Chapter 19

I got a GIRL and So What?


Tiffany rub her eyes and Look at the Person beside her, A smile formed in her lips as she saw Taeyeon sleeping peacefully. Even though they’re , Tiffany still hug her and Kiss Taeyeon’s lips. Taeyeon feel Tiffany’s lips on her and Pull her more from her as they deepen the kiss. Tiffany go on top and Look at Taeyeon who looks so tired, She just stare at Taeyeon’s face as her finger touch her Nose until she reached her Lips and Jawline.


“ Hmmmm~ “ Taeyeon groaned and Look at Tiffany who is on top of her


“ Are you not aware that we’re half right now? “ Taeyeon asked and Pull her in a kiss


“ I.. Don’t.. Care.. “ Tiffany answered between their kiss


Suddenly, Taeyeon’s Phone ring.


Taeyeon answer the call and Rub her eyes.


“ Hayeon~ah “


“ Tiffany unnie is in your room right? “ Hayeon asked teasingly


“ Ne~ Wae? What the? YAH! “ Taeyeon shouted


“ I know what you did last night “ Hayeon smirked


“ Shut up. “ Taeyeon was annoyed


“ Now go downstairs with Tiffany unnie now. “ Hayeon said


“ Mom and Dad will caught us “ Taeyeon said


“ Mom and Dad leave. I’m all alone in here “ Hayeon pout


“ Arasso~ “ Taeyeon hang up and Look at Tiffany who get off the Bed and Getting her Clothes


“ Nice “ Taeyeon said teasingly and Smirked


“ Shut up. Go get your clothes Midget “ Tiffany glared


“ Ayay! Captain! “ Taeyeon salute and Go to her cabinet to get some clothes.


Hayeon was watching television while Eating cereals when Taeyeon and Tiffany go downstairs. 8:00 in the morning and it’s still dark outside, Hayeon didn’t even open the lights.


Tiffany hold Taeyeon’s hand and Feel Frightened,


“ Wae? “ Taeyeon asked and Look at her


“ I’m afraid. “ Tiffany answered


“ Afraid of what? “ Taeyeon asked


“ Hayeon. Hayeon might.. “


“ Trust me. “ Taeyeon cut her off and Hold her hand as they go to the kitchen.


Taeyeon open the Fridge and Tiffany feels uncomfortable since  Taeyeon’s sister is just a meters away from them, She hold the hem of Taeyeon’s shirt while Watching her getting those bacons.


She noticed that Hayeon look at them while Holding the Spoon, Tiffany feels the awkwardness but Hayeon smiled widely at her and Called Taeyeon.


“ Hey Midget! Can you make me a scrambled egg? Mom didn’t cook breakfast so I just open the cereal that you used to eat “ Hayeon said

“ Sure. Do you want Bacon too? “ Taeyeon asked and smiled

“ Ne! “ Hayeon answered and showed her spoon to her sister

“ Arasso~ Wait Little princess “ Taeyeon smiled


“ Tiffany unnie! “ Hayeon called her and Tiffany felt really awkward between them

“ Ne? “ Tiffany asked


“ Do you want strawberries? “ Hayeon asked happily


“ Of course! “ Tiffany smiled


“ I want to share some of mine “ Hayeon get off the couch and go to the Fridge to get it.

“ Actually, Taeyeon unnie always buy this when she will go home. And she will put it in a jar with honey “ Hayeon showed the jar and get some fork.

Taeyeon look at them while cooking the bacon and she just smiled happily as she see her Sister and her lover chit chatting in the kitchen.

“ Don’t you have school Hayeon~ah? Then where’s Mr. and Mrs. Kim “ Tiffany asked while chewing the strawberries.

“ None. Mom and Dad leave, I don’t know where they go. “  Hayeon answered 

“ Oh~ “ Tiffany just look at Taeyeon and squeezed her arms.


Taeyeon look at Tiffany and She was really worried as she look at Hayeon who is sitting in the couch, Tiffany Back hug Taeyeon. Taeyeon just look at Tiffany’s arms who wrap around in her waist, She smiled and Turn around to catch Tiffany’s Lips.


Tiffany pointed her little sister and Shook her head.


“ Andwae “ She mouthed


Taeyeon carried her and Let her sit near the sink and Catch her lips, Tiffany quickly responded and Wrap her arms around Taeyeon’s neck as she pull her more to deepen the kiss.


When Taeyeon broke the kiss, Tiffany look at her.


“ Tae~ “


Tiffany squeezed her arm to get her attention.


“ Wae? “ Taeyeon asked


She move her face closer and point her nose to Tiffany’s as she close her eyes when they touch each other’s nose.


“ Don’t leave me please. I just.. can’t “ Tiffany closed her eyes


Taeyeon’s eyes open and Look at Tiffany who is begging and her eyes are all closed. She just look at her and Hold her hand as she let out a heavy sigh.


“ I won’t “ Taeyeon peck and wait for her eyes to open.


When Tiffany heard Taeyeon’s answer she quickly kiss her passionately, Taeyeon responded and She can feel that it turns her on.


“ Tiff~ “ Taeyeon broke the kiss


“ Wae?” Tiffany asked worriedly


“ Umm. Hayeon is there. So. Umm “ Taeyeon was speechless and her cheeks are burning

Tiffany kiss her cheeks and Hold her hand.

