I'll protect her for him‏

I'll protect her for him‏


Taemin's POV 


My name is Taemin and I'm 20 this year. I'm the maknae but also the best dancer of SHINee or even SM. They don't call me the dance machine for nothing, you know. It took me a while to figure out but I'm actually deeply in love with my leader, Lee Jinki. But he doesn't know it, partly because I haven't told him and it's not like he's going to leave me. Like, he's not very good with girls and we don't have the time anyway. Jonghyunnie hyung would be too preoccupied with Key hyung, and Minho hyung's just a hyung- with our Suju sunbaes. Which probably leaves Onew hyung wrapped around my finger. So I don't have the intentions to let hyung know of my feelings just yet. I don't want anything to change, he's so dear to me I wouldn't want him to hate me or anything because of my ual preferences. I haven't really confirmed which way he swings, but I'll have him swing my way one day. 




This few weeks, nearing the end of our Dream Girl promotion, Onew hyung seems to be spacing out a little more, he hides in his room all day and sometimes I hear him giggle like a little girl. When I ask him about it, he doesn't tell me anything and avoids my gaze. Like he's hiding something from me, which seriously annoys me. Since debut, Onew hyung and I share no secrets. Even between Key umma, I have my reservations but I kept none towards Onew. Isn't this a little unfair? 


"Hyung, what is it? Why are you so distant from me these days?" I pouted. 


"And who were you talking to these weeks anyway?" 


I dislike the giggly Onew without me. I know I didn't have the right to interrogate him like this, what's more with him being my leader and my hyung, but I couldn't help it. 


"Ani. I'm not distancing myself from you. Just a bit busier these days." Onew simply replied without looking up from his texting. 


Liar. Dream Girl promotion is soon to be over, if anything you should have more free time to spend with me!


"And I was just talking to Jung Ah noona. I'm meeting her for dinner tonight." He added, eyes still fixated on the tiny screen. 


"Jung Ah noona...from After School?" I inquired. 


She's really sweet and pretty though I've only met her twice. 


And Onew hyung is meeting her tonight, on our free night together. He never mentioned anything to us. Is he going alone? Is that what I think it is? A date?! 




"Are you going alone?"


He nodded. His ears a tinge of red and a smile began to spread across his face. That one smile that was once only for me.


That only meant a date right? See, there I just let Onew loose a bit and he goes cheating on me! Okay, maybe not cheating, considering the fact that we weren't in any commitment. And I haven't even told him how I felt. Pabo Taemin, you deserve it if Onew strays to her. My heart stung as I watch Onew whistling a happy tune texting her. 


I let out a groan, dragged myself to my room and hid under the covers, please let this nightmare be over soon. Onew hyung didn't even say anything about him dating, he would truthfully tell me if he likes someone, right? 


Yes. That's right. So it's just a dinner. A friend. Nothing more than that. 


The night grew dark as I thought. Unknowingly, I had fallen asleep under the warm covers, the rain a soft lullaby leading me to dreamland. 




"Pledis Entertainment denies dating rumors between SHINee's Onew and After School's Jung Ah." I read, hopping on the Internet bright and early. 


A close friend disclosed that they had been dating for nearly a year? Who's this close friend? Aren't I Onew hyung's closest dongsaeng? Unless you count Joon hyung. But is Joon hyung a close friend of Jung Ah noona? 


But whatever! Why didn't hyung tell me anything? I confided in him in everything and he chose to keep this from me. 


"But it says here it's a rumor." I reasoned with myself aloud. "I should clarify with him." 


Just then, there was a knock on the door and before I could answer there was a red head peeping in. 


"Taemin-ah, rise and shine! Key called for us to eat breakfast. It's your favorite!" Onew chirped happily.  


It was a sunny morning and the dorm was lit up beautifully through the translucent curtains. 


"Onew hyung, how long are you going to keep this from me, between you and Jung Ah noona?" I asked without looking at Onew. 


First there was Onew being so distant, then there was dinner with noona in our free time and finally there's this stupid rumor to ruin the morning. Well it was more like Onew kept it away from me that infuriated me more. 


"Omo! Taemin, you knew?" Onew asked wide-eyed, "I'm sorry, it was meant to be a surprise!" 


Onew walked to me and put a hand on my shoulder. He couldn't see what I was actually reading well thanks to the privacy-protection screen that's in trend these days. But from the way hyung spoke, he just confirmed it. My heart hurts. 


"Taemin-ah, I just thought since our break from Dream Girl is coming soon and I could do this." Onew smiled apologetically, though he didn't know where he'd gone wrong. 


"Hyung, I thought you could trust me more than that. I guess I'm not worthy enough yet." I sighed.


I shrugged his hand off and walked past him to the dining room. I need to eat it off. For the years living with Onew hyung, it seems food has become a comfort for me too, after dancing that is. 


The whole morning I couldn't look straight into hyung's eyes. No matter how much footsies he did to me I didn't respond. It used to be adorable to me, but eventually it got annoying today and I had to move away from sitting opposite of Jinki to opposite of Minho hyung. 


