Chapter 4

Cursed Crown










Hviturland— fourteen days after Sungmin was sent to the Red Land.

Sun is almost set when the sound of stomping horse was heard getting closer to the kingdom’s backyard, directly to the horses stable, as if racing with the upcoming night time.

“Heya!” the equestrian shouted while pulling his leash hard. The horse jumped and stopped roughly in front of the wooden door and guards.

“Prince Siwon!” The guards and horse keepers bowed respectfully.

Without glancing at them, Siwon got off the horse, stepping on the icy ground and swung his golden cloak; making the snows on it fell down.

“Clean and feed this horse then let it rest.” Siwon ordered the horse keepers while walking away.

He was walking into the stable, through tens of huge horses and smiled whenever he saw his brothers’ favorite ones. He pat their head as he walked through until he arrived the deepest corner.

There’s the biggest war horse, separated away from the other and chained in its stable.

Sleipnir, his war horse. As tall as an elephant, as hard as rhinos. With his strong legs and a pair of wings, the beautiful creature became his favorite, his ace to go on a war. Though there were times when he misused the horse to bring Sungmin fly around Hviturland’s sky.

“We’ll go through a long trip, buddy.” He said softly while caressing on the horse’s spine.

Siwon whispered under his breath, touching on the thick chain on the beast body and—


The chain was released; slipping down to the ground on top of some straws then disappeared behind the wall. It was unusual for the horse beast to be so calm without the chain on him. Siwon’s presence is the absolute reason for him to be calm. Fifty years ago, the Hviturland crown prince beat it and took it down from Alfheim mountain.

Sleipnir raised both of his front feet and whined excitedly, as if agreeing to its master’s idea.

“You can’t wait, eoh? Long time no action?” Siwon smiled while climbing on the horse’s back. He had to use a bit magic to jump up since the horse is too big to just count on his legs for climbing up.

“Let’s go, buddy.”

Siwon whipped the horse and a pair of wings expanded. In a few seconds, the horse moved his legs and flew out of the stable, startling some guards out there.

Sleipnir was fluttering his wings gently. The horse brought Siwon up fast in low height. He was about to command the horse to move when it suddenly turned around, back to the land and walked slowly.

"S-Sleipnir!" Siwon shouted out in shock when his horse went back to the ground instead. He tried to commad it to fly again, but it wouldn’t listen to him. It stepped forward and stopped in front of a familiar figure Siwon knows despite the dark night was only lighted up by the dim light of moon.


“Where are you going now, Siwon-ah?” The figure whispered with the wind. His face was hidden underneath the crown’s shadow. But the suffocating voice made Siwon swallowed, trying to hold back his nervousness and dare himself to shout at him.

“I’m going to bring Minnie back!” His breath was a little off when he saw the figure lifted his head slowly.

“Are you going to start a war with Radourland, my son?”

Siwon stilled despite his pounding heart. He grabbed on Sleipnir’s leash tightly, getting aware when his father came closer.

“You know very well that a war with Stavurland would break anytime, right? We’re lucky that Radourland offered an alliance with our land, as a family.” The monotone voice made Siwon’s heart beat louder.

“B-but it doesn’t have to be that way, right?” Siwon asked nervously. His eyes rolled here and there, unable to stare back at his father’s eyes which he knew, there was a strong magic behind them that made Sleipnir turned back in just two seconds.

“D-didn’t Donghae offer himself? Why did you choose Miinie instead?! He’s still so young and he has gotten more sickly lately!” Siwon raised his tone. Imagining his beloved sibling in the other land, a land known with its cruel reputation.

Just hearing Sungmin caught a cold made his world crumbled. But this…!

‘…If only… If only I was brave enough to take the risk and claim Sungmin earlier, this won’t happen now… Appa won’t give him to someone else.’

“I know—” Siwon clenched his fist on the leash. His anger made him met his father’s eyes, made it easier for him to talk his mind.

“I know that Sungmin is not my sibling in blood. He’s not your child. Jaejoong gave birth to a bastard child and the world recognizes him as Hviturland’s prince.”

Yunho was taken aback. He stared back at his first child with wide eyes.


How did Siwon know it?

“What? Did I surprise you?” Siwon laughed a bit. His eyes were hot with emotion and couldn’t control what he said.

“I was surprised too. You married that and he gave birth to a bastard.”

