Coffee Shop

Sophie's wishlist

2 weeks later..


Sophie's POV

Yuss~ School's over! It ended early!!

Noo~ Work again! I wanna rest! -_-

"Sophie-ah, I cant walk home with you today.." Minmi said

"It's ok because I'll be heading at my part time job anyway.."


"The coffee shop near our school.."

"aah.. Take care! GTG!" she waved goodbye

"BYE!" I walked off. ALONE.


I arrived at my work and saw my boss and also the owner of the coffee shop, Mr. Lee. And also, he's the father of Taemin

"Good morning sir.." I bowed 

"You're early than I expected."

"Our classes is dismissed early."

"How bout Taemin's?"

"Maybe they're dismissed early too sir.."

"Ok, you can go work now."

I changed my clothes and started to work. I cleaned the tables, serve the customers and take some orders. I've done all the work except being the cashi-

"Sophie-ah! Can you replace me here at the cash register? I just need to take care of something.." Aeyeon asked, my co-worker

"oh, sure.." I walked towards the register

"Good morning!" I flashed a smile "Can I take your order?"

I already served 4 customers and another 4 and another. Where the heck is Aeyeon?


Onew's POV

Our class ended early. What to do now? I don't want to go home yet. Maybe I'll visit Seoul University. Hang out with Key or Taemin.Ok fine, I'll go there because I want to see Sophie. Weird. But I kept thinking of her this past few days. 

I drove my car heading for Seoul University. I stopped my car because the stoplight turns red. I smelled cinnamon. Mmm.. I looked at my right and saw the coffee shop. The one that Taemin's father owned. I parked my car in front of the coffee shop. I entered the coffee shop, now the smell is mixed with a smell of fresh baked bread and some kind of sweet smell. What should I order? Mmm.. A cup of cappucino and cinnamon is good. I fall in line in the counter, the line is long. Gosh. after 6 customers, I got closer. The cashier's face looks familiar, hmm.. She looked up at the customer. Oh, it's Sophie! I guess I don't need to go the university. :) The customer left. Ok my turn now!


"Oh, Onew.." she smiled "Annyeong!"

"I never knew you're working here.."

"This is my part-time job.."


"YAH! Hurry up!" The customer behind me said

"Sorry.." I bowed at the customer "My order is 1 cinnamon roll and a medium cup of cappucino.." I pulled out my wallet

After a minute she served my order. "Here you go.."

I payed "Thanks" now find a seat.

I took a seat near the window. I'm confused right now. I felt happy when I saw her. I promised to myself to wait for my first love to comeback from America. Her name is Anya, my ex, my first love.



"I'm breaking up with you.." Anya said looking at the ground. 

"Why?" I cant believe what she just said "Are you joking? Anya, that's not funny.."

"I'm not joking. I need to go to study to America.. My parents said it would be best for me.."

"But-- Anya, why do we need to break up? I can wait!"

"Onew, I love you, but I need to do this. I'll come back after I graduate."

"Please promise me.. I love you Anya.. I-I'll wait for you.."

"I promise.." she said hesitating

I kissed her forehead and hugged her tight. She started crying.

"I'll be leaving first thing tomorrow.."

"This is our last time to be together.." I held her head and wipe the tears "Please dont cry.. I dont want to see you sad.." I smiled

She just forced a smile. I'll miss you Anya. I'll wait for you even it'll take a long time...

A maid approached us "Anya-ssi, your parents just called. They said you need to go home now.."

"Okay." The maid walked off "I need to go now.."

I sighed "This is my last goodbye.. Bye. I love you"

"Bye Onew. Love you too!" Then she left

After she left, I walked up stairs to my room. I locked my room and cried. I never knew it'll come up like this.



Sophie's POV

He's here! Gawd! I'm so happy! Its been two weeks. Fate! Please give me this time! Please!

"Sophie-ssi! Can you help me hang the banners?" Aeyeon asked

"Yea. Sure." I walked toward her

"Just put this banners" she handed me the banners "over there.." she pointed at the place where I should go. "If you cant reach it, you can use the small ladder.."

"Araso.." I know I cant reach the spot she pointed so I grabbed the small ladder 

I placed the ladder and stepped on it. I tiptoed a bit. The ladder is shaking, maybe its just beacuse of me. oh well.


. The ladder broked. I closed my eyes.

Wait. I didn't hit the floor. I slowly opened my eyes, and saw Onew's smiling face. I blushed

"You okay?"

"Oh.. Uhh yes.." 

We stared at each other. Awkward. "umm, you can put me down now.."

"Oh right.." He placed me down

"SOPHIE! YAH!" Jay called, another co-worker

"Thank you!"

"Yah! Sophi-"

I kissed Onew's cheeks. Wait. What did I just did? I ran towards Jay. I saw him grinning at me.

"I saw that!" he teased "Is he your boyfriend?"


"Then why are you blushing?" he smirked

"I'm not!"

"You are!"

"I'm not!"

"You are!!"

"I'm not! Now shut up!" I said annoyed

"Fine! Fine!" he raised his hands lke surrending to a police

"Why did you call me anyway?"

"Nothing.." He smiled innocently

"Urgh! You're annoying!" I walked away

"You should call me oppa! I'm older than you!"

I stuck my tongue out "Mehrong!" I walked away



Onew's POV

I put my hand on my cheek where Sophie kissed me. My heart is beating fast. Gosh.

"Are you okay sir?" A worker asked

"Oh uhh yes.. yes,," I noticed I'm still at the spot where Sophie left me.

I walked back to my seat.


A/N: you like the chappie! 

         BTW. Comments are loved! ^^

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This story is so cute!!
I love it!
Such a cute story :3
Update soon?
kids are so cute. <3
Actually I don't know what will I say to you. :))<br />
I have so much in my mind about this fanfic.. I tallied up everything in my mind and the exact word I want to tell you is....<br />
<br />
.,...<br />
<br />
....<br />
I.L>O>V>E>.....<br />
YOUR FANFIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
TofuCharismaShawol #5
Aww. sophie likes him. Haha. She's catching the onew condition. xD
i liked this chapter XD thanks for the shoutout btw~<br />
<br />
Update soon,yeah?
sweetmarshmallow6594 #8
omo! i like onew's pictures and gifs.<br />
<br />
hmmm... wonder what would the nest sign be? X3<br />
<br />
really like it. <br />
update soon!<br />
<br />
i <3 ONEW!
Aww. This is so cute. xD