The Middle Row

Behind The Scenes ll EXO-M Interactive Game




The middle row it was. You barely walked up the first two steps when you heard snickering and whispering coming from two girls in the front row. You turned to see what they were snickering about only to catch the girl with long auburn hair giving you the once-over before resuming her whispered conversation with the friend next to her. You ignored it and continued up the steps. Every student was dressed in their mustard yellow uniform, guys and girls alike. The only article of clothing that differentiated them from others were their shoes, bag and accessories.

You made yourself comfortable in the seat adjacent to the steps, allowing you to get in and out easily. You watched as other students slowly walk into the theatre, friends glued to their side. As you continued to watch the oncomings of people, you noticed that everyone seemed to know at least one other person. The fact that you were the new kid began to jab at you, a fact that loomed over you as you looked at the people around you. Being the new kid was one of the top awkward situations you wanted to avoid. Having to stand up in front of a classroom full of judgemental young adults and giving an short yet unnecessary introduction about yourself, an introduction which no one listens to in the first place. Introducing yourself to a group of uninterested students was just the tip of 'new kid' scenario. FInding a place to sit and eat for lunch as well as working on group projects are what makes the life of the new kid scary and grim.  

You looked down at you lap just in time to feel the vibration of your phone.


* 1 new message *

Have you seen him yet?



God, this girl was impatient.

'No I haven't seen him yet.' You were inches from pressing the send button when a group of guys, howling and laughing burst through the theatre doors. You looked up and saw about six or so guys hi-fiving each other, some had their arms around each other. As they proceeded up the steps, your eyes spotted a familiar face.


The group made their way up the steps, before forming a single file line in front of you. You moved your leg to the side to make room for them to walk past. The line they formed reminded you of a congo line. They all had placed their hands on the shoulders of the person directly in front of them, the only thing they had to do was kick their legs out to the beat of the music.

"Bro, watch out for the girl." A guy with brown hair and a slim frame smiled at you before slapping the guy in front of him as they shuffled past.

"Excuse us." Another guy dramatically bowed in front of you, removing an invisible top hat from his head causing the people behind him to halt to a stop. This earnt him a back handed slap from the guy behind him. 

"Sorry about him." The familiar face apologised with a smile before shuffling along with the others. Your eyes continued to follow the guy to his seat, just to make sure that the person you saw was in fact Luhan.  When they all had made themselves comfortable in their seats, you leaned forward, peering past a couple of guys next to you to get a good look at the guy. It was confirmed. The guy was Hyeri's prince charming. 

You were about to lean back into your seat when an epiphany struck you. The morning of entering the academy, when you almost walked into a tree. You tried to recall the incident or more specifically the guy who stopped the potentially embarassing tree face plant. He was slightly taller than you, handsome of course, large eyes with soft facial features... Your eyes widened in realisation as you looked over at Luhan. You wanted to crawl into a hole and never come out again. Why? Of all the people you could've bumped into that day did it have to be him? 

"Are you a Luhan fan?" The guy who sat next to you asked, .

"No." You quickly turned away in embarassment, quietly cursing yourself. You silently prayed that he didn't tell Luhan that there was a psycho fangirl sitting just four seats away from him. You leaned back into the chair, wishing that the cushiony backing would just open up and swallow you.

"That's what they all say." He laughed and turned to talk to the person next to him.

You tried to erase the embarassement by placing all your attention into typing a reply to Hyeri. You wondered if you should tell her that you were just four seats away from her prince. But decided against it, after all it was 8:45 am, too early to be bombarded with interrogation about what he is wearing, what he smells like and there were potential threats (other girls).


Yeah I saw him




Nice and simple. You tucked your phone back into your pocket and focused your attention on the podium at the front of the room. 

A middle aged man dressed in a tailored dark navy suit, laptop tucked under his right arm walked towards the podium at the front of the hall. "Good morning everyone, I am professor Oh and I'll be taking you for Korean literature." Professor Oh had jet black hair that was neatly sleeked back. His steel brown eyes were covered by the black rimmed glasses that sat perfectly on his face. His lips were pursed as he placed his laptop on the podium, displeased with the amount of chatter being produced in the room. He clipped what you assumed is a small audio device between the second and third button of his white shirt before speaking. "As you all know, we accept eleven students from different schools each year and this year is no different. Sitting among you are this year's eleven." 

So there were eleven other students in the room that were also new. Could these people be your fellow commorades? But from your obsevation of the student body, they all seem to have blended in perfectly with the rest of them. They also probably met someone who they could call a friend.

"And like every other year, I'll not be pointing out who they are to ensure that they have a smooth transition into the school year. Now would everyone like to open their laptops, we'll begin our lesson."

You watched as everyone pulled out either a slim notebook (laptop) or a tablet from their bag. No folders stuffed with unorganised papers, pens spilling out of pencil cases or tattered notebooks could be seen. You felt embarassed pulling out your laptop which looked like a dirty cement truck compared to their sleek sports car of a device. At least you brought your laptop along with you. Placing your device on the small table, you opened it just like the professor had instructed. However, you had no clue to what to do next. So you stared blankly at the screen.

"Notes." The guy next to you spoke up again.

Unsure if he was talking to you, you looked over at him, "huh?"

"The professor wants us to take notes." He pointed to his own screen, which had a blank document opened up.

"Oh... Thanks." You smiled, and opened up a blank document just like the one on his screen.

Ten minutes into the lesson where professor Oh was explaining the period which greatly impacted Korean literature, a guy waltzed in through the doors. Everyone's attention was diverted from the professor to the guy that just entered. "Nice of you to join us Mr Kim."

You stared at 'Mr Kim' as he strode nonchalantly past you, wishing that he was anywhere but here.

Throughout the lecture, you could feel your phone vibrating non-stop against your thigh but promptly ignored it beause you didn't think anyone could hear the buzzing of the device. But you were wrong.

"Phone." The guy whispered as he typed out notes, barely looking at you. 

He was really a one worded guy and you really needed to learn his name, otherwise you had to refer to him as 'the guy that sat next to you' or 'OW' one-word.

"Sorry." You apologised and discreetly pulled out your phone and checked who was causing the incessant vibration. Hyeri. You should have known. 






That was the last time OW spoke to you. The remainder of the lesson carried on with Professor Oh explaining and summarising the main topics of Korean Literature. As the time for lunch ticked closer, there was an increase of audible chatter of students eager to get of class. When the clock struck eleven, Professor Oh thanked the students for coming before unplugging himself from the microphone and gathering his things. You closed the lid of your laptop and quickly shoved it in your bag before standing up to leave. It was best to get out of there before the congo line walked past you again.

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Chapter 28: I cant see the pictures! and your fanfic is great ^3^
Chapter 47: Yes, he and his stupid face. >< The girls seem nice, and woah, that school.
Thank you for updating! :)
Chapter 36: I really didn't mind all the Chen interaction that happened on my way to getting here. :D That was quite a start at a new school. I wonder what will happen next.
Chapter 36: Flirty Chen is too much for my poor heart to handle! <3
Chapter 18: Stuck on this chappie :(
Chapter 35: omoooooo so cute! I wanna see what happens next!
SMfan4evrAKB48 #7
Chapter 33: "Worse than a . It was Chen" This fandom I cant even xD
Chapter 18: Please update soon! Author-nim fighting~
oppaa2728 #9
Chapter 18: cant wait for next chapter ^.^
kpop_luv #10
Chapter 27: Yay she got in~~~ now the partay