“Stop it, Siwon-ah.” Yunho hissed. His fists, hidden behind the cloak, were trembling… hearing the dark past was brought up by his crown prince. The shadow overwhelmed him, suffocating his chest and teared down his ego. The memories of Jaejoong, crying and kneeling, hugging on his fat belly, were still so clear after his eyes. He could never erase them from his memories. He hadn’t even claimed his sweet Jaejoong yet…

“Appa is blaming it on Sungmin? Blame that ! The child is innocent! I’ll take him as my mate if the Radourland’s prince hasn’t marked him yet. I don’t care if—” He stopped talking arrogantly when he saw his father’s empty eyes. He could even see the sadness washed over him. It’s like he was haunted by a painful regret of the past and made him like this… Empty. Lifeless.

“A-Appa…” Siwon got down from his horse, planning to get on his knees and begging for forgiveness from his father but the old man had walked away.

“Do whaterver you want, Siwon-ah.” He whispered bitterly before disappearing between the fogs.

“Ap-appa…I’m sorry…” He whispered to no one.

Sleipnir whined a bit, as if feeling his master’s sadness. Siwon caressed the horse’s neck with a sad smile. He sighed then pulled the leash to the other way.

“Sorry, buddy… Seems like we have to postpone our journey.”





“Hyuuuung, let’s plaaaaay! I’m boreeed!” Sungmin sat on the garden’s bench, stomping his feet childishly. The bunny Kyuhyun gave to him was sitting on his lap as usual dan had become his favorite thing to vent his anger.

“Aish… Go play with my noonas’ children!” Kyuhyun snapped without looking at him, still focusing on the front. For a moment, he’s still engrossed with riding a wild horse which is being trained to be a war horse until he realized what he had said earlier. He stopped the horse in front of Sungmin in a hurry.

“Y-yah, Sungmin-ah! Don’t listen to what I’ve said earlier! Don’t go anywhere and don’t play with those kids, Arraseo?! Just stay still here until I finish! And don’t you dare come to the field!”

“Kyuhyun sighed while shaking his head before whipping the horse again. He brought the animal around the field without noticing the bad boy was sneaking into the wild horses stable; getting too close to one of them.

“SUNGMIN!” Kyuhyun screamed when he turned his head and realized what the little prince’s doing. His blood ran cold when he saw the wild horse was about to kick the boy away, and Sungmin didn’t know it.


In a super-fast motion, Kyuhyun protected Sungmin in his embrace. They were thrown to the wall. Sungmin is safe, but Kyuhyun had to swallow his own cries when he felt his right shoulder’s bone broke.

“Damn…” Kyuhyun cursed under his breath while hissing. If only he had the time to transform… But hell, Kyuhyun didn’t even get to think. He just moved unconsciously to save Sungmin as soon as possible.

Kyuhyun stilled. His body slipped down on the wall to the floor. Sungmin was struggling to get out of his arms. The boy’s eyes widened when he knew the older man was wounded.

“H-Hyung!” Sungmin yelled and spontaneously cried seeing blood streaming down from Kyuhyun’s shoulder. "Hu-HUWAAAAA!"

“Sungmin… Are you all right?”

Sungmin was crying harder. His tears streamed down like waterfall, wetting his pale face and made his eyes swollen. He really wanted to say sorry, but the only thing comes out of his mouth was sobs.

“Don’t cry, Sungmin-ah.” Kyuhyun tried to stop the boy from rubbing his eyes too hard.

“See, it doesn’t hurt—Argh!” He winced when he tried to move his left arm. Sungmin lifted his right hand on Kyuhyun’s wound in the middle of crying.

‘Damn…’ Kyuhyun was grumbling quietly. Now he had to find a healer and drink some disgusting potions to heal it fast. Honestly, he wanted to get angry but seeing Sungmin’s guilty like this… he gave up. His cold heart melted down like ice cream. Wait… there’s no ice cream at this time.

“Yah… I said its fine. I’m not—” The crown prince’s eyes were widened when he felt ice-cold sensation on his wound. In panic, Kyuhyun turned his head to see the small hand is on top of his right shoulder, giving out white glow that caused the cold feel on his shoulder; covering his broken bone and wound until the taller man realized something weird.

Kyuhyun was gaping in shock. He lifted his right arm, spun it around twice; wondering why he felt no pain at all. The broken bone was healed though the wound was still bleeding a bit. Only small scratches left under his torn part of shirt.

‘Is this a Snowelf’s power?!’

Kyuhyun stared at Sungmin’s face in confusion. The boy is closing his eyes. Kyuhyun couldn’t ignore the color dropped from Sungmin’s face; made him looks paler than usual.

“Yah, Sungmin-ah. Did you do this?”

Sungmin opened his eyes and breathed weakly. Seeing Kyuhyun’s confused face made him cries again.

“Hyung… bleed because ofmeeeeeeeeeee!” He sobs with those teary big eyes.

It didn’t really answer his question. Did the boy do it consciously or not?

