I'm Sorry

Long Lost FRIEND

*At Kirin Arts School*


LeeJae: Hey, Suzy, can we talk?

Suzy: about what? about your stupid lies? Yes! I know the truth now. and you lied to me right?

LeeJae: W-what? What are you talking about?

Suzy: Stop pretending! About my number. you told me that you get it from Carl right?

LeeJae: Yeah, I got it from him. 

Suzy: Liar! 

LeeJae: S-suzy?

Suzy: You're Liar! Carl doesn't know you! He said, he never talked or give something to a person he didn't know!  So, do you think he knows you? 

LeeJae: O-ok. Yes. I don't know him too. I-I'm sorry Suzy, I hope you can forgive me. 

Suzy: I don't know if I can forgive you. 

LeeJae: Suzy!

Suzy: you know LeeJae, I hate people that lie to me. 

LeeJae: I'm sorry Suzy, I'm really really sorry, please forgive me.

(SooHyun) Carl: FORGIVE YOU!?

Suzy: C-carl?

LeeJae: (speechless)

(SooHyun) Carl: I don't think Suzy can forgive you. You lied to her right? And Who the hell are you using my name? 

LeeJae: I-I'm sorry. 

(SooHyun) Carl: SORRY? you're funny! Tss. you're nothing!.............LEE JAE HOON. (angry tone)

Suzy: Let's go Carl. (hold his hand) 



(They leave LeeJae alone)


LeeJae: We're not yet done.......CARL! Maybe, today you're Win. Yesterday, on the other day, next month, next year... I'll make sure you'll be lose. I can defeat you CARL! Suzy will be never yours, because Suzy is MINE! (evil laugh)



*At The Cafeteria*


(SooHyun) Carl: Yah! Kinchana?

Suzy: N-neh. 

(SooHyun) Carl: (smiled at her)

Suzy: Thank you Carl. 

(SooHyun) Carl: For what?

Suzy: For what you did a while ago. 

(SooHyun) Carl: Ahh. 

Suzy: So, see you later! (smiled at him)

(SooHyun) Carl: Suzy-ah! 

Suzy: Neh?

(SooHyun) Carl: I've showed you how I feel about you. All my feeling were true. All those promises I made, I'm keeping them. Now it's up to you, No matter what you decide to do, I'll be always be here for you. Don't worry Suzy-ah, no matter what happens, I will protect you. 

Suzy: (smiled at him) Thank you again Carl.

(SooHyun) Carl: You're Welcome! (smiled at her)

Suzy: Bye. (waved at him)


Jiyeon saw Carl and call him.


Jiyeon: Carl! 


Suzy is walking. Then she stopped when she heard someone calling to Carl. She turns around and saw Jiyeon. 


Suzy: (turns around) Jiyeon?


Jiyeon: Yah! Carl! How are you? I miss you! (laugh)

(SooHyun) Carl: Hey! I'm fine. Yea~ I miss you too! 

Jiyeon: Have you eaten your breakfast?

(SooHyun) Carl:  No! 

Jiyeon: Aww. that's bad! Let's go I'll treat you!

(SooHyun) Carl: Really?

Jiyeon: Neh. Yah! but next time time you'll treat me! Ok?

(SooHyun) Carl: Haha. Ok! 


Suzy: (stared at them for a while) I know we can not be together Carl, but we will never be apart. For no matter what life brings us, you will always be in my heart. You are every reason, every hope, and every dream Ive ever had. Everyday we are together is the greatest day of my life. and I will always be yours Carl. (she thought to herself) 

Taecyeon: (taps her back) Yah! What are you doing here? 

Suzy: O-oh! Taecyeon! 

Taecyeon: Yah! Min, Jia, and Fei are waiting for you. 

Suzy: O-ok!

Taecyeon: Aishhhh~ If you don't mind.....Let's go together?

Suzy: Tss. Ok! 

Taecyeon: (smiled at her) W-wait. 

Suzy: Neh?

Taecyeon: Where's Carl? 

Suzy: Oh! Carl? He's with Jiyeon!

Taecyeon: Ahh. Well, he's safe! 

Suzy: Safe?

Taecyeon: Yes! He's safe because he's with jiyeon's hand! 

Suzy: Aishhhh~ Whatever!  ----- Safe! Safe! Carl is better with me! (she thought to herself)

Taecyeon: Yah! are you saying something? are you jealous?

Suzy: Nothing. W-what? No! I'm not Jealous.  Tsss.  Yah! Let's go! 

Taecyeon: (nod) Ok.! 



*At Practice Room*


Taecyeon: We're here!

Suzy: Sorry! 

Min: Yah! Suzy-ah! What took you so long?

Suzy: U-Uhmmmm. Sorry. really really Sorry.

