Uruha the y nurse

Bad Luck, Good Luck

"...and then he just says I have to stay with him! Seriously, how self-centered can he be?! Besides, I could easily just call my colleagues to come and get me!" Uruha finished complaining about Aoi. Akira had untied their wrists since he was pretty sure Uruha wasn't going to escape.

"That's just how he is", Akira said, shrugging his shoulders.

"Still! It annoys me so much! If he doesn't ing let me leave, I'll call my boss", Uruha said. He was so angry at Aoi he let his emotions flow as he complained to his new - kind of - friend.

"If you call your boss, Aoi's just gonna take you as a hostage." Akira chuckled at the thought.

"Yeah, really funny. I'll be tied up to a bed for the whole time and being ed every day until he gets what he wants", Uruha said sarcastically.

"Don't worry 'bout it. Hey, do you like video games?" Akira asked suddenly. Uruha glanced at him suspiciously and nodded. "Aoi has a PS3. You wanna play?"

"Hell yeah!" Uruha replied, and so they played video games until Aoi came back. And when he did, he was very surprised that Akira and Uruha had gotten so close by so little time - usually it would take ages for Akira to get friendly with someone.

"Ne, Uru-chan. Don't I get a 'welcome home' and you cooking me dinner while only wearing an apron?" Aoi asked smugly and wrapped his arms around Uruha from behind.

"In your dreams..." Uruha muttered.

"Indeed", Aoi replied, making Uruha blush and yell: "What the hell is wrong with you?!"

Aoi laughed. "Akira, you can go now."

"I was just about to kill this boss! Let me stay for a whil-  YOU! WHY CAN'T YOU JUST DIE, YOU IDIOT?!" Akira threw the controller to the floor as he died in the game and yelled: "THIS GAME IS RETARDED!"

"Oh, so the game is retarded..." Aoi joked, but luckily so quietly Akira didn't hear.

"Ne, Uru-chan. Go make something for us to eat, okay?" Aoi requested, earning a punch on his head. Uruha glared at him and said: "Stop calling me 'Uru-chan.' And I'm not your maid, go make your own food."

"Mmm... Uru-chan in a maid-dress~" Aoi hummed and dodged Uruha's second punch.


In the end, Uruha didn't - couldn't - leave Aoi's apartment. Why? Because, as Uruha always insisted to tell, Aoi 'forced' him to stay there. In fact, Uruha didn't really complain. He grew to like Aoi's company, and had fun time whenever Akira visited. He was enjoying himself so much, that after one week, he still hadn't realized how bad thing it was.

One day, when he fell asleep in Aoi's arms, the latter carefully rose from the sofa, not waking the blonde up, and walked to his bedroom to get Uruha's cellphone. He called one number from Uruha's cellphone, the one that he supposed was Ryuichi's.

"Takashima?! You've been away for a week, what the happened?!" Ryuichi asked angrily. Aoi smirked and replied: "Uru- Kouyou can't be reached at the moment. He's sleeping."

"Who is this...?" Ryuichi's voice was low and very dangerous, but Aoi wasn't afraid of him.

"Not important. Say... Just how important is Kouyou to your yakuza?" Aoi asked.

"You took him as a hostage without knowing?" Ryuichi laughed coldly. "How foolish..."

"Oh, I wasn't the one being foolish. He was", Aoi said, smiling sweetly, even though Ryuichi couldn't see him.

"...What do I need to pay to get him back?"

"So he is important?"

"Stop fooling around, or I might lose my patience", Ryuichi warned. Aoi chuckled and said: "Maybe I don't want to give him back. Or maybe he doesn't want to be given back."

"Then why in the 's name did you call?" Ryuichi asked.

"I just wanted to see your reaction. Besides... I wanted to know how important he is to you, to know how good weapon he'd be against you", Aoi answered cheerfully.

"Telling your plan isn't very wise", Ryuichi commented bluntly.

"But that's what the bad guys always do, right? And I'm one hell of a bad guy", Aoi said. He hung up before Ryuichi could answer, and smirked widely. So Uruha was important to the mafia... Interesting.

Aoi headed back to the living room and sat back on the couch, wrapping his arm around sleeping Uruha again, smiling at his innocent and peaceful face. Well, maybe not that innocent, but very beautiful, at least. The raven kissed the soft, honey-blonde hair and then rested his chin on it.

"Maybe I really don't want to give you away..." he muttered quietly enough to not wake up the sleeping beauty.


The next day Uruha finally realized he'd been on his mission for over a week, and that he should return soon. But he still needed the data, and besides, he didn't want to leave Aoi. Am I falling for him? he wondered as he lied on the bed, looking at the sleeping Aoi. Aoi was really good-looking. The with him was amazing. And Uruha really liked him, but... He just didn't trust him.