“Aish, that’s why I told you to listen to me. See? You’ll trouble someone else! Arraseo?” The crown prince got up and lifted up Sungmin with him. The Snowelf nodded weakly; he was limp and made Kyuhyun held him in worry.

“Y-Yah! Sungmin-ah?” Kyuhyun snapped in panic while waving his hand in front of the boy’s face.

“U-uh?” Sungmin asked while blinking slowly. Kyuhyun sighed in relief but forced to carry him on his back.

Some guards finally came to the scene and caught the wild horse earlier whereas the prince was going into the kingdom in a hurry, taking note in his mind to ask about this to his father later.




“Your Highness!”

Yunho flinched ever slightly, unmoved even just to roll his eyes. He didn’t need to greet his ‘guest’ since there’s only two people could enter his private chamber; him and his queen. And by listening to the snapping sound, Yunho could already guess what the queen will say in a moment from now.

“You’re home, Junsu-ya? How’s the East Land doing?” Yunho asked flatly while flipping through the books on his hands.

“Give me back my child!”

Yunho shut the book close; lifting up his head to stare at the unpleasant shade on the queen’s face. The beautiful queen… was just snapped at him impolitely, just because of a bastard child he hates so much.

“Stop it, Junsu-ya. Sungmin is not your child.”

Junsu inhaled deeply, holding back his tears who had been threatening to fall since earlier. His eyes reddened and his chest felt constricted.

“Sungmin is my child ever since Jaejoong left him in my care!”

“I’ve told you to stop talking about Jaejoong.”

“You sent me to the East Land in order to throw Sungmin away without my knowledge! Give me back my child, NOW, Jung Yunho!” Junsu was choked on his breath, unable to contain his tears anymore. He just got the news that Yunho sent Sungmin away to the monstrous land yesterday. The hell with the betrothed reason! Sungmin is just a child, sent to the blood-spilling land. Junsu couldn’t help but to worry about Sungmin’s life.

Their fragile little prince… living in the middle of those monsters. Junsu really wished he could scold at his stupid husband.

“I didn’t throw him away. I accepted Radourland King’s proposal to engage him with Radourland’s crown prince. We need alliance to repair our long-lost relationship with them.” Junsu was glaring at him sharply. His heart hurts hearing Yunho said all those words flatly. To be honest, Junsu could even see relief from the cold expressionless king. No burden at all.

Oh that’s wrong… Yunho’s burden is Jung Sungmin. And now he got nothing since the boy has been thrown away.

“You have six mature children, ready to get engaged! Why did you choose Sungmin!” Junsu broke to tears. He knew the answer already without asking.

“I don’t want to take a risk by sacrificing my precious children, if one day Radourland tries to do something stupid. I don’t want to lose them so I chose the most useless one.”  Hearing those harsh yet monotone words came out of the king’s mouth made Junsu felt stabbed in his chest. His sobs worsened.

“SUNGMIN IS ALSO YOUR SON!” Junsu yelled in frustration. His voice was echoing through the dark’s quietness.

“Even though he’s different; he’s weak and he doesn’t have elf ears and he doesn’t have any talent to be the next king, he’s still your son, Jung Yunho!”

Yunho didn’t say anything. He didn’t even stare back at Junsu.

“You’re angry because of the incident a half and year ago, ne?! The incident between Siwon and Sungmin, isn’t it?!” Junsu went to his knees in front of Yunho to stare at his eyes.

“You blame everything on Sungmin whereas it’s clear that your oldest child is the one who should take the responsibility.” He whispered bitterly, trying to provoke Yunho to get angry and spill everything in his mind. But no… like a statue, Yunho only froze on his spot. Didn’t move or stare back at his eyes.

Finally Junsu realized that anything he says will not affect Yunho at all. Probably the king had his heart stoned since Jaejoong’s death. But it shouldn’t be a reason to hate his own son. It’s so ridiculous.

“I wil visit him anytime I want. And if I think he’s not happy there, I will take him back!” Junsu hissed then turned away, walking out and leaving the old man alone. He doesn’t care if their king forbids him. He had his own knights to protect him and go to Radourland.

And he’s sure Siwon wouldn’t mind to be one of them.




The crown prince’s room was quiet on the afternoon. Only pen scratches sound and sighs were heard from the room. Kyuhyun was writing something seriously on the paper, some words and alphabets in Radourland’s language with Sungmin sitting on his lap, sighing countlessly and playing with his pen without paying attention to the older man.

Once in a while, he’ll leaned back to Kyuhyun’s shoulder; bored and tired. And it felt hot being so close with the other man. His breaths could be felt on Sungmin’s spine and head, made him squirmed uncomfortably.


Kyuhyun ignored the whines. His eyes were still glued to the papers. It’s not him but Sungmin’s. For the whole week, he has been teaching Radourland’s language to his little friend but it seems like Sungmin isn’t interested to learn at all.

