Safe Choice

Behind The Scenes ll EXO-M Interactive Game



"That one." You pointed at the outfit without hesitation. The other outfits didn't fit your taste and it didn't feel like you.

"Of course you would choose that one. It practically screams ________'s style but with more legs showing." Hyeri sighed and picked up the outfit. You walked to the check out counter.

You didn't know what Hyeri was expecting. You weren't going to wear something that you didn't feel comfortable in, that would be like wearing prescription sunglasses when you have 20/20 vision. Okay, that was a bad comparison but you understand what I mean. This was the last party you would have with these people and you wanted to be you until the end.

You walked around the store while you waited for Hyeri to pay. You were looking at the display mannique at the front of the store, when a guy who was awkwardly standing out in front of the store, surrounded by a circle of shopping bags caught your attention. It was Minho. Poor dude had to follow Hyeri around while carrying the party supplies as well as Hyeri's newly brought party outfit, which consisted of 7 pieces all brought from 7 different stores. So that was 8 bags plus an additional 7 bags, so he was basically carrying 15 bags in total. Poor guy. You offered to carry some to lighten his load but he declined, saying that it wasn't gentlemanly to let girls carry heavy bags.

"Here..." Hyeri handed you the bag, "I don't know why you want to wear such a boring outfit to your celebratory party for. It's a party not a book club meeting." Hyeri shakes her head in disapproval.

"Wait.." You grabbed Hyeri's arm before she walked through the store door. "What about those?" You pointed to the seat covered with the outfits Hyeri organised.

"What about it?" Hyeri looked at you.

"Aren't we going to put them away?" You tried. This was an annoying habit that you kind of had. Everything you either borrowed or took must be returned to it's originally position. Like when you've just finished eating a meal at the food court in a shopping centre. You know how those meals are usually served on a plastic tray? Well, most people when they finish eating, they would leave the tray on the table for the cleaners to pack up. Nope, not you. It was in your nature to clean up after yourself. Even in restaurants, you feel obliged to stack the plates neatly so that it wouldn't be such a hassle when the workers came around to clean up. To clear things up, you don't have OCD or anything like that, you just didn't like people cleaning up after you.

"Hello? That's what the shop assistants are there for?" Hyeri looked at you like you've lost your mind. "Plus they can put my outfits on the mannequins, cause what they have on right now is soo not cute."


Hyeri was definitely not exaggerating when she said there was a lot of things to get done before the event began. The place was huge, both in height and length wise. How she managed to get the owner's parents to let her use this place was beyond your understanding. Your job was to set up the tables for the food and drinks. How did you get stuck with such a boring yet tedious job, you may ask? Well, for starters Hyeri knew that everyone helping out right now, had a mutual friendship with alcohol. She also knew that they lived by a 'do-whatever-I-want-whenever-I-want' motto, which meant that if they were in charge of the food/drinks, the food supplies would have shrunken by 50% and the alcohol would be non-existent.  

Hyeri left 2 hours before you, apparently looking hot and cute at the same time required a lot of time and patience. You decided to stay back a little while longer, to help finish the preparations. Its the least you could do since Hyeri and her friends paid for all the food and drinks. Minho also stayed behind to help you set up. The guy was pretty decent; he was easy-going, smart and he had a killer sense of humor. Too bad he only met two out of the six requirements on Hyeri's list. (Refer to Ch. Hyeri's list) Otherwise Hyeri would have given him some kind of chance to be her boyfriend and not her personal baggage handler.

"Aren't you the guest of honor or something like that?" Minho looked up from the crisps he was pouring into a bowl.

"If you mean the person they're throwing the party for. Then yes. That's me." You threw the empty bag of crisps into the bin before grabbing the next bag of crisps.

"Then shouldn't you be at home curling your hair or painting your nails?"

