Falling for him

Sophie's wishlist

its been 3 mos since me and Onew met.. Its been 3mos since I fall. Its been 3 mos since the 1st sign show up. And its been 3mos that I've been hoping that he's my soulmate.

"Sophie, you're thinking so deeply today.." Minmi said

Its been 2mos and he's not showing up! I miss him. I miss his dorkiness, laughing with him and most of all, I miss his smile. His smile seems to make my life lighten up even a bit.


"O-oh? uhh.. what?"

"You're staring into nothingness Sophie. You're so not like that.." she paused "Wait, are you thinking about Onew-ssi?"

You hit it right Minmi "No, wae?"

"Pfft.. It's obvious you pabo.."

If it's obvious, why do you even ask? You're the pabo! "Not really.."

"I gotta go.. I need to do a review.."


There's so many questions in my head right now, like:

What if he doesn't love me back?

What if im just hoping for nothing?

Why do I fall for him?

Is he really my soulmate?

Would he catch me when I fall?

Why am I asking myself all of this?

Why am I being so weird today?

Why am I thinking of him?

Why, why why? sighs.

They say, if you think of a person in the whole day or next, that person is thinking of you too.

If that's true, he's probably thinking of me too! But I know he's not. 

I fell for him when he smiled at me the first time. must be love at first sight. It is.

I always see him infront of our school lately. I never saw him before we become friends. Sometimes he invites me and Minmi to hang out. Sometimes, just me and him drinking coffee. Sometimes we walk at the park together, talking about what happens n school and other stuffs. It's so fun to be with him. When I don't see him infront of my school, I'll probably see him at the coffee shop. He's always there. His reason is "What if you fall again?" 

Every sunday, me and Onew visit the 2 kids, Yoogeun and Kiseop. Even their parents don't ask for baby sitting, we take them out , some people look at us and smile like they know us. Probably because of that news. We even recorded their voice for our alarm clock! It makes my day to hear the 2 kids voices beacuse of my wake up tone. :)

Me and Onew always text each other even we saw each other after 30 minutes. He's the first one to greet me in the morning. He calls me to greet me good morning. It makes my heart go dugeun-dugeun everytme he'll call. 

It's funny to know that me and Onew are both clumsy, Key told me that. Cause' sometimes i spill drinks, drop a food etc etc.

I miss him soo much. He sometimes left message but he sometimes don't text back. 

I wish I'll see him tomorrow.. This is my wish everyday.. 




A/N: Hello! Hope you like the update!

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This story is so cute!!
I love it!
Such a cute story :3
Update soon?
kids are so cute. <3
Actually I don't know what will I say to you. :))<br />
I have so much in my mind about this fanfic.. I tallied up everything in my mind and the exact word I want to tell you is....<br />
<br />
.,...<br />
<br />
....<br />
I.L>O>V>E>.....<br />
YOUR FANFIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
TofuCharismaShawol #5
Aww. sophie likes him. Haha. She's catching the onew condition. xD
i liked this chapter XD thanks for the shoutout btw~<br />
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Update soon,yeah?
sweetmarshmallow6594 #8
omo! i like onew's pictures and gifs.<br />
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hmmm... wonder what would the nest sign be? X3<br />
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really like it. <br />
update soon!<br />
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i <3 ONEW!
Aww. This is so cute. xD