“See. This is the word ‘Sa’ and ‘Ta’, put another line on its right and it will be ‘Su’ and ‘Tu’. Give a small crescent moon on top of it and it will be ‘Se’ and ‘Te’. Put small moon on its center and you’ll get ‘So’ and ‘To’. To get ‘Si’ and ‘Ti’, you’ll have to put little worm under.” Kyuhyun explained it slowly and gently, taking Sungmin’s fingers with him and leading him to write them one by one.

There are five more he hasn’t taught him, but according to his attention, Sungmin had memorized at least seven or eight words.

“Seeeeh— Toooo—” Sungmin mumbled low. He tilted his head and yawned. His right hand moved according to Kyuhyun’s lead, without his willingness at all.

“Now try to spell your name.” Kyuhyun commanded him while pointing on the words of ‘S’ and ‘M’, waiting for the little prince write his name on the paper.

“Sheng—Meeen—” Sungmin answered lazily. His hand moved weakly and started to scribble the words without power, resulting a huge difference to Kyuhyun’s written words.

“Yah! Sungmin-ah! Why are your writings as ugly as your face? Do it once again!” Kyuhyun snapped angrily. He grabbed the boy’s hand to write it properly but Sungmin just squirmed on his lap instead. His little moved around on Kyuhyun’s thighs, making the crown prince bit his own lips, unable to get angry at him again.


“Hyuuungg… Let’s just play. Bunny or cloud candy!” Sungmin put his pen and turned to see Kyuhyun’s face.

“You have played all day yesterday. Now it’s time to study!” Kyuhyun scolded him mercilessly. Sungmin pouted, but not backing up that easily.

“Please, hyung? Pleaseeeee?” Sungmin caught Kyuhyun’s face in his tiny hands, staring deeply with his puppy eyes, a wide smile, showing off his bunny teeth. Usually, this trick will work on Siwon-hyung; made him stopped working and play with him. Probably it might work to Kyuhyun-hyung as well.

Kyuhyun swallowed; his heart almost jumped out of his body when Sungmin touched his face and made an expresson that—

“Y-yah! Aish.” Kyuhyun grumbled, unwilling to back off for this cute sly boy. That’s why the older man turned Sungmin’s face to the front. He didn’t want to stare at that tempting pale pretty face or his heart would really stop.

“Memorize another five words. You can go to play if your writing get better.” Sungmin was pouting again, swinging his legs in anger.

“Don’t pout. I won’t give you cotton candy anymore!”


“M-Min!” Kyuhyun growled. He tensed up when Sungmin jumped around on his lap. That little is starting to press on his thigh and also… a sensitive organ between his legs.

“Stop it, Sungmin-ah!”

“But we stop studying, ne hyung?”

Kyuhyun glared at the boy. In a moment… his little fella down there will wake up. And if this naughty boy won’t listen to him, he swears he won’t hesitate to make this little prince as his lunch, eating him wholly in this place. But to Sungmin’s luck, someone slammed the room door opened and barged in, stopping Sungmin who was about to tempt Kyuhyun once again.

“Kyuhyun-ah.” The woman was panting slightly. It seemed that she was running all the way here without knocking at the door and entered.

“Ah… Ne, Sooyoung—” Kyuhyun hasn’t finished his answer when Sungmin suddenly got up and yelled at her.


Both prince and princess’ eyes were widened in shock. Sungmin put his hands on his waist, lifting his head up arrogantly and asking. “Who let you enter this place?”

“W-wha?!” Sooyoung stammered, pointing at Sungmin while her face was getting red from anger. She’s too taken aback that her eyes might pop-out of his head and fall to the floor.

Kyuhyun was also speechless and gaping like a fish. He’s looking at Sungmin’s back, unable to say anything until Sungmin opened his mouth again and shouted harsh words.

“You has no manner!”

Not in Kyuhyun’s wildest imagination that an innocent boy like Sungmin would say such words.

“YOU DAMNED ELF! COME HERE! LET ME RIP YOUR TINY BODY APART AND BREAK YOUR BONES!” Sooyoung was ready to grab the fragile neck but Kyuhyun was faster. He put Sungmin behind his back.

“Noona. Stop it!” Kyuhyun tried to push her away, holding a safe distance between those two. Sooyoung was cursing in Radourland language, trying to get her claw on the boy lustfully.

“Give that boy to me, Kyuhyun! You heard what he said just now too!”

“No-noona, please, let me be the one to punish him.” Kyuhyun kept pushing the older girl out. Their eyes met each other. Sooyoung’s bright silver eyes turned to dark ones slowly. Her breaths were starting to calm down but her jaw was still tense, and her face was full of anger.

