How They Met

Even Though We're Rivals


IT'S BEEN LIKE, A MONTH SINCE I LAST UPDATED. But hve no fear. I will update more since sumMER IS NEXT WEEK. WHOOPPPPKOFNKORAKLN. anyway, I felt like I needed to update because I wanted to say, I HAVEN'T FORGOTTEN ABOUT THIS STORY. Just busy with concerts and all. Happy reading! ^^


Zinger looked at Jongup and Zelo still standing there as they watched Daehyun and Seungah leave to go to the principal's office.
"I don't understand. Why do they have to be so good at everything?" Zinger pouted jokingly.
"Aw, they had to start from the bottom too, noona." Zelo patted her shoulder.
Jongup nodded. "Yeah! I remember Himchan hyung telling us about their first year and how those two met because they were the newbies at everything."
"And how Daehyun hyung hit her in the face with a soccer ball or something." Zelo snapped.
"No, no, no. Himchan totally lied to you two." Zinger shook her head. "Not surprising, seeing as its him. They were newbies all right, but they could definitely pass our seniors." She recalled, then looked at them. "Plus, it wasn't Daehyun who hit Seungah in the face, it was the other way around."
Jongup and Zelo turned to each other. "Seungah noona?!"
"She's pretty tough when she wants to be." She shrugged. "That and she's just uncoordinated when it comes to sports."
2 years ago
 "What the hell?!" First-year Jung Daehyun wiped his nose as he lay on the ground. He was confused to how he even got there in the first place. One minute, he was head-butting a ball to score a goal in gym class, the next minute, he was on the ground with a bleeding nose.
He could see Himchan and Youngjae from the side of his vision laughing at him together, and he scowled, looking at his finger again, about get himself to his feet again.
"Omo! Omo! Omo! I'm sorry! I didn't- wah!" First-year Park Seungah ran towards him, accidentally tripping herself on his arm, bringing them both down.
"Agh!" Daehyun squeezed his eyes shut and stopped moving. He looked at his arm and squeezed his hand. At least he could still feel it. He sat up and cranked his head. "What's wrong with you? Can you not-"
"Sorry!" She bowed. "I couldn't stop running! I had so much momentum to get over here and I couldn't stop!"
Daehyun blinked at her. "What the hell?" He whispered under his breath. His breath caught when she straightened up and he got a better look at her face. He'd always been viewed by girls from afar, but he was too focused on the games to pay attention.
This girl was pretty.
"Ack! Your face! I messed it up!" She pointed at his nose, which was still bleeding and he remembered what happened 5 minutes earlier. He quickly stood up, and left the soccer field to go to the nurse's office, the girl still on his tail. "Are you really okay? The ball kinda just went wherever, I didn't really plan on it smashing your face!"
"It's fine." He mumbled.
"I don't know. It looks like something's wrong to me." Seungah leaned over to examine him.
Daehyun stopped and let out a frustrated breath. "Yes, I get that it looks like you ran over my face, I really do. But stop following me!" He stormed off again.
"Who says I'm following you?" She snorted. "If you hadn't noticed, I cut my hand because your arm tripped me!"
"More like you kicked my arm, you crazy woman!"
Seungah eyed him with a scowl. "Tch." They walked down the empty hallways during class in complete silence for a while.
Seungah cleared . "What's your name anyway?"
"What's yours?" Daehyun asked back.
"Yah. I asked first."
"Well I asked second."
"That's not even fair."
Daehyun ruffled his hair and let out a breath. "Daehyun. Jung Daehyun. Yours?"
She grinned up at him. "Seungah. Park Seungah."
"That's totally not what hyungs said." Zelo pouted at the thought of being tricked.
"I don't take sides usually, but I'd rather take Seungah's over your precious hyungs." Zinger shrugged. "It's okay, they're good people deep, deep down." She patted their shoulders in comfort. "Come on. I'll treat you guys to some food."

"You go first." Seungah pushed Daehyun ahead of her once they got outside the principal's door.
"Scaredy cat." Daehyun rolled his eyes and knocked, then opened the door to see the principal working on his computer, the student council president, Kim Joonmyun, better known in the school by the name of Suho, seated already. He looked bored as he stared out the window.
Principal Jang looked at the newcomers and stood up, handing out handshakes to each of them. "Glad you could make it, Mr. Jung and Ms. Park. Please, take a seat."
Daehyun shook his hands. "If it's okay, can we make it quick? I have practice in fifteen minutes and I still have to get ready."
"Yes, of course." The principal sat down. "This won't take long. I'd just like to inform you that since you all are the presidents of school activities, I'd like for you to recruit some people into joining clubs and extracurricular activities tomorrow at the assembly. Just a short speech is all. Is that okay?"
"Of course, principal Jang." Suho nodded. 
"Great! Then I hope you're ready by tomorrow. You can go on to your practices and what not now." He excused them and they went on their way.
The three students stood outside of the room awkwardly. Sure, Daehyun and Seungah talked a lot, but they didn't really include Suho. It's not that they didn't invite him to anything, he was just always studying with his other student council friends at the library.
"So, Suho-sshi, when do you want to talk?" Seungah asked.
Suho shrugged a shoulder. "It doesn't matter I guess-"
"I'm last!" Daehyun blurted, raising a hand. The other two watched him questioningly. "Best for last, right?"
"I guess I'll go first then." Suho decided. "That okay with you?"
Seungah nodded. "Yeah! I'll just be the 2nd person. See you guys tomorrow then." She waved to the boys and left to the practice room.
The two watched for a while. At least Seungah and Suho were capable of having decent conversations with each other, since Suho was reserved, and so was Seungah, if she wanted to be.
Daehyun on the other hand, was completely different from Suho. He bit his lip, and slapped the other on the back and smiled awkwardly. "See you later, man."
"Yeah." Suho pursed his lips and they went on their own way.
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Chapter 13: I really like this story, it's different and really cute and I love the plot. Good luck and keep writing! c: c:
Chapter 13: I really really like this story. The plot is nice and it is written nice. It's different from other stories. I wish you'd get more attention though :(
Chapter 12: Ahh, clueless daehyun! 9.9
farah15121999 #4
Chapter 12: thank you for the update.hahaha
Chapter 11: Puhahaha suho is like totally one of my faves now
Chapter 9: Ooooooooooeeeeeeehh. Daehyun and seungah. (Hope i spelt it right) oeeeeehh im starting to think she likes him too!
bdawn14 #7
Chapter 8: oh geez daehyun ~ just tell the girl you like her XD
Chapter 8: Daehyun toooooooootally likes her. Keke! I looove the charecters! Theyre just so assdffgghhjjkllkjjhggffddssddss. So belivable!
bdawn14 #9
Chapter 7: im really excited for their competitions with each other XD and can i sense that daehyun likes seungah just a bit more than he puts on ? ;p update soon please !!
bdawn14 #10
Chapter 6: oh daehyun and his cheesecake XD these scenes are so cute aha