Chapter 1

I got a GIRL and So What?


** NO ONE’S P.O.V **

In Kim’s Company, Mr. Kim Taehyun the Founder and The one who owns it was busy Encoding something in his Office, He sighed and Look at The time in the Clock in front of him.

“ I’m hungry now “ The old man whispered


“ DAD! “ A girl’s Voice appeared in his Office


He start to Panicked and Gulp loudly.


“ Ne?~ “ Mr. Kim asked while Watching his daughter walk towards  him


“ What the heck are you doing? Why did you Enrolled me in all boys School?! “ His daughter asked while holding a Envelope.


“ Oooopppsss~ “ His father covered his mouth and Rolled his eyes


“ Dad! I don’t want to fool around. “  Taeyeon shouted


“ Remember our Deal? “ His dad asked


“ I already Finished College dad. “ She said


“ I know. If Boys need to be listed in the Army. In our Tradition, Daughters will experienced to Live like A boy by Enrolling in a All boys school. “ His dad said


“ Your insane “ Taeyeon said


“ Call me insane. But my decision will never changed. “  Mr. Taehyun sighed and Stand up


“ Dad! Why me?! “ Taeyeon asked


“ Hayeon will Next when she reached your age “ His dad stick his tongue


“ Dad! “ Taeyeon was annoyed


“ Don’t worry Someone will guide you there “


“ Who? “


“ Your Cousin, Chanyeol “


-          In Seoul All girls College, Girls are going crazy as they surf the Internet Looking for the Good looking guys Studying in Seoul All Boys College.  The Photography Department in Seoul All Boys College was Updating everything in the School Website. This Department update to the School’s News Page for every news.


“ Look at him! That Choi Minho Was so Cute “ Krystal Said

“ Even This Lee Joon. Sporty one. “  Hyorin was cringing


“ Hey! There’s another Transferee in Seoul all Boys College “  Hyomin shouted as she Entered their room and Waved her iPad

“ Who! Who! Who! “ All of them go to her and Look at the iPad


“ His name is Kim Taeyeon “ Hyomin said while Cringing


“ Gawwddd! He’s Cute! “ Krystal was Drooled


They were Staring At Taeyeon’s stolen shot Smiling Widely at His frined while Holding his Phone, All of them starts to Drool.


“ He’s hot “ Jessica said Bite her Lower Lip


“ YAHH! “ All of the Girls shouted


-          Taeyeon entered the All Boys high school and Already Cut his hair in a short one, Like a normal Cut of a Boy. She’s wearing a Blue stipes Polo and Jeans matched By a Black High Cut Shoes. Now, She exposed her Boyish side and Need to act like a Boy.

“ Hey! “ A man called her


Taeyeon turned around to and Look at him.


“ Who are you? Are you a Spy? “ The Teacher asked her


“ Aniyo. I’m a transferred here. I’m Kim Taeyeon “ Taeyeon bowed formally


“ Oh. I see. Well better go to the Office “ The Teacher said


Suddenly, A group of Girls were Running towards to The School’s and Shouting someone’s Name.


“ Kim Taeyeon~ah! “ The girl’s Shouting in front of the Gate


“ OMO! “ Taeyeon was shocked


“ These Rascals “ The Teacher begun to walk towards to the gate


“ YAH! “ The teacher shouted them and Begun to Get his stick.


“ We’ll. I better go now “ Taeyeon Shrug his Shoulders


Taeyeon was on her way to the Guidance office and She saw a Car passed by on him. She saw a Girl wearing a Seoul All Girls College Uniform and She just like “ Oh. Okay “ Then Taeyeon just continued walking.


When she reached the Guidance and Accomplished her Documents, She quickly go to the Dorm where she will stay for 8 months. His dad was Powerful enough to Command the School’s owner and Staff about Taeyeon’s needs.


When she already finished Unpacked her Clothes and Stuffs, She quickly Changed her clothes with The School’s Uniform and Begun to Sight Seeing.


“ Hey there! “ Someone Called him


She turned around and Waved her hand as she saw Chanyeol Running Towards her.


“ Sup?” Taeyeon smiled


“ I’m Fine, Whoah! Turns into.. “


“ Shut up. “ Taeyeon glared him


“ Whoah! Easy Kiddo.  By the way my Room was just on the Left side of Yours. “ Chanyeol said


“ Good. I studied Architecture and I don’t know where my Room  is “ Taeyeon scratched her head


“ Where on the Same room I think “ Chanyeol said


“ C’mon. “ Taeyeon pull his Arms


“ Wait. “ Chanyeol said as he Focused in One figure


“ She’s Perfect “ Chanyeol whispered and Smiling like an Idiot Looking at Someone


“ What the Heck. Hey Chanyeol! “ Taeyeon called him


In Chanyeol’s Eyes, a Girl was Slowly Walking at the Side of the Road while Texting on her phone. It’s like an angel passed by in front of him.


“ Hey! She’s going to Fall! “ Taeyeon shouted but Chanyeol was not in Himself


The girl Looses her Balanced as she Walk



Taeyeon run towards her and Catch her.



The Girl fall in Taeyeon’s Body and Covered her with Taeyeon’s arms.



Both of them Fall on the Ground.




The girl’s Head landed on Taeyeon’s Neck while, Her body falls with a great Impact on The Floor.

Taeyeon groaned while The Girl’s eyes was closed.


When Taeyeon Groaned, The Girl opened her eyes and Look at Taeyeon.

She quickly Stand up and Feels embarrassed.

Taeyeon stand up with Pain.


“ Sorry “ The girl said and Look at her shyly


“ It’s okay. Be careful Next time “ Taeyeon said while Touching her Shoulder.


He Leave and Put his headphones on as Taeyeon leave, While the girl Watch her Leave and Feels like Frozen in her Position as she Saw her.

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maemae08 #1
Chapter 21: Its a good and sweet story. But there are happenings that needs to be explained. What happened to Tiffany and Nichkhun? Hayeon looks matured in the first few chapters then in the last few chapters she look too young. Some things like that needs to be told.
Bobby14 #2
Chapter 12: I cant read with this
Hallooo author :)
I read this all over again...
Really love this story of yours :D
Can you give us the pdf version pretty please ? :3
raenzz #4
Chapter 21: I just finish it already in one day....hahaha, that was fast....DAEBAK AUTHOR-NIM! :D I LOVE IT, THANKS FOR ALL THE UPDATES...AND KEEP UP THE WONDERFUL WORK, FIGHTING!
jeril1823 #5
Chapter 21: aw... sweet!!!
jeril1823 #6
Chapter 17: ouch this chapter is heart clenching...
can you make PDF of this story authorssi? ^^
Chapter 21: Daebak Authorssi ~ I love your story much ^^ great job!!
Chapter 21: Wahhhhhhh authorrrrr....
I really like your storyyyy :D
Happy ending for TaeNy \(^o^)/
Hope for other great story from you author :))