"Aigoo, Taebaby what's with the attitude today? You're usually the one snatching the seat opposite of Onew hyung." Key umma noticed. 


"Well, not anymore. You can sit there if you want." I puffed.


I'm just really frustrated at this. Onew hyung, the man whom I love so dearly, is dating someone else other than me, and expects me to be pleasantly surprised by it? Pfft! I let out an angry smirk. 


I saw Onew glanced over from the corner of my eyes so I pulled my mouth straight and continued eating my banana pancakes. 


But then I let out a soft sigh. Well, I shouldn't have been so conceited and let Onew hyung slip away from me. I'm an idiot! 


I mentally scolded myself but physically knocked myself in the forehead with my knuckles subconsciously. Which really hurt! 


"Minnie! What are you doing?" Onew rushed over, his seat toppling behind him. 


His big warm hands rubbed over my bruised spot in concern. I felt like a little kitty, enjoying the touch I almost let out a purr. 


"Ow! That's hurting even more you pabo!" I lied. 


I can't stand it. I know it's not your damn fault that you don't know I'm in love with you. You have a girlfriend now, but I'm still preying on you god just keep your hands off me! 


I ran up to my room, slammed the door and hid under the covers. I could hear Key umma screaming up at me for being so rude. But what the heck. 


Perhaps it's because of the recent hectic schedule we had, I've been sleeping a whole lot. Before I knew it, I'm having my nap after breakfast. If this keeps up I'm going to grow fat. 


Habitually, right after I woke up the first thing I did was to hop on to the Internet again. I surfed to SHINee's official website wanting to know what's up in SHINee World. But then I was reminded of Onew hyung and Jung Ah noona. My heart sank again. 


"Onew oppa! Jung Ah is too old for you! Come back to us!" One fan wrote. 


I continued reading the comments and they all went along the lines of wanting Onew to be free again, asking whether if the rumor was true or that they would readily offer themselves to hyung if he needed love. 


Well I'm not surprised, Onew hyung seems to be able to attract all the noonas and yea girls offer themselves to us all the time. If only they knew the real us. 


But then there was this one comment that struck me: "Onew oppa! Jung Ah doesn't deserve you! She's too old for you...I hope she would just die or something!" 


Then as I scrolled down again I saw from another shawol: "Onew oppa! I already sent her a warning not to spread the rumors you can come back to us now! ^^" 


I was pretty appalled. Seriously, why can't they be happy for us once now that we actually got some action? You would think that we would be happy to be with the one we loved right?


 Oh. Right. Did I actually think that? 


As I scrolled further down through the comments that were some sweet ones but also some seemingly threatening ones. I was beginning to worry for Jung Ah noona now. 


I quickly went to After School's website and looked through the forums and comments. Wow the users here are even more vicious. 


"Jung Ah, get your pedo hands off Onew oppa or I'll cut it off, arasso?!" 


"Jung Ah I'm going to slap you till you come to your senses! Get someone your age geez you don't deserve someone as good as Onew oppa!" 


"Jung Ah unnie, hope you like that bloody doll I sent you! You like young and cute boys right?"


What are these fans doing? If they really love Onew hyung, shouldn't they be approving of Jung Ah noona? That's no way to show support for someone you idolize. Obviously since they are in love and going out, hyung must be really happy right? They should give them their blessings! 


Stupid fans! 


I curled my fingers up the more I thought about it. If I'm dating Onew hyung, the last thing I want to happen is to see him be hurt by my Taemints! 


Idiot Taemin! What are you saying? Does this mean you've accepted fate like this? Does this mean I've accepted that hyung is now in love and dating noona? Argh I'm an idiot! 


I'm in such a conflicting mood. 



There the first sneak-peak of the fic! It's really a short story though!:) Thanks for reading! 



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Chapter 6: for a starter fic it's not bad ... some typos and missing words here and there ... but all in all it was not bad.
Chapter 2: chapter 2 ::: end = facepalm and an "Oh !" to go with it
Chapter 6: *jaw drops*.....*drool*...
Chapter 5: Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww so cute <3
Chapter 6: keke, this is just so damn adorable; I love it, the misunderstanding was so cute, they both thought that the other loved her, lol, and were willing to look after her, even though it hurt them, that the other loved her; I'm so glad that they loved each other and confessed to each other, yay, it wasn't the perfect sweet romantic confession that Jinki wanted, but it got the job done, hehe; and their first time was so HOT, I loved how Jinki told him to let him see all his emotions, so hot, but also romantic; I'm so glad that it was OnTae who ended up together, OnTae fighting, keke. <3
Chapter 6: -dies- kyaaaaaaaaaaaa~~~ OnTae misunderstanding sooooo cuteeee <333 and the confession and kissss -gasps- wahhhh... when i saw the chapter named extra i went like o.o and when i saw rated M i went like O.O asdfghjkldfs fyygy.. OnTae make up $ex.. gahhhhhhhhh... soooooo HOTTT!!! and gooodddd.. Damn i love this story... wahhhh nice story line parang ^^ thanx for writing this -hugs- ^^