My Friend Has A Problem

The First Day I Met You

"Urrrghhhhhhh! Now I don't even know what to do" I said to my self loudly


Seohyun's POV


Sooyoung is really mad now, I don't even know what to do


"Sooyoung..........are you mad at me" I said in a apologetic and kinda cute voice


"What do you think" she said


"Yes......" I said quietly


"I just can't believe that you told him, I don't get how you can tell him that easily" Sooyoung said


"At class I didn't spill anything out but just then, when he asked me, he seemed so serious. So I had to tell him" I said seriously


"Well, you didn't have to tell him that fast, you can wait for a while and then you can tell him. Not when I only liked him a few days and then you tell him, at least wait for a couple of days more" she explained


"Sorry" I said


Sooyoung's POV


"Sorry" Seohyun said


Now what am I suppose to do. Well, I don't think he's gonna care so, I guess I'm just gonna keep on liking, and even if he says not to stare at him, I'm still gonna *evilsmirk*


While I'm staring at Donghae, I think I see that Seohyun's kinda not like herself and that she's staring at a direction where Kyuhyun is


"Seohyun, don't be sad anymore. I'm not mad at you anymore, okay?" I said to her nicely


"I'm not sad because of you, even though I still feel kinda bad about what I did to you. But I'm just thinking, I'm not sad" she said


"Your sad, I know when you're sad. Don't lie to me" I said


Tiffany came and asked, "What's wrong Seohyun?" 


"Nothing" Seohyun said


"Really? We're gonna play that game again?" Tiffany said


"I'm serious, nothing's wrong with me, I'm just.........tired" she lied


"Okay, whatever" Tiffany said


While Tiffany and Seohyun stopped talking, I was still staring at Donghae but I still notice that Seohyun is staring at the direction where Kyuhyun-ssi is


Donghae's POV


While I was hanging out with my friends, I caught a glimpse of Sooyoung not staring at me and staring at me at the same time


*She must have something in her mind or something. Wait...........Donghae.....why are you caring if she's not staring at you or not?!* I thought to myself


But I think that she's not staring is because of.........Seohyun? I suddenly walked over there without my friends noticing it before they say something that's not true


When I was there, I asked Sooyoung, "What's wrong with Seohyun?"


They both suddenly stare at me like they don't understand my words and then I heard Sooyoung say, "You asking me? Or her?"


"Of course you Sooyoung" I said


Then suddenly smiled at Seohyun and Seohyun turned to me and asked, "Why do you care?"


That's what came up to me. Why do I care?


"Uhh......................cause you're my friend?" I said oddly


"Friend?" they both said awkwardly


"Yeah..........." I said


"Okay.........." they both said again


"So.......? What's wrong?" I asked again


"None of your business" Sooyoung said


"I'm not asking you" I said meanly


I was waiting for Seohyun to answer but she didn't say a thing


Then I finally said, "Fine, if you don't wanna tell me, it's fine" and I walked away


Sooyoung's POV


OMO!!!!!!! He came to us again! I am SO happy right now!!!!!!


"Seohyun!! OMO!!!! He came to us!!!!" I said loudly and screamed in front of Seohyun


"Yeah, so? I think he just came to just ask me what was wrong with me and by the way, there is NOTHING" Seohyun said


"I wonder why he would ask me that. He doesn't seem like a caring person"


"Uhhhh,  bet he really IS caring since he came and asked YOU what was wrong, *sigh* I wish I was the one who has a problem" I said


Then Seohyun quickly said, "Hey, hey, hey! Remember, I don't have a problem"


"Yeah, yeah. Whatever you say Seohyun" I said


Seohyun's POV


Sooyoung seems like she was so happy when Donghae came here, I wnder why he was so curious of what was wrong with me. I hope that he wasn't asking me and that he was asking Sooyoung, then she would be happy and I would be happy too. But then I had to hear what she's gonna say about it and I would hear her yaping non-stop


Then, after a while I was back to my own sad, and depressed self


*Why, why?? Why does this year have to be like this. Last year was just perfectly fine, now? Now is like we aren't even friends anymore. I don't think he cares about too* I thought to myself


I hope you readers would this chapter :))

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YouDunnoMe #1
nice story !!
KandyLand #2
Chapter 12: Thank god there is a sequel!
Gosh!,That story was amazing.I'll be waiting..;)
i'll be waiting! Hwaiting!
I'll be looking forward for the sequel. X3 hehehe
@min_rae: But just to let you know, the sequel is going to be update around September, so you might have to wait for a few months
I WANT THE SEQUEL!!!!!!!!!!!!<br />
@Troy_lover43: You read all of it already??? Wow, you really must like it ;)
Troy_lover43 #9
I <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 it IT WAS AMANZING
@SooWon257: It does remind you of your friends.....are they girls? Or are they boys crushing over some girls? xD