Locked Garage

Even Though We're Rivals


i didn't forget, I PROMISE. Very bad case of writers block but there's an EXTRA long chapter coming up ahead so I warn you.

Summer's coming to an end :( I knew it was coming but ugh. Then again, on the bright side, Badman came out! It's an amazing album if you haven't heard it. My personal preference is excuse me. Yongguk never fails to impress me with his lyrics. Simply amazing.

OKAY back to the chapter, hope you enjoy! ^^


The next day arrived and everybody got there early, especially the third years, since they were the oldest and the head of their clubs. Especially 11 students in particular.
It was only 4:30 in the morning, and they didn't come empty handed.
"Just a little more! I can almost reach it." Seungah said through her teeth.
"But I'm tired! Is this necessary? Can't we do something else- oh my gosh that's my face." Sunhwa groaned, pushing Seungah as high up as she could. "Couldn't we use a ladder or something?"
Seungah stopped for a second. "That's not a bad idea, we should've thought of that earlier."
The girls were in the pitch-black gym, Sunhwa trying to lift Seungah so she could unscrew the rim from the backboard of the basketball court. The others were keeping out for teachers and whatnot. 
"Hold on, almost done." Seungah bit her lip, then shook the rim hard enough to fall off, then smiled at her work and got Sunhwa to lower her to the ground. "Thanks. I'll make it up with coffee later." She promised.
"Better be damn good coffee then." Sunhwa straightened out her back. "They always get us back though, shouldn't someone be on the lookout for everything else?"
Seungah's head lifted and her eyes widened. "Holy crap you're right." She said and grabbed Sunhwa and ran down the halls to check everything. "You go to the theater and dance rooms and I'll go to the choir and orchestra and art rooms." She pointed.
Sunhwa gave her an 'ok' sign and left off to the other floors and halls.
Seungah checked every stand and chair. The choir folders were okay and everything in the art room was in order and was heading to the Orchestra room. "This guy better not have done anything with the instruments or I'll kick his-" she opened the door and found a guy dressed in black holding up a violin and stopped turning the pegs to stare at her.
They made eye contact for about five seconds when Seungah recognized the eyes and ran at him. "Daehyun come here you little sh-"
"Hit me and this thing is done for." He held it up in the air with an arm stretched in her direction, while moving sideways to the door.
Seungah blocked the door and locked it. "Put that thing down and no one gets hurt." She warned. When he didn't move, she advanced towards him.
Daehyun instinctively set the instrument down and ran away to the door to unlock it. When he finally did, he rushed outside, sliding on the tiled floors and squeaking.
Seungah was right on his trail and chased him. When she was close enough, she jumped on his back and started whacking his head, causing him to fall and bring them both down. "Stop it, you're hurting me." He said sarcastically and feigned pain.
"You'll be hurting in a minute if you don't stop." Seungah scowled. "Now where are the other guys, I'm pretty sure you're not acting alone on this."
"Wow, you're smart. How did you- ah!" He started when Seungah clamped a hand over his mouth.
"Shut up someone's coming!" She whispered furiously, looking around with speculation. It couldn't be a teacher could it? But it was too early, right? "Is it Sunhwa?" She wondered. Was she already done checking the theater?
Daehyun pried her hands off. "You idiot, it's a custodian!" He looked around the dark hallways and rooms, got up, and pulled her over to a corner.
They could hear the janitor whistle through the halls, his keys ringing on his belt, and he was coming closer to them with every step he took, to their dismay.
"What are we supposed to do?" Seungah whispered, unconsciously smacking his shoulder. "If they find us, we're done for! We'll be caught sneaking in, do you know what that means?"
"Shut up! You talk a lot!" He said the obvious, reaching out his arm sideways and pushing her back against the wall. The same time, peering around the corner. His head whipped back and he put his forefinger to his lips. Seungah stuck out her tongue at him in return.
All they could do now was to be quiet and wait for the janitor to pass. But it was pretty hard if you were hiding with the person who was trying to sabotage the events you put up.
"Shh." Daehyun said once again as he was almost at the corner.