“Appa called you to his room. But if you will be late for punishing that damned kid, I’ll tell Appa about it.” Sooyoung pushed Kyuhyun back and stepped away.

The man nodded, ready to close his door when Sooyoung glared at Sungmin for the last time and hissed.

“Just watch your back, you ing elf.”


Kyuhyun shut his door close and sighed. He turned back and asked the boy, who wasn’t looked guilty at all.

“Why did you do that, Sungmin-ah?” Kyuhyun was trying to be patient.

Sungmin didn’t answer. He turned his face and walked back, like a kid caught of stealing a candy. He wasn’t wrong! But why does Kyuhyun-hyung stare at him like he’s at fault? He swallowed nervously. Both of his hands were shaking behind his back.

Yelling at servants has always been his habit whenever he’s angry and no one scolded him for it, not even Eomma.

Kyuhyun narrowed his eyes, feeling sorry for the kid but he was disappointed nonetheless. It feels like he had failed being Sungmin’s teacher.

“You have to apologize to her tonight.” The tall man rubbed his head, tired and wanted to take a break already. But not when Sungmin talked back to him.


Kyuhyun’s patience will ran out in just a bit more.

“Sungmin-ah!” The prince glared angrily at him in a second and now he’s standing in front of the boy. Sungmin glared back arrogantly to him even though his lips were trembling. He moved backwards until his back met the wall.

“NO! I DON’T WANT! I DON’T WANT TO DO IT! I’m a prince and only low people would apologize!” Sungmin shouted childishly with his eyes closed, unable to look back at Kyuhyun’s angry eyes.

“Uh!” Kyuhyun lifted his hand, threathening to slap his face. Seeing that trembling boy made he could only raise his hand and do more. He inhaled deeply to get a better control of his temper.

“Who told you about that?” Kyuhyun whispered in disappointment. The boy, only as tall as his chest, still shut his eyes close with trembling shoulders. Kyuhyun couldn’t let it be. Sungmin needs to learn some manner and grace like one of kingdom’s family.

Probably his family spoiled him rotten. Oh no, he won’t have it here that way. It might make this boy grow to be more insolent than ever.

“Come here!” Kyuhyun pulled Sungmin’s arm and brought him in front of the bed, ignoring the pitiful whine from the kid. Kyuhyun sat on the edge of the bed, pulling Sungmin to stand in front of him.

“You need to learn saying an apology, a sorry. Say, mianhae.” He glared sharply to the boy, but Sungmin resisted. He pushed away Kyuhyun’s hands from is shoulders.

“Ungh!” Sungmin shook his head persistently. Still going strong on his principle that an apology shouldn’t be said by someone like him.

“Sungmin-ah!” Kyuhyun snapped in anger, cupping the boy’s chin roughly and forcing the boy to stare at him, ignoring those teary eyes and trembling lips.

“Say mianhae now!” Kyuhyun forced him impatiently. The Snowelf only shut his lips tightly, getting to the man’s nerves.


Kyuhyun snapped his finger to Sungmin’s forehead; making the boy stumbled back slightly. Sungmin was shocked. His big eyes widened realizing what Kyuhyun had done to him.

“H-hiks!” Sungmin bit his lower lips and touched his forehead which was starting to throb. Tears started to drop off his eyes, especially when Kyuhyun snapped his finger once again.

“H-hiks! —HUWAAAAAA!”

Kyuhyun gritted his teeth, debating to keep being hard or soften. But his promise to Sooyoung won him over. This spoiled prince won’t be left alone until he promised to apologize to Sooyoung.

“I said, say sorry!” the older man shook Sungmin’s arm a bit roughly. He was actually afraid that he might left a bruise on his skinny arm. “Say mianhae, Sungmin-ah!”

Sungmin cried harder but it didn’t stop Kyuhyun. He pulled his arm forward and made a gesture of another hit.

“Say sorry now! Or I’ll hit your head again!” Kyuhyun threathened, shaking the trembling boy in front of him.

“Hiks!” Sungmin shut his eyes close tightly again, covering his head with both hands. There’s no sign to comply yet.

“Aish, you really—”


The crown prince took Sungmin hands away and snapped his fingers again twice, resulting a loud shrill cry from the boy. The spot on his head was getting bruised.

“HUWAAAAAAAAAAAA!!” Sungmin wailed and latched onto Kyuhyun’s neck unconsciously. He was trembling in fear. His wet face and tears made Kyuhyun’s clothes wet as well.

“H-hyuuung! Hyung!” He whined between sobs, as if telling on a bully to Kyuhyun.