"Hey... Aoi", he whispered. Aoi opened his eyes and saw Uruha's troubled look, asking: "What is it?"

Uruha bit his lip, not knowing if he should answer or not.

"Uru, you can tell me", Aoi muttered and the blonde's hair, smiling softly at him.

"Can I...?" Uruha asked quietly.

"Of course. You can trust me", Aoi lied, but still, Uruha trusted him and explained shyly: "I feel weird. I know I should just take the data and leave, but... I can't. Because of you. I- I think I... love you or something."

"That was the worst confession I've ever heard", Aoi chuckled and ruffled the worried-looking Uruha's hair. "Don't worry, it's okay."

"Is it really? We're supposed to be enemies, our bosses will kill us! It wouldn't work out!" Uruha said in panic.

"I'd protect you." Aoi smiled at Uruha softly and his cheek. Uruha blushed, but didn't move the older male's hand away. Uruha didn't believe Aoi. Ryuichi would kill both Aoi and Uruha. He wasn't the type who would accept an enemy as his worker's lover, unless... it would... help him.

Uruha paled and froze. What if Aoi only wanted information? What if he only used Uruha? He didn't care, he couldn't be trusted. He was an enemy, enemies never cared about each other. Aoi just lied to Uruha, to get what he wanted.

How can I be so stupid? Uruha thought. A tear rolled on his cheek, dropping on the pillow. Aoi glanced at him worriedly and asked: "Uru? Is something wrong?"

"N- No", Uruha lied quickly, but it wasn't very convincing as even more tears started flowing. He wiped them away with a shaky hand, and tried to hide a sob.



"! I gotta go!" Uruha suddenly said as he realized how long he had been telling the story. Kai looked at him and asked: "What? Why?"

"I'm sorry, I'll finish it later. See you tomorrow!" Uruha apologized and left the room as quick as he could. He ran for a while, and then leaned against a wall, his hand on his mouth.


He started crying. As he'd been telling the story, he had remembered how he had suspected Aoi. But he fell for him so bad he gave up and became his boyfriend, not caring if Aoi just wanted to know his yakuza's secrets. He had trusted Aoi so much he hadn't thought of this anymore.

But now... He realized that Aoi's words were meaningless. All those love-confessions, the cheesy lines he whispered into his ear... They were all lies. They had to be. There was just no way that Aoi loved Uruha, it was impossible. The only things he wanted were the information of the yakuza and ... Then again, Uruha didn't have any information on his yakuza, he hadn't had in a long time. He was always being protected by Aoi, he knew Aoi wanted to kill Ryuichi for hurting Uruha.

The honey-blonde male was confused. What were Aoi's feelings towards him? Love, hate, or... nothing? This made Uruha want to sink deep under the ground and ponder it. But thinking about it would just make it worse, right? He should forget all of it and continue his life as Aoi's loyal pet. He would feel loved and protected. He'd feel Aoi's strong arms embracing him warmly, he'd feel his soft lips kiss him. That would be a lot better than wondering if Aoi cared for him or not.

He just couldn't forget after thinking about it for so long, and his sobs became louder, his tears heavier. The only thing he now wanted was to go to his best friend, tell all his worries and feel comforted. He wanted Reita to smile softly at him and say everything would be fine, as he always did. Come to think of it, Reita, who had hated him more than anything the first time they met, probably cared about Uruha more than Aoi. Which meant Aoi wasn't even a friend.

But Reita had been shot. He was lying on a hospital bed and wasn't even thinking about Uruha. Probably he was just wondering if Kai was okay, if Kai had enough food, and if Kai was being protected. I'm alone... Uruha thought. He lowered his head, his hair covering his eyes, and started walking towards Aoi's room. If Aoi didn't care about him, then whatever. He needed comfort, and he didn't care if Aoi didn't love him.

Meanwhile Kai was worrying about Uruha. The latter had left in such hurry, and he had looked like he was going to burst into tears any moment. His face had been pale, his eyes suffering. Kai didn't want Uruha to suffer. For Kai, Uruha was the only person he could call a friend at the moment when he was being locked up in a room, not able to see other people.

Now that Kai thought about it, the people he had met during all this - Reita, Uruha, even Aoi - were all really nice and he liked them. They were the kind of people he'd wanted to meet in his real life, become friends with them - and in Reita's case, fall in love with them. Kai had never had that much friends, and none of them were the kind he could tell secrets to. The only people he had been close to were his mother, and his uncle who had passed away many years ago.