"Hey guys-"
Daehyun and Seungah yelped in surprise and then put their hands over their mouths. His face grew to a scowl as he clutched his heart. "Youngjae? What the hell? You almost gave us heart attacks!"
Youngjae looked completely lost. "I was just trying to say hi, jeez I can be nice?"
"Get over here!" Seungah pulled him from the open. "There's a janitor and he'll.. see..." She looked him up and down and pushed him away. "Where the hell did you get those keys?"
He brightly smiled. "Yesterday after practice. What can I say, I'm a stealthy guy..." He flipped the keys but ended up dropping them. "Anyway, your people ran into my people and so I came I find you guys because we all want to go out for some breakfast."
"My people?" Seungah pointed to herself. She sighed and grabbed Youngjae's arm. "Aish let's go. I'm hungry and I owe Sunhwa a coffee anyway."
"Hey, at least we decided to do it in the morning this year. Saved a whole lot of trouble." Youngjae nodded to himself.
Seungah lightly slapped him, cheeks flushing and pulled him along with Daehyun following close behind.
2 years ago
Hyosung yawned and tried to sleep on the soccer field. It was almost 11:15 and they still weren't done with everything. Including some other stuff, the girls were rigging the field so that when the players stepped in a certain range for their demonstration, the sprinklers would go off. So there she was, on the side of the field, eyes closed.
"Hey, you guys wanna come to my house after this? We can come together in the morning." Hana offered.
"Is breakfast included?" Sunhwa raised an eyebrow.
"Of course! We're gonna be here all day tomorrow, might as well." We shrugged back.
Jieun high fived Seungah with a smile. "Finished right?" 
"Yep." Seungah huffed and wiped her forehead. "Everything's set. There's no need to check everything before we go, is there?"
"Can we at least check the dance CD? Just in case?" Hyosung called, still wary about their last incident before the soccer game. She was just glad the third years didn't find out about it first.
The others groaned, since they wanted to go back and sleep. Sunhwa leaned on Jieun, pouting.
Seungah raised her hand, she had to take responsibility since this was all her idea anyway. "You guys go back first. We'll meet you at your house, Hana."
"You sure?" Hana pointed. "Because we can wait."
She nodded. "Go, you guys look tired. We can handle this, right Hyosung?"
Hyosung nodded fervently and pushed the others on the sidewalk. "We'll be right behind you." She assured. When the two finally convinced them, they went right back inside. "You could've gone with them too, you know."
Seungah nudged Hyosung's shoulder with a small smile. "Yeah but then you'd be alone. In the pitch black. With only the light of your phone."
"Hey." She backed off.
"Did I mention you'd be alone?"
"Seungah!" Hyosung clung to her arm in fright the whole trip to the room. They had to go the back way since there was a guard sneaking around the front.
"Should we call them and tell them we're on our way?" Seungah asked, reaching in her pockets when Hyosung nodded. She checked her jean pockets and then her shoes, just in case. "My, what, Hyosung have you seen my phone anywhere?"
She looked around. "I don't think so."
"I didn't give it to you?"
"Not that I know of."
"Huh." Seungah jutted her jaw and turned back around. She thought of any place it might have dropped out. She fell one time, but... "I think I dropped it. I'll go back and get it. You go with to Hana's house and I'll just meet up with you there."
"Shh.." Seungah whispered. "There's a guard. Go! I'll be right there."
"O-ok." Hyosung said questionably and left.
Seungah cocked her head and kicked herself inside. How could she loose her phone? In the middle of the night of all places? "You idiot." She scolded, making her way to the back of the school.
Before the guard could catch her she went inside the athletic garage. She probably lost it tripping over a volleyball net or something when she was trying to deflate some soccer balls.
"Now where is it?" She whispered to herself, trying to look on the ground with only the moonlight.
Suddenly she heard footsteps running inside the garage and heavy breathing. "Why is that guy so fast? He's like 80!"
Seungah's head shot up and she turned, making eye contact. Her hand flew to before she screamed and pointed. "What the hell are you doing here?!"
"Seungah?! What? Why? Huh?" Daehyun pointed to her too, pretty confused.
"Why are you here?" She stomped, still whispering across the room.