“Hah.” Kyuhyun sighed; letting the boy grabbed his neck with all his life and cried. He couldn’t do this anymore, but at the same time… he heard muffled whispers on his shoulder between the sobs.

“M-mianhaee…” Sungmin was grabbing on Kyuhyun’s cloack, sobbing hoarsely.

“Mianhae Kyuhyun-hyung… Hurts… Don’t hit me anymore. Hiks—”

Kyuhyun was taken aback; too shoked to say anything. Sungmin was still sobbing and kept saying sorry repeatedly, begging Kyuhyun to stop punishing him. The prince’s gaze softened. He hugged the Snowelf back and kissed his head.

“Ne,.. Fine. Fine. Are you sorry now?” Sungmin nodded on his shoulder.

“Promise me to apologize to Sooyoung-noona later and won’t do it again?” Sungmin nodded again. The tiny arms on his neck were getting weaker as Sungmin leaned into the older man tiredly.

“Good.” Kyuhyun smiled in relief and rubbed that sweaty back lovingly. He had stopped crying. Only some sobs left, which were disappearing slowly. Kyuhyun realized that the boy has fallen asleep by the increasing weight in his lap. He kept in that position for a while but of course he remembered Sooyoung’s message—that his father called him.

What’s wrong?

It was hardly ever a good thing whenever the old man called on him. There’s a worry in his mind, but he shook them off.

No. That old man won’t be able to force him to do something against his will.

Kyuhyun kissed Sungmin’s head once again before putting that boy on the bed. He took the blanket to cover the little Snowlef, and couldn’t resist planting another kiss on the black hair. He had to admit that he begans to feel some kind of affection toward this little prince.

“Don’t go anywhere, ne Sungmin-ah.” He whispered softly, feeling stupid that he spoke to someone who’s sleeping. He stepped out of the room, glancing on the boy once again before closing the door.


Kyuhyun walked away without knowing that two guards out there had been waiting for him to go out.

“Hurry you fool!” One man whispered impatiently while pushing on his partner to move.

“S-slow down, Junho-sshi!” The man glared angrily, shaking off the hand that pushed him forward.

Both of them moved, sneaking closer to Kyuhyun’s room and glanced at their surrounding carefully. When they’re sure that no one saw them, those men sneaked into the room and closed the door.

“Oh my… This is the first time I’ve ever been in the prince’s room. Whooaaa—”

“Sshht! That was lame! Oh, do you smell it? What kind of scent is this, Chansung-sshi?” Junho sniffed around the room. It came from the bed but before Junho could go there and follow his instinct, Changsung slapped him.

“Yah! What are you sniffing at?! Use this now!” Chansung gave a small clipper, then show his face using one on his nose.

“Hahahaha! Your voice is weird, Chansung-sshi!” Junho put it on and his face was reddened instantly.

“PUHAAA! I couldn’t breatheeee!” He went panic and opened it in a hurry.

“Yah, use it again! Breathe with your mouth, babo! You don’t want the king to behead us, right?” Chansung threathened him while putting the clipper on Junho who was shaking his head in fear.

“Then do your job! Take the oil out now!”

“Yessir!” Junho saluted him then giggled by himself, making the other man shook his head. He let his partner walked closer to the bed whereas himself is tearing down two packages from his bag. One is a candle which he lit with fire and the other is small chocolate.

“W-whooaaa… See this, Chansung-sshi! So pale and beautiful! No wonder the prince stays in his room so often for a long time with him.” Junho shook his head with amazement after he took of Sungmin’s clothes.

“Sssh! Don’t be noisy, Junho-sshi! Do your job and make sure not to do anything more than that!” Chansung snapped at the man. He opened the chocolate and slipped it to Sungmin’s mouth. He moved Sungmin’s jaw to make him chew and swallow that food.

Junho wore a kind of gloves and poured the oil to the boy’s body; belly, chest, and neck. The frail body was wet with the oil for a second but they’re quickly gone without trace, as if it was absorbed by his skin. The skin becamme dry and flawless like it was.

Sungmin squirmend uncomfortably, shocking both Junho and Chansung who stared at each other with cold sweat all over their body. They froze before sighing in relief after Sungmin changed his position and stayed asleep.

“If the prince knows that we’re touching his future mate…” Chansung whispered with a very low voice. Junho gestured his hand, like cutting off his own head.

“Gaahh! Your head will fall to the floor tomorrow.”

“H-hiiiiyy!” They’re trembling in fear. Junho put Sungmin clothes once again in a hurry and covered him with the blanket.

“C-come on Chansung-sshi! I’m done, let’s go out already!”

“A moment.” Chansung kneelef and put the candle under the bed while holding his breath. He put it deep down there so the light won’t be seen from the outside.

“W-what are those things for after all?” Junho walked sneakily behind Chansung in fear as they went out of the room.

