
Sophie's wishlist

All of the students of Culinary Dept. are busy planning their dress, accessories, preparation, who will be this and that etc. Especially the students who have been pin-pointed to organize the acquaintance party are real busy. August is getting near and nearer since the preparation. All of the students in Seoul University are all paid. Girls and boys are ready and their dress and tux to. At Yonsei University, the students are all set, and just waiting for the day of the party to arrive.

Sophie’s POV

Thanks to Minmi, helped me to pay for the fee! My dress is all set! Make-up? Shoes? Accessories? Check! Jonghyun drove me home last afternoon, we exchange numbers. As for Onew, he’s visiting our school again! Yeyy! He even said he misses me soo much! That makes my heart go dugeun-dugeun. Aish Sophie, you’re crazy!

Its Sunday today. I wonder if Onew will come. Haay.. im still laying here in my bed, still lazy to get up.

‘ummaa! Munja wa shong!’

That’s my message tone. We recorded Yoogeun’s and Kiseop’s voice. Kekeke~

From. Onew
        Are you free? Just wondering if we could walk around the park with Yoogeun and Kiseop. Im dead bored here! :]

To. Onew
        Yawp Im free. I’ll ask their parents first.

God must’ve heard me! Onew’s coming!

I jumped out of my bed and took a shower. I slipped in my jeans and a tee and wore a jacket too. I walked downstairs and sw Dongho eating cereal while watching.

“Dongho-ah! Good morning! Im going outside!”
“Morning noona, take care!”
“Ne! You too!”

I walked out of the house and go straight to Yoogeun’s house.

“Good morning mrs. Jung!”
“Morning. Let me guess, borrowing Yoogeun?”
“Yawp. Is it ok?”
“Actually, me and my husband is going to visit my umma today, Im planning to give him to you today, we’ll be gone for like 1 day only.”
“I’ll pay you big cause Yoogeun will have a sleep over at your house.”
“Thank you Mrs. Jung! I’ll take care of Yoogeun!”
“Is your boyfriend with you?”
“Ne. The guy with a cute smile?”
“He’s not my boyfriend..”
“Oh.. I’ll just call Yoogeun.”

She walked inside their house. She wlaked out with Yoogeun.

“Umma!” He ran to me and hugged me tight
“Annyeong aegi-ah!”
he give me a kiss on the cheek. “I miss you this much!” he throw up his arms wide
“I miss you too! Come on, let’s go to Kiseop’s house! Bye Mrs. Jung!”


I saw Mrs. Oh locking their gate with Kiseop in her arms.

“Mrs. Oh! Annyeong!”
“Oh Sophie-ah! You’re a great timing! Actually Im going to your house so you could baby sit my Kiseop-ah!”
“Let me help you.” I took Kiseop from her arms
“Thanks.” She gave me a bag “That’s Kiseop’s things, please take care of him!”
“I will! Annyeong!”

We walked back to my house and saw Onew standing infront of my house.

“Appa!” The 2 kids shouted
Onew looked at our way and smiled “Annyeong!”

He picked Kiseop up and hugged him and Yoogeun too.

“Annyeong Sophie-ah!”
“I heard from the news that the weather wont be good today, so where do you want to go?”
“Let’s just go inside my house and I’ll bake cookies.”
“That’s good!”

We went inside the house.

“Noona! I thought you’re going outside? Im worried cause the weather forecast said that it’ll be raining hard.”
“Thanks Dongho, thanks to Onew he watched news so we’ll be here in the house and I’ll bake cookies!”

I walked in the kitchen, they followed.

“I’ll help!” Onew said
“Of course you should!”
“Me too!” Dongho said
“Sure! Go get the ingridients.”

I wore my kitchen apron. So as Onew. Dongho gathered all the ingredients at the counter. Onew mixed all the ingridients, me and Dongo shaped the cookies! Then we put it in the oven. We waited for a long while then, Ding! It’s baked! I pulled out all the trays from the oven.

“Be careful! It’s all hot!”

After the cookies cooled down, we put it all on a plate. They put it all at the dining table. I cleaned the kitchen first.

“Lemme help ya.” Onew offered
“Here, say ahh!”
I opened my mouth and he shoved a cookie in. “Yah!”
I wiped a flour on his face.
“That’s what you get! Mehrong~”
he sprinkled flour at me.
I threw a flour at him, he threw another, it became a flour fight. I ran around the kitchen while he’s chasing me with a handful of flour. I stopped running and splatted my hands on his face with flour.

“oh no you didn’t!”

He chased me again. He caught me by my waist.

“Got ya! I’ll take my revenge!” he laughed evilly

Dongho entered the kitchen.

“Noona! Min noona is h—“ he paused “What the—“
“are you 2 dating?” Minmi said

Onew’s arms slid off.

“No.”  I said “The kitchen is a mess!”
“Umma! Appa!” Kiseop said
“You have kids?”
“Anio. Im just baby sitting.”
“Oh.. You must clean yourself first before you clean the kitchen.”
“OK. How bout you Onew? The bathroom is just there.” I pointed at a door.
“OK.” He opened the door and walked in.

I walked upstairs and Minmi followed me.

“Omo Sophie-ah!”
“You 2 are much from heaven!”
“How can you say that?”
“Because of the signs, and Onew’s arms-on-your-waist.”
“Its just normal for friends to do back hugs.”
“No! Don’t you notice it? He likes you!”
“How can you be so numb? He likes you too!”
“I wish you were right.”
“Im sure alright,”

I walked inside the bathroom

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This story is so cute!!
I love it!
Such a cute story :3
Update soon?
kids are so cute. <3
Actually I don't know what will I say to you. :))<br />
I have so much in my mind about this fanfic.. I tallied up everything in my mind and the exact word I want to tell you is....<br />
<br />
.,...<br />
<br />
....<br />
I.L>O>V>E>.....<br />
YOUR FANFIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
TofuCharismaShawol #5
Aww. sophie likes him. Haha. She's catching the onew condition. xD
i liked this chapter XD thanks for the shoutout btw~<br />
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Update soon,yeah?
sweetmarshmallow6594 #8
omo! i like onew's pictures and gifs.<br />
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hmmm... wonder what would the nest sign be? X3<br />
<br />
really like it. <br />
update soon!<br />
<br />
i <3 ONEW!
Aww. This is so cute. xD