
Coffeehouse Collection




Summary: Kyuhyun and Eunhyuk visit and reminisce at the old playground they used to frequent at.

Main Pairing: Kyuhyuk;

Side Pairing: Kangteuk;

Genre: Fluff; One shot; I tried to be funny, but I'm not.

Warning: None

Word Count: 811

A/N: I don't even know… I also did not want to edit it's like 1 in the morning and I just got done playing with my      dog so I'm tired.





"Remember when we were young and loved to be here? We used to love playing around, jumping everywhere." Eunhyuk asked his boyfriend of three months and his best friend of 16 years.

"I do." Kyuhyun chuckled. "I remember fighting with each other, picking on each other. I even remembering making you cry." Kyuhyun said as he looked at the wood chip floor, "I'm sorry…" he said hugging Eunhyuk from his back.

"It's okay Kyuhyun, we were children. I've done the same to you. We still do it these days, because of little petty things though." Eunhyuk smiled as put his hands over Kyuhyun's, which was around his waist. "I remember you used to push me on the swings, you'd never let anyone else do it. You were so cute."

"Still am." Kyuhyun said childishly. Hugging Eunhyuk tighter.

"No Kyuhyun, you're not. You are a handsome man now." Eunhyuk said not with the joking tone he usually used. This caused Kyuhyun to blush as he murmured a shy and flustered thanks to Eunhyuk. "Hey Kyu, will you push me on the swings again?" he asked to his boyfriend really cutely.

"Anytime." Kyuhyun replied before he tightly snuggled Eunhyuk, letting him go only to take Eunhyuk's hand into his own, leading him to the swing set. It was only a minute after they got on that Kyuhyun pushed Eunhyuk incredibly high and Eunhyuk pleaded for Kyuhyun to stop, but Kyuhyun just giggled. He knew Eunhyuk; he's known him for years. Eunhyuk would always say he wanted to stop, but he really didn't. It was like a natural instinct for Eunhyuk and in the end Eunhyuk would always laugh while going really high because he really enjoyed it, like right now. He was laughing like crazy, having the time of his life.

Getting off, Eunhyuk dragged Kyuhyun to the slides to slide together, to those little horsey ride things and eventually to the monkey bars.

"Bet I could still go upside down on them!"Eunhyuk said already doing so. "See!" he said victoriously as he had conquered something so impressive and doing so triumphantly at that.

"I didn't say you couldn't, but I wouldn't doubt it. You are a monkey, after all." Kyuhyun said teasingly, causing Eunhyuk to pout in dissatisfaction while still dangling upside down.

"Am not! You always say that, ever since grade sc-" and that is when Kyuhyun kissed Eunhyuk, partly to shut the other up, but mostly because he had wanted to do so for a very long time. This was their first kiss, it was in the place they many of their firsts. This was their place, their childhood where they created memories and still are creating memories. Eunhyuk blushed profusely and he would have fallen to the ground if Kyuhyun wasn't there to catch him. Kyuhyun chuckled lightly seeing the dazed look Eunhyuk gave. Eunhyuk's lip were stuck in a curve, parted a little, as the fingertips of his right hand touched his own lips. Kyuhyun knew he caused this and began to carry his boyfriend home because he knew that Eunhyuk would probably stay like that for a while. Kyuhyun laughed all the way down to the other’s home.

"Kyuhyun, why is Eunhyuk staring into space with a dumb smile that he is touching with his fingers? It's creepy." Kangin, Eunhyuk's father asked in wonder at his odd son’s even odder behavior.

"I don't know, Eunhyuk is your son, and you're both a little creepy." Kyuhyun shrugged as he continued to play on Eunhyuk's game console.

"Hold on-" Kangin tried to say before he was interrupted by an abrupt clapping.

"Hhaha!" Leeteuk, Kangin's other half walked in amused, "You are so right Kyuhyun-honey. You're staying for dinner right?" Leeteuk asked his son's boyfriend.

"Of course." Kyuhyun said cheekily because Kangin could not get a word in and say that he wasn't creepy one bit. "Oh yeah, Eunhyuk is probably like that because I kissed him earlier." Kyuhyun said almost forgetting.

"Oh my! I have to call your mom! We have been waiting so long!" Leeteuk said excitedly as he exited to get the phone to blab in excitement to Kyuhyun's mother. All while Kangin groaned in annoyance. He loved Kyuhyun like a son and he was very happy for the young couple, but Kyuhyun was sometimes a pain in the and Kyuhyun made sure to show it whenever he wanted to.

"Kyuhyun kissed me…" Eunhyuk said out of nowhere, sighing in contentment and tilting his head to the side and putting it on one of his hands. He continued to smile idiotically into the air, his mind probably somewhere far away in a fantasy land replaying what had happened at the playground. Kyuhyun chuckled as he looked back to Kangin in amusement. Then Kyuhyun spoke again before turning back to the game.


“You guys are all weird.”





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Chapter 4: so its one sided of love eh ~~~~ ah i do not like sad ending..huhu anyhow thank kyu for the update ^__^
privatecookie228 #2
Chapter 2: lol! I love the ending! So cute :3
Chapter 2: oh well....this one is cuteeeeee >__<
tooooooooooo cuteeeeeeeeeee.....kyuhyuk just too adorable together kkkk..thank kyu for the write more neeee
Chapter 1: hahaaaha kyu the family might weird but love their son right kk..nice drabble..i love update soon neeee
fbhbfwjhs I love it. Is this a drabble series, right? because I want more. <33 Kyuhyun's yeah a pain in the . Hyukjae's the most adorable, dork a-and ;w; my baby (?) Kangteuk as hyukjae's parents. <3 Seriously, kyuhyuk. <3
hippocat #6
Chapter 1: lol....naughty kyu...drag hyuk into his own wonderland...really cute..