Long Time No See

Ghost Boy Matchmaker


"Let's go hyungs! We've got to hurry!" Tao shouted without any backward glance. He loves his noona but she can be really brutal sometimes.

The three of them ran in the speed of lightning and made those people they passed by have goosebumps.


They reached Tao's room with an air deprived panda huffing and puffing like there's no tomorrow.

"That's what you get for running so fast! You're still in your crutches you fool!" Luhan nagged.

Tao rolled his eyes, completely ignoring him. He then turned his attention to the spaced out Minseok. He noticed how he's been exceptionally quiet for a KIM MIN SEOK. He threw him a pillow to catch his attention, but it just went through his body.


Minseok finally snapped out of daze and turned his attention to the culprit. With a blank expression, he said "Ghost boy.. remember??" while pointing to himself.

"I know.. Just wanna bring you back to reality. What happened to you anyway??"

"Huh?? Nothing! I'm fine!"

"Yeah! Tao's right! You've been quite spaced out lately."

"You've been out of it since I made a call with my noona..." Tao trailed off his sentence and broke to very suspecting smug face.


"You.. nooonaaa~~" He said then continuously wiggling his eyebrows.


Minseok got caught off guard since he didn't know Tao knew about his feelings for Yubi before. In fact, he never told anyone about his feelings except to his younger sister.

He tried to defend himself but obviously failed because he was stuttering so much. "W-what? What are you talking about? aheheh~" He laughed sheepishly.

"Oh hyung~ I believe you know whatever it is that I am thinking right now."

This is getting really interesting. Luhan thought.

"What am I? A psychic?? A witch?? I'm a ghost you idiot! But I.. I think that whatever it your thinking is completely wrong... t-that's why you should just stop thinking about it!

Tao and Luhan was smirking and gave each other knowing glances.

"So.. what am I exactly thinking that you think is wrong and that you want me to stop thinking about it? huh?" Tao is continuously teasing his older friend. Luhan on the other hand is enjoying every moment of this rare occasion that his best friend is sweating of nervousness and stuttering like crazy. Even though he wasn't informed much of this Yubi person, he quickly caught up to what Tao was implying with that kind of face he's wearing.

"I told you already! I'm not a psychic!" Minseok was trying really hard to avoid their topic of discussion right now.

"Do you still like Yubi?" Luhan blurted out straight-forwardly without any hesitation.

Minseok almost fell out of his chair in surprise to what Luhan just blurted out. He doesn't know how to answer such a blunt question. Much more if the two of your closest friends are giving knowing looks.

"Why the heck are guys asking me these questions anyway? Am I some kind of criminal under interrogation?" Minseok was still dodging and threw then instead a different question, in hope to finally change the subject.

"Oh stop changing the subject Kim Minseok! Just answer--"


Luhan was cutoff when the door to Tao's room came bursting, revealing a really worried young lady.


"HUANG ZITAO!! The nurses told me you were wandering in the hospital again!! Much more you were running in your crutches just a moment ago!!!" Yubi nagged at his brother in LTE speed. She didn't notice the other two beings on the other end of the room since she's too busy being a high speed nagging machine.

She let out a high pitched scream, "AAAH!!!" and jumped out to a defensive stance.

"Oh my goodness!! You kids scared the wits out of  me!! Who are you guys anyway? Oy Tao! Are you making these kids your slave?"

"Noona!!! Of course not! By the way, we've got something to tell you noona."

"Really? what is it? Oh I forgot to introduce myself! How rude of me" She mentally slapped herself when she realized she haven't introduced herself properly yet.

"I'm Huang Yubi, by the way. Zitao's older sister. I'm glad to meet you." She smiled and bowed politely.


Minseok and Luhan on the other hand stared at her. Luhan is trying hard to stifle his laugh and remain composed as he can see his best friend slowly becoming a statue. Luhan was the one who broke the silence that was starting to eat them up.