"Just... Because?" He shrugged. "Now why are you here this late at night? Huh? You're not trying to do something?"
"You loser, I lost my phone." She stuck her nose up and knelt down to look around the floor. It was really frustrating, since she'd been looking  for a good ten minutes. She felt a pain in her left hand and shook it out, wheezing through her teeth, silently hopefully.
Daehyun watched her the while time, but that did it. "Aish. Move over, where do you think it is?" He pushed her a little bit.
"Somewhere in this corner, I'm pretty sure-"
Just then someone shut the door. The two twirled around and then widened their eyes at each other.
Daehyun ran over and looked out the window, seeing the guard. "Stupid teenagers forgot to close the door again." He scowled, walking away.
"Yah! We're in here! Open up, grandpa!" Daehyun called, trying to open the locked door. "Are you deaf?! THERE'S PEOPLE IN HERE-"
"You're so loud." Seungah threw a volleyball at him and crawled over everything inbetween them. She looked out the window as well. "He's probably can't hear you, , did you not see his hearing aid?" She leaned on the wall.
She flinched when Daehyun slammed his hand next to her. "Dammit!"
"Calm down there, it's not the end of the world." Seungah advised.
"There's gotta gotta be some way we can get out right? Like a bigger window? Can we lift the garage door?" He tried until his face got red, then gave up and fell backwards and started hitting the floor. "This isn't fair! I'm tired and hungry and alone with a maniac!"
"Excuse me?"
"I was just trying to check! Hey! Get your phone or something! Maybe we can call someone! Isn't someone supposed to get you or something?" Daehyun pulled on his hair.
On the side, Seungah judged him. "You gotta be kidding. It's not that big of a deal! Someone will find us tomorrow." She slid down the wall until she was sitting. "Plus my phone's dead. Or else I would've had Hyosung call it. It's not even freezing or anything bad."
He rolled on the ground, making inhumane sounds. "We're gonna die in here! I'm so hungry and tired-"
"Then go to sleep."
"-and I have to go through it with a living nightmare." He went on like he didn't hear her. He sat up, his hair a mess and his clothes dirty. "How are you not freaking out right now?"
"Because someone will eventually find us tomorrow? There's a huge event and people will need stuff from in here anyway, I don't see what the big deal is." She shrugged. Honestly, she was freaking out on the inside. Being locked in a room alone for a night alone with a boy was pretty terrifying. After thinking, she had nothing to be worried about. The worst thing Daehyun could do was accidentally run into her while going completely crazy.
"Seriously just calm down. You're over exaggerating everything." She sighed, leaning her head back against the wall and closing her eyes. If she wanted morning to come faster, she would have to sleep.
But she really couldn't when Daehyun kept throwing tennis balls at her. "You can't sleep now, I'm not even tired yet! You can't leave me alone right now!"
Seungah gave up and got herself to her feet. "Well what are we supposed to do about that? Play a game?"
"Did you say game?" His eyes glinted. "Like what? I like games."
She snorted. "Obviously."
"What about a chicken fight?" He offered.
"Are you kidding or not because I really can't tell." She shook her head. "With all this equipment?"
"Come on it'll be fun. It's an open space here." He pulled his foot up and started hopping to her.
"This cannot be happening right now." She groaned. If it made him shut up, it was probably worth it though. Before long, they were pushing and shoving each other, yelling and shrieking.
"Why do you keep running away from me?" Daehyun ran, well, jumped after her again across the tiny space.
"Because this is terrifying and you are the definition of crazy!" She explained. "You'd probably knock me over and hurt me or something-"
"Seungah!" Daehyun pushed her out of the way of a falling metal pipe. It hit the ground with a thud and the room was silent except for the insects outside.
She brought herself up to a sitting position, holding her head. "Ow!"
Daehyun supported her back. "Are you okay? Did you hit your head or something?"
"It's nothing." She let it go and went back to lean on the wall. Her head was throbbing though. She tripped and her head broke her fall, but it hit the pole instead.
"Did you want to sleep?" Daehyun sat right next to her.
She nodded.
"You're that tired?"
She nodded again.
