The Big Day (Ver. 2)

Behind The Scenes ll EXO-M Interactive Game



The big day finally arrived and you were nervous as hell. You had butterflies in your stomach and your palms were sticky from the sweat. "Calm down ________. Calm~" You chanted to yourself 'It's only an exam...Only an exam.' Your mum was still asleep, so it was just you who was awake. She left a small good luck note on the kitchen counter to make up for her absence. You were dressed in your school uniform with your hair tied up in a ponytail, up and out of the way.

"Good Morning~~" Hyeri sang as she burst through the front door. "I brought you something." She reached into her black tote bag and pulled out a bottle of green stuff. She handed you the bottle, "drink it. It's good for revitalising your body and enhancing the concentration of the mind."

You hesitantly accepted the drink, "What's in here?" You held the bottle up to eye level, looking at the colour and unknown particles as you swirled the drink.

"Healthy things. Now drink IT!" Hyeri snatched the bottle, unscrewed it's lid and handed it back to you.

You took a small sip, "hey it's not bad." You tasted hints of orange and lemon but then out of no where another taste emerged. An unknown taste that made you scrunch your face in disgust. "Ewww... what the hell is in here?" You coughed.

"I told you. Healthy stuff." Hyeri smiled "Anyway we have to go now or you'll be late for your exam." She pushed you from the kitchen all the way out to the front door.


< In front of the examination hall >

'This is it.' You thought to yourself as you stood in front of the entry way of the facility, with Hyeri's arm linked through yours. The butterflies in your stomach evolved from a swarm to a tsunami, fluttering everywhere in your stomach.

Hyeri unhooked her arm from yours and turned you around to face her. "You got this okay _______. Look at all of them." She pointed at the students entering the facility. "Their brains are nothing compared to yours. Their grades are nothing compared to yours. They're nothing compared to you. Plus they didn't eat my deliciously healthy packed lunch for a week."

"Ummm... Thanks for the confidence boost." You gave her a hug before walking through the entrance.

"Good Luck!" Hyeri screamed, frightening several passerbys. You smiled and breathed in deeply, 'You can do this ______. Fighting.'

You walked towards the building, stopping right at the front to let the officials to verify your name and personal details before handing you your name card and your seat number. 'Number 205' You stared at the card, 'There can't possibly be 204 people applying for this scholarship can there?' You laughed to yourself, 'There's just no way.' However the moment you stepped through those double doors, you were completely blown away. Right in front of you were a sea of heads, and hundreds of rows of tables and chairs. 'No there can't be 204 people applying because there are a thousand applying instead.' The confidence that you had outside the facility evaporised before your eyes. 'Oh God.'


Exam: There are 4 catergories to this exam. Each catergoy will have 4 questions, each in which you must choose correct answer. Submissions (is necessary) of all answers as a private message will gain you the link to the next chapter. You'll be given a mark out of 22.



1. The expanded form of ( x - 9 )2 is:

a) x2 - 9x - 81

b) x2 - 18x - 81

c) x- 18x +81


2. The line that is parallel to the line with the equation y=2x+3 and passes through the point (-3,2) has the equation:

a) y=2x+8

b) 2x+y=5

c) y=2x-4


3. The angle of elevation from a campsite to the top of a mountain is 7.5o. On a map the horizontal distance between a campsite to the top of the mountain is 2.9km. The height, to the nearest metre, of the mountain peak above the campsite is:

a) 0.382 km

b) 0.379 km

c) 2.925 km


4. The simplified form of ( 6xy3)2 / 3x3y2 × x4y0 :

a) 3y3/ x10

b) 3y4/ x5

c) y6/ 2x6



1. Light years is related to:

a) Energy

b) Speed

c) Distance


2. Wright Brothers are regarded inventors of:

a) Bike

b) Aeroplane

c) None of these


3. Who discovered Uranus:

a) Copernicus

b) Ganleo

c) Hershel


4. Alexander Fleming discovered:

a) Pencilin

b) Streptomycin

c) X-ray



1. What is the shape of the Earth's orbit:

a) Circular

b) Parabolic

c) Elliptical


2. Which river in the world carries the maximum volume of water:

a) Nile

b) Amazon

c) Mississippi- Missouri


3. The layer of atmosphere closest to the Earth is called:

a) Troposphere

b) Exosphere

c) Stratosphere


4. Which of the following is the capital and seaport of Phillippines?

a) Davao

b) Zamboanga

c) Manila



Write a 100-200 word paragraph on the following topic of your choice:

a) Out of the twelve EXO powers, which would you rather have and why.

b) Why do you think Infinite constantly change their 'infinite' logo?

c) If Infinite were vampires (non- sparkly) and EXO were wolves which side would you be on?




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Chapter 28: I cant see the pictures! and your fanfic is great ^3^
Chapter 47: Yes, he and his stupid face. >< The girls seem nice, and woah, that school.
Thank you for updating! :)
Chapter 36: I really didn't mind all the Chen interaction that happened on my way to getting here. :D That was quite a start at a new school. I wonder what will happen next.
Chapter 36: Flirty Chen is too much for my poor heart to handle! <3
Chapter 18: Stuck on this chappie :(
Chapter 35: omoooooo so cute! I wanna see what happens next!
SMfan4evrAKB48 #7
Chapter 33: "Worse than a . It was Chen" This fandom I cant even xD
Chapter 18: Please update soon! Author-nim fighting~
oppaa2728 #9
Chapter 18: cant wait for next chapter ^.^
kpop_luv #10
Chapter 27: Yay she got in~~~ now the partay