Wobbly pots and a finishing touch

Behind The Scenes ll EXO-M Interactive Game



You decided that it was time to head home, after all, there was no one here that you would actually call a "friend"; besides Hyeri, of course. However, she was somewhere out in the back, socialising, dancing and all the other good stuff you disliked about parties. Hyeri was the queen of parties, she was a great hostess and an even better invitee.

You didn't know if anyone here even knew that this was a party for you. Heck, you didn't even know if they knew who you are. You weren't socially awkward or anything, your social skills may have hindered you a little, but you just weren't that great at making friends. It wasn't one of your fortes, as strange as that may sound.

You moved from the kitchen through to the front living area and continued down the hall, heading straight for the front door. You couldn't wait to get home, strip out of these uncomfortable clothes and into something warm, baggy and most importantly, something that would win Hyeri's disapproval. The door was only three metres away, a few steps within your reach until you heard the sound of a door closing behind you. You prayed that the person wasn't a close friend of Hyeri.

"________?" a female voice queried

 You squeezed your eyes shut, as a feeling of failure and guilt mixed with anger washed over you. Damn it. You were almost there. Why god? Why do enjoy torturing me so much? You calmed yourself down, placed on an 'I'm not doing anything suspicious' face before turning around and facing the interceptor. "Hi." you smiled, hoping that it didn't look shady.

"Were you just about to leave?" Mimi pointed at the door. 

Out of all people to catch you trying to leave the party, it had to be one of Hyeri's closest friends. Of course, this would happen to you because you basically had the worst luck in the world when it comes to anything besides school work. Plus knowing Mimi, she would most definitely tell Hyeri about this accidental run in. 

"What? Me? Leave? No." You waved off her accusation like it was a joke. 

She looked at you with a doubtful gaze, unsure to whether you were telling the truth or not.

"I was just looking for the...." You trailed off. What am I looking for? A way out of this party was definitely what you were looking for but there was no way you could tell her that. Not only do you have the world's worst luck, you were also the world's worst liar. When put in situations where you had to deceive people, your mind worked a slow as a herd of snails travelling through peanut butter to come up with a realistic and believable story/lie to feed your victims. "The bathroom. I was looking for the bathroom." You quickly reassured her. The bathroom excuse was pretty cliche, but extremely effective. Well, according to all the movies you watched, the excuse seemed to be pretty effective. 

Mimi's gaze kept its doubtful exterior for a few seconds before it slowly crumbled to your lie. "Oh okay. Well, its down that corridor and two doors to your left."

You couldn't believe that the excuse worked. "Thanks" 

There were always three of them. The leader would be in the middle and the two sidekicks would be positioned on either side. In movies, the two sidekicks aren't very smart but to make up for the lack of brains, they are very appealing to the eyes and are armed with a mouth that would spit back any kind of comment you throw at them. The same scenario could be applied to this situation. Mimi and Hana were Hyeri's 'sidekicks' and sidekicks always reported back to their leader.

"Come outside when your done. Oh congrats by the way. I can't believe you get to go to a school with all those hot guys you see on tv."

"Umm...yeah... thanks." You followed the directions that Mimi gave you. Maybe there was a door that leads through to the front yard, you thought to yourself. Yeah right. Fat chance of that happening, With your luck, you might as well expect Hyeri to be standing at the end of the hall waiting for you.

You locked the bathroom door behind you before sitting down on the toilet, with the toilet lid down of course. What are you suppose to do now? You kneaded your forehead with your fingers then it came to you. There was a fence door located on the right side of this very wealthy home, a door that connected the backyard to the front yard. A door that was tucked well away from the bustling party, semi drunk students and hopefully from the couples who couldn't keep their hands off each other.

A perfect escape route... hopefully.

You half walk, half ran to the back door, dodging people from school who'd recognise you. You didn't want a repeat of the earlier incident with Mimi. The alley was almost pitch black if it wasn't for the single light feature that was screwed into the wall. The light was just bright enough for you to see what was in alley; a couple of empty beer boxes, rubbish bins and empty pots. When you rounded the corner of the house, you made an immediate dash for the door. You twisted the door knob expecting the well oiled bolts to slide back seamlessly and the door to swing open. Sadly, the handle retracted with a 'clang', there was no movement from the door. You tried the handle again and again but the door stayed bolted in its place.

"Damn it" You cursed, your hands dropping to your side in defeat. Well there goes yet another unsuccessful escape plan.

You raked your fingers through your hair in frustration, as you turned your back to the door. "Now what?" You angrily muttered to yourself. Your sights fell on the stack of the pots that laid next to the fence and a smile appeared on your face.


- A few moments later-

You clung onto the top of the fence door for dear life. You were standing on top of an unsteady tower of about 6-7 pots, that wobbled from the slightest movement of your body. You tried to swing one leg over the top of the door, but due to your not so long legs, your shoe ended up making contact with the metal door with a cringe worthy bang. Luckily, the music was playing at a deafening volume, drowning out the clang from your shoe. However thanks to that very failed move, the stack of pots began to wobble uncontrollably causing you to lose your footing. 

"Oh god. Not again." You mentally screamed, clinging onto the top of the fence until you felt your blood circulation being cut off. You used your feet that dangled below you, to try and stabilize the swaying pot tower. To your luck it only took a few seconds for the structure to stop wobbling. Unlike all the other attempts, which took you 10 minutes of dangling and clever feet maneuvering to stop the tower from rocking back and forth. You gently placed one foot on the pot, being mindful of your every move. To your surprise, the pots didn't even move, it didn't even budge when you placed both feet on top of it.

