Chapter 16

I got a GIRL and So What?



“ Yah. Ginger. I’m tired now, Can we get some rest for a while? “ I asked


“ Arf! “ Ginger’s tail wiggled


We stopped by near the river and Ginger start to my Face as I sit down.


“ Ginger~ I’m all covered with sweat. HAHHAH! It tickles “ I giggled


I put him down for a while and Look at my phone, Donghae just texted me.


“ I’m on my way now. Wait for me “


“ Sure. I’m with ginger right now “ I replied back


Then I received a text from Chanyeol,




I laughed and Ginger Bark as he hear me laughing.


“ Chanyeol is looking for his Food. Don’t tell him that we ate it okay? “ I put ginger in my arms and hug him.



“ Taeyeonnie? “




I turn around and I just saw Donghae standing with the Folders that I asked him to brought.


“ Thanks Hae~ “ I bowed


“ It’s okay. Your dad asked you if you’re going home. “ Donghae asked


“ Maybe on Monday. Even though I’m in vacation , Works are everywhere. “ I smiled


“ Oh. I’ll just tell them. “ He smiled


“ Oh. Wait. Did you saw a girl in here? “ I asked


“ Huh? You’re the only one I saw in here. Why? “ Donghae got curios and rolled her eyes


“ A familiar voice just called me earlier and when I turned around I saw you “ I said


“ hohoho. Maybe your great greatgrand mother just whisper on your ears “ Donghae whisper


“ YAH! “ I shouted


“ Just kidding. Maybe someone is in here earlier when you’re waiting for me. “ Donghae said


“ Maybe. Hey. You’re going home now? “ I asked


“ Yep. Uncle Taehyun let me used his car this time. TADA! “ Donghae smiled and showed me the keys


“ Shut up. Next time use your own car too. “ I said


“ Too expensive to drive it all the way here. “ Donghae shouted as he walk away and go to the car


“ Bye! “ I waved my hand and smiled


I get my keys and Start the engine so I can go home early, I’m all covered with sweat.

When I out ginger down on the Front seat beside me, I remember again the voice appear earlier.

It’s too familiar, It’s like I always used to heard it.

“ Growing Old “ I just sighed and Drive the car.



As the Car moved, Tiffany was hiding behind her car too and Her heart beats faster. She put her hands on her chest and Breathe heavily..

Tiffany can’t believe that Taeyeon is back and She’s really into something right now without her in her life.


“ Why do I feel this way? “ She asked herself


She quickly take a look at the spot where Taeyeon is earlier, But she’s gone.


“ She’s really back “ Her eyes wide opened


She slap herself just to make sure that she’s not dreaming.


“ She really is “ She said


Tiffany quickly get in her car and Dial Jessica’s Number.


“ YAH! Where are you? “ Jessica shouted


“ I’m here at the Han river “ Tiffany answered


“ It’s already 9:30 you brat. We need to shop for Later’s Homecoming “ Jessica shouted


“ I know I know. Before that. I want to tell you something. Taeyeon is back “ Tiffany said


“ Yeah. I know “ Jessica just simply reacted


“ What?! You know?! “ Tiffany shouted


“ Of course. Taeyeon was the heiress of Mr. Kim who owned a lot of business and companies here in Seoul and It also reported on Television earlier. “ Jessica said


“ The hell man?! Why didn’t you mentioned that to me?! “ Tiffany shouted


“ Cause every time I’ll mentioned her name makes your Blood boiled like a lava. Don’t shout me! “ Jessica shouted


“ Seriously Jess? “ Tiffany was annoyed


“ And I don’t need to mention it anymore since you already have Nickhun. “ Jessica said


“ She changed a lot Jess “ Tiffany sighed


“ What do you mean changed? “ Jessica asked


“ Her hair grow longer and She looks more handsome even though I know that she’s a girl. “ Tiffany calmly answered and makes her remember Taeyeon’s face when her hair was still short.


“ Even though she’s a girl, I still like her “ Jessica giggled


“ YAH!! “ Tiffany shouted


“ Why?! You don’t own her anymore. Bleh! “ Jessica stick her tongue


“ But she’s a girl! “ Tiffany shouted


“ So? Then why did you love her? “ Jessica asked


“ Shut up. “ Tiffany was pissed off


“ She’s hot “ Jessica said


“ The hell jess? What the heck are you doing? “ Tiffany asked


“ Stalking her facebook and twitter account “ Jessica answered and giggled


“ Damn you Jess. “ Tiffany hissed


“ What did I do again?! Just accept the fact that you love her more than Nickhun “ Jessica finally said it to her.

