Strawberry Wine

Coffeehouse Collection

Strawberry Wine



Summary: Kyuhyun drinks wine, causing Hyukjae to get hurt.

A/N: I didn't check to see if it made any sense really, I was too lazy.

Warnings: None

Word Count: 1567





"Kyu? Kyuhyunnie! Kyu-Ohh!" Hyukjae gasped as he entered his living, or should I say their living room, where his other half laid on their comfy red sofa; his head on their crème colored pillows. There laid his lover, of over barely a year, who looked like he slept so uncomfortable, the way the other's face contorted in a frown. Hyukjae giggled at his lover and pat his lover's, Kyuhyun's, hair.  He knew that when Kyuhyun slept well, he'd always have such a pissed of look; it was very normal. Hyukjae smiled lovingly at the younger. "You must have waited long, huh Kyu? I'm sorry that I'm so late…" Hyukjae spoke to Kyuhyun as if he were awake. Then he gave a light peck onto the other's cheek. Hyukjae stopped and stared again at his lover, he honestly could spend days looking at the other, just smiling like the creeper he was and still is.


“I should take you to—Ahh!” Hyukjae screamed as he fell to the floor, tripping on some foreign object. He covered his mouth quickly and looked over to his sleepyhead boyfriend and sighed in relief that the other was still sound—sleep. But what did Hyukjae trip on? He turned around and saw a bottle near his feet, but it was not just any bottle. It was a wine bottle and there were exactly three empty bottles on the floor. Three empty bottles. What? Kyuhyun isn’t supposed t drink alcohol? What does he think he’s doing? Hyukjae thought, his anger growing. Hyukjae went on his knees in front of Kyuhyun and grabbed onto Kyuhyun’s collar and was ready to yell his guts out, but stopped when he saw Kyuhyun mumbled cutely. Hyukjae then sighed; there was no way the he could get mad at this kid. He was too cute, especially when he slept.


“What am I going to do with you?” Hyukjae sighed again, “I’ll take you to bed before you catch a cold…” he said getting up, but failing miserably, falling because his ankle hurt. “Ouch!” he squealed, sitting up to check his ankle. It was already a little swollen because Hyukjae fell during his dance class, but a little worse because he just fell again due to Kyuhyun’s little alcohol addiction. He should do something about it, but he was too tired and since he was too tired to bring Kyuhyun to bed, he decided that it’ll be best that they just slept on the couch. Hey, it was wide and comfy. No trouble in that. When Kyuhyun woke up the next morning, he didn’t really have much of a buzz because he took some chasers so he wouldn’t. He yawned sleepily, finally being able to feel at foreign yet familiar weight on him.


“Hyukkie?” Kyuhyun asked tiredly, “What are you doing…?” he asked shaking the older a little bit.


“Hhmm~ Kyu?” Hyukjae slurred, stretching a bit, and picking his head up a bit to look up at the other.


 “What are you doing here?” he asked, still waking up. Kyuhyun chuckled at his cute boyfriend and held the other tightly. “What time did you come home last night?” Kyuhyun asked petting the other’s hair gently. He chuckled again at the way Hyukjae reacted and snuggled to him like a pet.


“Around 12. I had to stop by at the office to pick up some documents. Sorry I took so long.” He said pouting a little.


“Hhmm~” Kyuhyun hummed, “It’s okay, as long as you’re fine.” Kyuhyun said softly as he closed his eyes again.


“Are you going to sleep again?” Hyukjae asked poking Kyuhyun’s cheek.


“Hmm, maybe a little nap…” he said, his head aching a bit.


“Okay, I’ll wake you up after I’m done cooking us breakfast.” Hyukjae said, pecking Kyuhyun’s forehead. Kyuhyun smiled and nodded courteously. When Hyukjae got up he immediately fell and howled in pain.



“Hyukkie!” Kyuhyun screamed sitting up and looking to check if the older was okay. “Are you okay? What happen? Where are you hurt?” he asked very worried.


“Ouch, it’s my foot…” Hyukjae said, carefully bringing said leg up onto the coffee table in front of them.


“Oh my…” Kyuhyun said, his eyes widening. Hyukjae’s ankle was swollen and a purple-ish blue color. “Oh my goodness, how did that happen?” Kyuhyun asked Hyukjae as he went to the other room to get a towel, a bucket of cold water and some heat compressant. “Okay, okay let’s see…towel in water, then towel on foot. A massage and then heat compressant… Right…” Kyuhyun said to himself, even nodding his head as if he just got a command. After all that Hyukjae laid on the couch very pleasantly, being feed porridge, that just got delivered, by Kyuhyun.


“You know I’m not sick, right?” Hyukjae said opening his mouth for Kyuhyun to feed him a spoonful.


“I do, but you can never be too careful. And porridge is delicious.” Kyuhyun said smiling. “How did you get hurt by the way?” He asked almost forgetting too.


