Chapt 2 : The First Step

Playing the Player's Heart : Revenge on the Stone Hearted Kingka [5 Steps to Crush his STONE Heart]

~Minzy and Seohyun~


Minzy was resting her eyes under a tree with Seohyun.

Seohyun noticed Minzy sleeping, so she got curious on what Minzy looked like under those HUGE glasses.

Seohyun creeped quietly towards Minzy and slowly pulled her glasses off.


Minzy immediatly opened her eyes and saw Seohyun out on the floor.

When Minzy saw her glasses in Seohyun's hands, she knew what cause Seohyun to scream.

Minzy immediatly put on her glasses again and dragged the now unconcious Seohyun to the nurse room.

Seohyun slowly opened her eyes and everything was blurry so she rubbed her eyes to get a better view of the person sitting beside her.

As she saw the person

"AGHHHHHHHHHH! Ghost! Ghost!" before she could shout for help, the person covered

"Shush! Gawd stop being so noisy.. your going to make my ears bleed"

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?! YOUR SUPPOSE TO BE THERE THERE!!" Seohyun pointed to the ceiling

"The ceiling? O.o" the person looked at her curiously


"I'm Minzy...." Minzy said with a poker face.

"It can't be you look totally the same! Except for the style and your attitude! Tell me the truth!"

"Fine. I faked my death~"

"And you want me to believe you?! How do I know your not some kind of lunatic that got plastic surgery?!" Seohyun suddenly said

"You just said I was Minji and now your saying I'm Minzy?!"

"Hm! Prove it!" Seohyun acted like a kid, probably from the shock ==


First, You hate oily or unhealthy food, you must eat healthy to keep your body figure and clean face

Second, your stirct with money and time, you made me pay 1000 wons because I was late from a date

Third, Instead of showing your anger, you just lie down and whine

Forth, You only bite the people you love, which is.. me

Fifth, you really liked this guy, cause you had a crazy thing for bad boys before and for him you almost got a tattoo and"


'STOP OKKAY OKKAY I believe you... don't remind me of that guy" Seohyun covered the mouth of her bestfriend who was supposed to be dead.

Minzy just smirked at her action.

"But Minji-ah~ What happened to you? Why do you look like a.. a.."

"Sl*t?" Minzy asked.

"I was going to say gangster == when did you start swearing?"

"Ever since 2 valentines ago~"

"What did you do to yourself?"

"I changed... in a good way"

"A good way?! Gawd your blinded my hatred! Minji-ah"

"Don't call me Minji.. Call me Minzy"

"Okkay.. um minzy."

"I found new friends and they showed me a new way of life, I'm enjoying myself now, But I'm back for revenge~"

"Revenge? On Sunggyu?"

"Ya Think?" Minzy smirked

"But I have to warn you, he changed, he ain't that sweet boy you use to date."

"He wasn't a sweet boy for the last two months we dated.. he cheated on me."

"Cause he was jealous"

"B-U-L-L-S-H-I-T, does it look like I care why? I'm just here to take revenge"


"Aren't you going to help me or not?" Minzy stared into Seohyun's eyes.


"Yah! Aren't we best friends?! You said you would help me in anything!" Minzy whined

"You said you won't keep secrets from me!"

"Fine.. but aren't you going to help me or not?"

*Boing Boing* Minzy did Ageoyo, she knew Seohyun couldn't resist her.

Finally Seohyun gave in..

"What's your plan?"

"Revenge, but like a Bet" Minzy smirked as she looked out the window at the rainy sky.

"Bet? What kind of Bet?"

"I'm going to crush his heart"

"Um.. How?"

"Give me a few months maybe? I'll show you how to make him fall for me in 5 steps" Minzy laughed.

"Yea... but he'll recognize you and scream like I did"

"Nope he wont'.. You didn't even recognize me when I wore those glasses" Minzy pointed out

THIS IS TRUE, When people wear glasses they look TOTALLY DIFFERENT to when they don't!!!!! Glasses make their eyes either look bigger or smaller!