Jessica can see in her best friend’s eyes that Every time she will mentioned her name, Thoughts are start to invade her mind with just a simple name.


“ I don’t know. But right now, Nickhun just loved me. Focused on the Present lady, Not the Past “ She said


Tiffany start the car and Drive all the way to her home while she’s talking to Jessica.


“ But I know you still love her “ Jessica calmly said


“ My feelings start to mixed up Jess. “ She said and a worried face formed in her face


“ Think about it first. She’s back and your heart start to Pound while Your mind start to get crazy.“ Jessica advice


“ What if I’ll make the wrong decision? “ She asked


“ Then your nuts. “ Jessica answered


“ I don’t want her back in my life Jess. She’s going to do it again “ Tiffany said


“ Do what Tiff? “ Jessica and Remembered that night When Taeyeon and Tiff shared togeth’r's moment.


“ Damn you! Not that. It’s early in the morning and Your mind start to invade By those Green colored invader or what so ever. The Break up thing “ Tiffany said


“ Oh. Every decision has it own reasons dear. Better find out what really happen “ Jessica said


“ Maybe. I don’t know. Can’t we just not talk about it Jessi, Please. My mind is all tired. “ Tiffany begged


“ Sure. Give it a rest then. I’ll just go shop with Yuri, I’ll buy that Pink thing you pointed last night. “ Jessica said


“ Yay! Thank you jess! Mwah! “ Tiffany smiled


“ Eww. Gross. HAHAHAH! Bye Tiff! “ Jessica hung up


Tiffany put her phone in her bag and Focused on the road so she can go home safe.




“ Hey midget!! The hell? You’re to slow! “ I shouted


“ Shut up! “ Taeyeon shouted


Chanyeol’s dad was giggling while he’s watching in the TV eating those chocolates.


“ Arggghhh! DAD! Give me some of your chocolates! “ I was pissed


“ NO “


“ Damn it! YAH! Midget! “ I shouted


Taeyeon leave the room and She’s wearing a simple shirt inside, Blue varsity jacket, Skinny jeans and Sneakers. It actually fit to her since she’s kinda skinny. In the homecoming, Every one need to wear their School’s Varsity Jacket and It suits my style. COOL.


“ I’m concentrating okay? ! “ Taeyeon shouted


“ Psh~ WHATEVER “ I said


When we reached the Garage


“ You’re going to give me a ride right? “ Chanyeol teasingly asked


“ Shut up. Drive your own car Monkey. HAHAHAHHA! “ Taeyeon laugh


“ Selfish! You just don’t want me to ride your Ferrari car. “ Chanyeol pouted


“ Exactly “ Taeyeon smiled evily and get in her car


I just get in my car and Start it’s engine, I saw Taeyeon sticking her tongue when the Roof of her car start to Move backwards so she can see the view clearly.


“ Fresh air huh?! “ Taeyeon shouted


“ Damn you man! “ I shouted


“ HAHHAHAHAHAH! So long ER! “ Taeyeon shouted when she start to Drive the car.


I just followed Taeyeon’s car so we can arrived there at the same time, When were a little bit closer to the school. I can see people wearing their varsity jacket and Most of them are girls.


I forgot, The Seoul all girls School students was Invited too since it’s just one School they just separated it to Boys and Girls.


When we reached the School gate the Guard block our Car and Talk to us.


“ What’s your name ? “ The Guard asked Taeyeon


“ Kim Taeyeon. “ She answered calmly


I saw the Guard eyes wide opened and Bowed to her.


“ Oh. Mianhae. The program will start in the gym. “ The guard said and bowed again


“ My buddy is with me. Chanyeol. He also studied in Seoul all Boys School “ Taeyeon pointed my car


“ Oh. Arraso “ The Guard bowed


“ Thank you ahjussi “ Taeyeon bowed and start to drive her car


I just followed her car and Park it in a Free space in the Parking Lot. Taeyeon was really popular now, Even guards already know her.


“ Hey! C’mon now. “ I shouted


“ Wait! “ Taeyeon shouted


“ What again? You forgot your or what? “ Chanyeol asked


“ Shut up. I don’t use those. “ Taeyeon answered


Minutes passed and I’m still waiting for her.


“ YAH! What the hell are you doing ? “ I asked


“ I just need to Double Lock my Car. “ She grinned


“ Damn you. Let’s go. “ I said


When we arrived at the Gym, People are Talking, Gossiping and Eating. Waiters are serving, Loud Music, Different color of lights and People taking pictures.

