dream comes true

Dream Fate


Donghae’s pov


I looked at the laptop screen .. and it was indeed from hyeoyon ..

It said :

‘’ Hi eunhyukkie .. I could notice your feelings to Donghae oppa .. how can you love him and forget me ? We stayed together 2 years .. can’t you remember ?
Anyway ..I went to see your mom .. you know how much I cherish her and how much she loves me too .
She was really happy when we were together , but she saw me so sad  and asked me if you are the reason .. she’s like my mom .. so i told her everything .. how you don’t give me any importance in your life .. and how you stay just with Donghae.
Sorry for that  but i had to talk about that to someone .
You know what ? She says we two have to be fiancees soon  and get married after  and if we don’t  she says that you won’t be her son anymore .
Now you have to choose ,your dear mom  or Donghae .
Hurry up and comeback to me or i’ll tell your mom about your love ,your forbidden love
And be sure that your life will be destroyed .’’

Hyukjae’s POV

When i read that message  I could imagine what will happen ,if my mom knew she’ll be totally angry , she knows Hyeyeon since she was kid  and if she’ll know that I have feelings for a ‘guy’ i will die ; not because my mom is very strict , she is the opposite of that, thus she will be very sad  and i can’t support seeing my mom in that situation ..

Donghae finished reading that message and looked at me , I love that fishy a lot , but my mother .. the person that i love the most in this world .. i can’t lose her .. do i just have to leave Donghae ? and live a normal life ?

«  hyukkiiiie .. are you okay now ? don’t be scraed .. i’m here with you » his sweet voice ringed in my ear and woke me up from my toughts , oh how can i leave this innocent boy ?

I just can’t think straightly now

«  I’m okay thank’s «  i smiled to him

Hae hugged me tighty «  You seem to love your mommy so mush » he turned and faked a pout «  look i’m jealous now «

I chuckled , this cute fishy of mine always lighten the mood .

« yeah she’s everything for me , aah that Hyeyeon  she’ll ruin my sweet relation with umma « I sighed 

«  nooo ! i told ya i’m beside you .. nothing bad will happen if you have me ! »

I felt a little relaxed after the lovely conversation with Hae, until i received a call , the ID showed ‘Umma’ .

She wanted to see me , soon .

What to do ?? how will I be able to explain to her ? And if she knows my relationship with Hae ?

Hae notice how nervous I was ,  he kissed my forehead and said « let’s see her.. and just tell her that it’s her fault that you began act like that , and for me , tell her that i’m a new friend «

Friend ? It will hurt you again Hae.

I looked at him with sad eyes but he just smiled sweetly at me .

«  okay let’s do it «  i finally stated.


No one’s POV

It’s a moment of truth Eunhyuk decided to go to his mom and achieve her desire, he knew what it was, he knew that his heart can not accept it but for his mom’s sake he will be Hyeoyeon’ss fiancé. The only thing that hurted him the mush was his precious Hae, seeing that fake smile which he offered  in front of his mom just pain him , he was selfish and he regret it , but he couldn’t do anything…

In the way~

«  donghae.. »

«  it’s okay Eunhyuk ,  no need to explain »

But suddenly a call from some one  interrupted their conversation

«  hello?...nee it’s me who are you? BOOOOOOOO!!!! Younhwa?!! »

Younhwa was Eunhyuk’s bro , precisely his twins ~

«  Younhwa? » Donghae asked curious

Eunhyuk still surprised by his Brother’s call just answered «  well you’ll know when we’ll come to our house »

When Hyukjae was  back to the dorm, all the member’s mouths wes over opened , it was like a copie like 2 Eunhyuks, the similarity was totally great!

«  you… » Wookie pointed to Eunhyuk , then to Yunhwa  « him…we… »

«  haha you will conjugate the prounounes or what « retroqued Eunhyuk , laughing at his Doesgsang’s funny reaction
«  OMG you both are totally same!!! » Sungmin suddenly stated

«  cant believe ma eyes some one pinch me! Aw ! I didn’t mean it babo !! » Heechul shouted at Kyuhyun’s act .