“I don’t know. We just did as the king’s order. Let’s go!”




Kyuhyun entered the King’s private building; separated and guarded heavily by their knights. Sun has set and the sky darkened. He walked faster through the corridor and stopped in front of the main hall’s door. Kyuhyun stilled for a moment, remembering the scene two weeks ago. The only son of the kingdom shivered in disgust; imagining that he would witness the same thing like that time. He decided not to barge in like he did.

“Appa. It’s me Kyuhyun. Did you call me?” He’s waiting impatiently after calling his father out; walking here and there in front of the door.

In the room, Kangin was indeed having his usual lovey-dovey moments with his queen. He’s lying on Leeteuk’s lap who was caressing his hair before they heard Kyuhyun’s voice. Leeteuk tensed up instantly and almost dropped Kangin’s head after he heard the prince’s voice. The king giggled hearing it then turned to face his beautiful queen.

“Hehehehee… I think he had learned a bit manner, Jungsu-ah.”

Leeteuk only stared back with worried face.

“Youngwoon-ah, go meet him. He’ll get angry again.” Kangin raised an eyebrow.

“Mwo? Who is the king now? Its him or me?” Kangin didn’t show any intention to get up at all.

“Appaaaaaaa.” Kyuhyun voice was heard again, getting more impatient. Leeteuk was restless. He kept looking to the doorway every once in a while. He flinched in shock when Kangin bit his stomach suddenly.

“Youngwoon-ah!” Leeteuk hissed angrily with red face.

“You think too much of him. Just ignore the rude child. I’m getting jealous here.” Kangin made a sulking face, a silly expression he only showed to this person in the world, his queen. Leeteuk smiled kindly, showing his dimple.

“What are you jealous of? Am I not here with you?”

“But I don’t know where your mind is wandering to. Chagiya… Who are you belongs to?”

“Of course I’m only thinking of you. I’m all yours, Youngwoon-ah.”

“Really? You’re mine?” Kangin got on his elbow and stare at those warm brown eyes while touching his cheek.

“Then… Can I prove it tonight?” He whispered with a naughty expression. Leeteuk blushed with a smile.

“I’ll be waiting for you in our room.” Leeteuk leaned down and kissed those lips softly.

“Go and meet your son.” Kangin smiled sheepishly and got on his feet with flowery heart. He came out and met Kyuhyun outside.

“Yah, why are you taking so long?” Kyuhyun asked sullenly, seeing his father came out with stupid grin and casual clothes—unlike with the usual crown and thick robe.

“Mwo? Are you questioning me, Kyu?” Kangin glared at him. Kyuhyun grumbled quietly behind him, angry yet afraid of his father.

“A-aniya… but what took you so long? What were you doi—nevermind. Don’t answer that.” Kyuhyun was starting to imagine disgusting things. Kangin grinned at Kyuhyun’s sour face.

“What do you need to talk to me?”

“You’re the one who called me.” Kangin glanced at his son, but didn’t answer right away.

“Hmm… let’s talk in the front room. Are you not going to tell me how Sungmin’s doing lately? How is he?” Kangin put an arm to his son’s back, forcing him to follow.

Kyuhyun was slightly unwilling to talk about Sungmin to his father, but then he remembered the incident some days ago on the kingdom’s backyard, when Sungmin was about to get attacked by the wild horse.

“I also need to talk to you, Appa. But—”

Kyuhyun turned his head back and lowered his gaze, thinking about what he would say to his father.

“Appa, your wife won’t come to bring us drinks, right?” Kyuhyun asked with his head still turned back. Kangin raised an eyebrow and looked at his son.

“What’s with that?”

“Aish, you know very well that I don’t want to see him, Appa!” Kyuhyun childishly whined, turned his head to find his father’s displeased face, clearly unpleased with Kyuhyun’s words.

The prince was taken aback at his father’s expression. No need for words, Kyuhyun felt guilty on his own, showing his regret on his face. The father and son walked into the room in silent then took their own sitting spot.

“So, what did you want to talk about?” Kangin was not as bright as before.

“Umm… I-I think Sungmin has some kind of healing power. Do you know about this already?”

“Hmmm…. No. Yunho didn’t tell anything other about his youngest son other than what I’ve told you before. It might be his magical ability. After all, Snowelf is born with something like this. Did something happen?” Kyuhyun’s brown eyes met his father’s dark ones, making him felt more nervous than before at the king’s mood.

“O…Ohh... Nothing. I thought you knew it already.” Kyuhyun didn’t know what to say anymore. Kangin also said nothing more. Both stayed in uncomfortable silent until Kyuhyun pretended to cough and shift from his place.