When you were safely back on the ground, you heaved a sigh of regret. There is no use trying to leave the party. Everytime you try something different it would alway end up being a big failure. You could try leaving from the front door again, but who knows who will catch you this time. You might as well go back inside the house and sit on the sofa with a bowl of chips and wait for everyone to start leaving. That way it wouldn't be as rude to leave a party that was dedicated to you. But knowing these guys, they would probably party until the sun is sitting comfortably in the middle of the sky.

Another sigh escaped from your lips as you turned to do your walk of failure back into the house. However before you could turn to leave, you noticed a peculiar darkness looming over you.

A second shadow. A person's shadow. A shadow that stood directly next to you, which meant only one thing.

Someone was standing there, watching you the whole time.

You slowly turned around, even though that wasn't the smartest thing to do when someone who could potentially you was standing directly behind you. The face you saw didn't belong to a , it was worst than a . It was Chen.

Even though you knew someone was standing there in the shadow, you couldn't help but jump back in fright. 

He laughed.

"What are you doing- Were you there that whole time?" You pointed your finger accusingly at him.

"You mean was I there when your short legs couldn't make it over the fence and you were left dangling from the fence?"

Your mouth dropped open. "You were there THAT WHOLE TIME!"

Chen tried to contain his laughter by coughing into his fist. He crossed his arms in front of his chest, putting on a serious facial expression. "I heard that loud bang and I got curious. Who knew my curiousity would lead me to you? The girl who got into the pretigous school full of wealthy and beautiful people. So what were you doing anyway?"

There was no point in trying to come up with a believable lie. You were both mentally and physically exhausted, and blubbering out another lie will only get you buried in deeper .  "I'm trying to find a way to leave the party. I tried going out the front door but Mimi caught me and this was my last hope but as you saw, this was also another failed attempt." 

"Let me help." Chen smiled as he approached you.

"Are you serious?" You looked at him as if he had lost his mind. 

"First you need to wear this." He pulled his jumper over his head and handed it to you.

"But I'm not cold," you held onto his jumper awkwardly "you can have it back." You pushed the jumper towards him. 

He laughed, taking the jumper from you. "This is meant to cover the clothes that you already have on," he slipped the jumper through the top of your head, "so that no one can recognise you." He helped you with the arms, once you were finished he took a step back and looked you over with a satisfactory smile. "Now for the finishing touch, wait right here." He ran around the corner, leaving you all alone.

You didn't know why you didn't protest or retaliate when he looped the jumper over and through your head. Maybe, it was because you just wanted to get away from the party and Chen offered you a way out. Yes, you were pretty desperate to get away from the party. So desperate that you were standing in a dimly lit alley, wearing your your ex-crush's jumper and waiting for him to come back with a 'finishing touch'. You held out your hands in front of you and stared at them. Except for the length of sleeves, the jumper fitted you perfectly. With the occasional bump or two from the clothing you had on underneath. It was a simple grey jumper, with no prints or colour blocking, the kind of jumper that you could wear with just about everything. You to stare at the sleeves, not knowing that Chen was standing there watching you.

"The final touch." He placed something on top of your head.

Your hands automatically flew up to the mysterious object, "a cap? That was the final touch you went to get?" You fiddled with the front part of the cap, pushing it down so that it sat snuggly on top of your head.

"Stop being so picky and lets go." He smiled and grabbed your hand, pulling you out of the alley and around the corner of the house. Both of you were walking since running or jogging would've attracted too much unwanted attention.

"Hyeri. Hi" Chen abruptedly stopped.

You stopped a few centimetres away from him, keeping your head down so that the cap shielded your face. Of all the times to run into Hyeri, it just had to be this one. No surprise there, with the crappy luck you had.

"You came," Hyeri looked surprise "and you brought a plus one" Hyeri looked over his shoulders directly at you then down at your hand. "Is she your girlfriend?"

"Ummm... yeah but we're going to leave now." He pointed in the direction of the front door, slowly maneouvering around Hyeri. "She isn't feeling too well and she wants to leave."

"Okay." She smiled, leaning towards you "I hope you feel better."She said sympathically before sashaying away in the opposite direction, out the back door.

Chen exhaled loudly, "I thought she would never leave."

You lifted your head slightly, just so you'd be able to see ahead of you. She was gone, just the thought of it brought a smile to your face. 

"Okay, let's get you out of here." Chen lightly pushed you towards the front door.

You happily allowed him to guide you through the door with a bright smile on your face. You felt like jumping up and down with joy, freedom never felt so good. Your happiness was temporarily interrupted by a melodic ring of your message tone. You pulled your phone out from your back pocket and the smile disappeared from your face.


* 1 new message *

If you wanted a date with ChenChen you should've just asked.




Next >> 


SORRY SORRY SORRY!! Finally an update after how many months? Hope you guys enjoy this extra long update, hopefully the next update wont take so long.

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Chapter 28: I cant see the pictures! and your fanfic is great ^3^
Chapter 47: Yes, he and his stupid face. >< The girls seem nice, and woah, that school.
Thank you for updating! :)
Chapter 36: I really didn't mind all the Chen interaction that happened on my way to getting here. :D That was quite a start at a new school. I wonder what will happen next.
Chapter 36: Flirty Chen is too much for my poor heart to handle! <3
Chapter 18: Stuck on this chappie :(
Chapter 35: omoooooo so cute! I wanna see what happens next!
SMfan4evrAKB48 #7
Chapter 33: "Worse than a . It was Chen" This fandom I cant even xD
Chapter 18: Please update soon! Author-nim fighting~
oppaa2728 #9
Chapter 18: cant wait for next chapter ^.^
kpop_luv #10
Chapter 27: Yay she got in~~~ now the partay