I Can't Believe It. Deal With It

The First Day I Met You

*I wonder when it's gonna happen again* I thought smiling a bit


Sooyoung's POV


I've been been waiting and waiting for him to do some funny stuff but, nothing has happen. He's been doing it for so long and now he's not? It doesn't make sense


"What are you waiting for?" Seohyun suddenly asks


"Nothing. And he's a who by the way" I said


"I knew it. Why do you have to wait for that? What has he done to make you wait? And if you're waiting to go out with him, #1 it's not gonna happen, and #2 he's gonna hurt your feelings anytime" she said


"I don't care what he's gonna say or gonna do, and I am waiting for him cause he might do something funny like he did on the other days" I said while looking at her


"Maybe it was just a joke with all the "hi's" and "bye's" Seohyun said


"If what you just said was true I am gonna....." I stopped


"Gonna what?" she said 


"Whatever" I said and looked away


"You're too obsessed with Donghae, Sooyoung" I heard Seohyun whisper


"What?! I'm obessed?! What about you?" I shouted


"What do you mean? I'm not obsessed" she said


"Yeah you are! You're obsessed with KYUHYUN" I talked back


"I AM NOT!! HOW CAN YOU SAY THAT?!?!?! YOU'RE THE ONE WHO'S OBESSED WITH HIM! IT'S ALWAYS ABOUT DONGHAE, DONGHAE! I'm tired of hearing his name, and I barely talk about Kyuhyun, but you always talk about Donghae" Seohyun yelled back


"Yeah, you do talk about him a lot, it's always about Kyuhyun, Kyuhyun. Yes, I admit that I talked about him a lot but you do too" I talked back


"Whatever" she said


Seohyun's POV


I can't believe that Sooyoung said that I'm obsessed with Kyuhyun, she's the one who's really obsessed with Donghae, and she even just likes him because of his looks. If I was obsessed with Kyuhyun then I would just be obesses with him because of his personality.


I just stood there looking everywhere but mostly where Kyuhyun is, I found him and he looks that he's having a lot of fun. More than he has with me last year. Then, I saw Donghae walked by


While Donghae was walking by, he said, "Hey Sooyoung! I was joking about all the "hi's" and "bye's" then he walked away.


Me and Sooyoung just looked at each other and just giggled


Donghae's POV


"Hey Sooyoung! I was joking about all the "hi's" and "bye's" I said


I kept on walking towards my other friend's with Eunhyuk. When We were there, Eunhyuk and our other friends were talking and I just stood there and looked at Sooyoung


*Why isn't she sad, she's suppose to be sad after what I just said to her. She's seems so normal, why is that? SHE'S SUPPOSE TO BE SAD!* I thought


Then I looked up to my friends and they all just stared at me


"What?" I said confused


"You do know that you just said it out loud, right?" Eunhyuk said


"I-I-did?" I stuttered


"Yeah, we heard everything. But I didn't know what you were talking about" my other friend said


"I think I know what he was talking about" Yoona said


"I definitely know what he was talking about" Eunhyuk said


"Y-y-you guys do?" I stuttered again


"You were talking about all those "hi's" and "bye's" and that it was all a joke just to embarass Sooyoung" Yoona said


"Exactly" Eunhyuk said


"EUNHYUK!" I yelled


"How can you do that Sooyoung?! She really likes you and you treat her like that?! I can't believe you!" Yuri yelled


"I can't beieve you either Donghae!" Yoona said


*I can't believe that they don't know me that well either*


Seohyun's POV


I saw Sooyoung look at Donghae then looked away and I knew that there was something wrong


"What's wrong?" I asked


"Nothing" Sooyoung said head down


"Is it me? Is it when I yelled that I'm not obsessed and that you are? I'm sorry if it's that" I apologized


"No, it's not" Sooyoung said


"Then what's wrong?" I asked




"You're gonna tell me eventually" I said


"I heard that he was just trying to make me sad after what he said a few minutes ago, I bet that he was planning that he was trying to embarass me with all the "hi's" and "bye's. Then, he said that it was all a joke to make me sad. But he might see that I'm not sad so he's mad that I'm not sad " Sooyoung said


"Oh, I'm sorry" I said


"It's okay, I'll be fine eventually" she said


Then the bell rung and we went back in the school. When I went into the class I sat in a seat then I saw Donghae come in and quickly sat right beside me. During class, I was doing my work when suddenly a note appeared beside my arm


"Did you hear any news about me?" the note said


I knew that it was Donghae "Yeah, even though I didn't hear what you said but Sooyoung did and she told me all about it" I wrote back and passed it to him


"Do you think what I accidently said out loud, was wrong?" the note said


"Accidently?" I wrote back


"Yeah, I was actually thinking it in my head but then I accidently said it out loud" the note said


"Oh. Still, I bet your friends heard it and now me and Sooyoung know and I bet that all of your friends can't believe that you said that now. Especially me and Sooyoung. I can't believe you said that and thought that" I wrote back


"I care what my friends think and I can't believe that they don't know me that well. But I don't care what you and especially Sooyoung think. Deal with it, my friends do too" the note said 


I know that I haven't updated in a long long time, but here it is!

Hope you guys enjoy it! Comment and/or subscribe :D

Oh yeah, in Seohyun's part about Kyuhyun, it's a little hint/tip for the next season of "The Best and Worst Days of My Life - Season 2 - The Worst Days of My Life" ;)

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YouDunnoMe #1
nice story !!
KandyLand #2
Chapter 12: Thank god there is a sequel!
Gosh!,That story was amazing.I'll be waiting..;)
i'll be waiting! Hwaiting!
I'll be looking forward for the sequel. X3 hehehe
@min_rae: But just to let you know, the sequel is going to be update around September, so you might have to wait for a few months
I WANT THE SEQUEL!!!!!!!!!!!!<br />
@Troy_lover43: You read all of it already??? Wow, you really must like it ;)
Troy_lover43 #9
I <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 it IT WAS AMANZING
@SooWon257: It does remind you of your friends.....are they girls? Or are they boys crushing over some girls? xD