"You weren't a second ago.." He mumbled and she smacked his arm. "Just saying!" He settled down and coughed. "S-sorry about that, I am. I didn't know it was gonna happen."
"You pulled me out of the way, we're even, can I go to sleep now?" She asked.
"But why were you here in the first place anyway?" He asked.
Her face twisted. "Don't act dumb. I saw you earlier with the paint bottles. I guess it was Yongguk, but he was there."
"Oh, you have good eyes." He complimented. "Great minds think alike. Mine does at least." He smiled smugly to himself.
"Keep dreaming." Seungah grumbled.
Daehyun snuck a sideways glance at her. "I'm not used to this. You're being quiet. It's weird."
"I'm not even sorry." She stuck out her tongue.
After a moment, Daehyun looked up at the ceiling. "You know the reason I wanted to go home so bad?" When she didn't answer, he went on. "My mom was making cheesecake tonight." He wailed.
"Why do you like cheesecake so much anyway?" Seungah raised an eyebrow. She had noticed his addiction a while ago.
"It's cheesecake! What is there to explain? It's so rich and good and it makes me happy inside." He smiled, then pouted. "Hopefully hyung didn't eat it all."
"You have a brother?" She asked. How come she didn't know?
He nodded. "Yep. He's in college right now though, so no funny ideas, okay? I'm way smarter and cooler and hotter than he is." He crossed his arms.
"Probably more childish too." She added.
He ignored her comment. "You don't have any siblings, do you?"
She shook her head. "Cousins, but no siblings. Why all these sudden questions? Are we getting personal?"
"There's nothing better to do." Daehyun stretched out his legs. "So, any questions for me?"
Seungah looked at him like he was crazy. "No?"
"There's gotta be something!"
"Why are you so annoying tonight?"
He feigned being offended. "That's a terrible thing to ask! If you don't want to talk to me, then I'm not going to talk to you." He turned his head.
Seungah sighed. She wasn't really in the mood for this. "W-why did you decide to play sports?" She finally spoke up.
Daehyun brightly smiled towards her "I knew you'd come around. Hm, to be honest, because I love teamwork, working together with people, you know?"
"People work together in an orchestra and choir." She added.
"Yeah, but you physically work hard and it's nerve wrecking during a championship game where you don't know what the outcome will be, but you still try your hardest. The team becomes a whole, and it works out the best that way."
Seungah blinked. "We work hard too."
"Do you run up and down the line or sprint? We lift weights, we run, we have to eat healthy, I don't know. I got into it because my family is an athletic family. All my friends are athletic, we have the same common goal as a team." He answered. "My parents and brother have all won state championship trophies for something or another, and I want to too, to continue to tradition. Not to mention it's a good life choice, if I might add, to be healthy. It's just, fun." He stretched.
Seungah snorted. She was healthy. She ate food and drank water. Nothing was irregular either.
 She felt a nudge on her shoulder. "And you? What got you into music? There's gotta be something, right?" Daehyun asked, eyebrows raised.
She looked away. It was an embarrassing thing. 100% true, but definitely embarrassing. She couldn't say it out loud, much less to this guy!
"Yah, I told you, you have to answer my question now." He nudged her again.
Then again, if she avoided the subject, she would make it seem like more of a big deal than she wanted. She bit her lip. "My uncle owns a small theater right outside of town. It's a family thing like yours. My family always played at it, and I wanted to too."
"Yeah, but why the violin?"
This is what made her the most nervous. She really hated answering this question. "When I was 6 years old, my grandma died." She started off, and immediately Daehyun fell silent, kicking himself for asking that question specifically. "We were cleaning out her house and we found an old violin in the very back of her closet. When we asked her sister if she played it, she said that grandma loved it and would play all day. My dad didn't even know about it, ironically enough. None of my aunts or uncles did."
"That's something else." He looked a bit awkward.
"We refurbished it and it's the same instrument I play today." She shyly smiled. She always felt like she had a connection.
Daehyun looked over, thankful she wasn't crying. That would've made it worse.
"I'm not crying." She reassured, reading his mind. "It's been over ten years, I'm over the sob story."
"I can say that I have a newfound respect for you now." Daehyun pinched her cheeks. "Aigoo, our little Seungah is so cute and emotional."