You laughed, "Look at me. Do I look like the painting my nails type of girl? I didn't even pick out the clothes I'm wearing." Oops, you weren't suppose to tell him that. Stupid. "Uhmm..umm...What I mean is that fashion and beauty is not my thing."

"Trust me, fashion and beauty is every girls 'thing'." Minho gave a knowing smile.

< Party >

Hyeri was right, this was a party and every girl that turned up tonight was wearing something partyish. Outfits that exposed some kind of skin either their legs, arms, back, chest or even stomach. Some came showing all five.

"You look like a lost lamb." Someone whispered in your ear.

You turned around in shock, only to see Minho laughing. "What's that suppose to mean?"

"I don't know, you just remind me of an innocent lamb who just walked into the big bad wolf's lair." Minho tried to contain his laughter.

You didn't know why he found it so funny that you were wearing this. You obviously told him that you have zero interest in fashion and beauty. He should've seen this coming."You can tell me straight out that I'm not appropriately dressed. No need to talk in code." You crossed your arms in front of your chest.

"No no no no.... that's not what I meant. You look nice." Minho tried to reassure you. That's easy for him to say. He was dressed like every other guy at this party. Skinny jeans and a t-shirt/shirt. He had no right to talk. "let's go get a drink before it's all gone." He placed a hand on your back, ready to steer you to the food and drinks area.

"I don't drink alcohol." You said a matter of factly.

Minho stared at you stunned. "Wha-how-wh- okay let's go get me a drink then." Minho directed you to the kitchen, "and you can tell me your no alcohol policy."

You smiled, allowing him to direct you to the kitchen.

The house was already crowded with kids from your school and others that you've never seen before, by the time Hyeri arrived. Hyeri always arrived late to parties, even when they were her own and she was the host. However, the term she preferred to use was 'fashionably-late'. With her own words, "There's really no point arriving early to a party that you've spent hours getting ready for. Why? For starters, there would be no one there to admire or praise your outfit and by the time people start arriving the wow factor would have decreased. Therefore to make heads turn and initiate jealous stares you have to arrive thrity to an hour late to the party. That way everyone's attention would be on you."

Minho spotted Hyeri straight away and excused himself. Poor smitten guy. Minho had kept you company in the lounge room while you told him your zero fascination with alcohol, but that he was gone you were all alone. You decided to go to the backyard since that was where the more active part of the party was at. The party was mainly centred around the outdoor pool, that was where most of the talking, eating, dancing and even swimming took place. The music was pumping out all the hit tunes at an incredibly loud volume. it was so loud that you could feel it pulsating in your chest. The backyard looked amazing with fairy lights streaming down and across the trees, they almost resembled stars.

You walked around the house for a bit, chatted to a few people and received the 'Oh my god congratulations' speech from everyone, including those who you've never seen before. After walking making your 4th round around the place you decided it was time to:


Go Home 



Eat some food ( Coming Soon ! )



Sorry for the long wait guys. The heat wave in Australia has literally melted my ideas and fried my brain. Thanks to all the new subscribers for subscribing. I hope this story meets all your expectations. Actually I hope this story meets everyone's  expectations :)


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Chapter 28: I cant see the pictures! and your fanfic is great ^3^
Chapter 47: Yes, he and his stupid face. >< The girls seem nice, and woah, that school.
Thank you for updating! :)
Chapter 36: I really didn't mind all the Chen interaction that happened on my way to getting here. :D That was quite a start at a new school. I wonder what will happen next.
Chapter 36: Flirty Chen is too much for my poor heart to handle! <3
Chapter 18: Stuck on this chappie :(
Chapter 35: omoooooo so cute! I wanna see what happens next!
SMfan4evrAKB48 #7
Chapter 33: "Worse than a . It was Chen" This fandom I cant even xD
Chapter 18: Please update soon! Author-nim fighting~
oppaa2728 #9
Chapter 18: cant wait for next chapter ^.^
kpop_luv #10
Chapter 27: Yay she got in~~~ now the partay