Taecyeon: Wiw~ She's with Carl a while ago~ 

Suzy: Y-yah! No. I'm not! I talk to LeeJae, that's why I'm late! 

Min: LeeJae?

Suzy: Neh.

Fei: Yah! I smell something fishy~

Suzy: W-what are you thinking!? L-LeeJae is only my friend!

Fei: Hahaha. Yah! reacting much? Tss. Chill.

Taecyeon: Yah! Ask her about Carl! (laughing)

Fei: What about Carl? Don't tell me carl is..........................................

Min: So, ok let's start now! Jia is here now. 

Fei: Ok.

Suzy: Yah! Taecyeon! You want me to slap you? shut your mouth ok!? (whisper)

Taecyeon: HAHAHA. Okay! 



(SooHyun) Carl: Jiyeon-ah! Thank you for everything. (smiled at her)

Jiyeon: Ok. 

(SooHyun) Carl: I'll treat you next time! 

Jiyeon: Ok. Are you free tomorrow. Maybe you can treat me tomorrow!

(SooHyun) Carl: Tomorrow!? Tomorrow is Saturday right?

Jiyeon: Neh. Wae?

(SooHyun) Carl: Mian. I'm not free tomorrow, maybe next day?

Jiyeon: Aww. Its okay! Hmmmm. Sunday?

(SooHyun) Carl: Ok! Sunday. 

Jiyeon: So, I need to go now. 

(SooHyun) Carl: Can I walk with you? 

Jiyeon: Yeah~

(SooHyun) Carl: So, whats up!?

Jiyeon: What's up? 

(SooHyun) Carl: I mean, how's your lovelife? 

Jiyeon: Yah! Lovelife? 

(SooHyun) Carl: Haha. Its okay if you don't want to share it. 

Jiyeon: You first! 

(SooHyun) Carl: Ladies First..

Jiyeon: No! You first.

(SooHyun) Carl: Aishhhh. Okay,

Jiyeon: So, start now!

(SooHyun) Carl: Yah! I don't know where to start. 

Jiyeon: Oh! come on! you can do it. 

(SooHyun) Carl: I-I can't.

Jiyeon: Haha. Okay! Change topic?

(SooHyun) Carl: Ok,


Min: Ok. Good job guys! Keep it up!

Fei: Yeah! So, I need to go now! Bye Girls.

Suzy: Girls? Taecyeon is here!

Jia: (laughing) 

Fei: Oooops! Sorry! Haha. Bye Taec!

Taecyeon: Bye! 

Jia: Taecyeon is a girl! Taecyeon is a girl!

Taecyeon: Y-yah! Stop it! 

Jia: Haha. Ok!

Suzy: Ehem! 

Taecyeon: Tss. 

Min: So, bye guys! See you on Monday Ok?

Jia and Suzy: Ok! Bye Min-ah!

Taecyeon: Bye! Min.........

Jia: Haha. Poor Taec!

Taecyeon: Tss. Yah! If you not stop, I will kiss you!

Jia: (shocked) W-what!?

Taecyeon: Haha. See!? You fool! :P

Jia: Aishhhh. Yah! Suzy-ah! I need to go now! 

Suzy: Ok, Bye Jiaecyeon! 

Jia: Y-yah! Aishhhhh.

Taecyeon: Haha! Nice one! high five!

Suzy: (ignored him)

Taecyeon: Aishhhh. Kill joy!  Wiw~ Yah! Suzy! are you going home now?

Suzy: Yeah~ Why are you asking?

Taecyeon: Can I go with you? 

Suzy: Hmmm. Ok! but you need to treat me!

Taecyeon: W-what!?

Suzy: Ok. Fine! Go home by yourself! 

Taecyeon: Yah! Ok! I'll treat you! 

Suzy: Good! (smiled)


*Back to Jiyeon and Carl*


Jiyeon: So, What is your ideal girl like?

(SooHyun) Carl: My ideal girl?

Jiyeon: Neh.

(SooHyun) Carl: Hmmmm. Loves me for me, knows how to care me, funny, can make me smile, and can cook! 

Jiyeon: Hmmm. 

(SooHyun) Carl: You?

Jiyeon: Me. Hmmmm. Simple, Funny, Nice, Can make me smile too, good looking, and can love me til the end.

(SooHyun) Carl: Hmmm. That's good! (smiled)


*Suzy and Taecyeon*


Suzy: Yah! Thank you! 

Taecyeon: Tss. 2 ice cream? Wow! You're welcome.

Suzy: So, next destination?

Taecyeon: Next destination? I'm going home now! You?

Suzy: Me too. HyeSung-ah is waiting for me.

Taecyeon: Hyesung-ah?