“Ehm… I better go now…” He was about to stand up when his father talked.

“A moment, Kyuhyun-ah. I’m the one calling you here, right?” The crown prince stopped moving. He nodded and sat back. Somehow his heart was pounding behind those thick clothes.


“I want you to claim Sungmin, tonight.”

Kyuhyun’s eyes widened hearing it. His heart was pounding fast. He could tell his father is serious. He really hates it whenever the old man starts to talk about this. The younger man swallowed and turned his face away, refusing to answer it.

“I’ve told from the guards regarding what happened two weeks ago, then another week ago, and three days ago. Sungmin was attacked by kingdom’s beast again, right?”

Kyuhyun snorted. “Appa! How many times should I say it?! Aish!” He rubbed on his forehead before continuing. “He’s still 14 years old. Are you really going to make me so low in front of people by forcing me to take that child?!” He exhaled loudly and tried to offer his father an option.

“Please, wait for some more years!”

“Kyuhyun, as long as he’s here, there will always be danger lurking around him everywhere. One day you’ll have to leave the kingdom and there’s no guarantee that he’s still alive and breathing when you’re back. There’s no safe place in Radourland for that little Snowelf, Kyuhyun. Even in your chamber. And returning him back to Radourland is not an option.”

“B-but—” Kangin didn’t give him a chance to talk back.

“His life was threatened three times already. Don’t wait until the fourth or more happen. You know Kyu, kingdom’s beasts and knights had an ability to differ noble demons or stranger. You don’t want anything to happen to him, right?”

Kyuhyun swallowed his spit again.

“B-I-But I… He’s safe, Appa! I-I’ve always been there!” Kyuhyun was stammering in his explanation.

“Kyuhyun-ah, for how long will you always be there with him? As the next king in line, will you be able to swear that you’ll always be with him all the time?” Kyuhyun lowered his head, unable to answer the challenge. Kangin snorted soundlessly.

“…Even now… You’re not with him, right?” Kyuhyun stared back at his father’s eyes too quickly. He was taken aback when he saw a small smirk on the king’s face, almost can’t be seen but this is Kyuhyun and his father.

Damn… his father is planning something. Something that he’s sure he won’t like it at all.

“Appa? Sungmin isn’t—” Kyuhyun couldn’t even finish his question.

Kangin didn’t answer him. He was only staring at his only son with meaningful look. His smirk was getting wider. Kyuhyun cursed under his breath and got out of the room as fast as possible.







Please read this note:

Kangin (250 years old) was married twice, from his first decease consorft, he had 7 children. Leeteuk (I think) didn’t give birth to any child.


1. Gain (75 yo)

2. Victoria (65 yo)

3. Jessica (60 yo)

4. Sooyoung (55 yo)

5. Yoona (50 yo)

6. Seohyun (48 yo)

7. Kyuhyun (45 yo)


Yunho almost half a millennium old. He was married four times, first to third queen already dead. Now he’s only married to Junsu. His first to fourth son born from his first wife, fifth and sixth from the second, and his youngest from the third consort.


1. Siwon (120 yo)

2. Zhoumi (109 yo)

3. Donghae (99 yo)

4. Seunghyun (87 yo)

5. Changmin (40 yo)

6. Jiyong (35 yo)

7. Sungmin (14/15 yo)


And for you who keep wondering about Sungmin height. He was 160cm in this story.


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Likekk #1
Chapter 5: Omg this is soooo Good
I love it I love it i love it
Update soon 0_o
kyuririn #2
Update pleaaseeee...
Chapter 5: Uuppppppdattteeeeeeeeeeee
Chapter 5: wow. such a good story. i hope you can update. i can't wait to read the rest.
Chapter 5: ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
ichathoriqlover #6
Chapter 5: I hope you guys can update soon, I'm so curious....

Just a suggestion ~
maybe try translating it to english then before publishing the chapter ask an elf to edit/proofread it for u? So there wont be many typos or grammatical errors? Just a suggestion tho if you couldnt find any indonesian elfs to translate your fics ^_^
kyuririn #8
Chapter 6: Uwwaaahhh pingin banget bantuin biar cepet update nya, tp klo aq yg translate bakalan kacau balau deh hehehe. English kamu dah ok kok, pe de aja ok!! Fighting!!
Chapter 6: Oh this is a translated fic? Ah~ wish I knew Indonesian so I can help translate ><
allcloud #10
Chapter 6: OMG OMG OMG OMG it's so short but it totally made my day!
Well, you see, although we are aware your English is not perfect we were actually able to understand just fine what you translated over there, so don't be afraid of doing it!
I know you're busy but I'll still be waiting for it! I really REALLY hope you can find another translator, if your partner can't make it anymore, just to bring us JOY :3