Graduation Day - Part 1

The First Day I Met You

I can't believe that he meant all those things. He said that he actually will never like me and he actually said to me to stop starring at him. He is such a d*****bag!! But I won't give up!!! 


Sooyoung's POV


Today is the graduation day for the grade 12's!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm happy and SO sad at the same time!! I'm happy cause I can see videos in the assemblies and see Donghae's baby pictures! And I'm SO sad cause he's going to go to university/collage and I'm still in high school. It's such a sad and happy days now


"When are we gonna see the graduation video?" I asked


"Don't worry, we will soon" Seohyun said


"I wished the days would hurry up" I said


"Me too" I heard Seohyun whisper




Still Sooyoung's POV


"I can't wait for the graduation video!" I said


"Okay Sooyoung, I get it now" Tiffany said


I went back to my work and kept thinking...........


*I can't wait to see Donghae's picture! But, I really don't want school to end this year. I'll miss all my friends, especially Seohyun and other of my friends. I'll especially miss Donghae, I can't even see him next year, that's the worse part* I thought


Seohyun's POV


*sigh* I want summer to come, even though I'll miss all my friends, esecially Sooyoung, and Taeyeon. I can sleep in, and mostly, forget about Kyuhyun. I don't get how he can be like this, how can one time he'd be so nice, so funny and the second time, he's so different. I knew that he would be different the first day this year started, he didn't say hi to me at all, and that's not like him. This summer, I hope I can forget all about him




Still Seohyun's POV


"Are we gonna have the graduation video today?" Sooyoung asked again


"Yeah, we are" one of our friend said


"YES!!" Sooyoung said


Then, one of me and Sooyoung's friend asked our teacher, "Our we gonna watch the grad video today?"


"Yeah, we are" one of our friend said


"No, we're not" the teacher said


"Oh" we all said


"Really? Danm it!" Sooyoung said


"We're gonna watch it tomorrow" the teacher said


"I guess we have to wait until tomorrow" I said


"You think" Sooyoung said


We started our lesson for today, after the teacher told us what to do, we couldn't stop talking. We kept talking and talking that we barely even did our work. Then, it was break time. At break time, we ate then we went outside


"Guess what?" Sooyoung said 


"What?" I asked


"Okay, so.......Donghae got his haircut" she said


"" I said


"It looks like my ex-boyfriend's hair!" Sooyoung said


"Ohhhhhhh! So?" I said


"I'm just telling ya" she said


"Okay...." I said


"WAIT!!" I said


"What?" Sooyoung said freaking out


"Since your ex-boyfriend and Donghae almost have the same haircut, then you can get over Donghae because you got over you ex-boyfriend! Cause you don't like your ex-boyfriend so you can not like Donghae! IT MAKES SO MUCH SENSE!!!" I said happily


"YOUR SO MEAN!!!" Sooyoung said


"It makes sense though!" I said


"Whatever!" she said


                                                                                                                   TO BE CONTINUED



This is another chapter of my story!

And also, some of you readers might be sad when I say this. IT'S ALMOST OVER!!!!!!!! :(

Don't worry, if it's over, cause I'm gonna have a surprise for you readers, it might not be really a surprise but I have no other words for it

Well, enjoy, comment and/or subscribe! :D

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YouDunnoMe #1
nice story !!
KandyLand #2
Chapter 12: Thank god there is a sequel!
Gosh!,That story was amazing.I'll be waiting..;)
i'll be waiting! Hwaiting!
I'll be looking forward for the sequel. X3 hehehe
@min_rae: But just to let you know, the sequel is going to be update around September, so you might have to wait for a few months
I WANT THE SEQUEL!!!!!!!!!!!!<br />
@Troy_lover43: You read all of it already??? Wow, you really must like it ;)
Troy_lover43 #9
I <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 it IT WAS AMANZING
@SooWon257: It does remind you of your friends.....are they girls? Or are they boys crushing over some girls? xD