Suzy: Neh. She's my little sister.

Taecyeon: Ahh. Yah! why don't you call Carl, and tell him to pick you?

Suzy: Tss. He's busy, and maybe he's tired now. 

Taecyeon: Maybe~ Y-yah!

Suzy: Wae?

Taecyeon: Look! Is that Jiyeon?

Suzy: Jiyeon?

Taecyeon: She's with someone? but who's that guy?

Suzy: Maybe he's boyfriend. 

Taecyeon: Boyfriend!? 

Suzy: W-wait! I think that guy is C-carl!

Taecyeon: Carl? Yeah~ that's him! Wow! They spent all the time together! 

Suzy: Whaat!? 

Taecyeon: Aishhhh. Come on!

Suzy: Shido!

Taecyeon: Yah! 

Suzy: I'm going home now!

Jiyeon: S-suzy? T-taecyeon?

Suzy and Taecyeon: H-Hi. 

(SooHyun) Carl: Let's go Ji--------- Suzy? Taecyeon? 

Taecyeon: Yah! are you dating?

(SooHyun) Carl: A-ahneeoh! Jiyeon treats me!

Taecyeon: AHH. 

(SooHyun) Carl: So, how about you? are you da------

Suzy: Ahneeoh! Taec. treats me! 

Taecyeon: Yeah.

Suzy: So, I need to go now. Bye~

(SooHyun) Carl: S-suzy-ah! Wait for me I'll go with you.

Suzy: But....What about Ji------

Jiyeon: No, Its okay! and besides Taecyeon is here. 

(SooHyun) Carl: Are you sure?

Jiyeon: Y-yes!

(SooHyun) Carl: Ok. Thanks again Jiyeon. (smiled at her) Yah! Taec! Take care of her Ok!?

Taecyeon: Yes! Sir! 

(SooHyun) Carl: Tss. Ok, bye! 

Taec and Jiyeon: Bye~


Suzy broke the silence


Suzy: So, how's your day with Jiyeon?

(SooHyun) Carl: Wh.....Why?

Suzy: I just want to know.

(SooHyun) Carl: Its good. 

Suzy: I see. 

(SooHyun) Carl: Yah! tomorrow is Saturday!

Suzy: Ara!

(SooHyun) Carl: what's your problem?

Suzy: (ignored him)

(SooHyun) Carl: Yah! 

Suzy: Nothing.

(SooHyun) Carl: Nothing? Are you sure?

Suzy: Neh. 

(SooHyun) Carl: Suzy-ah. tell me If I hurt you. Tell me if you want me to leave now. 

Suzy: N-no. Please, just stay. 

(SooHyun) Carl: Ok. but tell me first your problem. I know you have, coz I feel it.

Suzy: You want to know?

(SooHyun) Carl: (nod)

Suzy: I-I'm Je...Jealous.

(SooHyun) Carl: Jealous? 

Suzy: Neh. 

(SooHyun) Carl: Why are you jealous? tell me.... Do you like me? 

Suzy: Wh....whaat?

(SooHyun) Carl: I know, you will never be fall inlove with a guy like me. Because I'm you're friend. Friend only. 

Suzy: C-carl?

(SooHyun) Carl: Me too. I will never ever fall inlove with a girl like you. You're my enemy right? do you remember the first time we met? We're arguing with each other right? saying "PABOYA" to me. But you know, I can't believe that you'll be my friend not just friend but a Special friend. I'm so happy that I met a person like you, because I know you can understand me. We have a same feelings, and same past. You have a friend who lost long time ago? and me too. 

Suzy: Why are you saying that?

(SooHyun) Carl: Because I want you to feel what I feel! 

Suzy: (tears started to fall) 

(SooHyun) Carl: Look at me. 

Suzy: I-I can't. (sniff)

(SooHyun) Carl: (hold her face and forced to look at him) Now, look me in the eyes.

Suzy: (look to his eyes) 

(SooHyun) Carl: I don't wanna see you crying. (wipe her tears) I don't wanna say goodbye, don't really wanna go. I don't wanna leave this place. Can we stop here for a while? 

Suzy: O-ok. Let's sit there.

(SooHyun) Carl: No. Please, don't move. Can we be like this forever?

Suzy: I-I don't knoow.

(SooHyun) Carl: You know, all day I think of you, no matter how hard I try to forget you, theres no use. 

Suzy: (speechless)

(SooHyun) Carl: I will always care of you, even if we're not together. As a friend I will do anything to be your everything. (kiss her forhead) Stop crying now Ok?

Suzy: (nod) 

(SooHyun) Carl: Let's go. 

Suzy: (hold his hand tightly)

(SooHyun) Carl: Yah! tomorrow ok!?