But here, where Kai was supposed to be dying of loneliness and sadness, he had found people he could trust, he could talk to, he could love. This was the exact opposite of the thing he'd thought to be kidnapping. He had thought he would be sitting in a dark room, his hands tied and he'd be fed dog food. This was nothing like it. This wasn't bad luck, but good luck.

It had been good luck that his mafia-boss-father had left him and his mother when he wasn't born yet. It had been good luck he got lost in an amusement park when he was a child. It had been good luck he'd been kidnapped by this yakuza. It had been good luck a person who first hated him was told to bring him food. It was even good luck that the person he loved was shot so that he would have a friend like Uruha.

When these things were looked from the other, negative way, there were all bad luck which no one wanted. But being looked from the positive way, they were the best things happened to Kai. Of course they were all terrible, especially Reita being shot, but all them had good sides.

Maybe... Just maybe he could be happier than ever, just because of luck - was it good or not.


"Seriously, Kei. You found nothing?" Miyavi asked. It had been so long, so long, and they still hadn't found the missing Uke Yutaka. He still hadn't asked help from the police, and he still hadn't admitted that this case might not never be solved.

"Well... I heard that one of the kidnappers was shot by a member of another yakuza... It might be just a rumor, but we still should check it out", Keiyuu answered. Again, he was on his laptop, but he wasn't really searching for any information. Actually, he was just playing computer games.

"You should've told me earlier! Let's go already!" Miyavi was ready to leave the office, but Keiyuu grabbed his sleeve and said: "We can't go today, the visiting time is over. Besides, it's good to get some rest once in a while. Let's finish for today and tomorrow, we'll visit the hospital."

Keiyuu bit his lip. He wasn't sure if he should do this at all. He had sworn that he wouldn't share the important information from different sides, and that he wouldn't help people to defeat each other. He was supposed to be neutral. But to Miyavi, he told everything. He couldn't lie to him, he couldn't keep any information from him. Maybe because he'd known him for so long and couldn't betray him. Or maybe he felt guilty for helping the enemies of his childhood friend.

"I guess you're right... I haven't slept in days", Miyavi admitted and confirmed what he'd said by yawning and stretching his arms. Keiyuu smiled a little and said: "I'm glad that you're finally going to rest. You look like you were digged out of your grave or something."

"Thank you, I've always wanted to look like a zombie", Miyavi thanked sarcastically. His friend giggled like a little girl.

"Could you drive me home? I came here by foot and I'm too tired to walk home", Keiyuu asked tiredly.

"Yeah, of course. As long as you wake me up if I fall asleep while driving", Miyavi snorted, making Keiyuu laugh again.

"You know, there's a thing I've noticed during this case... You laugh a lot more when you're sleepy", Miyavi pointed out, smiling softly at him. Keiyuu blinked and muttered: "I guess I do..."

"Heh. You're just too cute", Miyavi commented and ruffled the shorter male's hair. Keiyuu pouted, but didn't complain. He was too tired to do so, anyway.

"Yosh, let's get going before I'm too tired to drive!" Miyavi said, suddenly seeming a lot more cheerful than before. He got up from his chair, and so did Keiyuu. They got out of the office, and as they stepped into the cool, outside air, they realized how late it was. The drive to Keiyuu's was quiet, and the latter got out of the car as soon as Miyavi stopped it.

Keiyuu went into his apartment, and quickly took his cellphone and called Aoi.

"Kei? Why're you calling so late? Is something wrong?" Aoi asked worriedly.

"More than wrong! I accidentally slipped to Miyavi that Akira was shot - I didn't mention the name, though - and we're going to visit him in the hospital tomorrow", Keiyuu explained. Actually, the correct word would be 'today' since it was 2AM.

"..." Aoi fell silent for a while. Then he said: "Okay, I've got a plan. You go visit Akira, but before you can do anything, an accident happens. Uruha, a y nurse, and me, a y doctor, are found making out in the room, and you and Miyavi are too embarrassed to be in the room. Then, of course, Miyavi asks us to stop, but we don't hear anything, so he'll have to go 'cause he's too embarrassed to be there!"

"Aoi... I don't think that would work. Besides, you just came up with that so that you could make out with Uruha in public", Keiyuu said in unbelief of Aoi's ertedness.

"Okay, okay... Let's see... Now I got it! Uruha, the y nurse is found flirting with the patient, Akira. And then me, a y, angry, possessive boyfriend comes in and starts yelling at them. I eventually starts seeming like I'm gonna get violent - which I am going to do if they flirt too much - and Miyavi goes get a nurse to stop me. After that, the nurse will have to calm down the situation and you and Miyavi have to leave", Aoi said, as if he was as genius as Leonardo DaVinci.

