
Coffeehouse Collection






Summary: Kyuhyun has had enough of Hyukjae’s cat games.

Characters: Kyuhyun, Hyukjae, The Great Kim as in Kim Heechul

Warnings: Maybe Language? Idk. The context of the story is darker than it seems I guess? I honestly just read and wrote it, but I, like, HAVE NO IDEA WHAT IT'S ABOUT.

Word Count: 1383 = short.





“If I could choose to die right now, what would I choose?”

“Yep. At school, the Psych teach asked us that question. Seems a little ridiculous to me, don’t you think?”

“What do you mean?” Kyuhyun flinched, stopping his actions. His anger was at its boiling point. The latter had a complete understanding of where Kyuhyun stood with himself and the things he carried.

“Well, I may not have a perfect life or have an understanding for others, but there are so many amazing wonderful people to meet and places to see. There’s so much to learn.” He smiled wonderfully. Just peachy and wonderfully. He was just too wonderful. Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful. Maybe too wonderful that Kyuhyun grimaced in pure malice.

“Hhmm…” he hummed as he continued to make an iced-latte, his back still faced away from Hyukjae’s humourous, bright eyes. Kyuhyun clenched his fist tightly, his stomach in turns. This was going to be a bad day, mayhap Kyuhyun would finally quit? His gut told he to do so, but when was the last time he followed that?

“What about you?” he asked whimsically, “You think the same right?” Hyukjae said, his eyes twinkling mischievously like a cat’s.

“You don’t care what I think, Hyukjae.” Kyuhyun said quickly, leaving the drink on the counter and swiftly going into his room. He was wise enough to leave before that cat was to pounce atop of him and entangled him in a scrap. Hyukjae was puzzled for a bit, but it wasn’t apparent with the evident smirk and the dark glint in his blackening eyes.

“Kyuhyun?” Hyukjae called out as he step to the front of said person’s door. “Kyuhyun?” he called out musically. If you saw the amused look on his face, you wouldn’t think twice that he knew something was up, and the bastard was going to rub salt on the wounds of it. Hyukjae tried to open the door and immediately, his face fell. It was locked. He felt fury build up in his mind and body as he jingled the knob furiously. He almost broke the thing until he noticed how emotionally angry he was. Until he noticed the tears from his eyes. He wiped them angrily as he panted nervously. He was so angry. He was angry that Kyuhyun locked his door. He promised. He promised! Kyuhyun promised that he’d stop locking his door for Hyukjae, but here it was locked and Hyukjae can’t get in. It angered him to no end, but it hurt him in his heart more. His heart felt like it was being squeezed and he didn’t know why. “KYUHYUN!” he yelled repeatedly, pounding on the other’s door hysterically. It was a minute after that Kyuhyun opened the door.

“What Hyukjae?” Kyuhyun said. He looked weary and under the weather. He knew Hyukjae was playing a cat’s game and that he was willing losing, but he was at his final straw. You might say he was a bad ‘roommate’ or ‘friend’ because he didn’t ask why Hyukjae was crying or pounding on his door, but he knew better. He knew the beast. It just didn’t matter to him. It was better for him to not ask anyway. Kyuhyun took off his shirt, both purposely and not so. He needed to change into a cleaner one and he wanted to elicit a facial response out of Hyukjae like the one the latter gave at this moment. Hyukjae’s face contorted into a frown of disgust. It was the scars on Kyuhyun’s almost perfect body. The white, sometimes long, sometimes not, scars the painted Kyuhyun’s body as if it were a canvas, blended well with Kyuhyun’s almost white skin, but still stood out. Some of them, Hyukjae knew where they came personally, but many of the others were unknown to him. It made his skin crawl and Kyuhyun knew that well.

“Grr…”  Hyukjae hissed loudly. He was more than a little uncomfortable looking at the scars. He hated them, he hated the so much. He had tried to drown them out with his own, but there were too many to count.

“Yes Hyukjae?” Kyuhyun asked amused as he went back to lay his arm on his doorframe. “I’m a busy man myself; let’s not get tongue tied now.” He said backing into his room again. Hyukjae would claw him if he could, but he was significantly upset. He clenched his fist, his knuckles whitening and his nails digging into his pale palms. He bit down on his bottom lip with his fangs, as his glare went straight towards the other. Kyuhyun was done with the games. He was done playing innocent and nice. Hyukjae was learning that the hard way.

“And what does this dove have to do that’s so important?” Hyukjae asked, trying to bring out a pleasant smile, but was only blessed with one that looks like it’ll rip out your neck. It was laughable at best, but Kyuhyun kept his snicker to himself. He put on a clean white v-neck, and grab some things.

