Jessica pinched her friend’s red cheek , « by the way did you see what happened today! I was really scared !if DonHae oppa wasn’t there..... I don’t even want think about what might occur.. »

«  that donghae I envie him, at least he got the chance to kissed him…not like me, even all that time eunhyuk never kissed me » , Hyeoyeon  sighed in desperate

 « emm » Jessica pursed her lips thinking , « Unnie » she called.

Her friend looked at her as response

«  what about a ridding next week? You will see i’ll help you «  she winked at her

Next day,Suju’s house~

--No one’s pov—

« Guys i have news for you ! » Leeteuk shouted , and in the next minute all gathered in the living room
«  what is Hyung?? » Yesung asked

«  manager –nim said that next week we will have shooting in forest , riding horses »

«  yeeeeeeey «  Siwon cheered in joy and Heechul chuckled muttering  ‘Ma Siwon’


Next week in the forest ~

«  aah~ » Donghae breathed in «  how I like this air ! » he breathed out , he was riding a horse and walking , but couldnt ignore his beloved ‘s behaviour

«  Hyukjae ,,, you look not fine » he finally asked in concern

«  to say the truth I don’t know how to ride a horse » he gripped tightly on the leather’s horse belt , « it’s my first time... »

Donghae smiled to his behaviour , «  you can hop behind me if you want » he offered

«  emm i guess i will just be careful ,but thank’s Hae «  he smiled , but still scared and hope that the shooting ends as soon as possible

In the other hand Donghae was taken aback by the sudden called name , his heart beated but he felt happy «  i will be by your sides in case «  he smiled reassuring him.

After a while ,the staff started call each memeber for shooting , while others continued walking and having fun , i twas Donghae’s turn and he was being entered to a tent for make up and dressing , when he was ready he started pose , but all activities stopped at the hear of a loud scream .


«  is everything all right?? What was this?? » Siwon asked in worry and fear

Donghae immediatly ran over to where the memebers were « OMG!!! Eunhyuk is missing !! »






naughty Eunhyuk , why you said you've kissed her while you've not! esk esk

yet poor hyukkie why he is missing??? :(


btw thank you for who subscibled<3 , i hope you liked the chap and please comment you opinion about it ++

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257471 #1
Chapter 12: want a child....LOL
hope you'll update soon...
Chapter 12: whoa hyukkie you want a child from hae kkkk lol :-D
Chapter 11: so she's not preggy huh o_O but she's a bit(h huh liar overload and yunhwa so funny lol :-):-)
Chapter 10: ayaaaaa you naughty yunhwa lol she's preggy by hyukkie bro lol
MyeolchiHyuk #5
Chapter 8: Jyeah...!!! Im really happy...!!!
thx for the double update..!!
Chapter 8: me i'm happy :-)<3:-D overload happeness ;)thankyu for double update
Chapter 7: sigh so sad hae hae dont cry :((
Chapter 5: hae tell hyukkie that your the one who save him from the accident :( i don't want that girl for hyukkie :(
Chapter 4: Omg yhukkie you need to wake up soon hae need you ;)
Chapter 3: Huh :o where's hyukkie :o