“ Are you done cooking Tae? “ Tiffany happily asked

“ Done~ “ Taeyeon shyly answered

“ Hayeon~ah Let’s eat “ Tiffany called Hayeon sweetly


Hayeon quickly jump into the couch and Look at Taeyeon and Tiffany who is preparing their Breakfast, The little girl smiled widely as she saw Taeyeon and Tiffany’s eyes meet each other.


“ Sweet~ “ Hayeon smiled while walking towards the table.


Taeyeon glared at Hayeon and Hayeon caught Tiffany’s attention.


“ Oh. Do you need anything hayeon?  You say something earlier“ Tiffany asked curiously


“ Oh nothing unnie~ I love the scrambled egg that you cook. Can I taste it? “ Hayeon smiled innocently while Taeyeon still glaring her younger sister


“ Oh Sure. Here “ Tiffany handed the Scrambled egg and smiled.


Taeyeon sit beside to her sister and Pinch her Arm.


“ The hell Hayeon? “ Taeyeon whisper


“ Shut up Midget “ Hayeon smirk


Taeyeon was about to scold her but..


“ Tiffany Unnie! Taeyeon is teasing me! “ Hayeon quickly shouted and stick her tongue at Taeyeon


Tiffany turn around and look at Taeyeon until it turns into Glare.


“ What? “ Taeyeon left dumbfounded in her position


“ Behave “ Tiffany glare at her and Turn around to check the Fried rice.


Taeyeon glared at Hayeon and she saw her sticking her tongue while eating in front of the Television.


“ Ugggh~ “ Taeyeon cross her arms and Pout




It caught everyone’s attention, Hayeon was about to open the door but Taeyeon stop her, Hayeon was at Taeyeon’s back while holding the hem of Taeyeon’s shirt.


Taeyeon open the door and Her father’s Butler was standing outside.


“ Good morning Ms. Kim” The man bowed and Taeyeon do the same too.


“ Anything? “ Taeyeon asked


“ Your dad was looking for you. He needs to meet you up tomorrow sinc he’s busy rights now “ The man answered


“ Oh. He’s not going home? “ Taeyeon asked


“ No. “ The man answered


“ Oh, Okay. Tell him I’ll be there tomorrow “ Taeyeon said as she bowed


The man bowed to and say Goodbye.


“ Anything wrong midget? “ Hayeon asked worriedly


“ Nothing, Dad just want to meet me tomorrow “ Taeyeon answered as she closed the door.


“ Don’t you have work today Tae? “ Tiffany asked


“ None. Want to go out? “ Taeyeon asked


“ How bout Hayeon? “ Tiffany asked


“ Dad will pick her up “ Taeyeon answred as she chew


“ Can I go to? “ Hayeon asked


“ Sure. Why not? “ Tiffany eye smiled


Taeyeon was choked


“ Hey. Careful. “ Tiffany quickly gave her a glass of water


“ Hayeon! “ Taeyeon shouted

“ Taeyeon?! “ Tiffany glared at her


“ But.. But.. “ Taeyeon pout


“ No but’s. Hayeon will go with us. “ Tiffany glared


Taeyeon glared again at Hayeon and her younger sister Stick her tongue.




Taeyeon was all dressed now while Tiffany is combing Hayeon’s hair in Taeyeon’s room, She was pouting while watching them like she’s jealous to her younger sister who always caught Her Girlfriend’s attention.


Hayeon was looking at her reflection in the mirror while Tiffany is combing her hair, The younger girl stare at Tiffany’s face and smiled.


“ Now I know “ Hayeon said as she smiled


“ Know what ? “ Tiffany asked and look at her in the mirror


“ Why my unnie loves you “ Hayeon answered


“ Well, Umm. I’m just an ordinary girl Hayeon “ Tiffany continued combing her hair


“ For my sister you’re not just an Ordinary girl, For her you’re special.. I can se it through her eyes, It’s like I’ve never seen her like that before “ Hayeon said as she blink her eyes


“ But still you’re her first love before me “ Tiffany smiled and pinch Hayeon’s cheek.

Hayeon smiled widely and look at Tiffany happily. Here's my New Fanfic. :) So yeah. It's a gender bender.

I already Started it since " I got a Girl and So what" near in the end.

Sorry if i can't update you since i'm a College student now, But don't worry i have Internet in here. So i can update you anytime. :") 

Thank you for Supporting my FanFics. :) I love you guys~ :*

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maemae08 #1
Chapter 21: Its a good and sweet story. But there are happenings that needs to be explained. What happened to Tiffany and Nichkhun? Hayeon looks matured in the first few chapters then in the last few chapters she look too young. Some things like that needs to be told.
Bobby14 #2
Chapter 12: I cant read with this
Hallooo author :)
I read this all over again...
Really love this story of yours :D
Can you give us the pdf version pretty please ? :3
raenzz #4
Chapter 21: I just finish it already in one day....hahaha, that was fast....DAEBAK AUTHOR-NIM! :D I LOVE IT, THANKS FOR ALL THE UPDATES...AND KEEP UP THE WONDERFUL WORK, FIGHTING!
jeril1823 #5
Chapter 21: aw... sweet!!!
jeril1823 #6
Chapter 17: ouch this chapter is heart clenching...
can you make PDF of this story authorssi? ^^
Chapter 21: Daebak Authorssi ~ I love your story much ^^ great job!!
Chapter 21: Wahhhhhhh authorrrrr....
I really like your storyyyy :D
Happy ending for TaeNy \(^o^)/
Hope for other great story from you author :))