"But I can see the resemblance, and you got skinnier." Seohyun protested

"It'll work believe me. JUST keep this a secret

"What happened Minzy? Why did you suddenly leave and come back? AFTER TWO YEARS"


~Flash Back~


  Ever since Minji saw Sunggyu flirting with another girl the day before valentines, she became really sad and angry, since she was a bit strong headed and stubborn, she decided to see how Sunggyu can coop without her. She planned everything and decided to fake her death on valentines day.

   On valentines day, she called Sunggyu while driving, confessing to him that she saw him cheating. At the same time pretending to be very emotional while driving. While arguing to Sunggyu she shouted "I HATE YOU KIM SUNGGYU FOREVER" before cutting the line, pretending she has got into an accident.

  She then migrated to America, where she met 2ne1, but even when she was in America, she had her workers look at Seohyun and Sunggyu's lives and send reports to her. That is when she realized her pass away did not impact Sunggyu and he was still a player, while Seohyun was always alone.

  Finally she decided to come back to Seoul and take revenge on Sunggyu..


~End of Flashback~


"That's the reason your back?" Seohyun asked. "Do you know how hurt he was when you left? He became the cold player kingka"

"Nope, he was able to finally show his true self..." Minzy protested.

"Fine.. what ever... but I'm not really into this revenge... Let's just hope no one gets hurt at the end."

"Haha.. he'll be the one hurting at the end.."

"Minzy..I just talked to you for 5 minutes, and I can already see that you have changed into a bad girl becuase you don't want others to know that you still love him... that's why you back... you love him and now you finally have the courage again..."

"THAT"S A LIE" Minzy protested, but somehow in her heart she felt guilty.


"It starts tomorrow!"

"Aish My Gawd" Seohyun frowned.

~The Next Day~

Sunggyu wanted to feel the desk again.. so he got to school early. But he didn't know he wasn't early enough.

When he reached Minzy's desk IT WAS GONE!

"This can't be! What happened! The janitor never removed marks!" Sunggyu screamed.

"Wow~ your here so early." Minzy sudden appeared into the classroom.

"You?!" Sunggyu was shocked

"I'm not You, I'm M-I-N-Z-Y or are you too stupid to pronounce?" Minzy smirked.

"What have you done?!"

"Just erased something that annoyed me~" Minzy blew air out of .


"It's mine desk" Minzy rolled her eyes


"What? You gonna do something?" Minzy smirked.

"I'm gonna get you for this!" Sunggyu stormed out the classroom angrily with tears coming out his eyes.


"Hmm. Step one accomplished:

Get his attention (Do something mean), and try to get close to him at the same time." Minzy smiled satisfiedly

As Seohyun walked to class behind Myungsoo, she noticed Sunggyu storming out of class with teary eyes.

When Myungsoo saw Sunggyu, he asked Sunggyu "What happened?"

Seohyun wanted to know, so she hid behind the lockers and eavesdropped.

"Shee.... Shee... "Sunggyu stuttered.

"Woahhh calm down~" Myungsoo comforted.

"The new girl Minzy, she removed the marks on Minji's table! She erased my confession!!!" Sunggyu started weeping like a kid.

"shhhh" Myungsoo told Sunggyu

"See you at class~ I need to wash my face.." Sunggyu said to his best friend (the only friend who knows about his true feelings)

"That's it! She's paying" Myungsoo held his fist.

"Oh gawd no! Myungsoo is one of the most violent one!" Seohyun whispered to herself and ran to Myungsoo immediatly.

"Myungsoo-shi! Please Don't! There's a reason... Minzy has a reason!" Seohyun pleaded while grabbing Myungsoo by the arm.

Looking at Seohyun, Myungsoo's heart softened a bit.

"Seohyun... I'm not going to kill her.... I promise. But she will pay someday." Myungsoo admitted.