“ I think no one don’t recognize me anymore in here dude “ I said


“ There’s Kai and D.O. “ Taeyeon pointed them gossiping at one table while Wine is pouring in their glass.


“ Kai! D.O! “ Taeyeon shouted and Called them.


It caught their attention and Look at us. They Waved their hands and Walk toward us, A big hug from kai and D.O makes me miss those times.


“ A big hug to our Princess too “ Kai hugged Taeyeon tightly


“ I want a hug from Taeyeonnie too. “ D.O Pouted


Taeyeon smiled and Hugged D.O Tightly.


“ I miss you guys! “ Taeyeon said


“ GROUP HUG!! “ I shouted


All of us hugged together and Laugh. Kai and D.O Give us a wine too to celebrate this program.


“ Cheers! “ D.O Shouted


All of us Drink the wine and Start to laugh.


“ Miracle came. Taeyeon attended the Homecoming “ Kai laughed


“ 1 week vacation and Actually I realy missed you Guys “ Taeyeon giggled


“ I never thought the You’re older than me Noona. HAHAHHA! “ D.O laughed


“ Don’t call me noona, Besides I’m still your friend. Sorry I didn’t even say Goodbye to you guys “ Taeyeon said


“ That’s okay. “ D.O said


“ Apology accepted.When Our School’s Pretty boy leave, Girls start to stay silent since Taeyeon leave. “ Kai  said


“ Seriously? I’m a girl okay? “ Taeyeon said


“ When the school announced that You’re a girl and You are the Kim’s Heiress. Even Boys start to Stalk you everywhere and Those girls didn’t stop looking for you even though they know that You’re a girl “ I said


“ Chic Magnet “ Kai laughed


“ HAHHAHA. Shut up. “ Taeyeon punch Kai arm


“ You’re hair grows and You still look the same. You’re face is regressing. “ D.O said


“ Yeah. I agree. You looks more younger than us. DAMN IT! I look like your older brother when I stand beside you “ Kai laughed


All of us Laughed and Suddenly, The Crowd start to filled the Gym with Silence as a Girl leave a from a Limousine Car with a Simple Pink shirt, Skinny jeans and Sandal. She caught All boy’s attention as she walk towards to Jessica.


“ Hey. Is that Tiffany? “ I pointed


And It caught Taeyeon’s attention.




The gym start to make noise when Tiffany Hwang arrived at the Gym with a Simple Pink shirt, Skinny jeans and Sandal. It caught everyone’s attention , Paparazzi and Reporters start to arrived too as they Followed Tiffany.

“ Tiffany. How are you with Nickhun? “ Reporter’s keep asking that one that makes her so annoyed.


Her guards cover her so no one can stand near from her and To avoid asking her.


“ Back off “ The guards said


The reporters and Photographers start to Back off and Was about to Leave but.


“ KIM TAEYEON! “ A reporter shouted and it caught all of their attention.


The reporters start to Run as fast as they can to ask Taeyeon, Photographers do the same too.


“ Oh no~ “ Kai ‘s face was like :O


“ RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!! “ Chanyeol and D.O shouted


“ Hey! Don’t leave me here “ Taeyeon shouted


“ Cover Taeyeon! “ Chanyeol shouted


Kai and D.O nodded and Cover her, Even though They are not her Body guard. They covered her for her Sake so no one can hurt her.


“ Hey! Keep your distance young man! “ Kai shouted the reporters while they were covering her.


“ Distance man. Can’t you understand? “ D.O was pissed off


“ Taeyeon! How’s your business deal with Daniel’s Company? “ The reporters asked


“ I rejected it. “ Taeyeon answered


“ Why? “ The reporters asked again


“ I said keep your distance Young man! “ Kai shouted again that Makes the other reporter back off.


“ I just don’t want to work with people who used to Crushed my life before “ Taeyeon answered


“ Why did you come back in Korea then? “ The reporters asked


“ I’m on a week vacation here. I was about to go home next year but My next schedule seems to hectic, So I decided to have a vacation in here “ Taeyeon answered


Flashes are everywhere, Reporter’s ear all hers. The reporters decided to calm down and Asked her clearly.


“ So, You’re visiting someone special? “ The reporters asked


“ I missed my friends. They are the SOMEONE SPECIAL that I visit “ She smiled at the camera


“ How’s your Love life them Ms. Kim? “ They asked


“ I don’t have one and I think I don’t need one. My life is all work and work “ She answered


“ Do you love someone right now? “ The young reporter asked


“ None. I’m all focused on my work. “ Taeyeon answered


The reporters filled with Silence while They were Writing on their notes, Photographers just continued Taking photos of her while Waiting.


