Graduation Day - Part 2

The First Day I Met You

"Whatever!" she said




Donghae's POV


Okay, so today is the graduation video day. Damn it! I can't believe that it is! I guarantee that Sooyoung will be screaming her lungs out, but if she does do that, then she won't be able to talk that much, and when she doesn't talk that much, she won't scream about me or talk about me in front of her friends. And I'm guessing that her friends won't want her either to talk about me anymore too! It's such a great yet bad thing that's mostly gonna happen! *sigh* I'm so smart at thinking. And my friends say I'm not, *pfft*


"Hey Donghae! Today's the graduation day. You excited?" Eunhyuk asked


"A little" I said


"But that girl's gonna scream, aren't you gonna be embarrassed?" he asked


"Oh yeah, definitely. I will definitely be embarrassed. But it's a good thing if she screams too" I smirked


"Why........" Eunhyuk asked


" *sigh* Eunhyuk. If she screams, then she'll scream her lungs out right? And she usually does that right?" I said


"Yeah......." he said in confusion


"Then, she might lose her voice and she can't really talk for a while. If she doesn't talk for a while or scream, it means she doesn't really talk about me in front of her friends. And I bet that her friends might like that. Maybe Tiffany might like that since I've seen her tell Sooyoung to shut up before, and for Seohyun..... I guess she will definitely think that it's kinda good for Sooyoung to shut up for a while about me. But I bet she won't say shut up to Sooyoung, since they're really best friends. Eunhyuk, think for once!" I said


"How come you're so clear of what Sooyoung and her friends think and be like? Are you stalking them" Eunhyuk asked 


"DUDE! DEFINITELY NOT! I'm guessing, haven't you heard that word before? Why would I be so clear what that b***h and her friends are thinking and be like? I'm just guessing dude" I said


"Okay dude. Calm down" he said


Seohyun's POV


Can't believe that today's the last day of school. I can't see my friends anymore till next year, and I'm gonna hear Sooyoung scream her lungs out when the graduation video is on. *sigh* Sad, sad, sad. But the only good thing that is that I don't have to see Kyuhyun. I wonder what's gonna be like when the grad video is on.........and what's gonna show on the video instead of the baby pictures of the grade 12s? We'll see.......


"EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TODAY'S THE GRADUATION VIDEO DAY!!!!!!! CAN'T WAIT!!!" Sooyoung shouted


"AH! SOOYOUNG! Don't have to scream!" I said irritated


"Yah, Sooyoung ah?" I asked


"Ne?" she said


"What do you think's gonna show instead the baby pictures in the grad video?" I asked


"I don't know" 




Sooyoung's POV


*party rock is in the house tonight!,

everybody just have a good time,

and we gonna make you lose your mind,

everybody just have a good time!*


I heard the music going in the gym and I was singing to it. I couldn't believe that they were playing this song. And this song is MY FAVORITE!


*Well, that answers Seohyun's question about what else it gonna play instead of the baby pictures*


"SEOHYUN AH! THERE'S YOUR ANSWER TO YOUR QUESTION!" I yelled since the music was SO loud


"YEAH! I'VE NOTICED!" Seohyun yelled back


We were going to where we're seated. We sat down and just watched the music video for the song that was playing. Me and Seohyun were singing along to the song


"Everyday I'm shuffling"  me and Seohyun sang


"Hello everybody. How are you today?" the principal suddenly said


"GOOD!" everyone shouted


"Are you guys excited for summer?" the principal asked


"Yaaa!!!! Noooo!!!!" some of the students yelled out


The principal kept on talking and me and Seohyun were like waiting for the best part of the graduation video which the graduation video itself. But then, some of the students had to give flowers to some of the staff members of this school that are leaving this school. Then, one of our classmate has been called up to give something to our vice principal that's going to another school next year


"Mr./Ms./Mrs._______, the students made a poster so you could remember us and we wrote words about you that's in "The Book of Awesome" that we're gonna to give you too. And we all hope you have a great time during the summer and in your new school" one of our classmate said


Then everyone applauded, me and Seohyun were thinking that this whole thing was over when the principal announced that one of the student in each class will give a flower to their teacher


"Sooyoung ah, you should go give a flower to our teacher!" Seohyun suddenly said


"What?! Fine!" I said


I put my hand up and our teacher picked me


Seohyun's POV


Our teacher chose Sooyoung to give a flower to him, I saw her standing up there holding a flower. I was smiling and I gave a thumbs up to Sooyoung, then I did a heart sign to her and she just laughed


"Now everybody, please give the flower you're holding to your teacher" the principal said


I saw Sooyoung giving the flower to the teacher, our teacher bowed, I guess is was a sign of thanking her....? Sooyoung was coming back to her seat


"Okay, so I gave the flower to him and he was like "Thank you very much Sooyoung" and he bowed to me then I had to say "Your welcome" and I bowed a bit" she giggled


"Nice, you got a bow from a teacher, it happens not often. You're lucky" I winked at her


"Shut up!" she smiled


All of the students were chattering then we all looked up when the principal was talking


"Now is the time where everyone has been waiting for. We are gonna watch the graduation video!" the principal said


Everybody literally cheered and clapped. I looked over to Sooyoung to see what her reaction was like, and of course, she will clapping real happily and she was looking at me with the happiest face that I imaginably think correctly. So I couldn't help but to smile back. We watched the grad video and the music was SO loud, so me and Sooyoung were singing to it. And you CANNOT believe what she said to me


"Cause baby you're a firework!