She slapped his hand away and rubbed her face. "Shut up! It's gotta be one in the morning and you're still fully awake! What is wrong with you-"
Before she knew it, Daehyun had fallen asleep, right on her shoulder, snoring softly.
Seungah snorted. "I thought you weren't tired, you piece of crap." She stuck her tongue out and looked around the room and chuckled. She didn't even find her phone yet. Then she looked over at Daehyun. "Aye, I thought the girl was supposed to fall asleep on the guy's shoulder, not the other way around." She mumbled, shifting.
He almost looked like able when sleeping, since he was silent. That was probably the only time he was ever silent. 
Then her whole face got red. Did she really just open herself up to Jung Daehyun? Was she crazy?! She only did that to people she cared about and knew for a while! She met this guy a month ago!
"You're an idiot, Seungah! Ah, you're crazy!" She scrunched up her face in embarrassment. Who knows? Maybe he would forget in the morning? She really hoped so.
Morning came faster than expected and the door was finally opened. Himchan, Hyosung, and everyone else popped their heads in so they all could see.
Just like hours before, Daehyun was sleeping on Seungah's shoulder, but her head wound up on top of his. They were both sleeping soundly, and the group didn't want to wake them just yet.
Truthfully, Hyosung in fact did come back for Seungah, but she met Himchan on the way. The security guard chased them and coincidentally ran past the garage. The guard forgot about the two and closed the door.
Yes, they could've opened it and got them out, but like Himchan pointed out, "what's the fun in that?", so they needed up leaving them in there, despite Daehyun's yelling.
Himchan sneaked in with his phone and took pictures of the two. Daehyun mumbled something, but stayed asleep. "I'll send them to you guys later." Himchan whispered to everyone else. "Aww, now what do we have here?" He suddenly yelled.
Daehyun jumped up, causing Seungah to fall over, groaning and wincing at the sunlight. "What time is it?"
"7:00." Jieun answered bluntly.
"And what were you two doing?" Yongguk crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow.
Seungah fervently shook her head after a while. "No, no, no, this isn't what it looks like, I swear. We were locked in!"
Daehyun staggered out of the room. "Ah, I'm hungry. Do you have anything to eat?"
"You were the one freaking out last night! Why are you so calm this morning?!" Seungah blurted out loudly, then touched her head again. "Hey, does anyone have any pain relievers or something? Get me out of here."
Sunhwa nodded. "I have some in my bag, come on." She led Seungah away and towards the school, where people were going to set up everything.
Youngjae kept on nudging Daehyun and wiggling his eyebrows suggestively at him. "So? Tell me all about it! Come on, what happened?"
Daehyun grimaced and pushed him away. "Shut up, I'm hungry."
Seungah shivered. Then again, she didn't think that she ever heard Daehyun tell anyone what she told him that night, which she was very thankful for.
She looked back at him walking behind her. When Daehyun started mocking her, she broke from her trance and stuck her tongue out, turning back to the front.
What a freaking child. 
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Chapter 13: I really like this story, it's different and really cute and I love the plot. Good luck and keep writing! c: c:
Chapter 13: I really really like this story. The plot is nice and it is written nice. It's different from other stories. I wish you'd get more attention though :(
Chapter 12: Ahh, clueless daehyun! 9.9
farah15121999 #4
Chapter 12: thank you for the update.hahaha
Chapter 11: Puhahaha suho is like totally one of my faves now
Chapter 9: Ooooooooooeeeeeeehh. Daehyun and seungah. (Hope i spelt it right) oeeeeehh im starting to think she likes him too!
bdawn14 #7
Chapter 8: oh geez daehyun ~ just tell the girl you like her XD
Chapter 8: Daehyun toooooooootally likes her. Keke! I looove the charecters! Theyre just so assdffgghhjjkllkjjhggffddssddss. So belivable!
bdawn14 #9
Chapter 7: im really excited for their competitions with each other XD and can i sense that daehyun likes seungah just a bit more than he puts on ? ;p update soon please !!
bdawn14 #10
Chapter 6: oh daehyun and his cheesecake XD these scenes are so cute aha