“ Thank you Ms. Kim for that.                                                                                                                      Goodluck and Hwaiting “ The reporters Bowed and Taeyeon do the same too.


“ Thank you. Anything “ Taeyeon smiled widely


“ Can we take a picture with you with the Other reporters?”  The reporter asked


“ Sure. No problem with that “ She smiled


The reporter’s was about to come near Taeyeon but Kai, Chanyeol and D.O glared at them.


“ Guys. It’s okay now. Let them. “ Taeyeon smiled and pinch their cheeks


Reporters stand near Taeyeon and Take a picture with her, Photographers take the Opportunity too to have a picture with Taeyeon. Even not Reporters take a picture with her. Professors, Alumni’s, and Students too.


“ Thanks guys “ Taeyeon said as she smiled at them.


“ That’s nothing. I mean you’re Kim Taeyeon for pete’s sake. “ Kai laughed


“ Then, How’s a Bloody sausage, Kimchi, and Soju for Tomorrow night? “ Taeeyeon grinned


All of them look at each other and Grinned.


“ My treat “ Taeyeon already say the magic words and They all hug her.


“ That’s our Taeyeon! “ D.O shake her hair




“ Deal with Daniel’s Company? “ Tiffany speak on her mind


My head start to get curious when I heard what the Reporters asked to her, What’s the connection of her company to Daniel’s?


“ Hear that?! She’s single man! “ Jessica slightly punched her


I saw a waiter walking around with those Wine glass with Wines, I call him and get one.


“ Damn You. You don’t have one and You don’t want to have one? Such an “ I continued speak on my min as I drink the win in My glass


“ You don’t love someone right now? Your such an y Taeyeon. Damn you “ I drink again another wine while Looking at her smiling at her friends.


My blood start to boil again as I remembered again what she done to me.


“ Waiter. One more “ I called him and ask for more wine.


“ Hey it’s already your 6th Glass “ Jessica said


“ It’s just a wine Jess. “ I said as I get another one.


I continued drinking as I keep thinking my plans when she’s still here, My head wants to Burst out and My heart wants to Explode.


“ Hey tiff. Stop drinking now. “ Jessica get the Wine glass and Put it in the table.


“ Can I go home now Jess? “ I asked her


“ If you want to, I’ll be with Yul later. “ Jessica answered


“ Then, I’ll be going now “ I said as I waved my hand.


I leave the gym as I look at my phone,It’s already 9:00 pm and Rain start to Pour.

I get my umbrella on my bag and Open it so i can quickly go to the car.

As I run, I saw from a far the Boys dorm.

Reminiscing those memories makes me more suffer in pain.

I just get my keys and Open the Door so I can start the engine.

Those Memories..

Too Precious..

But to Pain I suffer every time I’ll reminisce those.


As rain continued Pouring, She quickly go to the Han River to Stroll.

Walking under the rain while walking near the river makes my heart stab by a knife and Bleed it continuously.


I put my umbrella down and Face the North.




A tear fell in my eyes and I keep on shouting




I’m all wet now, I don’t care if I’ll get sick. I want to shout more!




Suddenly, I feel that there’s no more rain drops falling on mine but the Surroundings are still the same.















“ I hate you too Hwang “ ~






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maemae08 #1
Chapter 21: Its a good and sweet story. But there are happenings that needs to be explained. What happened to Tiffany and Nichkhun? Hayeon looks matured in the first few chapters then in the last few chapters she look too young. Some things like that needs to be told.
Bobby14 #2
Chapter 12: I cant read with this
Hallooo author :)
I read this all over again...
Really love this story of yours :D
Can you give us the pdf version pretty please ? :3
raenzz #4
Chapter 21: I just finish it already in one day....hahaha, that was fast....DAEBAK AUTHOR-NIM! :D I LOVE IT, THANKS FOR ALL THE UPDATES...AND KEEP UP THE WONDERFUL WORK, FIGHTING!
jeril1823 #5
Chapter 21: aw... sweet!!!
jeril1823 #6
Chapter 17: ouch this chapter is heart clenching...
can you make PDF of this story authorssi? ^^
Chapter 21: Daebak Authorssi ~ I love your story much ^^ great job!!
Chapter 21: Wahhhhhhh authorrrrr....
I really like your storyyyy :D
Happy ending for TaeNy \(^o^)/
Hope for other great story from you author :))