
Behind The Scenes ll EXO-M Interactive Game


The school garden wasn't anything special but it was an area where the 'in' crowd liked to hang out at lunch. Although you didn't know why. Calling the area a 'garden' is an overstatement, there was nothing garden-like about the place, unless you consider a few patches of grass and a shady tree a garden whose leaves were a muddy green colour a garden. In the centre of the garden, there was a small sitting area that was made up of three wooden picnic tables and benches.



You placed your bag on the table while you swung your leg into the hole of the table. You began taking out your books to complete any assigned homework tasks while simultaneously pulling out your ipod from a small pocket at the front of your bag. You plugged in your earphones and uncapped the pen that was in your hand. SONG. The sound of violins drowned out any surrounding noise and you felt at peace.

You wrote until you filled three pages with answers to the assigned maths problems before you noticed another presence loitering around you. You looked up and almost fell off the bench.

"What are you doing here?" You pointed accusingly at Chen while you clutched your rapidly beating chest with the other hand. Yo pulled out your ear buds and placed them on the table.

"I have free period." He peered over at your work. "What are you doing?"

You quickly covered your book with your arms. "Nothing"

"Come on its only maths work, can't you at least let me see it?" He leant over the table and pouted at you.

"No. Sorry."

"Hey isn't that Hyeri over there?" Chen pointed to his right

You just sat there staring at him. Does he think you're that gulliable? Hyeri has class now... but she was the type to cut class if it got too boring. You comtemplated whether to look at where he was pointing at. It seemed like he got the message that you didn't entirely believe him. So he persisted.

"I'm serious. She's over there with Mimi."

You couldn't take it anymore. The curiosity was killing you, so you decided to look. You scanned the indicated area with your eyes and there wasn't a single person in sight. Did she walk away already?

"Where? I don't see her." You turned back to Chen and your heart started beating rapidly again.

His body was held up by his hands as he leant across the table, his face was merely centimetres away from yours. His eyes stared into yours as he slowly began to lean closer and closer.

You wanted to open your mouth and shout "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!" but it didn't respond. You wanted to lean back, away from his face but your body didn't respond. It felt as if your mind was in someone elses body, any command you gave your body, it wouldn't be immediately reject.

When his face was only four centimetres away from yours, a smile formed on his lips.

The next thing you knew, your book was snatched from under your arms by a smiling Chen, who laughed in victory as he leant back into his spot on the bench.

He quickly flicked through your work "Wow your work is so neat." A passing page with pink and red hearts caught his eyes. " Hey what's this?" He began to flick back to the page.

The book that you were using and was now in Chen's hands was an unfinished exercise book that you had lying around the house. You used up all the work books you had at home and you didn't have time to go out to buy new ones, so you decided to use the left over pages in the unfinished book to do your work in.

Bad idea.

The book that you conveniently decided to use of the exact same book that you drew hearts around both your name and Chen's name in. The book you used when you were 'stupidly infatuated' with the guy sitting right across from you. The book that will embarass you for the rest of your life if you didn't snatch it back quick-fast.

"YAH GIVE IT BACK!" You leapt out from your seat and tried to grab the book. Chen stood up also and held the book above his head. He wasn't that tall so all you had to do was stretch your hands up in the air and grab the book. However he kept waving the book back and forth which made it harder for you to retrieve it.

"Why can't I see what is inside?" He asked waving the book above his head, away from your reach.

"Because..." You struggled on your tippy toes "Its none of your business."

"Well that just makes me even more curious about what is on that page." He smiled, leaning back away from your flailing arms.

You must have stepped on a rock or something as you advanced towards Chen because the next thing you knew you've lost your footing and was about to fall and land flat on your . But you didn't.

"Hey what are you two doing over there?!" A passing teacher yelled, waving his stack of papers angrily at us.

Chen's  arms were wrapped around your waist, sandwiching your body tightly to his. You couldn't move, you were completely paralysed with shock at the little distance that was between you and Chen. You were so close to him that you could practically smell his cologne.

When you nor Chen dettached yourselves from each other, the teacher stomped angrily towards you. "GET YOUR HANDS OFF EACH OTHER RIGHT THIS INSTANCE!"

You felt the movement return back to your hands and you pushed Chen away from you. You looked at the teacher who was fuming red.


"Sorry." You quickly bowed in apology. This was the second time today that you got yelled at by a teacher.


"Neh" You squeaked and walked to the table to pack away your books and grab your bag. Chen handed your maths book back to you and mouthed 'sorry' before leaving you.

"AND IF I CATCH YOU TWO HUGGING, KISSING OR EVEN AS MUCH AS HOLD HANDS I'LL GIVE YOU A WEEKS DETENTION! Kids these days. Can't even keep their hands to themselves." The teacher muttered the last bit before walking off.

You slung your bag over your shoulders and sighed with frustration. 'Stupid Chen. Get me in trouble and then leaves. Stupid stupid stupid CHEN.'



Go to the library



I had writers block and i didn't know how to end this chapter. I had two options. I could've either used the sudden appearance of rain, which is pretty cliche in all dramas and fanfics. Or I could use the appearance of a teacher. I chose the latter cause I felt it had more omfph in it. Anyway i hope you guys enjoy the chapter. I promise to updater soon.

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Chapter 28: I cant see the pictures! and your fanfic is great ^3^
Chapter 47: Yes, he and his stupid face. >< The girls seem nice, and woah, that school.
Thank you for updating! :)
Chapter 36: I really didn't mind all the Chen interaction that happened on my way to getting here. :D That was quite a start at a new school. I wonder what will happen next.
Chapter 36: Flirty Chen is too much for my poor heart to handle! <3
Chapter 18: Stuck on this chappie :(
Chapter 35: omoooooo so cute! I wanna see what happens next!
SMfan4evrAKB48 #7
Chapter 33: "Worse than a . It was Chen" This fandom I cant even xD
Chapter 18: Please update soon! Author-nim fighting~
oppaa2728 #9
Chapter 18: cant wait for next chapter ^.^
kpop_luv #10
Chapter 27: Yay she got in~~~ now the partay