
things happen for a reason

L.Joe woke up in a white room, It took him a while to realize he was in a hospital. He looked around and saw Chunji and Ricky sleeping on the chairs that were near his bed. He thought of how his father would react for not being home yesterday. 'Today would be another harmful day.' He thought as he tried to get up only to feel hands push him down to the bed again.

"Go to sleep, you need some rest after all you lost a lot of blood yesterday." Ricky said as he caressed his head, L.Joe looked at him suprised. 

"Did you bring me here?" It was pretty obviouse that he did but L.Joe still wanted to ask to get rid of the awkward atsmosphere. He smiled and nodded still playing with L.Joe's head.

"But Chunji did too, He helped me when i was scared. He helped save some blood when you were bleeding to death, not only that he donated blood as well who would of ever guessed that you and Chunji were the same blood type?" He said teasingly L.Joe just smiled and looked the other way blushed a little.

"But he was worried... really worried, More like even scared would describe how he was." Ricky continued, L.Joe didn't feel right talking about this and wanted to changed the conversation, so being babo and all said the thing he was most worried about.

"My...appa, you didn't-" He didn't finish his sentence but it looked like Ricky got the hint of what he meant and shook his head not looking at L.Joe probably feeling guitly that if L.Joe got hurt it would his be fault.

"well...yeah but he didn't answer after several tries so they just gave up and suggested to call him today but i heard earlier that he still wouldn't answer." L.Joe swung his head down and felt unsafe and uncomftable. And for a while everything was quiet and awkward.

"I have to go to the restroom. do you mind?" Ricky said using his eyes to point to Chunji who was still asleep. L.Joe hesitated for a momment but thinking the older wouldn't wake up by the time Ricky came back shook his head as an answer.

L.Joe sat there in a weird position he wasn't comftable but thinking that Chunji would wake up with anymove he made he didn't move and didn't want to. "You know you don't have to sit like that!" Chunji yelled fustrated by the way he acted towards him he made him seem like he killed someone. L.Joe flinched by the yell and wished that he had told Ricky 'no' but it was to late and he tried to.

"o...okay" L.Joe stuttered and just layed down on the bed but with his back facing Chunji. Chunji sighed feeling a bit quilty that he had scared the boy. 

"i'm sorry L.Joe."Chunji wispered that got L.Joe's attention to turn to him in confusion.

"It's okay, i mean i was being to mean and all to turn my back at you so it's-" Chunji stoped him with his lips before he could finish. And L.Joe eyes were wide open as Chunji's eyes were just closed. As if L.Joe was forced he closed his eyes and Pushed Chunji.

"I'm sorry." L.Joe apologiesed as he placed a hand over his lip. Chunji's head was down and he didn't speak for a while.

"I'm sorry, really i know you like me!" He smiled and L.Joe's eyes were open as if there was a car heading toward him, But now L.Joe kinda wanted a Car to be heading to him not the truth that will never be return the same way. L.Joe ducked his head feeling ashamed and wanting to cry like if the downloader for him to drop his tears were at 99%.

"But i like you too so i want to ask you if you could forgive me and if you wanted to kinda... you know be my boy toy." Chunji said trying to sound cheasy and he was but the thing for L.Joe was that he wasn't in the mood for that he was suprised and felt like Chunji was lying to him.

So without thinking he shook his head to both answers. Chunji realized what he had said and looked at L.Joe confused. "W-why?" He asked getting closer to L.Joe that he ended up on top of him on the bed. He looked at L.Joe and leaned in REALLY CLOSE!!

He placed his lips on L.Joe's lips again"Why L.Joe?" He asked on his lips advertising his eyes from L.Joe to his lips. Moving his Hands on his chest.

"Because you'r lying that's why!" L.Joe sneered but still pressed his lips to Chunji who gladly accepted. L.Joe realized that he wan't suposed to do this cause he didn't believe him but he just wanted those lips back on his. So once again he pushed Chunji and in came Ricky a bit mad that Chunji was on L.Joe, Even Ricky didn't believe that Chunji was saying the truth. He knew that Chunji liked him and all but to just say it all of a sudden was what he didn't believe.

"Yaaahh! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!??" Ricky yelled at Chunji which Chunji just gave him a Dumb look.

"I'm confessing you babo!! what does it look like i'm doing and if that's all you want then go away cause i'm not in the mood!!!!!!" He hissed back at Ricky who gave him a death glare. It was as if both boys had a tornado hurricane tsunami in between them.

"L.Joe i'm seriouse let me make it up to you!" Chunji begged but it was like L.Joe was still unsure of what to decide. Chunji sighed and opened the window sticking his head out the 5 foot building.

"Look i'll even jump out! You don't wan't me to jump out do you?" H asked but both Ricky and L.Joe gave him a blank expression. "WTCRAP!!! YOU GUYS WANT ME TO DIE!!!!!!!!" He yelled but again they didn't answer not believing him.

Chunji sighed once more and got out of the window. "WOW!!!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! GET BACK IN HERE!!" L.Joe yelled to Chunji who shook his head like a stuborn kid.

"Not till you agree on being my boyfriend!!!" he said and not having to think twice L.Joe agreed.

"Yes!! okay fine!!!! JUst come back in side!!" Chunji smiled in victory and stepped back in.


Okay once again sorry for late and boring chapter but i hope you guys still liked and plz comment and subscribe plz ^^ FUnnY thing is that i once again got the stomach flu and this one is worser like CRAMPS!!! But all the time!!>:( it's annoying seriously.. sorry for bad grammar and thank you Kizuna for inspiering me to update xD hope you like LUV YALL!! XP


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kpopmichelle #1
Chapter 15: Update it plez!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
KpopChangjo #2
Omg I love this story your a really good writer please update soon
Chapter 15: OMG i can finally comment ( excuse my aff acccount spazzing )
i just wanna say i love this
i dont know why i love it when byungie is ehm u knoe abused not in a bad way
but bec i wanna c chunji being overprotective
im just curious about something
why did byungie join ???
i mean did he feel that he has nothing to lose after chunji knowing the truth
so he's purposely lowering himself to push him off or what sdsdsfsf

anyways im so curioous as to who snatched the cigarette please update
i laughed like a maniac when i read "Ooh~ boys who's been nice? Seems Santa Claus left us a gift
Chapter 16: Omo....
This is my guilty pleasure I swear <3
Update soon, please! This is like my drug.
Angblingjonghyun #5
Chapter 14: OMG l.joe's Appa thats bad and im curious so PLEASE UPDATE SOON>~<
ally-chan #6
Chapter 14: oh, what i forgot was that for me, the text size is too big.
it gives the impression of "lower class", i mean kids' books
ally-chan #7
Chapter 14: oh my god.
i looooovvveeee this story.
update soon~~
Chapter 14: OH NOOOOOOOOOO!!! byungie baby!! byungie!!! he's in danger!!
hyangsu #9
Chapter 14: Why didn't they call the police on this guy the last time...
Chapter 14: Omg you are so evil ending the chapter at a scene like that!!
Update soon i'm dying!!!!!