«  you have sush a funny friends Jae ! » commented Younghwa

«  this is ma family «  Eunhyuk proudly announced

«  anyeonghaseyo I am Yunhwa , and like you’ve noticed i’m Eunhyuk’s twin « 

«  hehe no need to say it we already noticed it!! » Kangin laughed


«  come one you why did ya come!! » Eunhyuk asked suspiciously his brother once they were alone


«  what!! No one do miss his brother?! »

«  yeah I believed you-«  Eunhyuk rolled his eyes, knowing so well his brother.

«  don’t worry i’ll not bother you with Donghae if it’s what you fear » Yunhwa winked at him.

Yes Eunhyuk’s twin was so smart, it’s why Eunhyuk didn’t like his sudden comming, he could discover anything.

Eunhae’s room~

«  so? » Eunhyuk asked teasingly Donghae  , who was sitting in his bed , getting ready to sleep

«  so what? » Asked Donghae confused

«  you’r e not afraid…that by anychance..you confuse me with my brother ? » an evil smile marked his face

After a naughty smile back from Donghae, the latter went  to Hyukjae’s shoulder and bited on it , nibbling the bitten spot a little hardly while Eunhyuk  bitted on his lower lips ,stopping his scream , he was used to Donghae’s wild bites so he learned  how to support them. This action left by the younger one left a big red mark in Eubhyuk’s milky skin.

«  now I cant confused you , you’re the only who have my mark on you «  Donghae smiled looking at his doings like i twas a piece of art , yet the little moment was interrupted by some knocks

« I’m sorry for bothering but that girl came again » Sungmin announced , clearly not happy

« Hyeyeon ?! Omo she must not see Yunhwa !! «  Eunhyuk panicked

He quicly took the said person and locked his bedroom on him , and got ready to welcome Hyeyeon.

After some chitchatting with her , Eunhyuk came back to his room with an angry mood

«  waaaaaaaaaaaa OMG what that y girl!!!! »

«  what? you liked her!! » Eunhyuk askedi in disveleive

«  well I have a date with her tonigh-« 

«  let me go!!!! » Yunhwa cutted Eunhyuk’s words

«  what ?! »

«  im your  twin no? let me pretend i am you,c’mooon make your bro happy »

Hyukjae’s eyes widdned « you know that you’re a genious! »

Eunhyuk then sent his brother  in his place with a happy smile , without thinking of the damages, yunhwa is crazy and doesnt  controle himself.

-Next day-


Louds knocks terrorified all the dorm the next morning

 « who is it ?? » Ryeowook whined

«  It’s mee !! » a loud high pitched voice answered

«  aissh… » Eunhyuk cursed silently from the living room

«  what do you want Hyeyeon , please we have a full day today » Donghae commented gently

The girl stepped in and looked at all of them with worried and serious face « I think im…. Pregnant !! »




omoo could that devil yunhwa ‘did’ it and now put his poor bro in a delicate situation!!


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257471 #1
Chapter 12: What....you want a child....LOL
hope you'll update soon...
Chapter 12: whoa hyukkie you want a child from hae kkkk lol :-D
Chapter 11: so she's not preggy huh o_O but she's a bit(h huh liar overload and yunhwa so funny lol :-):-)
Chapter 10: ayaaaaa you naughty yunhwa lol she's preggy by hyukkie bro lol
MyeolchiHyuk #5
Chapter 8: Jyeah...!!! Im really happy...!!!
thx for the double update..!!
Chapter 8: me i'm happy :-)<3:-D overload happeness ;)thankyu for double update
Chapter 7: sigh so sad hae hae dont cry :((
Chapter 5: hae tell hyukkie that your the one who save him from the accident :( i don't want that girl for hyukkie :(
Chapter 4: Omg yhukkie you need to wake up soon hae need you ;)
Chapter 3: Huh :o where's hyukkie :o