Chapter 2



"Zitao, what would you say if I told you that I was a vampire." Yixing asks as he helps the ten year-old boy dress in the traditional Italian dress for men and young boys.


"Fratello, why would you ask that?"  Zitao asks. He looks up at the older male, waiting for his answer. Why would his older fratello ask him such a question? Is it because of what the rest of his male classmates say at school? Most likely. 


"I'm asking because I am simply curious." Even though Yixing is cold to Zitao most of the time, it did not mean he cared for him. On the contrary, he cares for him a lot. However, he doesn't want to show it that much.


"I don't know fratello, I really don't know." The younger's gaze falls to the ground, but Yixing lifts his face and smiles. 


"It's fine Zitao. You will know in due time."


The smell of blood reaches Zitao's nostrils. The sliding of small blocks echoes in his ears, they belong to a rubix cube. It's been many years since he has been transformed into a vampire. Strange really. All he remembers when he woke up is being really thirsty. 


"Zitao! You're awake!" Luhan latches himself to the younger, and taller, male and smiles. He has always been kind to him, and has always tried to help him suppress his hunger. 


"Mmm, where are we?" Luhan lifts his head and rests his chin on Zitao's shoulder. 


"Korea. We are going to school here for some reason. Good thing we can decide to live amongst the humans. You are lucky that Yifan was the one who transformed you, if not you wouldn't be able to walk in the sun." Strange really, pure bloods are the only ones that have the ability. If one is bitten by a typical vampire, that person would burn under the rays of sun.


"Korea? Why there?"


"Because that is the second origin to which we belong." Yifan's demanding voice echoes from the walls as he walks in casually.  An exasperated sigh leaves the male's lips who is walking in behind Yifan. Yixing rolls his eyes. 


"No Yifan, your origin is in Canada. Luhan, Zitao, and I are from China. Xiumin and Chen are from Korea." An eruption of laughter escapes everyone's chest.


"You don't have to get so snappy about it." Xiumin comments. 


"He said 'second!'" Luhan adds on. Chen just chuckles while Zitao snickers at his fratello. 


"Whatever. I got passports for all of us. Zitao, you will be known as Tao Huang. Luhan, you will simply keep your name. Chen, you will be known as Jongdae. Yifan, you shall be known as Kris Wu. I will be known as Lay, and Xiumin will be known as Minseok." Everyone is not surprised. 


"Should we go pack then?" Xiumin asks the younger male. A bored expression plastered across his face.


"It's not neccessary. We will have things ready for us in Korea." With that said, they all head to the exit. Zitao stops in his tracks and looks behind him. The place he was raised in, it seems as if he might never see it again.




Trolololololololol, hm....what gift shall I leave you all with? Hm? Hm? Fratello means 'brother' in Italian btw o-o. Anywho....Here are some gifs that represents all fangirls in the world!!!! *does random whale noises*: 



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Chapter 7: O nnnnnnn O UUUUUUpDATE!!!!!
Chapter 8: I thought it was a real update though and i'm kind of frustated...please update soon...the real update...please *puppy eyes*
GoDokMiYah #3
Chapter 4: You shouldve put a sorry sorry gif
GoDokMiYah #4
Chapter 3: Totally partying hard now xD
Chapter 4: Like this fic! Pretty interesting! Update soon! :)
snow_flakes_fall #6
Chapter 4: I snorted, oh Lay..
Chapter 1: Haha, I like the first chapter. It's good.
TheeNella13 #8
Chapter 1: Aww yays I'm subscriber #2! This looks so good ^^ haha Tao is pretty much one of my top idols and I'm so excited to read this fic :)