"But.. But please don't make other's bully her >< or any physical or other bully >< especially the fan girls" Seohyun pouted.

"I won't" Myungsoo touched Seohyun's hair and smiled trying to comfort her.

"Let's just go to class... um.. separately I don't want any misunderstanding" with that Myungsoo walked forward.

"Deh..." Seohyun said and waited for Myungsoo to enter the classroom before she did

It was Lunch time and Seohyun has finally packed up the courage to ask Minzy what did she do to Sunggyu

"Yah~ Minji-ah"

"It's MINZY unless you want people to know ==" Minzy stared at her.

"Right.. Minzy-ah"


"What did you do?"

"Oh haha Let's just say I cleaned my table" Minzy smirked

"YOU WHAT?! That's the most precious memory!!!" Seohyun literally screamed

"Yea I know, First step it's to get his attention. and then get close to him"


"That's the point" Minzy smirked

"Omo. This girl" Seohyun covered her forehead

"Why is Myungsoo hyung and Sunggyu hyung sitting alone?" Sungjong asked.

"They're best friends, they know secrets about each other that we dont" Woohyun replied.

"Well... Both are kingkas, 1 player 1 not how are they best friends O.O" Sungyeol scratched his head

"You don't have to be the same to be best friends" Dongwoo smiled

"But we're the same "Sungyeol hung an arm around Dongwoo

"True that! Two annoying people!" Hoya smirked.

"Argh! I'm WILL take revenge! No one can stop me" Sunggyu punched the table.

"Hmm. But no violence, no physical hurt AT ALL" Myungsoo said, keeping Seohyun's promise.


"That's too easy... Physical pain can't be compared to Mental pain, we need to use MENTAL pain. Using fan girls are pathetic" Myungsoo lied

"You have a point~ What do you have in mind?"

"Revenge and Bet"

"Bet? What bet? I'm listening"

"It's gonna be OLD but GOLD" Myungsoo smirked


"-.- your so stupid, What do kingka's do to humiliate someone? OBVIOUSLY to date them and make the person fall for them then humiliating that person!" Myungsoo smirked.

"OOOOOO" Sunggyu clapped his hands

"So your on it?"


"Hmm Good. We only need 5 steps"

"What's step one?"

"She acts like she doesn't really like you right?" Myungsoo asked and Sunggyu nodded. "Yes. She keeps glaring at me"

"Good, Step 1, get her attention, annoy her a bit and slowly get close to her" Myungsoo smirked.

Ohh My, Do I sense a bit of similarity in their revenge method? Even when I'm the author I can sense that things aren't gonna be pretty XD


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Chapter 5: Sooo what about this story...
Fallenangel ssi....
Chapter 2: Phuahahaahhahaa...
Just love say love, minzy ah....

This chapter make me know,, myungsoo have feeling to seohyun.. Minji and sunggyu love each other..
But minzy please don't be bad girl..kkkkkk
^ ^
Chapter 1: I'm here cuz minzy
Aaaakkkhhhh neomu neomu neooomuuuuuu joooaahhhhh.... ^ ^
First,, i'm not listen of rain sound,,, but HALO from beyonce. God my tears falling. Poor sungyu, and i love minzy character...
I like how uou write,,, plot aaand your story... Everything is awesome.
"Teacher pet" muahahahhahahaha..

Thanks for first chapter.
Chapter 3: I've chosen letter A. It just feels unique XD
:) This is good. :)
Chapter 2: I love it when L had to really keep his promise with Seohyun. Was he also the boy that caused Seohyun to almost put tattoos? XD Why do I feel like there's something going on with them?
Oh boy, a huge misunderstanding between Minzy and Sunggyu ._.
OMG, Why do I have to see this just now?
Chapter 1: Omg i luv thiss
Chapter 2: They obviously have the same plan. :D Things gonna be so interesting ;)
Chapter 1: I found it sooo Cute how he asked her out <3333 Minzy is Minji right?