“I have a life outside of this room, you know? Outside of yours too.” He smirked as he pushed past Hyukjae, whose mouth was agape. Hyukjae sunk his nails into Kyuhyun’s, grabbing it with rage. He turned Kyuhyun to look at him, but there was no peep to Kyuhyun like there use to be. Kyuhyun knew better than to give Hyukjae that satisfaction. He tore their limbs apart and put space between them. “You know Hyukjae, I was thinking about that question you asked me earlier. It was an interesting one, no less from The Great Kim, no? Always trying to elicit the best responses that one.” Hyukjae gulped anxiously. That Kim was Kyuhyun’s friend. Hyukjae’s crossed Kyuhyun’s so many times, but that was because he was allowed to. If Kyuhyun wishes otherwise, Kim will have Hyukjae’s head.

“What is it that you’d like to reflect from it, Kyuhyun?” Hyukjae said as calm as he could, pushing back an overflow of emotions, comparable to that of a broken damn or reservoir.

“Would you really like to know? Well, you did asked me if I would choose to die or not.” Kyuhyun smirked again, inching closer to the unmoving Hyukjae. He was pressed to Hyukjae’s ear whispering into it. “I’d die where you could no longer find me.” Hyukjae pushed the other away from him with all the strength he could muster, but Kyuhyun barely moved and even laughed at the latter’s wistful attempt. “Don’t cry those facetious tears, Hyukjae, that make me want to vomit with laughter.” Hyukjae blindly raised his fist and hit Kyuhyun right in his cheek bone. Hyukjae gasped, grabbing his hand and looking to Kyuhyun apologetically, but this didn’t faze Kyuhyun. “Don’t look at me like that, you’ve done worse. Remember? The scars you put on my body, the ones you personally put there.” Kyuhyun spat. “It’s almost time. Don’t wait up.” Kyuhyun said, going towards the door and just as he was about to close the door, “Ever. Don’t wait up ever. I don’t plan to ever come back.” He said distantly, closing the door in a ruckus.

Hyukjae dropped to the floor almost immediately. He was too tired to front his exhaustion. Why didn’t Kyuhyun understand how Hyukjae felt? That Hyukjae loved him so dearly unlike any other? But Hyukjae wasn’t dumb. He knew that Kyuhyun was leaving because of him. Hyukjae laughed in lackluster. He was a crazy bastard, the things he said and done to Kyuhyun, there was no confusion that Kyuhyun left like he did. Hyukjae was crazy if he thought Kyuhyun would stay. He couldn’t cage Kyuhyun; Kyuhyun was always the game master. He could leave any time he wanted to, but the fact was that Kyuhyun loved him once. Once. Kyuhyun loved him once, no more obviously, but that’s what scarred Hyukjae. It was a matter of why Kyuhyun took his sweet amount of time quitting his game with Hyukjae. It was simple. Kyuhyun didn’t mind a kitten’s fight. Hyukjae was a sadist and Kyuhyun was a masochist, it was nature to them and they should have worked out, but Kyuhyun wanted more. Kyuhyun wanted something more from Hyukjae and Hyukjae was afraid to give it. It was very simple.




A/N: Hello, Hello! It’s been awhile, is everyone doing good? Man it’s so hot and all I’ve been doing lately is reading. It isn’t bad, but I literally mean it when I say that I am always reading. Well not all the time, but you get my gist? I love reading and writing if you can’t tell. AND I just recently finished this trilogy I’ve been reading for about three-four days. (If it’s a book I like, I’ll read it in a day if it’s around 500-600 pages.) I was so upset that the main girl and the guy she was built up to be with in the first book did not get together. I mean it was logically and I understand why, but the feels, y’know? Sigh. Anyway, afore I get into that matter, lemme say that I’m working on other stories, other than one shots and not, one that I’m writing on my own accord. They're apart from fanfictions so I will be putting my full attention on that, but I do have someKyuhyuk stories that I have planned out and haven’t the time to write it. I can’t ask any to be patient because I’m not. But we’ll see. Ciao.



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Chapter 4: so its one sided of love eh ~~~~ ah i do not like sad ending..huhu anyhow thank kyu for the update ^__^
privatecookie228 #2
Chapter 2: lol! I love the ending! So cute :3
Chapter 2: oh well....this one is cuteeeeee >__<
tooooooooooo cuteeeeeeeeeee.....kyuhyuk just too adorable together kkkk..thank kyu for the write more neeee
Chapter 1: hahaaaha kyu the family might weird but love their son right kk..nice drabble..i love update soon neeee
fbhbfwjhs I love it. Is this a drabble series, right? because I want more. <33 Kyuhyun's yeah a pain in the . Hyukjae's the most adorable, dork a-and ;w; my baby (?) Kangteuk as hyukjae's parents. <3 Seriously, kyuhyuk. <3
hippocat #6
Chapter 1: lol....naughty kyu...drag hyuk into his own wonderland...really cute..