Eunhyuk's first night

Dream Fate

-- Hae's pov--

I'm sure i saw him before but i can't remember ..
wait ! wait ! isn't him that handsome guy of my dream ??!!
Yes yes .. i'm sure he is .. but why i'm feeling this strange feelings ?
my heart is beating hard and i'm ... Oh , Stop thinking like this donghae ! he's just a new member ..

-- No one's POV --

After the members finished introducing them selfs
they showed their talents ..
when it was Eunhyuk’s turn , Donghae didn't stop staring at him dancing , moving his body smothly ;
when it was his turn Donhae decided to sing .. and when he was singing .. he was just lookeing at Eunhyuk again dedicacing the song secretly to him,  yet Eunhyuk didn't remarque that and failed to notice too his looks that were full of… love ..  yes Donghae had fallen for him from the first sigh .

Eunhyuk liked the nice voive and singing of the fishy boy but he just thought that i twas a simple ‘welcome’ song .

After that the members spent a lot of time together , trying to help him with everything and telling him that he’ll soon will get using to that, but  when it was lunch time , each member went to have his meal in their parents's home , exept for Donghae .

The latter felt uncomfortable and nervous tought ..

Hyukae who thought that he got a new friend .. broke the silence and said " what do you think to have out a meal together ? "

Donghae smiled what seemed like an angel to Eunhyuk’s eyes  and agreed happily .

Walking to the restaurant , a loud call was heard " EUNHYUKKIIIIIE "  both boys tittled their head’s to the sound’s place and saw a  girl running towards Eunhyuk , and hugged him ..

«  I told you to not do that in front of everyone .. right ? » Eunhyuk answered at the annoying gesture

«  but i really missed you bb «  the girl did her aegyo and Eunhyuk just sighed , while Donghae was watching the full scene ..

«  Donhae ya .. this is my girlfriend , Hyeoyeon , she's a good dancer and
hyeoyeon .. this is a member of my new groupe , Donghae « 

Hyeyone eyed Donghae and smiled at him «  Hi oppa ! »

Donghae gave her a smile saying " nice to meet you "
in fact .. he felt so bad , even he wanted to cry
he didnt see that comming thus  he hold all his feeling .. Eunhyuk had a girlfriend and looks so happy with her
He couldn't do anything .. and decided to leaved them  , leave them and go to some place and eat his damn random feelings there alone.
He exused himself quickly and pratically ran out of sigh , to the only place that can ease his mind , the sea .

Pff what did I think? He’ll love me too? He is a guy!! Wake up I cant love a guy!!!!

Donghae was arguing with himself , sitting on the dry sand of the beach

Yeah I must forget abt him… he decided , but a call interrupted his toughs

--Hyuk’s pov--

I wonder why he ran and left like this,,,did some thing bad happened?….

«  what are you thinking about? Is it me by anychance me « 

By the way, I had again that dream last night… and it was him , i'm pretty sure it was Donghae again but-

«  yaaa! »

assssh , really this girl !

«  BOYA!! » i shouted , loosed my temper

«  what’s up! You act like im not here! You even don’t see me! » she replied

I breathed out big « it’s not me who told ya to come anyway.. »

«  huh ? «  he frowned , making a shocking face and i just realized what i had say

«  forget , then what do you want to eat ? «  i showed her my gummy smile

-- No one pov –

Evening, in suju’s room ~

«  Donghae are you okay? You was running earlier.. »

Eunhyuk asked in concern once he was back and saw his bandmate sitting on the couch

«  ani umm it was just…mm ah yes my brother called me he wanted to show me some of his new photos since he’s a photographe and he is my hyung so i musnt let him wait soo long , i also like each of his new poctures so its why i was exited to see them and ran «  what the i’m saying now Donghae tought to himself

«  ahh well then « Eunhyuk smiled and went to sit .

«  so guys! «  Leeteuk came from the kitchen , « This is our new member’s first night here we must decide who will share his room with ,so who want to? «  he asked and looked at all the members

«  me me me me! » sungming shouted and raised his hand cutely

«  no no you already share it with kyuhyun ! «  the leader objected

« well why we don’t let the choice to him, in the end it’s him who will live in that room not us » Heechul answered wisely

« yep ! So hyuk-ah with who you want share you’re room with? »

Eunhyuk tought for a while «  i guess … i want Donghae .. «  he mumbled to himself but was heard by all the others

Mean time Donghae was slapped out of his toughts as he heard him

«  So do you agree ? « 

Leeteuk shouted over the couch , refering to the brunette boy

«  ye..yes « 

Eunhyuk moved all his things to his and his new roomate room afterwards and bided goodinght to the members who were also so tired after the party they had for Hyukjae’s comming .

At the new shared room , Eunhyuk couldn’t sleep , it was his first night and he was a bit nervous and exited … Donghae was in the same case , he couldnt sleep either  ,,



hope you like it ^^

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257471 #1
Chapter 12: want a child....LOL
hope you'll update soon...
Chapter 12: whoa hyukkie you want a child from hae kkkk lol :-D
Chapter 11: so she's not preggy huh o_O but she's a bit(h huh liar overload and yunhwa so funny lol :-):-)
Chapter 10: ayaaaaa you naughty yunhwa lol she's preggy by hyukkie bro lol
MyeolchiHyuk #5
Chapter 8: Jyeah...!!! Im really happy...!!!
thx for the double update..!!
Chapter 8: me i'm happy :-)<3:-D overload happeness ;)thankyu for double update
Chapter 7: sigh so sad hae hae dont cry :((
Chapter 5: hae tell hyukkie that your the one who save him from the accident :( i don't want that girl for hyukkie :(
Chapter 4: Omg yhukkie you need to wake up soon hae need you ;)
Chapter 3: Huh :o where's hyukkie :o