“Oh, during dance class I was trying to do a back flip into a windmill, but I ended up getting hurt. Then I went to the office and came here.” Hyukjae said trying to remember what exactly happened yesterday; he was oh so tired. “It wasn’t so bad yesterday—ah! It was your fault!” he said glaring at Kyuhyun, giving him the stink—eye. 


“What? W—what did I–I do?” Kyuhyun said wincing a little.


“You!” Hyukjae said grabbing Kyuhyun’s collar tightly. “What do you think you were doing drinking last night? HUH!?” he said in the scariest and angriest voice he could muster.


“I—I” Kyuhyun tried to say, but Hyukjae put him in a headlock.


“You idiot, you know it’s bad for your health! You are already sick and the reason you’re not in the hospital is because I told your father and mother that I’d take care of you! Are you trying to go back to the hospital! Are you…are you trying to leave me!” he yelled, exasperated, turning away from Kyuhyun. His face scrunched up, trying to prevent himself from being too emotional. Honestly, when situation like these occur, Hyukjae would often stomp out the room, but as this cannot happen due to his foot, he didn’t. He cross his arms angrily and turned his body away from the other.


“W-what?! No way! You know that I—I—uhmm…” Kyuhyun said fumbling with his words.  “Hyukkie, I’m really trying to say that I really like you but I can’t really put it in magnificent and wonderful words, you know that I’m very insufficient when it comes to putting the words I really mean and—”


“Oh shut it, Kyuhyun, you’re babbling, again. I know what you mean. I really like you too, love maybe, but Kyuhyun you know you aren’t supposed to drink. Think about your health. It hasn’t been so well since you were a child and that’s why you have to stay at home all the time… Kyuhyun I’m always so worried for you…” Hyukjae said holding onto Kyuhyun’s hand, tightly.


“I’m sorry, Hyukjae… I really don’t have a plausible excuse for it, but I’ll still tell you this. You know how my family company is coming up with a stronger fruit taste in our red wine? Well I tasted foreign brands like Carmingnano, Cinsaut, Merlot, Pinot Noir, Lambrusco and Bordeaux, here try some. I want the next flavor to be of this sort…” Kyuhyun said getting up to get a wine glass and a bottle of wine.


“Kyu, you know I don’t like alcohol of any sorts.” Hyukjae said to Kyuhyun.


“I know, but this is different.” Kyuhyun said coming back to sit next to Hyukjae on the couch. “Here,” he said handing Hyukjae a little bit, “smell it first.” And Hyukjae did.


“It smells spicy, and fruity. Smells like—! Strawberry!” Hyukjae said his eyes lighting up and turning to Kyuhyun.


“That’s right!” Kyuhyun chuckled. “That new wine will have a strawberry essence. Actually the real reason for tasting these wines is because every Cho’s first wine is specifically for that one that they want to marry and although it is still too earlier for us to talk about things like that, I still want to make it for you because it’s your favorite taste and you are my favorite person.” Kyuhyun said smiling. Hyukjae smiled widely, unable to hide his blushing face with his hands.


“Kyu~” Hyukjae whined cutely “Thank you… and you are my favorite person in the whole wide world. But wait a moment, if you were taste testing, why were there three empty bottles on the floor?” Hyukjae said curtly, glaring at the younger.


“Ahhah…” Kyuhyun said looking away and scratching the back of his head. “Well, you see…you were taking a really long time and I well there was a bunch of wine and you know how I feel about wine…” Kyuhyun said trying to laugh it off, but Hyukjae just smacked Kyuhyun in the back of his head.


“Idiot.” Hyukjae said before turning on the television and tuning Kyuhyun out for the rest of the day of Kyuhyun apologizing endless, which seems like it already started.


“Hyukkie! I’m sorry I just—!”




“Hyukkie, I—!”






“Nope, not listening.”


“But I—”


“Oh, shut it, Kyuhyun. I’m trying to watch this drama!”






A/N: Idk, but there will be a shor side story from this story. I probably could of posted it earlier too, if i didn't accidently delete it and made it longer than the original. Oh well...

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Chapter 4: so its one sided of love eh ~~~~ ah i do not like sad ending..huhu anyhow thank kyu for the update ^__^
privatecookie228 #2
Chapter 2: lol! I love the ending! So cute :3
Chapter 2: oh well....this one is cuteeeeee >__<
tooooooooooo cuteeeeeeeeeee.....kyuhyuk just too adorable together kkkk..thank kyu for the write more neeee
Chapter 1: hahaaaha kyu the family might weird but love their son right kk..nice drabble..i love update soon neeee
fbhbfwjhs I love it. Is this a drabble series, right? because I want more. <33 Kyuhyun's yeah a pain in the . Hyukjae's the most adorable, dork a-and ;w; my baby (?) Kangteuk as hyukjae's parents. <3 Seriously, kyuhyuk. <3
hippocat #6
Chapter 1: lol....naughty kyu...drag hyuk into his own wonderland...really cute..