"Try one more time", Keiyuu requested. He could bet he could make up with a better plan in three seconds.

"Hmm... Uruha, the y nurse- " Aoi started, but was interrupted by Keiyuu. "Enough with Uruha being a y nurse, this is serious!"

"Fine! Even though Uruha would be one y nurse... *cough* So, Uruha, who's just an ordinary nurse with amazing body, comes to the room and tells it's time for him to examine Akira's injuries and stuff. You guys have to leave, and it seems that it takes so long for the extremely good-looking nurse to do that stuff, so Miyavi gets impatient and you leave. How does that sound, huh? Huh?" Aoi said.

"I guess we'll have to work with either the plan number 2 or 3..." Keiyuu muttered embarrassingly.

"Aw, why not number one?" Aoi asked dissapointedly.

"Because that plan and would never work out!" Keiyuu replied.

"In that case, I vote for number 2", Aoi decided in a serious tone. Serious, my , he just wanted to make out with Uruha.

"And I for number 3 because it doesn't involve making out and Uruha being a y nurse. Besides, I'm pretty sure Uruha would like that better too", Keiyuu protested. If his hands were free, he would've folded his arms.

"Oh, you don't know how much Uruha lusts for me and my hot body. But fine, I guess that would work out better than the others", Aoi admitted. "I'll tell him about the plan. What time will you be at the hospital?"

"I don't know. Around three or two?" Keiyuu answered.

"Okay, we'll be there ready at one, so don't come any earlier. I'll have to tell Akira about the plan and get Uruha a y nurse outfit", Aoi said.

"No y nurse outfits! Just an ordinary one!" Keiyuu said loudly, almost yelled.

"Jeez, fine! I'll get one for him anyway, just to see him wearing it. In bed", Aoi muttered.

"I don't want to hear more. Bye", Keiyuu said and hung up. He sighed and shook his head slightly, thinking: Seriously, Aoi... How can you always be so erted?


The next day it wasn't Uruha who brought Kai the food, obviously. But it was the short male who he had seen at the café.

"Y- You?! Where's Uruha?!" Kai asked in panic.

"He's busy, and Aoi too. I'm Ruki. You surely remember me?" Ruki said and grinned.

"Yeah... Isn't it weird that you aren't busy but they are?" Kai asked, remembering that Ruki was the right hand of his boss. Ruki laughed and answered: "I was supposed to have a day off today, but then I was the only one not busy so I was ordered to bring your food. C'mon, eat up."

Kai took the tray and started eating. Unlike everyone else, Ruki didn't stay there and left, so Kai had no one to talk to. Because of that, he felt a bit lonely, but guessed there was nothing he could do about it. Besides, he had no desire to talk to Ruki; the guy kind of creeped him out since he was the one who kidnapped Kai in the first place.

I wonder how Reita's doing... Kai thought as he finished eating and placed the tray on the floor next to his bed. I really wanna see him again...


Hey again! ^^

I know there wasn't really Kai's POV in this chapter, even though he's the main character. I'll put the hospital-story in the next chapter, but mostly it will be Kai's POV (or at least I hope so)

Thanks for reading, reviews are always appreciated! ^^

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Had to rewrite some stuff in chapter 7. Chapter 11 coming soon, stay tuned and sorry for the long wait! :3


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Riyusama #1
Oh! This like a really interesting start <3 I like your writing style so far even if this is just like the prologue or maybe even just the summary <3 I absolutely adore ReitaxKai so I'm glad I found this fic of yours <3
Chapter 11: So... Uruha is the teacher?
Chapter 10: So I just found this today and read it all in one go and I need you to update this.
daisyrox45 #4
Chapter 8: I really hope you update soon! This story is great! I love your fanfics!! OAO
PsychedelicYume #5
Chapter 8: updated soon, please
Reita is so adorable with kai *^*
cover_girl #6
Chapter 8: Hi, I'm a new reader here. Finally you update the new chap. I really love this kind of ur story. Owwww, the feels when I read it....... I really dun know what to say. Kai is way too cute (ofc he always be and that why I love him) and Reita is kind of cold person for the first time you meet. But when getting closer, he turns into a gentleman and sweet person. I really appreciate ur story. Keep on wrting more stories and update soon :)
PsychedelicYume #7
Chapter 7: I love it <3 Wait the next chapter
Chapter 6: Wah~ Aoi you ert (//∇//) His convo with Keiyuu srsly made me laugh XD I love this story! Please update soon, Author-san! <333
Chapter 4: Ooooooo so interesting I like it! Please update soon
panda_gaze #10
Chapter 3: Awesome start! This sounds great so far. I'll be looking forward to the next chapter. :)