"Hello, It's nice to meet you too. My name is Lu Han"

"Oh! Are you Chinese as well?" Yubi asked with curious eyes.

Luhan giggled, "Yes, I'm from Beijing" then nudged at his friend beside him and gave him a 'your-turn-look'


Minseok can't move, he feels as if this whole body was made out of concrete and his throat was blocked by a handful of rocks. Still, he tried to speak since he's probably getting weirder by the minute.

"Uhm.. Hello. I-I'm Kim Minseok.."

Yubi's eyes widened, she finally realized that this kid in front of her DOES look familiar. The moment she noticed their presence a while ago, she have been thinking if she have seen that smaller kid somewhere else. She has this strong feeling that she knows him and he knows her as well. She cracked her brain trying to remember every single person that became part of her life. Only then did she remember a particular chubby cheek-ed friend.





A young Yubi was crying just a few moments ago until she was comforted by the young Minseok. They haven't talked to each other that much before except for a few simple greetings. They never had a conversation longer than having anyone say the words 'Thank you very much'.


"You're my friend now right?" Yubi asked Minseok.

"Sure! I would love to!" Minseok laughed as they skip down the empty streets of their village.


But today everything changed. That day, Minseok gave Yubi courage to continue living life on her own pace. And since then, Minseok became a special friend that she will forever treasure.

They got closer to each other and everything was fine until they entered middle school. They got separated classes that's why they can't hang out with each other like before. Each them got their new set of friends as well. It was not until their senior year in middle school, that they finally became in the same class. They have gotten a little awkward but they're still friends as ever.

All those years, Minseok has been admiring her secretly. What he doesn't know is that Yubi felt the same way... before.

He was supposed to confess to her on their graduation day. And most probably she'll accept his feelings wholeheartedly. If only Minseok didn't die.


Minseok continued his introduction. "...Long time no see.. Yubi."




Hello there my lovely readers~

I'm really sorry if I'm taking a little slower in updating. But rest assured I will finish this story till the end~ hehe.

Don't forget to comment your insights about the chapter!

Till my next update.. I LOVE YOU ALL! ♥♥♥


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Sorry for basically abandoning this story for months TT^TT I'll try to update when I have time.. and that would probably be... when I graduate? huhu.


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Chapter 7: I KNEW ITTTTT!!!! , You were gonna update last night! And Yay xD
Chapter 5: omg this is cute XDXD kkk
please update soon xx
Chapter 4: Ate tin-tin! Flooded na ang Comment box mo ng mga comments ko.. MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA XD and this chappie is just as cute as the last one..

I wish you happy days with that beautiful creative mind of yours that made this Cute stoey (AOA)/
Chapter 4: OOOOH, it's so cute. xD Because of Baozi it's aaall cute. :))
Chapter 3: AADIJRDJNKRJNSKUHKURS!! Ate tin-tin!! I Love your Storyyy!! I-it's just so.. i don't know \(0A0)/ and i think Tao is his old friend, brother or relative?! Something!? XD and I also love you cause you have fast update!,
Chapter 2: WAAAAAAAAhh!! UPDATE!!!! NOW!!!! UPDATE!!!!! >.< ANO BAAAA???!!! Hahahahah
I didn't expect luhan to be dead too O-O... and his best bud.
Hnn.. then my next guess would be either Chen, Baekhyun, Suho, or Lay
Chapter 2: oooooo! you have no idea how long i've been searching for this type of fic! hehehe, upadate more! hwaiting! <3 :D
Chapter 1: Asdfghjkl I've searched this kind of plot like 1000 times and I died because disappointment ;__;
I think you should tag 'fantasy' in this fic so anyone who are searching this kind of fantasy will definitely like it xDDD
Chapter 1: o-o this is great! I LIKE ITT!!! :D and I just found it Yesturdayyy!!

ADJSHFH! Luhan was Watching himmm!!!!!!!!! i think.. that was Luhan O-O