Come on, show'em what you're worth!


Make'em go "oh! oh! oh!"

As you're shooting cross the sky-y-y!"


"STOP SCREAMING!" Sooyoung suddenly yelled


*BWOH?!?!?!?! SHE THINKS THAT I'M SCREAMING?!?! That's called singing out LOUD in the music video the singer sings like that too. I'm just trying to sing like her and I did it before, it's not called screaming to me* I thought making a irritated face






I decided to stop talking and just focus on the video before me and Sooyoung's talk actually turns into a fight. But if it will be, I'll always try my best to fight out of it or either fight it but saying things that makes sense so the other person can stop talking about it. After that song ended, me and Sooyoung started to talk a bit again


"OH MY GOSH!!! It's Donghae!!!" Sooyoung said when she him in one of the pictures


"Oh god" I whispered


Sooyoung saw another picture of Donghae and she screamed again


"SHUT UP!!!" one of the student in another class


Me and Sooyoung looked at each other and laughed


Donghae's POV


God! I heard her screaming, what an embarrassing moment it was. *sigh* But too bad she didn't scream her lungs out, that would be good. Good thing someone said shut up to her, I thank that person for doing that


"Can you hear that scream? I think it's only coming from your annoying crush" Eunhyuk said


"Yes, it is. At least I heard someone say shut up to her" I said


"Can you believe that it's the last day of school? I mean like, next year, we'll be juniors in high school. *sigh* Can't wait. And lucky enough, we'll get to meet new girls and we can FINALLY get away from the most annoying girl that fell for you" Eunhyuk said


"Yeah, can't wait till high school comes, but then next next year, she'll come to our high school and then she'll have a crush on me again" I said sadly


"Donghae, things might change, she won't see you for a whole year, don't you think that she might get over you?" he said


"Yeah, maybe. Luckily, I hope she will. Do you know how annoying it is to have an annoying girl, talking about you, starring at you, screaming when your photo shows up? Very I tell ya, SUPER VERY!" I said


"Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know" Eunhyuk said


All of a sudden, I heard someone say something


"Shut up Sooyoung" 


I turned around and I saw that Tiffany was saying that to Sooyoung. I turned back and watched the video. Now, it was a video that showed our baby pictures then showed our grad pictures. I was watching all of the students baby pictures and their grad pictures, and finally, I saw mine. And also, I heard screaming, of only like 1 person, and of course I would know who it is


Sooyoung's POV


OMG! I saw Donghae's baby picture! He looks so cute!



I screamed so loud! But I couldn't help it, he was too cute. Finally the baby pictures video ended, then I could not believe what I saw. It was the music video for the song that was playing when we first came in! But the characters, were our TEACHERS!!! OMO!!!! I cannot believe it! I laughed so hard and Seohyun just sat there watching the video. The music video was finally over and we went back to our class


"Man, that was a great assembly" I said


"Yeah, it was" Seohyun said


We went back to our class and we chilled then we played some fun mature games. Our teacher let some of our students bring in their Wii. Me and Seohyun  at the game we played


Finally, sadly, we had to go home and then it was gonna be summer. Me and Seohyun went outside, and we saw my dad


"Sooyoung ah, can your dad drive me home? I don't really wanna take the bus today" Seohyun suddenly asked


"Sure, I'll ask" I said


I saw my dad and asked, "Daddy? Can you drive Seohyun home?"

"Sure" my dad said
The bell rang and then me and Seohyun hopped on the car
Seohyun's POV
Sooyoung's dad were telling all these things that made me and mostly Sooyoung laugh. I called my dad to tell him that I'm on my way home and that Sooyoung's dad's driving me home, my dad was all okay with it. On the way home, Sooyoung couldn't stop laughing of what her dad is saying, I don't know if she does this often or when I'm here, she's just new to it
"So, what happened at school today? Do you guys have any homework?" Sooyoung's dad asks
"Daddy, why would we have homework on the last day of school?" Sooyoung asked
"In my days, we had homework on the last day of school. So I thought you guys would too" her dad said
"Well, of course we don't. It's not the olden days daddy" she said
Sooyoung's POV
We're on Seohyun's street and Seohyun is showing my dad where she lives
"It's 52. My house number is 52" Seohyun said
And finally, we were at her house
Sooyoung & Seohyun's POV
We both got off the car and we both hugged each other
"Bye Sooyoung" 
"Bye Seohyun" 
"Have a nice summer" we both said
"The First Day I Met You" is over :'(
Don't worry, there's gonna be much much much more next time. Cause I am gonna write a sequel to it!!!!! 
Yay!! :D 
Well, hope you guys enjoy, comment and/or subscribe ^^
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YouDunnoMe #1
nice story !!
KandyLand #2
Chapter 12: Thank god there is a sequel!
Gosh!,That story was amazing.I'll be waiting..;)
i'll be waiting! Hwaiting!
I'll be looking forward for the sequel. X3 hehehe
@min_rae: But just to let you know, the sequel is going to be update around September, so you might have to wait for a few months
I WANT THE SEQUEL!!!!!!!!!!!!<br />
@Troy_lover43: You read all of it already??? Wow, you really must like it ;)
Troy_lover43 #9
I <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 it IT WAS AMANZING
@SooWon257: It does remind you of your friends.....are they girls? Or are they boys crushing over some girls? xD