Suzy: Hmmmm. (smiled at him)


*At Suzy's House*


Suzy: Why I keep thinking the words he said to me, 





(SooHyun) Carl: I don't wanna see you crying. (wipe her tears) I don't wanna say goodbye, don't really wanna go. I don't wanna leave this place. Can we stop here for a while? 

Suzy: O-ok. Let's sit there.

(SooHyun) Carl: No. Please, don't move. Can we be like this forever?

Suzy: I-I don't knoow.

(SooHyun) Carl: You know, all day I think of you, no matter how hard I try to forget you, theres no use. 

Suzy: (speechless)

(SooHyun) Carl: I will always care of you, even if we're not together. As a friend I will do anything to be your everything. (kiss her forhead) Stop crying now Ok?


End of Flashback



Someone ruined suzy's moment, It was big knock at her door


Hyesung: Unnie! (*knocks*)

Suzy: Wae? (opens door)

Hyesung: I think Carl is there. 

Suzy: What!?


She went outside and close the door. Then a familiar voice called her.


LeeJae: Suzy! (as it almost shout)

Suzy: Huh? (I look back)

LeeJae: Let's walk together. ( he said as he went to me)

Suzy: LeeJae? What are you doing here?

LeeJae: Just want to talk to you.

Suzy: again? I'm sleepy LeeJae, maybe we can talk on other day. but not now, I'm tired, I just want to rest. Bye.

LeeJae: Suzy! don't leave me! Why don't you recognize me? I'm here for you, 

Suzy: W-what are you talking about?

LeeJae: I like you Suzy. I like you. please be my girl..

Suzy: No. LeeJae! Your're drunk! 

LeeJae: No I'm not! Please answer me If you like me too! 

Suzy: No, No leejae. you'll be getting hurt if I tell you my answer. 

LeeJae: Just say it!

Suzy: I don't like you! I don't love you! 

LeeJae: (speechless)

Suzy: I told you, you'll be getting hurt. 

LeeJae: Why? Because you like Carl!? tell me do you love him!?

Suzy: Yes! I love him! 

LeeJae: do you really love him? Or you just want it to say because you want me to hurt? I know you don't love him. 

Suzy: No! You're wrong. I really do love him with ever no doubt I will love him until the day I die, until the day I can no longer stand, until I become dust in the wind, until the highest of the high sends his angels to come and take my soul. 

LeeJae: (fake smile and walked away)



*Suzy's Room*


Hyesung: Yah! I heard it! 

Suzy: What?

Hyesung: You like carl!

Suzy: I-I don't know. 

Hyesung: Tss. deny! I know you like him!

Suzy: Whatever. 

Hyesung: Tss. 

Suzy: I'm sleepy and tired. Please, leave me alone. 

Hyesung: Ok.. 

Suzy: Hyesung-ah!

Hyesung: Neh?

Suzy: don't tell it to Carl ok?

Hyesung: Ok. Goodnight.

Suzy: Night. -- Yes! That's true I like Carl, still don't want to tell it, because I'm scared that, what if he rejects me? or ignored me? I just keep it. but I hope Carl feels what I feel. I want Carl to see and feel that I love him. Carl do you like me? I remember you said to me "I will never ever fall inlove with a girl like you." Is that true? Aishhhh~ So many questions on my mind. I'll just sleep so I can forget it now. (closed her eyes)



Chapter 12 done! Wiw~ Chapter 13. :)) Thank you readers! :**** Please support my story. Can't wait to make another story of hyunzy. :) ~tinegc #off~




Suzy and (SooHyun) Carl. :")


Taecyeon and Suzy. :)


Keeps thinking the words that Carl told to her. 




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Last 2 or 3 Chapters! :)) To all people who reads/view my story, Thank You so so much! :) This is my first story. # Long Lost Friend Ending~


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carlos_renton #1
Keep going ;) You are a good writer and i'm looking for your next fanfic :)
Hyunzy fighting :P
yonaaa #2
Chapter 8: Aaaaaaaa so sweeeeet.. Love them so much!
Good job! Author :))) Hyunzy fighting!
Chapter 17: Yieeee. I love the ending! :'> Nice story keep it up! More Hyunzy stories pleaseee X)
Hi. Readers! :) Please support me til the end. Thank you. This is my first story. and I want you to know that I will make another hyunzy story, :) One shot? Maybe. xxx ~tinegc
lovehyunzy #6
Chapter 7: Awwww. They are so cute. Update soon pls
lovehyunzy #7
Chapter 7: Awwww. They are so cute. Update soon pls
lovehyunzy #8
PLS. Update soon<3
I agree with skullmaki... can you please just use their real names? Plus its strange with Jiyeon's as Jiyeonhyung... hyung is the older male figure for a guy so thats awkward